Which of these file types does not share info in a spreadsheet?
B) Excel
D) all have


Answer 1




PNG which is an acronym for Portable Network Graphics is a form of images file format and it does not share info in a spreadsheet. The files that share info on the spreadsheet are the following:

1. Text = .txt

2. Formatted Text = .prn

3. CSV = .csv

4. Data Interchange Format = .dif

5. Symbolic Link = .slk

6. Web page = .html, .htm

7. XML Spreadsheet = .xml

Hence, in this case, the file types that do not share info in a spreadsheet is PNG

Answer 2

PNG does not share info in a spreadsheet

Comma-separated values (CSV) file is a text file that stores data in lines. Each record is separated by commas and is made up of fields. CSV can store data in tabular forms like spreadsheet or database.

Excel files use a Binary Interchange File Format that store data like numbers, formula and spreadsheet data.

Portable Graphics Format (PNG) is a file format that is used to store images. It does not share info in spreadsheet.

Find about more at: https://brainly.com/question/17351238

Related Questions

Write a program whose inputs are three integers, and whose output is the largest of the three values. Ex: If the input is 7 15 3, the output is: 15



Here is the C++ program to find the largest of three integers.

#include <iostream> //to use input output functions

using namespace std; //to identify objects like cin cout

int main(){ //start of main function

int integer1, integer2, integer3;  // declare three integers

   cin>>integer1>>integer2>>integer3;  //reads values of three integers variables from user

   if (integer1 >= integer2 && integer1 >= integer3) //if value of integer1 variable is greater than or equal to both integer2 and integers3 values

       cout<<integer1;   //then largest number is integer1 and it is displayed

   else if (integer2 >= integer1 && integer2 >= integer3) //if value of integer2 variable is greater than or equal to both integer1 and integers3 values

       cout<<integer2;  //then largest number is integer2 and it is displayed

   else //in case value of integer3 variable is greater than or equal to both integer1 and integers2 values

       cout<<integer3; } //then largest number is integer3 and it is displayed

Here is the JAVA program to find the largest of three integers.

import java.util.Scanner; //to take input from user

public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args) {//start of main function

Scanner input= new Scanner(System.in); //a standard input stream.

int integer1= input.nextInt();//declare and read value of first integer

int integer2= input.nextInt();//declare and read value of second integer

int integer3= input.nextInt();//declare and read value of third integer

   if (integer1 >= integer2 && integer1 >= integer3) //if value of integer1 variable is greater than or equal to both integer2 and integers3 values

       System.out.println(integer1);   //then largest number is integer1 and it is displayed

   else if (integer2 >= integer1 && integer2 >= integer3) //if value of integer2 variable is greater than or equal to both integer1 and integers3 values

       System.out.println(integer2); //then largest number is integer2 and it is displayed

   else //when value of integer3 variable is greater than or equal to both integer1 and integers2 values

               System.out.println(integer3);  } } //then largest number is integer3 and it is displayed


The program is well explained in the comments attached with each statement of the program. I will explain the program with the help of an examples. Suppose

integer1 = 7

integer2 = 15

integer3 = 3

first if condition  if (integer1 >= integer2 && integer1 >= integer3) checks if value of integer1 variable is greater than or equal to both integer2 and integers3 values. Since integer1 = 7 so it is greater than integer3 = 3 but less than integer2. So this statement evaluates to false because in && ( AND logical operator) both of the conditions i.e integer1 >= integer2 and integer1 >= integer3 should be true. So the program moves to the else if part.

The else if condition else if (integer2 >= integer1 && integer2 >= integer3) checks if value of integer2 variable is greater than or equal to both integer1 and integer3 values. Since integer2 = 15 so it is greater than integer1 = 7 and also greater than integer3 = 3. So this statement evaluates to true as both parts of the else if condition holds true. So the else if part executes which has the statement: cout<<integer2; which prints the value of integer2 i.e. 15 on output screen.




