Which two features are most important for Virtual Reality to provide a smooth and enjoyable experience for the user?


Answer 1

Immersion and Interaction are the two most important features of virtual reality.

What is Immersion?

Immersion, also known as presence, refers to the degree of reality in which the viewer exists as the protagonist in the virtual environment. By wearing interactive devices such as helmet-mounted displays and data gloves, viewers can immerse themselves in a virtual environment and become a part of it.

What is Interaction?

Interaction refers to the user's ability to manipulate objects in the simulated environment as well as the natural degree of feedback from the real world. Human-computer interaction in VR technology is similar to natural interaction. There are two kinds of interactions: three-degree-of-freedom (3DoF) interactions and six-degree-of-freedom (6DoF) interactions.

What is Virtual reality (VR)?

Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that uses pose tracking and 3D near-eye displays to immerse the user in a virtual world. A computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person wearing special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves with sensors

To know more about Virtual Reality (VR), Kindly visit: https://brainly.com/question/13269501


Related Questions

If $due_date contains a DateTime object for a date that comes 1 month
and 7 days before the date stored in the $current_date variable, what will $overdue_message contain
when this code finishes executing:
a. 0 years, 1 months, and 7 days overdue.
b. -0 years, -1 months, and -7 days overdue.
c. 1 month and 7 days overdue.
d. $overdue_message won’t be set because the if clause won’t be executed


a. 0 years, 1 months, and 7 days overdue.

Below you can see stringSize, which is implemented in Java



(a): Yes, it is logically correct as the code does a loop through the all characters of the string and outputs the total amount of them within the string.

(b): It is poorly designed because it is not the most efficient way to get the size of the string. There is a much better way in obtaining it through s.length() and it also accounts for spaces as characters as well.


Hello! Let's help you with your question here!

Now, it is split up into two parts so I will explain them both as such.

Part A:

For this part of the question. Yes, it would be logically correct. When the size is returned, it will return the number of characters in s. Let's break down the code step by step:

Code Rundown:int size = 0; (Initializing a size variable of type int and setting it to 0)for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++): We create what is known as an index i and have it loop until it reaches the length of the string (This is where we loop through the characters).size++; (For every loop, it'll just add 1 to size, essentially making it a counter).return size; (This returns the number within size after the loop is finished.)

As you can see from the rundown, it initializes a counter and loops through each character of the string and increases the counter as it goes. So for this part, it is logically correct as it does give us the total amount of characters within a string which is considered the string size.

Part B:

It is poorly designed under two reasons, one is more important than the other as the second one isn't really a requirement, it's just quality of life.

Reason 1 (The Important One):

The main reason why this is poorly designed is that it is not optimized. What it does here is going through the entire string and adds 1 to the counter every time there is a character. However, s.length() achieves the same thing. Instead of creating a counter and having it loop through the entire string and adding 1 to the counter for every character and then returning the counter. s.length() is a method that returns the length of a specified string. In this case, it returns the size of the string. To put it simply, the code in the example can be simplified to just:

private static int stringSize(String s) {

      return s.length();


This would still give us the same result as the example without having to go through a loop. In programming and algorithms, we learn about time complexity. To put it simply, it is the time it takes for the program to complete. The faster it does without any errors, the more efficient and optimal it becomes. For the code example above, we have time complexity O(n). What this means is that the program needs to run through a loop (multiple checks) before finishing the code, this is the second fastest time. However, with the code I showed you above, it has a time complexity of O(1). For this code, it doesn't need to run any checks, it can just finish the code immediately. Therefore, the code in the example is not efficient.

