Who was a dominant force in the humanist movement and took issue with much of the Catholic Church’s doctrine that had no scriptural basis?


Richard the LionheartRichard the Lionheart , ,

William the ConquerorWilliam the Conqueror , ,

Thomas MoreThomas More , ,

Desiderius Erasmus


Answer 1

The dominant force in the humanist movement and took issue with much of the Catholic Church’s doctrine that had no scriptural basis is Desiderius Erasmus.

Who was Desiderius Erasmus?

Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus can be described as theone of the humanit movement who can be regarded as one of the Dutch philosopher as well as Catholic theologian and he remained one of the greatest scholars of the northern Renaissance.

It should be noted that he was one of the Catholic priest,  that focus on the doctorine and spend his whole life in promoting the doctrine around the rtegion, he was regarded as one of the father of faith in the history catholics because he was the one that piooner the doctrine but adter some time he stressed that there is no basiss for it in the bilble which made hime to become one of the forces against the doctrine at later time.

Read more about doctrine at:



Related Questions

How did the rights of the plebeian class increase over time?



Explanation: Over the course of around 200 years the plebeians gained more rights. They protested by going on strike. They would leave the city for a while, refuse to work, or even refuse to fight in the army. Eventually, the plebeians gained a number of rights including the right to run for office and marry patricians.

Hope it helps. Sorry if it does not answer your question.


When Rome was a kingdom Plebeians had zero power. The Patricians were considered Nobles and the Plebeians were just low class laborers.(Pre-Republic)

It increased over time because the Roman Plebeians were more frequently threatening the  Patricians that they would leave Rome and go to a neighboring nation. Each time the Patricians got scared and slowly gave the Plebeians more rights. (Republic Rome)

Eventually the Plebeians were allowed to have their own government officials which were elected and named "tribunes." Then came the Plebeian Assembly. The Tribunes had powers to summon the senate, propose and vote on law, etc. The most important power of the Tribunes was that they could veto actions of the consuls and other Roman Officials. (Republic Rome)

This made the Plebeians happy. The Patricians and Plebeians both were happy with their influence.  

Hope this helps you! :)


Which foreign policy from the early 1900s expanded on the goals of the monroe doctrine?.


The foreign policy from the early 1900s that expanded on the goals of the Monroe doctrine was Roosevelt Corollary.

Monroe doctrine was a policy devised by President James Monroe in 1823 regarding the Western Hemisphere. It warned the European nations that the US will not tolerate any interference in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere and consider any attempt at interference or involvement as a sign of aggression. The Roosevelt Corollary further expanded the objectives of the doctrine by stating that not only the Western Hemisphere nations were closed to European powers for colonization, also the US had the right and responsibility to preserve and protect order in these nations. Furthermore, it established US intention to intervene (military) if any Latin American nations were to engage in chronic wrongdoing (including large debts or civil unrest).

Learn more about Roosevelt Corollary:



Use the passage from William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech to answer the question.
They complain about the plank which declares against the life tenure in office. They have tried to strain it to mean that which it does not mean. What we oppose in that plank is the life tenure that is being built up in Washington which establishes an office-holding class and excludes from participation in the benefits the humbler members of our society.

In a few sentences, identify Bryan's claim in this passage and cite the reasoning he uses in support of his claim.
(only 4-5 sentences please)


William Jennings Bryan delivered the most well-known address in American political history on July 9, 1896, in Chicago during the Democratic National Convention. The question was whether to support the free minting of silver with a 16 to 1 silver to gold ratio.

Who was William Jennings Bryan?

William Jennings Bryan was a politician, speaker, and attorney from the United States. He became a powerful figure in the Democratic Party starting in 1896, and he ran three times as the party's choice for president of the United States in the elections of 1896, 1900, and 1908.

Bryan, who was elected to the House of Representatives in 1890 at the age of 30, supported populist causes like the direct election of senators, a graduated federal income tax, and the "free silver" movement, which aimed to increase the federal government's money supply by establishing silver as a legal tender alongside gold.

According to Bryan, "the Darwinian hypothesis describes man as having attained his current perfection by the application of the law of hate," and "Evolution is the ruthless law by which the strong push out and eradicate the weak." He thought that the "law of love" found in the Bible was a response to this harsh law.