#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {


 int num1;

 int num2;

 int num3;

 printf("Enter three integers: ");

 scanf("%d", &num1);

 scanf("%d", &num2);

 scanf("%d", &num3);

 if (num1 == 0 || num2 == 0 || num3 == 0)


   printf("please input a number greater than zero :)\n");


 if (num1 <= num2 && num1 <= num3)


   printf("%i is the smallest number!\n", num1);


 else if (num2 <= num1 && num2 <= num3)


   printf("%i is the smallest number!\n", num2);




   printf("%i is the smallest number!\n", num3);


 return 0;



Alright so let's start with the requirements of the question:

must take 3 integers from user inputdetermine which of these 3 numbers are the smallestspit out the number to out

So we needed to create 3 variables to hold each integer that was going to be passed into our script.

By using scanf("%i", &variableName) we were able to take in user input and  store it inside of num1, num2, and num3.

Since you mentioned you were new to the C programming language, I threw in the first if statement as an example of how they can be used, use it as a guide for future reference, sometimes it's better to understand your code visually.

Basically what this if statement does is, it checks to see if any of the integers that came in from user input was the number zero, it told the user it does not accept that number, please input a number greater than zero.

if (num1 == 0 || num2 == 0 || num3 == 0)


   printf("please input a number greater than zero :)\n");


I used this methodology and implemented the heart of the question,

whichever number is smaller, print it out on the shell (output).

if (num1 <= num2 && num1 <= num3)

^^ here we're checking if the first variable we created is smaller than the second variable and the third ^^


   printf("%i is the smallest number!\n", num1);

   ^^ if it is smaller, then print integer and then print a new line so the next line looks neat ^^

   ( incase if your wondering what "\n" is, its a special character that allows you so print a new line on the terminal, kind of like hitting the return or enter key )


else if (num2 <= num1 && num2 <= num3)

^^ else if is used when your checking for more than one thing, and so for the second variable we checked to see if it was smaller than the first and third variable we created ^^


   printf("%i is the smallest number!\n", num2); < -- and we print if it's smaller


Last but not least:


^^ if it isn't num1 or num2, then it must be num3 ^^


   printf("%i is the smallest number!\n", num3);

  we checked the first two options, if its neither of those then we have only one variable left, and thats num3.


I hope that helps !!

Good luck on your coding journey :) ‍

list the network characteristics of the wireless network(s) in the decode -- SSIDs, channels used, AP names, presence of Bluetooth, presence of RFID. Be sure to explain where/how one got each answer. [5 Points]



SSIDs : service state identifiers are used to beacon for connect from an access point or wireless router. They are used to request for authentication in a wireless network.

Channels used: this is the frequency range used by a wireless network. It is spaced to avoid collision.

Ap names is the name of the wireless access point that is used to identify a beacon in a workstation. Bluetooth is a short range private network between two devices.

RFID: radio frequency identifier or identification is a chip that hold information of an individual electronically.


These are some examples of wireless communication devices.

Which of the following arguments are valid? Explain your reasoning
a) I have a student in my class who is getting an A. Therefore, John, a student in my class is getting an A
b) Every girl scout who sells at least 50 boxes of cookies will get a prize. Suzy, a girl scout, got a prize. Therefore Suzy sold 50 boxes of cookies.



a) the Statement is Invalid

b) the Statement is Invalid



lets Consider, s: student of my class

A(x): Getting an A

Let b: john

I have a student in my class who is getting ab A: Зs, A(s)

John need not be the student i.e b ≠ s could be true

Hence ¬A(b) could be true and the given statement is invalid


Lets Consider G: girl scout

C: selling 50 boxes of cookies

P: getting prize

s: Suzy

Now every girl scout who sells at least 50 boxes of cookies will get a prize: ∀x ∈ G, C(x) -> P(x)

Suzy, a girl scout, got a prize: s ∈ G, P(s)

since P(s) is true, C(s) need not be true

Main Reason: false → true is also true

Therefore the Statement is Invalid

The argument that is valid is B. Every girl scout who sells at least 50 boxes of cookies will get a prize. Suzy, a girl scout, got a prize. Therefore Suzy sold 50 boxes of cookies.

What is a valid argument?