Reason 2 (Quality of Life One):

While the code does work well and does give you an accurate total size of the string every time, it however accounts for spaces as well. If you were to have a space in your string, it would bump the counter up as in Java, as spaces are considered a character because of this you won't get an accurate string size count if you want letters and symbols only. A way to improve it is to create a check within the loop that tells us if the character we are looking at, in the index, is a space or not. If it is a space, we subtract the size counter by 1 and move on. So the modified code would look like this:

public static int stringSize(String s) {

      int size = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {


            char c = s.charAt(i);

            if (c == ' ') {




      return size;



In the code, I am still adding 1 to the size counter still. However, in the bold. I create a variable c of type char and take the character of the string where the index is currently and use an if statement to determine if it is a space or not. If it is not, then the code repeats until the loop is done and then returns the size of the string. However, if it is a space, it'll subtract 1 from the size counter and will loop through the entire string doing this check and then returns the size of the string when it is done.

Learn more about time complexity at https://brainly.com/question/28018274


Write a program whose inputs are four integers, and whose outputs are the maximum and the minimum of the four values.

Ex: If the input is:

12 18 4 9
the output is:

Maximum is 18
Minimum is 4
The program must define and call the following two methods. Define a method named maxNumber that takes four integer parameters and returns an integer representing the maximum of the four integers. Define a method named minNumber that takes four integer parameters and returns an integer representing the minimum of the four integers.
public static int maxNumber(int num1, int num2, int num3, int num4)
public static int minNumber(int num1, int num2, int num3, int num4)

import java.util.Scanner;

public class LabProgram {

/* Define your method here */

public static void main(String[] args) {
/* Type your code here. */


The program whose inputs are four integers is illustrated:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int MaxNumber(int a,int b,int c,int d){

int max=a;

if (b > max) {

max = b;}







return max;


int MinNumber(int a,int b,int c,int d){

int min=a;










return min;


int main(void){

int a,b,c,d;


cout<<"Maximum is "<<MaxNumber(a,b,c,d)<<endl;

cout<<"Minimum is "<<MinNumber(a,b,c,d)<<endl;


What is Java?

Java is a general-purpose, category, object-oriented programming language with low implementation dependencies.

Java is a popular object-oriented programming language and software platform that powers billions of devices such as notebook computers, mobile devices, gaming consoles, medical devices, and many more. Java's rules and syntax are based on the C and C++ programming languages.

Learn more about program on:



How computer networks help in storage capacity and volume



Having a network of computers (especially a server) allows you to store things on the network instead of your own computer's drive.


A network is a grouping of computers. Some of these computers are usually servers, especially in medium-sized companies. An example is having a server unit (usually with something like an Intel Xeon processor, and with at least 64GB of RAM) with the main feature being mass storage. It's like your own personal cloud! You'll often see a couple of 10TB drives stashed into one. Everything anyone could need to access is on there, as well as everything they need to save. This really helps if you give your employees basic laptops for WFH.

As a cool anecdote, I have 5.5TB of storage and am using 90% of it. You can never have enough! The cost adds up too, with 2TB of typical Hard Drive storage being a $50 expense. With laptops, you usually need an external HDD, which is slightly more expensive. Hence, cloud/network.

What is the sql query for my homework
What is the average quoted price, maximum quoted price, and minimum quoted price of all orders? Display the average as ‘Average Quoted Price’, maximum quoted price as ‘Maximum Quoted Price’, and minimum quoted price as ‘Minimum Quoted Price’. Extra decimal places are okay for now. Insert your snip of the query and resultset together here:


The SQL Query for the average quoted price, maximum quoted price, and minimum quoted price of all orders is given below:

The SQL Query

Display itemcode and descr of those items.

Filter Closed and Rejected Quotations.


Find maximum price of those quotations.


Fetch the itemcode of the quoation.


Display the details of the fetched item.


However,  the following query doesn't show a logical error:







  AND QSTATUS IN ('Rejected','Closed')


Read more about SQL here:



Given an array of distinct positive integers. Which of the following can be used to find the longest consecutive sub-sequence of integers? (Note that the consecutive numbers need not be sorted.)
For example, if the given array is [1 , 7, 3, 2, 8], the longest consecutive subsequence is [1 , 3, 2] as 1 , 2,3 are consecutive integers.