He was a prominent figure in the Democratic Party's populist wing and a native of Nebraska. He ran three times for president of the United States as the party's nominee (1896, 1900 and 1908). He was arguably the most well-known educator and orator of his day.

Learn more about William Jennings Bryan, here



how did the sugar act affect the colonists?
A high tariff was placed on sugar imported from Antigua, Barbados, and the Bahamas.

Sugar was taxed to raise revenue for the British military war effort.

Many plantation owners invested in sugar plantations on British-controlled islands.

Colonial exports had to pass through British ports before traveling to other European nations.


A high tariff was placed on sugar imported from Antigua, Barbados, and the Bahamas.

The act effectively granted British West Indies sugarcane planters a monopoly on the American market. Early colonial opposition to these duties was put to rest when the tax was reduced two years later. The protected price of British sugar benefited New England distillers, though they were unaware of it.

The Sugar act imposed a tax on imported sugar and molasses into the colonies. This had a significant impact on the Boston and New England economies because they used sugar and molasses to produce rum, which was a major export in their trade with other countries.

To know more about The Sugar act here



I need help pleaseeee


In August 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident took place. According to reports, North Vietnamese warships assaulted the U.S.S. Maddox and the U.S.S. C.

Which decade would have seen each of these headlines?Attack on a U.S. vessel in the Golf of Tonkin- August 1964US provides assistance to French forces in Indochina- September 1950 South Vietnam submits to the communists-  April 30, 1975Thousands of US soldiers were deployed to Vietnam- March 8, 1965Vietnam was split into several nations- From 1954 to 1975 Protesters against the war gather in Washington- April 17th, 1965

When did Washington's anti-war demonstrators gather?

The greatest anti-war demonstration that had ever taken place in Washington, D.C. was on April 17, 1965. The marchers' number (15,000–25,000) was almost equal to the number of American soldiers stationed in Vietnam at the time (less than 25,000).

Between 1955 and 1975, what happened in Vietnam?

Known as the Viet Cong, the communist government of North Vietnam and its supporters in South Vietnam fought the government of South Vietnam and its main ally, the United States, in the Vietnam War, which lasted from 1954 to 1975.

Vietnam was split into two nations from 1954 to 1975: North Vietnam (the Democratic Republic of Vietnam) and South Vietnam (the Republic of Vietnam). In Geneva, following its defeat at Bien Dien Phu, France signed an independence pact with the triumphant Viet Minh.

Learn more about Gulf of Tonkin Incident: https://brainly.com/question/2850981


discuss the issues facing legal immigrants and illegal immigrants entering the southern border 1960s-2020s.


The issues faced by immigrants entering the southern border during the 1960s-2020s are undocumented immigrants crossing the US-Mexico border face many hazards as they try to enter the United States, including heat and cold injury, dehydration, and wild animal encounters.

In the Tucson sector of the US-Mexico border, there are over 100 deaths a year from heat-related wounds alone. There was also significant trouble for the family unit as both a source of inspiration and motivation. Public awareness campaigns have been embarked on to transmit information on the threats inherent in crossing.

A study establish that individuals traversing the US-Mexico border appear willing to put themselves and their families in tangible perceived danger to strive for economic opportunity.

Learn more about immigration in the southern border(Mexico) here:



"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
—Article II, Section 4, United States Constitution

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution was written in response to which of the following grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence?
"He has kept among us, in Times of Peace, Standing Armies, without the consent of our Legislatures."
"He has plundered our Seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our Towns, and destroyed the Lives of our People."
"He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us."
"He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public Good."


Answer: Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. U.S. Const.

The Hippocratic oath is still sworn to today by


The Hippocratic oath is an ethical code attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates that has been adopted as a guide to conduct by the medical profession throughout the ages and is still used in many medical school graduation ceremonies.

The Hippocratic Oath (o) is one of the most well-known Greek medical texts. A new physician must swear before a number of healing gods that he will adhere to a number of professional ethical standards.

Students typically recite some variation of the oath in today's graduation ceremonies: Dr. Louis Lasagna is credited with creating the Modern Hippocratic Oath in 1948.

To know The Hippocratic oath here



How big was NC when it was originally given to the Lord Proprietors


Based on a historical perspective, North Carolina was very big when it was originally given to Lord Proprietors, extending to as far as west of Mississippi in the west and the bank of the Atlantic Ocean in the east.