It should be noted that a valid argument simply means the argument that's the conclusion can be derived from the premise given.

In this case, the argument that is valid is that every girl scout who sells at least 50 boxes of cookies will get a prize. Suzy, a girl scout, got a prize. Therefore Suzy sold 50 boxes of cookies.

Learn more about arguments on:


Write a program that prints all the numbers from 0 to 6 except 3 and 6. Expected output: 0 1 2 4 5



for x in range(7):

   if (x == 3 or x==6):


   print(x, end=' ')



>> 0 1 2 4 5


The code above has been written in Python. The following explains each line of the code.

Line 1: for x in range(7):

The built-in function range(7)  generates integers between 0 and 7. 0 is included but not 7. i.e 0 - 6.

The for loop then iterates over the sequence of number being generated by the range() function. At each iteration, the value of x equals the number at that iteration. i.e

For the first iteration, x = 0

For the second iteration, x = 1

For the third iteration, x = 2 and so on up to x = 6 (since the last number, 7, is not included).

Line 2: if (x == 3 or x == 6):

This line checks for the value of x at each iteration. if the value of x is 3 or 6, then the next line, line 3 is executed.

Line 3: continue

The continue keyword is used to skip an iteration in a loop. In other words, when the continue statement is encountered in a loop, the loop skips to the next iteration without executing expressions that follow the continue statement in that iteration. In this case, the print(x, end=' ')  in line 4 will not be executed when x is 3 or 6. That means 3 and 6 will not be printed.

Line 4: print(x, end=' ')

This line prints the value of x at each iteration(loop) and then followed by a single space. i.e 0 1 2 ... will be printed. Bear in mind that 3 and 6 will not be printed though.

Line 5: print("\n")

This line will be printed after the loop has finished execution. This line prints a new line character.

The program is an illustration of loops.

Loops are used to perform repetitive operations.

The program in Python,  where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This iterates from 0 to 6

for i in range(7):

   #This checks if the current number is not 3 or 6

   if not i==3 and not i == 6:

       #If yes, the current number is printed

       print(i,end=" ")

Read more about similar programs at:


1.3 Code Practice: Question 3. On edhesieve.

Write a program to output the following:
^ ^
( o o )
Hint: Copying and pasting the code above into each line of the programming environment will help you ensure that you are accurately spacing out the required characters.
Using ¨print¨



I'll answer this question using Python

print("  ^ ^")

print("( o o )")

print("   v")


To answer this question, you have to follow the hint as it is in the question

The hint says you should copy each line into a print statement and that's exactly what I did when answering this question;

In other words;

^ ^  becomes print("  ^ ^")

( o o )   becomes print("( o o )")

v becomes print("   v")

how do you think calculator of a computer works? describe the procedure.
​plz answer quickly its urgent!!!



calculators work by processing information in binary form. We're used to thinking of numbers in our normal base-ten system, in which there are ten digits to work with: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The binary number system is a base-two system, which means there are only two digits to work with: 0 and 1. Thus, when you input numbers into a calculator, the integrated circuit converts those numbers to binary strings of 0s and 1s.

The integrated circuits then use those strings of 0s and 1s to turn transistors on and off with electricity to perform the desired calculations. Since there are only two options in a binary system (0 or 1), these can easily be represented by turning transistors on and off, since on and off easily represent the binary option

Once a calculation has been completed, the answer in binary form is then converted back to our normal base-ten system and displayed on the calculator's display screen.

Create a VBScript script (w3_firstname_lastname.vbs) that takes one parameter (folder name) to do the following 1) List all files names, size, date created in the given folder 2) Parameter = Root Folder name The script should check and validate the folder name 3) Optionally, you can save the list into a file “Results.txt” using the redirection operator or by creating the file in the script. 4) Make sure to include comment block (flowerbox) in your code.



