Which of these is not a requirement to be a US Senator? 1. must be a natural born US citizen 2. must be a resident of the state when elected 3. must be 30 years old 4.all answers are correct


Answer 1


"1. must be a natural born US citizen" is not a requirement.


A person must have at least nine years of citizenship in the US to be able to run for US Senator. Being born in the US is not a requirement.

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Please help me with the questions this is due today

Each question should be answered with a minimum of 3-4 sentences. 1. How could individuals and countries profit from the Silk Road trade? In other words, how might a nation enhance their economic power using the Silk Road? 2. How would Asia and Europe have developed differently if travel and trade on the Silk Road did not take place.


Along the Silk Road trade, small towns developed into multiethnic cities. New technologies and innovations that would alter the world were made possible through the flow of information.

What was Silk Road trade?

Ancient trade route connecting China and the West known as the Silk Road also goes by the name Silk Route. It was used to transport products and ideas between the two great civilizations of Rome and China.

Wools, gold, and silver moved eastward while silk moved westward. The Silk Road also brought Buddhism and Nestorian Christianity to China from India. For millennia, the Silk Roads connected East and West as they traveled across Eurasia.

When it was at its busiest, the network of trade routes allowed traders to travel from China to the Mediterranean Sea while transporting valuable items whose exchange fueled urban development and prosperity.

Tea, silk, porcelain, intricate bronze mirrors, lacquerware, pharmaceuticals, and paper were all shipped from China. In exchange, China got a wide variety of items, including horses, swords, woolen goods, glassware, rare metals, gems, and precious stones.

Learn more about Silk Road trade, here



Why were many Americans excited to join the military and fight in World War I?


The Selective Service Act, which was passed by the government in 1917 to enhance the strength of the military, allowed for the draught of young men between the ages of 21 and 30; this age range would eventually be raised to 18 to 45. The military lottery had about 2.8 million Americans as entries.

How did the US enter World War One?

From April 1914 to November 1918, the globe was engaged in the global conflict of World War I. Great Britain, France, and Russia made up the principal Allies, whereas Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire made up the Central Powers.

Due to the United States' support for enlisting in the war to fight for the future of democracy and freedom for all people, Black Americans had the chance to achieve equality. Due to his support for the cause of waging the war for democracy, DuBois thought that the United States would eventually have to acknowledge the equality of Black Americans.

To know more about democracy



In Gilgamesh: A New English Version, Enkidu is a loyal companion who proves himself to be an archetype of


Enkidu, who appears in Gilgamesh: A New English Version, is a dependable companion and a model of a courageous hero.

What is known about Gilgamesh: A New English Version?

Stephen Mitchell wrote a book on Gilgamesh called Gilgamesh: A New English Version.

In the book, Gilgamesh and Enkidu engage in a wrestling contest that ends in a draw because of their equal strength. They grow close friends throughout the course of the narrative.

Together, they travel to the forest to battle a demon. Enkidu fulfills the brave hero archetype because he supports and encourages his friend. Enkidu's bravery is demonstrated by the fact that he loses the battle.

Learn more about Gilgamesh: A New English Version, from:



2. One of the final things that the First Continental Congress did before dispersing was to


The First Continental Congress was a gathering of delegates from 12 of the 13 British colonies that would eventually become the United States.

It met at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from September 5 to October 26, 1774, after the British Navy established a blockade of Boston Harbor and Parliament passed the punitive Intolerable Acts in response to the December 1773 Boston Tea Party.

In the end, the voices of compromise won out. Rather than declaring independence, the First Continental Congress passed and signed the Continental Association, which called for a boycott of British goods to begin in December 1774.

To know more about The First Continental Congress here



"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer..."
What is the meaning of this quote?​


The meaning of the quote that Thomas Paine has given here is that the Americans would continue to suffer if they continued to be under the British that was causing them so much pains.

What is the idea on Thomas Paines common sense?

Paine thought that being ruled by England would eventually lead to America's destruction. In Common Sense, he presented the case that if America decides against seeking independence, the King of England will grow more despotic, any agreements reached will only be temporary, and the current unity of the American people may be lost.

Paine assembled moral and political reasons in his writing, which was clear and powerful, to persuade regular people in the Colonies to strive for egalitarian government.

Read more on Thomas Paine here: https://brainly.com/question/2284425


What is an example of a precedent?



The definition of precedent is a decision that is the basis or reason for future decisions. An example of precedent is the legal decision in Brown v. Board of Education guiding future laws about desegregation



A precedent is something that precedes, or comes before. The Supreme Court relies on precedents—that is, earlier laws or decisions that provide some example or rule to guide them in the case they're actually deciding.