The North Carolina under Lord Proprietors

North Carolina was one of the thirteen colonies of America.

It was divided into about 52 town which consists of various major towns such as including Bath, Brunswick, Campbellton, Edenton, Halifax, Hillsborough, Newbern, Salisbury, Wilmington, etc.

Between 1720 and 1770 the population of North Carolina rose between 21000 to about 200,000.

North Carolina is one of the Southern Colonies in America.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is that North Carolina was very big at the time when it was originally given to the Lord Proprietors.

Learn more about North Carolina here: https://brainly.com/question/1548702


Explain the changes that took
place in Western Europe during the late nineteenth century. How
did the extent of change vary in different countries?


Because the major communist states in Europe, such as the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, fell apart, Western Europe gained a lot of political power. Because of the failures of the communist and socialist regimes, those who belonged to these states began to support western ideals.

The world was roughly divided into market and command economies during the Cold War. Market economies dominated democracies, while command economies ruled communist countries. Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan were all countries that modernized and westernized. They were developing market economies and becoming heavily industrialized under the direction of the Western World, primarily the United States. The opposite was true for China, Mongolia, and North Korea.

To know more about Western Europe visit :



Alexander the Great was not great because


Alexander was terrible because he overestimated his contributions. Instead of using strategy, he employed deceit to overthrow the Persian Empire.

Alexander the Great's stature was lacking because

He left things worse or, at best, precisely the same as they were before, which was one of his leadership flaws. Alexander had a narcissistic leadership style and just serviced himself as he pleased. Instead of fulfilling his duties as a statesman, he indulged his own military interests.

When his father was killed by his own general, Alexander's hunger for power was sated. Alexander never looked behind him, always keeping a sharp focus forward. More than that of a statesman, his leadership style was that of a valiant general. Although he possessed incredible hardware, his software was turbulent.

Learn more about Alexander the Great: https://brainly.com/question/1286645


Using the map as a reference, identify were one of the temperate zones located


On the map, the temperate zones are located in the tropic of Cancer, latitude north at about 23.5° to the arctic circle and at 66.5° latitude north.

What are the temperate zones?

Temperate zones are mild temperature areas that are found in between the polar and the subtropical regions. The tropic of Capricorn and Antarctic circles and the Tropic of Cancer and the Artic circle bears two region between them known as the temperate regions.

The temperate zones are located in the tropic of Cancer, latitude north at about 23.5° to the arctic circle and at 66.5° latitude north while the south extends from the Capricorn at about the same degrees to the Antarctic circle, latitude south.

Full question is:

Using the map as a reference, identify were one of the temperate zones located.

Learn more on temperate region here: https://brainly.com/question/9655158


great britain, and the united states but also ran counter to which principles of american foreign policy?




The initial objective of British foreign policy was to achieve a balance of power within Europe, with no single nation dominating the continent's affairs. This doctrine remained a significant justification for Britain's wars against Napoleon, as well as its participation in the First and Second World Wars.

The United Kingdom is the closest ally to the United States, and British foreign policy prioritizes tight coordination with the United States. The two nations share a shared language, values, and democratic processes, which are reflected in their bilateral collaboration.


- The right to freedom of religion

According to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, every citizen has the right to exercise their own religion, or no religion at all.

Religious freedom safeguards the right of individuals to peacefully and publicly live, speak, and act according to their convictions. It safeguards their capacity to be themselves in the workplace, in the classroom, and social situations. Religious liberty extends beyond the "right to worship" in a synagogue, church, or mosque.

- The right of nations to self-determination

Every nation has the right to self-determination. They are able to freely select their political position and pursue their economic, social, and cultural growth owing to this privilege.

Self-determination is the process of organizing yourself to achieve your goals. Self-determination typically contributes to favorable outcomes in areas such as work, education, community involvement, and enhanced quality of life.

Learn more about Foreign Policy here:





Answer: What is the question ?


What did the Roman holiday of Lemuralia and the Japanese holiday of Setsubun have in common?


One thing that the Roman holiday of Lemuralia and the Japanese holiday of Setsubun shared as a similarity was that they were done to drive away spirits.

What was Lemuralia and Setsubun about?

The Japanese performed the Setsubun rituals as a way to welcome the new season such that it would not have bad fortunes or evil spirits. The festival would therefore feature evil spirits being exorcised.