Set args = Wscript.Arguments

If (WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1) Then

 Wscript.Echo "Specify the folder name as a command line argument."


   objStartFolder = args.Item(0)

   Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

   if (Not objFSO.FolderExists(objStartFolder)) Then

       Wscript.Echo "Folder "&objStartFolder&" does not exist"


       Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(objStartFolder)

       Set colFiles = objFolder.Files

       For Each objFile in colFiles

           Wscript.Echo objFile.Name, objFile.Size, objFile.DateCreated


   End If

End If


Here's some code to get you started.

what is the name of the physical database component that is typically created from the entity component of an erd





small nano bytes desind to kill a computers cellular compunds

Which of the following information security technology is used for avoiding browser-based hacking?
 Anti-malware in browsers

 Remote browser access

Adware remover in browsers

Incognito mode in a browser





if you establishe a remote browsing by isolating the browsing session of end user.. you'll be safe

What additional features on your router would you implement if you were setting up a small wired and wireless network



Explanation: The following features will be implemented:

1) Guest networks,

2) Networked attached storage,

3) MAC filtering

A guest Wi-Fi network is essentially a separate access point on your router. All of your home gadgets are connected to one point and joined as a network, and the guest network is a different point that provides access to the Internet, but not to your home network. As the name implies, it's for guests to connect to.

Network Attached Storage

is dedicated file storage that enables multiple users and heterogeneous client devices to retrieve data from centralized disk capacity. Users on a local area network (LAN) access the shared storage via a standard Ethernet connection.

MAC address filtering allows you to define a list of devices and only allow those devices on your Wi-Fi network.

Emerson needs to tell his browser how to display a web page. Which tool will he use? HTML Web viewer Operating system Translator


HTML Web viewer is the only one that could that




yeah i just took test

_____It saves network service providers a lot of money by collecting relevant statistics on network device usage.



Internet of things


Internet of things often referred to as IoT, is a term in the computer world, that describes an object or a form of the network between various but similar items, and is purposely designed or has the capacity to gather data without the need to have biological or human-computer data exchange.

Hence, the Internet of Things saves network service providers a lot of money by collecting relevant statistics on network device usage.

importance of being having data on hand​




Data is collected is to make the decisions that will positively impact the success of a company, improve its practices and increase revenue. It is also essential that the way in which data are collected, assembled and published respects Indigenous sensitivities, not least so as to ensure that Indigenous people understand the purposes for which the data is being collected and willingly provide accurate answers to data collectors.

Hope this helped you!

What makes Group Policy such a powerful tool is its ability to enable security administrators to:_________.


Answer: Enforce the organization's security policy

Explanation: Group policy provides a robust and centralized control to systems or computers on a particular network by providing a quick and efficient means of maintaining network security by affording network administrators the ability to several policies they wish to apply on users and computers in their network. This way the changes or policies can be applied to every computer on it's network. Hence it allows the network administrators to enforce the organization's security policy which may include restricting access to certain websites, directories, files or settings for all computers on the organization's network.

An output device is also called a(n)


an output device is the opposite of an input because un is your what you add in

Which of the following BEST defines digital citizen? a) a person who uses digital resources to research information b) a person who is digitally literate c) a person who is digitally connected d) a person who uses digital resources to engage in society






the answer is A


If you wanted to securely transfer files from your local machine to a web server, what file transfer protocol could you use?



SFTP protocol


FTP (file transfer protocol) is used for transferring files from local computers to a website or server but unfortunately, a file transfer protocol is not a secure method.

So, we have to used SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) at the place of file transfer protocol to move local files on the website server securely.

Many languages distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters in user-defined names. What are the pros and cons of this design decision?




The reasons why a language would distinguish between uppercase and lowercase in its identifiers are:

(1) So that variable identifiers may look different than identifiers that are names for constants, such as the convention of using uppercase for constant names and using lowercase for variable names in C.

(2) So that the catenated words such as names can have their first letter distinguished, as in Total Words. The primary reason why a language would not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase in identifiers is it makes programs less readable, because words that look very similar are actually completely different, such as SUM and Sum.

Which of the following components provides a number of critical services, including a user interface, memory management, a file system, multitasking, and the interface to hardware devices?a. RAMb. Operating system (OS)c. BIOSd. Hard drive



b. Operating system (OS)


Operating System is a term that is mostly referred to as a computer system's component, program or software technology, that carry out various operations for the whole Computer System.