Can you pls give me brainliest...

How would an enlightenment think a react to the role of an absolute monarch?​




The monarchs of enlightened absolutism strengthened their authority by improving the lives of their subjects. The monarch's taking responsibility for his subjects precluded their political participation.

Which of the following was a positive effect of the increased power of the federal government experienced by the population of the North?


The statement that was a positive effect of the increased power of the federal government experienced by the population of the North is A.People enjoyed free land provided by the Homestead Act if they relocated west.

What was the effect of the increased power of the federal government ?

The  effect that an be attributed to the increased power of the federal government  is that the people due to their population was able to enjoy the provision of the free land.

It shoudl be noted that as a result of the provision of the free land they were able to utilize it for various purpose, most especially the people that have been seeking for the land that wll be used for the agricultural processes can now have it so they can start their farming activities on the land without paying any money on the rentage of the land In conclusion, this provision is for all.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Read more about government at:



Check the missing options:

A.People enjoyed free land provided by the Homestead Act if they relocated west.


Citizens were able to afford more things due to the large amounts of paper money printed.


Citizens could speak out against the war more freely due to expanded First Amendment protection.


Families had more money since the government lowered taxes.




give the differences and similarities of Victorian schools and modern schools.


In very poor areas, some Victorian classrooms would have up to 70 or 80 children. Now schools usually have 30 children in each class. Boys and girls in the past were often taught in different rooms and learnt about different things whilst children now share classrooms and are taught the same curriculum.


how did the signers of the mayflower compact plan to make decisions for their colony?


The English settlers who came to the New World on the Mayflower established a set of guidelines for self-governance known as the Mayflower Compact.

They planned to anchor in northern Virginia when the Pilgrims and other settlers sailed for America in 1620. But after their ship was forced off course by perilous shoals and storms, the settlers instead made landfall in Massachusetts, close to Cape Cod, outside of Virginia's jurisdiction. The Mayflower Compact was designed by colonist leaders to ensure that a functioning social structure would prevail because they were aware that life without laws could be disastrous.A rebellion on the Mayflower

There were 102 people on board the Mayflower, including 50 men, 19 women, 33 children, and young adults. Only 41 of them were actual Pilgrims, religious extremists seeking to escape the Church of England.

To learn more about Mayflower Compact, refer to: https://brainly.com/question/391716


mesopotamian civilization is associated with... a. polytheism, animism, a world view on structure and cohesion b. animism, polytheism, a world view on chaos and conflict c. monotheism, a world view on structure and cohesion d. monotheism, a world view on chaos and conflict


Mesopotamian civilisation is associated with polytheism, animism and a worldview on structure and cohesion so the correct option is a.

Mesopotamian religion was polytheistic, meaning that they believed in many gods and goddesses. In the Mesopotamian worldview, illnesses and strife were caused by evil demons or by divine displeasure. The Mesopotamian mythological, epic and poetic literature, and their scientific works travelled from Babylonia throughout the then-known world.

This civilisation is majorly known for its prosperity, city life and its rich and voluminous literature, mathematics and astronomy. Some of the major Mesopotamian civilisations include the Sumerian, Assyrian, Akkadian and Babylonian civilisations. Today, Mesopotamia occupies modern Iraq.

Learn more about the Mesopotamian civilisation here:



what philosophical or religious idea exercised the greatest influence on thomas jefferson's declaration of independence


It was the concept of John Locke's concept of rights belonging to people. This concept greatly influenced Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence.

- All men have the constitutionally protected right to pursue "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Property," according to Locke. All men have the right to life, liberty, and the goal of happiness, as changed by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence.

- John Locke united "individualism within the framework of the rule of nature and the limitations of valid political authority." The U.S. later adopted the Declaration of Independence, and the constitution were both influenced by Locke's writings.

-  In addition, he served as an inspiration for numerous other well-known texts produced during the Revolutionary Era, such as The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

To know more about declaration of independence, kindly click on the link below :



How is war portrayed in both "vigil strange i kept on a field one night" and "a march in the ranks hard-prest, and the road unknown"?


War portrayed  As brutal and ugly.

Moreover, A final vigil for you, brave boy, (I could not save you, your death was swift, I loved and cared for you faithfully while alive, I think we shall surely meet again,) The speaker also describes the vigil as a vigil of love and death.

You can learn more about this at:


In 1823, which warned all european powers not to interfere with affairs in the western hemisphere?.