A Naive approach can be used to find the longest consecutive sub-sequence of integers.

What do you mean by Integers?

Integers may be defined as whole numbers that can be positive, negative, or zero. It does not include any functional number or the numbers in the form of p/q. Examples of integers may include -5, 1, 5, 8, 97, etc.

The idea for finding the longest consecutive sub-sequence of integers is to sort or filter the array and find the longest subarray with consecutive elements. After sorting the array and eliminating the multiple occurrences of elements, run a loop and keep a count and max.

Therefore, a Naive approach can be used to find the longest consecutive sub-sequence of integers.

To learn more about Integers, refer to the link:



What software tool can you use to see the applications that are currently running?
Task Manager
Computer Management
Control Panel
Windows Defender
None of the above


You can use the Task Manager to see the applications that are currently running.

What is the role of Task Manager?Task Manager displays the current programs, processes, and services running on your computer. You can use Task Manager to monitor your computer's performance or to terminate a non-responsive software.Administrators can use Task Manager to terminate applications and processes, adjust processing priorities, and set processor affinity as needed for optimal performance. Furthermore, Task Manager enables the system to be shut down or restarted, which may be required if it is otherwise busy or unresponsive.

To learn more about Task Manager refer,



How to Present a data flow diagram for a food ordering system.


Using DFD, let's examine how the meal ordering system functions (Data Flow Diagram). Food ordering system DFD.

An ordering system is what?

The "mechanical" aspect of managing inventory is purchasing systems. These are the software applications that convert our projections, actual orders, safety stock, and order quantities into purchase requisitions or production orders.

What does the ordering system serve?

An online ordering system's primary function is to give customers a method to order from a restaurant online. Why is this significant then? The major justification is that it's advantageous to both the client and the company.

To know more about Ordering system visit:



How does a Cell is Addressed in MS Excel ?​


Cells are the boxes you see in the grid of an Excel worksheet, like this one. Each cell is identified on a worksheet by its reference, the column letter and row number that intersect at the cell's location. This cell is in column D and row 5, so it is cell D5. The column always comes first in a cell reference

For this task you have the chance to show what you’ve learned about implementing repetition in code. You are required to create a program that uses the while loop structure.

Write a program that always asks the user to enter a number. When the user enters the negative number -1, the program should stop requesting the user to enter a number. The program must then calculate the average of the numbers entered excluding the -1.

Make use of the while loop repetition structure to implement the program.



#include <stdio.h>


int x,c=0,sum=0;

float a;

printf("enter a number (don't enter -1)\n");





printf("enter a number(enter -1 to calculate the average)\n");




printf("the average is %.2f ",a);


Which of the following is the outline of all the stages games go through when
being developed?
(1 point)
production cycle
design cycle
scientific method
alpha stages


Product Cycle is all the stages games go through when being developed.

What's product cycle?

The product cycle is the period of time from the morning of processing to the finished product during which stocks( raw accoutrements , accoutrements ,semi-finished corridor, and finished factors) live in the manufacturing process. It takes up some of the manufacturing time and comprises of processing and halting phases.

Product cycle for developing a game :

Stage 1 of the game development process :

Although each step in the game development process is important, the original planning cycle has a direct impact on all posterior cycles. It's critical to begin the process of creating a computer game by gathering details about the willed end product, similar as technological specifications.

Stage 2 The product :

The product stage, which is broken down into multiple internal stages, is the stage that takes the longest and requires the topmost labor.

Stage 3 Quality control :

A game of any complexity needs to be tested to insure that it's error-free and bug-free. This is due to the fact that a single issue can have a negative impact on both the stoner experience and the overall enjoyment of a game. As a result, functional,non-functional, and beta testing are constantly carried out.


Stage 4 Launch :

The final stage of game product is the product debut, which is largely anticipated by all. But the story does not end with launch. Indeed after a game is finished, there are generally still enough bugs and faults, thus the game development platoon keeps adding new features and perfecting the game coincidently with its release. At the same time, testers gather the first stoner feedback to help inventors make significant adaptations.