These operations include:

1. a user interface

2. memory management

3. a file system

4. multitasking

5. the interface to hardware devices.

Hence, in this case, the right answer is option B: Operating System.

Write a program that asks the user for three names, then prints the names in reverse order. Sample Run: Please enter three names: Zoey Zeb Zena Zena Zeb Zoey



Since no language was specified, this will be written in Python.

n1, n2, n3 = input ("Enter three names: ").split()





a town with 4 lakh inhabitants is to be supplied with water from a reservoir 6.4 km away from a town with 25 m available head calculate the size of pipeline​


Answer: B


How much will your assignment be docked if you turn it in late?
O It won't, Ms. Frederick accepts late work for full credit
O None since Ms. Frederick doesn't accept late work
O 50%
O 30% ​


We don’t know ms.Fredrick, you’re on your own here


This would be a classroom discussion, But here ill try I guess,

Maybe  None since Ms. Frederick doesn't accept late work  because I dont know her

When troubleshooting Domain Name System (DNS) problems, which helpful feature do public servers usually support



ICMP echo requests.


A Domain Name System (DNS) can be defined as a naming database in which internet domain names (website URLs) are stored and translated into their respective internet protocol (IP) address. This simply means that, DNS is used to connect uniform resource locator (URL) or web address with their internet protocol (IP) address.

When troubleshooting Domain Name System (DNS) problems, one helpful feature the public servers usually support is an ICMP echo requests.

ICMP is an acronym for Internet Control Message Protocol and it is a standard protocol for communicating network errors in the form of messages such as Time exceeded and Destination unreachable.

In Computer Networking, an echo reply and echo request are implemented with a command utility referred to as ping. When a user sends an echo request message with the ping program, a successful attempt will return an echo reply message.

Hence, when troubleshooting Domain Name System (DNS) problems, a user should ping a public server such as a Google DNS server with the IP address ( or, Cloudfare with or the common DNS server. If successful, it means the name-server was resolved properly into an IP address and therefore, there's an active connection on the network.

Based on the information given, the helpful feature that public servers usually support is the ICMP echo requests.

It should be noted that a Domain Name System simply means a naming database where the internet domain names are stored and translated into their respective internet protocol address.

It should be noted that when troubleshooting Domain Name System problems, the helpful feature that public servers usually support is the ICMP echo requests.

Learn more about domain on:


Which type of inheritance, when done continuously, is similar to a tree structure?a. Hierarchicalb. Multiplec. Multileveld. Hierarchical and Multiple



Hierarchical inheritance


It is the  Hierarchical inheritance when one continuously, is similar to a tree structure. The  Hierarchical inheritance derives more than one class from the main class. And it is done continuously and subsequently. Thus, resulting a shape of tree tree of classes being linked.

Which connection configuration offers faster speeds, higher security, lower latencies, and higher reliability?




Explanation: ExpressRoute is an Azure service that allows a user to create a private connection with other datacenters /infrastructures. It gives an enterprise the opportunities to effectively extend and expand its networks into cloud services offered by Microsoft cloud, it can also be described as a cloud Integration option that can be used by a private network to plug-in into a Microsoft cloud services.

Which of the following is not a job title associated with a career in visual and audio technology? master control operator production assistant stagehand optometrist





Optometrists are healthcare professionals who provide primary vision care ranging from sight testing and correction to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of vision changes. An optometrist is not a medical doctor.




A student who sets a date to finish a goal is using which SMART goal? relevant, specific, attainable or timely




Explanation:A student who sets a date to finish a goal is using which SMART goal

Answer: D.) Timely

Explanation: Setting a date to finish a goal is using time.

what is the first computer company​


Electronic Controls Company it was founded on 1949 by J.Presper and John Mauchly

Answer: Electronic Controls Company

Explanation: The first computer company was Electronic Controls Company and was founded in 1949 by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, the same individuals who helped create the ENIAC computer.