In 1823, the doctrine that warned all European powers not to interfere with affairs in the western hemisphere was Monroe Doctrine.

The annual message delivered by President James Monroe in 1823 to Congress contained the Monroe Doctrine. The doctrine warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. The United States has maintained a particular interest in its nearest neighbors which were the nations of the Western Hemisphere.

Monroe stated four basic points: (a) the United States would refrain from interfering in the internal affairs or the wars between European powers; (b) the United States recognized and would refrain from interfering with existing colonies and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere; (c) the Western Hemisphere was closed to future colonization; and (d) any effort by a European power to oppress or control any Western Hemisphere nation would be considered as a hostile act against the United States.

Learn more about Monroe Doctrine:



What did MLK Jr. do in Atlanta after returning
from accepting his Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo?
Why did this upset the local business community?


A day after returning home from a tour that included a stop in Oslo, the Nobel Laureate for Peace joined a picket line at Atlanta's Scripto Pen factory, where 700 workers were striking for higher wages for less skilled workers.

Martin Luther King Jr, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in October of that year. He donated the $54,600 prize money to the civil rights movement. In the late 1960s, King openly criticized the United States' involvement in Vietnam and shifted his focus to achieving economic justice for poor Americans.

In 1959, King returned to Atlanta to co-pastor the Ebenezer Baptist Church with his father.

To know more about Martin Luther King Jr here



Help ASPP please thank you


I think that the answer is farmers

1. how did the song dynasty survive despite military setbacks? they paid tribute taxes to the forces that had defeated them. they encouraged innovation in technology and agriculture and supported an extensive trading system. they broke apart the countries they controlled into smaller kingdoms that would be easier to defend. they adjusted their social structure, making it easier for lower-class peasants to move up in society to become gentry.


The song dynasty survived as they encouraged innovation in technology and agriculture and supported an extensive trading system

The Song dynasty deployed emissaries to nations in Southeast Asia to promote its industry to migrate to China. As these vessels migrated across the Indian Ocean, they began displacing Arab and Indian merchants. Moreover, farmers also developed rice that was ideal for brewing and other specialised applications in addition to early ripening and drought-resistant varieties. They also changed the environment by terracing it so that rice could be planted on the mountainous soil.

Additionally, the Song dynasty saw significant developments in the fields of civil engineering, nautical, and metallurgy. The thirteenth century also saw the introduction of the windmill to China. These developments, together with the invention of paper money, revolutionised and supported the Song dynasty's economy.

Read more about the song dynasty on:



what was the dominant way of dealing with people with schizophrenia during the first half of the 20th century?


In the first half of the 20th century, psychoanalysis dominated psychogenic treatments for mental disease, serving as the foundation for the more than 400 different schools of psychotherapy that exist today (Magnavita, 2006).

What method of care for those who have schizophrenia was most common?

The most common method for treating schizophrenia is an individualised regimen of medication and talking therapy. Community mental health teams treat the majority of patients with schizophrenia (CMHTs). The CMHT wants to help you live as independently as possible while offering daily assistance and therapy.

Early 20th-century treatments for schizophrenia included frontal leukotomy, insulin coma, metrazol shock, and electro-convulsive therapy. Early in the 1950s, the first neuroleptic drugs were employed.

Learn more about  



Which of the following types of people WERE sent to colonize Louisiana? Select ALL that apply.
A. Prisoners
B. Atakapa
C. Dutch
D. Haitians
E. Germans
F. Casket girls


Prisoners,  Germans and  Casket girls WERE sent to colonize Louisiana.

When a territory reaches 60,000 people, one delegate for every 1,200 people must meet in convention to decide if it wants to become a state.The first state to apply for statehood was Louisiana, which was part of the Louisiana Purchase and was located west of the Mississippi River.Most of the time, a territory's organized government held a referendum to find out if its people wanted to become a state.A joint resolution granting statehood would be adopted by Congress by simple majority following the territory's acceptance of that constitution.

It was colonized by the French in the 18th century, became a U.S. territory as part of the historic Louisiana Purchase in 1803, and was admitted to the union in 1812. The Spanish Empire sent trusted people to the states to act as a governing body that advised the governor in order to control their interest in the states.They are referred to as the Cabildo frequently.

Learn about Louisiana:



This essay will be about those who fought in the American Revolution
• Be 4-5 paragraphs in length.
• Briefly describe the roles of British colonists in the American Revolution
• Briefly describe the roles of African Americans in the American Revolution.
• Briefly describe the roles of Native Americans in the American Revolution.
• Briefly describe the roles of Spanish Vaqueros in the American Revolution.
• Briefly describe the reasons each group's loyalties were split between the British and Patriots.