Stage 5 Post-production :

Fixes and upgrades need to be continually covered after a game is released on the request to insure that it's stable and performing as intended. Studios should immaculately release updates constantly to cleave to the evolving specialized specifications of platforms.

Learn more about production cycle of game developement click here:



How do I do this coding project?


import java.util.*;

class prog


public useProperGrammar( String text)


int i;

char ch;

String p;



ch = text.charAt(i);



p = text.replace('2','to');



System.out.println("Corrected text:" +p);



Please compile it before putting to use since I haven't done any compiling work.

Using the knowledge of the computational language in JAVA  it is possible to write a code that write a functions that countain a string using the function signature.

Writting the code:

import java.util.*;

class prog


public useProperGrammar( String text)


int i;

char ch;

String p;



ch = text.charAt(i);



p = text.replace('2','to');



System.out.println("Corrected text:" +p);



See more about JAVA at brainly.com/question/18502436


What can help refine and narrow search results?
A) search strings
B) Boolean operators
C) algorithms
D) parentheses


The elements or features that can help refine and narrow search results are: B) Boolean operators.

What are Boolean operators?

Boolean operators can be defined as the specific words and symbols that are typically designed and developed to enable an end user in expanding or narrowing search parameters, especially when querying a database or search engine in order to generate focused and productive search results.

The types of Boolean operators.

In Computer technology, there are three (3) main types of Boolean operators and these include the following:

AND (multiplication)NOT (complementation)OR (addition)

In conclusion, a Boolean operator can help an end user in refining and narrowing his or her search results.

Read more on Boolean operator here: https://brainly.com/question/8897321



it is B.


I have no idea how to do this coding project.


Using the knowledge of the computational language in JAVA it is possible to write a code that repeating task is sent using one of the MessageBuilder's repeatXXX() methods.

Writting the code:




   .withProvided("time", new ResourceProvider<String>() {

      SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss");

          public String get() {

        return fmt.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());


 .withProvided(TimeServerParts.TimeString, new ResourceProvider<String>() {

    public String get() {

      return String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());


See more about JAVA at brainly.com/question/18502436


You are reorganizing the drive on your computer. You move several files to a new folder located on the same partition. When you move the files to the new folder,
what happens to their permissions?


Businesses frequently use a VPN to provide remote workers with access to internal software and data or to establish a single shared network among numerous office locations.

What is a VPN, and why do businesses use them?An encrypted connection between user devices and one or more servers is established by a virtual private network (VPN), a service that provides Internet security. A VPN can safely link a user to the internal network of a business or to the Internet at large. Businesses frequently use a VPN to provide remote workers with access to internal software and data or to establish a single shared network among numerous office locations.  The ultimate objective in both situations is to keep web traffic, especially traffic with proprietary data, off the public Internet.

To Learn more about VPN refer to:



Businesses frequently use a VPN to provide remote workers with access to internal software and data or to establish a single shared network among numerous office locations.

What is a VPN, and why do businesses use them?An encrypted connection between user devices and one or more servers is established by a virtual private network (VPN), a service that provides Internet security.A VPN can safely link a user to the internal network of a business or to the Internet at large.Businesses frequently use a VPN to provide remote workers with access to internal software and data or to establish a single shared network among numerous office locations.  The ultimate objective in both situations is to keep web traffic, especially traffic with proprietary data, off the public Internet.

To Learn more about VPN refer to:



List questions you would be asking to software developers about the form.
List potential risks if there are any with the form.


A a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a aa a .

These statements describe saving presentations.

Name your file in a way enables you to find it later.
Click on an icon to save.
It is a good idea to save often.
Select the Save option in the File menu to save.
Save by selecting the Save option in the Tools menu.
Saving once is enough.

(multiple choice) (edgenuitу)


Answer: answer 4 and 5


to save something on a device option 4 and 5 is the best fit for this

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