Hope this helps^^

6.21 LAB: Swapping variables Write a program whose input is two integers and whose output is the two integers swapped. Ex: If the input is:



Here is the C++ and Python programs:

C++ program:

#include<iostream>  //to use input output functions

using namespace std;  //to identify objects like cin cout

void swapvalues(int&  userVal1, int& userVal2); //function to swap values

int main() {  //start of main function

  int integer1,integer2;  //declare two integers

  cout<<"Enter first integer: ";  //prompts user to enter the first number

  cin>>integer1;  //reads first number from user

     cout<<"Enter second integer: "; //prompts user to enter the second number

  cin>>integer2;  //reads second number from user

 cout<<"Integers before swapping:\n";  //displays two numbers before swapping


  swapvalues(integer1, integer2);  //calls swapvalues method passing two integers to it

  cout << "\nIntegers after swapping:\n"; //displays two numbers after swapping

 cout<<integer1<<endl<<integer2; }

void swapvalues(int&  userVal1, int& userVal2){  //method that takes two int type numbers and swaps these numbers

  int temp;  //temporary variable

  temp = userVal1;  //temp holds the original value of userVal1

  userVal1 = userVal2;  //the value in userVal2 is assigned to userVal1

  userVal2 = temp; } //assigns value of temp(original value of userVal1) to userVal2

The program prompts the user to enter two integers and then calls swapvalues() method by passing the integers by reference. The swapvalues() method modifies the passed parameters by swapping them. The method uses a temp variable to hold the original value of first integer variable and then assigns the value of second integer variable to first. For example if userVal1 = 1 and userVal2 =2. Then these swapping statements work as follows:

temp = userVal1;  

temp = 1

userVal1 = userVal2;  

userVal1 = 2

userVal2 = temp;

userVal2 = 1

Now because of these statements the values of userVal1 and userVal2 are swapped as:

userVal1 = 2

userVal2 = 1


Python program:

def swap_values(user_val1, user_val2):  #method to swap two numbers

   return user_val2,user_val1   #returns the swapped numbers

integer1 = int(input('Enter first integer :')) #prompts user to enter first number

integer2 = int(input('Enter second integer :'))  #prompts user to enter second number

print("Numbers before swapping") #displays numbers before swapping


print("Numbers after swapping") #displays numbers after swapping

integer1,integer2 = swap_values(integer1,integer2) #calls method passing integer1 and integer2 to swap their values

print(integer1,integer2) #displays the swapped numbers

The screenshot of programs and outputs is attached.

The program that swaps variables will return the reverse of the users input.  The second integer input will be printed first followed by the first integer input.

The program that swaps the user integer input.

def swap_variables(first_input, second_input):

    return second_input, first_input

first_input = input("input the first integer: ")

second_input = input("input the second integer: ")

print(f"numbers before swapping are {first_input} and {second_input}")

print(f"numbers after swapping are {second_input} and {first_input}")

Code explanation

The code is written in python.

The first line of code we defined a function named "swap_variables" and it accept parameters as first_input and second_inputs.Then we returned the swapped items.The first_input is used to store the users first inputThe second_input is use to store the users second inputThen, we print the original valuesFinally, we print the swapped users input

learn more on python variables here: https://brainly.com/question/14039335

The first phase of setting up an IPsec tunnel is called ___________



Internet Key Exchange


The first phase, setting up an IPsec tunnel, is called IKE phase 1. There are two types of setting up an IPsec tunnel.

What is an IPsec tunnel?

Phase 1 and Phase 2 of VPN discussions are separate stages. Phase 1's primary goal is to establish a safe, encrypted channel for Phase 2 negotiations between the two peers. When Phase 1 is successfully completed, the peers immediately begin Phase 2 negotiations.

When two dedicated routers are deployed in IPsec tunnel mode, each router serves as one end of a fictitious "tunnel" over a public network. In IPsec tunnel mode, in addition to the packet content, the original IP header containing the packet's final destination is also encrypted.

Therefore, the first phase, setting up an IPsec tunnel, is called IKE phase 1.

To learn more about IPsec tunnel, refer to the link:



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