13 of Britain's North American colonies rebelled against its imperial rule, sparking an epic political and military conflict known as the American Revolution that lasted from 1765 to 1783.

What was the American Revolution?

Growing hostilities between citizens of Great Britain's 13 North American colonies and the colonial administration, which represented the British crown, led to the Revolutionary War (1775–83), also known as the American Revolution.

France entered the American Revolution on the side of the colonists in 1778, turning what had essentially been a civil war into an international conflict. After French assistance helped the Continental Army force the British to surrender at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781, the Americans had effectively won their independence, though fighting would not formally end until 1783.

To know more about American Revolution follow the link.



Between 1775 to 1787, Great Britain and the original Thirteen Colonies in North America waged a conflict known as the American Revolutionary War.

What was the American Revolution War?

North America and other locations saw the majority of the combat. George Washington served as the commander of the Continental Army, which was aided by France and Spain. After the British turned their focus to other issues, they overcame the British Army. The British Empire lost control of the Thirteen Colonies after the war when they gained their independence.

They established themselves as the first 13 states of a new nation they named the United States of America. Following the French and Indian Conflict, the British Empire and the colonists of North America had been at odds for years before the war broke out. The Intolerable Acts and other British government policies were unpopular throughout the Thirteen Colonies.

Learn more about the American Revolution War, here:



what happened when Salman Rushdie wrote a book about the satanic verses


The Novel Satanic Verses was written by Salman Rushdie in the year of 1988, this novel is the most controversial novel of the 20th century.

What are Satanic Verses?

Salman Rushdie, an Indian-born author, wrote the epic magic realist novel The Satanic Verses, which quickly rose to prominence as one of the most divisive works of the late 20th century.

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran denounced the book and issued a fatwa in 1989 calling for the execution of Rushdie as well as his editors and publishers because some Muslims viewed its imaginative and satirical use of Islam as blasphemous.

To know more about Salman Rushdie follow the link.



What effect does this repetition have?

It creates a main idea that the audience can understand, and it establishes Gilgamesh as the main character.
It creates a rhythmic pattern that the audience can follow, and it signals that the audience will hear a new dream.
It creates a new structure that the audience needs to hear, and it shows how long Gilgamesh’s journey has been.
It creates a vivid image that the audience can see, and it establishes a more realistic way of storytelling.


The repetition It creates a rhythmic pattern that audience can follow, and it signals that the audience will hear new dream.  The appropriate response is option B.

What is repetition?

Repetition is the straightforward repetition of a word inside a few words without specific word placement to ensure emphasis. It is a multilingual written or spoken device that is often employed in Hindi and Chinese in addition to English.

It is a multilingual written or spoken device that is often employed in Hindi and Chinese in addition to English. As a result, it is rarely referred to as a figure of speech.

To learn more about repetition



Answer:   B. It creates a rhythmic pattern that the audience can follow, and it signals that the audience will hear a new dream.


edge 2022

Match the term with the correct description.


The terms in American history and their correct descriptions are:

Spoke out against slavery  - Grimke Sisters Event that increased the dependence on slave labor in SC - Invention of the cotton gin Invented the cotton gin - Eli Whitney SC Cash crop shifted to - Cotton Unified South Carolina's lowcountry and backcountry - The Compromise of 1808Antebellum - Time before the Civil War Backcountry gained more representation in the General Assembly - Planter IdealSelf - sufficient communities - Plantations Bought his freedom and was accussed of planning an insurrection - Denmark Vesey Harsh slave labor system used on cotton plantations - gang system

What as the Antebellum period?

The Antebellum Period was a time in American history where slavery was legal in the United States and was practiced in the South. During this time, self- sufficient communities called Plantations, used slave labor. One system used was the gang system which was harsh because it required people to work from morning till sundown.

Denmark Vesey was an African American who purchased his freedom and then was executed for an accusation that he was trying to lead a slave rebellion.

Find out more on Denmark Vesey at https://brainly.com/question/11706426


Explain at least two ways that the Taft and the Wilson ad-
ministrations continued to enact progressive reforms.
Answer in at least two sentences.
You may choose to answer with:
One way that the Taft and the Wilson administrations
continued to enact progressive reforms is ...


The Taft administration desired lower trade tariffs, which were a key source of government revenue at the time, but the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act of 1909 boosted rates when most people anticipated them to fall.

What is revenue?

Revenue is the entire amount of income earned by the sale of products and services connected to the principal operations of a firm in accounting. Commercial income is also known as sales and turnover. Many companies make money through interest, royalties, or other charges. "Revenue" can apply to general income or to the amount received in a monetary unit during a certain time period, as in "Last year, Company XYZ had revenue of $50 million." Profits or net income are commonly defined as total revenue less total costs during a certain time period.

To learn more about revenue, click



RANK the following three events most to least important for Britians Emergence

Flow of Trade

Seven Years War

American Revolution


The three events in order of those that were most to least important in the Emergence of Britain were:

Flow of TradeSeven Years WarAmerican Revolution

How did the British emerge as such a powerful nation?

The British became such a powerful nation and eventually eh largest empire in history, thanks to their extensive trade network. By controlling the flow of trade, they became very wealthy and powerful.

The Seven Years War further cemented the role of the British as a powerful nation because they befeated the powerful France and took their colonies in North America. The American Revolution led to the British losing land and territory and so was not a plus.

Find out more on Britain's emergence at https://brainly.com/question/28077098


Many colonies were settled by people looking to live for religious freedom to live how they chose. Name three of those groups who came to America.

All of the above







Puritians, Pilgrims, and Quakers.


The Puritans and Pilgrims arrived in New England in the early 1600s after suffering religious persecution in England.

Which action did the first congress take to satisfy anti-federalist concerns regarding constitutional reform?.


James Madison proposed twelve amendments during the First Congress in 1789, which were ratified. Ten of them were approved by the states; they came into force in 1791 and are now generally referred to as the Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights also reserves any power not granted to the federal government to the states and the people in order to allay Anti-Federalist worries about excessive central power. The Bill of Rights has since been deemed by most Americans to be the most significant provision in the Constitution. In 1791, a Bill of Rights was added. The Federalists promised to include a bill of rights if the Anti-Federalists would support the Constitution, in part to win their support.

Learn more about constitution here-



Why did the U.S. Senate fail to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?


They believed that Wilson should have gained some territory for the United States.

They objected to the League of Nations, fearing that it would supersede U.S. authority.

They disapproved of the way in which the treaty was negotiated.

They decided that German reparations were not sufficient to meet the costs of war.


The U.S. Senate failed to ratify the Treaty of Versailles because They objected to the League of Nations, fearing that it would supersede U.S. authority. Thus option B is correct.

What is the objective  Treaty of Versailles?

Germany was obligated by the treaty's conditions to disarm, forfeit territory, make financial reparations, and give up all of its foreign possessions. The League of Nations was also advocated for under this.

In order to protect the world from challenges that would jeopardize national sovereignty or global peace, the League of Nations was an organization that the Treaty of Versailles attempted to establish.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about League of Nations, here:




They objected to the League of Nations, fearing that it would supersede U.S. authority.


I took the test


After the Revolutioary War, which branch of government did the states make more powerful?


Their assemblies – The majority of colonies increased the power of their assembly at the expense of their governor (executive branch) (legislative branch).

American independence from Great Britain was established through the American Revolutionary War, often known as the Revolutionary War or the American War of Independence. On April 19, 1775, the fighting started. On July 2, 1776, the Lee Resolution was passed, and on July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was issued. Colonial resistance to British attempts to establish more control over the colonies and force them to pay the crown back for defending them during the French and Indian War was a major factor in the American Revolution. During the Revolutionary War, General George Washington led the American army to victory.

Washington led the American military forces during the Revolutionary War and showed himself to be a capable and resilient commander despite having little actual experience in commanding large, conventional armies.

Learn more about the Revolutionary war here: https://brainly.com/question/249622


Nubia was eventually defeated by a rival civilization



Nubia was eventually defeated by a rival civilization - Egypt

Thousands of years ago, when both kingdoms grew in size and power, expanding their borders and encroaching upon one another, Nubia and Egypt began to rival with one another.

In the long history of the huge Lower Nile region, which stretched from the Mediterranean Sea south to the Sixth Cataract in the Sudan, Nubians and Egyptians fought one other for dominance and advantages. Early Nubians were Egypt's true rivals in Africa because they were strong and centrally organised.

Egypt seized control of all of Nubia about 1500 BC, establishing a vast empire that extended from the Euphrates in Syria to the fifth cataract of the Nile. Due to Egypt's wealth, the New Kingdom pharaohs like Tutankhamun enjoyed unparalleled power for more than 500 years.

The New Kingdom of Egypt incorporated Nubia in 1500 BC, but rebellions persisted for years.

To know more about Egypt's new kingdom, refer:



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