Lemuralia was a Roman holiday which was also done to drive away evil spirits. Malevolent spirits would be driven away as well through offerings. We can therefore say that Lemuralia and Setsubun were done to drive spirits away.

Find out more on roman holidays at https://brainly.com/question/26848769


16. What was the key to the Mongols and Genghis Khan's success?
A. Cattle
B. Pigs
C. Rats
D. Horses


D.) Horses, because the passage mention horses a lot and it says that “Mongols prized their horses primarily for their advantage”.

Once the jury selection process is complete, then the verdict is read trial will begin deliberations begin judge’s charge is read


Once the jury selection process is complete, then: trial will begin.

What is a grand jury?

A grand jury can be defined as a group of citizens who are saddled with the responsibility of reviewing the evidence in a criminal case.

This ultimately implies that, grand jury are legally empowered by law to carry out an investigation (trial) with respect to a potential criminal case, engage in legal proceedings, as well as determine whether or not an evidence is quite sufficient to warrant trial in a court of competent jurisdiction.

In this context, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that a trial will immediately begin once the jury selection process has been completed.

Read more on jury here: https://brainly.com/question/4528264


Quantitative analysis includes _____.



gathering numerical data and evidence in order to scientifically prove a cause and effect relationship between variables through graphical comparison to identify trends in data and other numerical means.

3 theories of romes beginning


Ancient Rome has reached to the pinacle of glory and there are many reasons behind that.

The Romans not only expanded their authority but also made extraordinary advancements in other fields. including engineering, technology, and moral concerns. With new regulations put in place to maintain morality, such as enacting rules that minimise infidelity, which in turn improved family life, ethical concerns were encountered. Roman engineering was extremely advanced for its time; they created unkempt sewage systems, used cement and concrete to construct long-lasting structures, and constructed the best road network the world had ever seen.

One of the main factors contributing to Rome's success was its military. The Roman army had a reputation for being the best force in the world because of its excellent training and discipline. With its military victories, the empire was able to enlarge its dominion over three different continents, encompassing most of Europe, Asia, and Africa. In the end, the empire grew to such proportions that it had to be divided into the Eastern and Western Roman Empires. Due to the size of this territory, the newly minted Roman citizens were compelled to pay taxes to their new rulers, maintaining the stability and growth of the empire's wealth.

Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor, inaugurated the Roman empire's rule in 27 BC. One of the greatest emperors in history, he was credited with bringing peace to the time and restoring the Roman republic. It's almost comical how his rule, which began with the horrible murder of Julius Caesar, was followed by a golden period of stability and prosperity. After a century of strife and corruption, Augustus' restoration of governmental institutions boosted morale in Rome and ushered in the renowned Pax Roma (peace). Even though he was the first emperor and after a time of unrest in the republic, Augustus was adored and respected by the populace and ruled successfully for 56 years.

He oversaw a number of social reforms, numerous military triumphs, and the flourishing of Roman literature, art, architecture, and religion. The Senate elevated Augustus' position to that of a deity after his death, starting a long-standing tradition of apotheosis for successful emperors. His popularity persisted even after his death.

Know more about Roman empire



1 The Presidential veto is an example of
1 reserved powers
2 federalism
3 checks and balances
4 executive privilege


The Presidential veto is an example of checks and balances.

A veto is a no-vote that prevents a decision from being made. Some bills that pass through his desk can be vetoed by the President. A veto is a formal way of saying "No!" Vetoes are used to block or prohibit something, and the term is also used more loosely.

The veto gives the President the ability to "check" the legislature by reviewing acts passed by Congress and blocking measures that he deems unconstitutional, unjust, or unwise. The power of Congress to override the President's veto creates a "balance" between the legislative branches.

Hence, the correct answer is "3" option.

To know more about a veto, click here.



If the Speaker of the House leaves office, how is their role filled?





Because well I'm just that good

3) Some quotes can be categorized as advocating a particular judicial philosophy like
a. Judicial Restraint
b. Judicial Activism
c. Originalism
d. "Living constitution"
Match at least one quote with each judicial philosophy and explain the connection. Identify​


Some quotations fall under the category of being proponents of a particular judicial philosophy, such as Judicial Activism. Thus, option (B) is correct.

What is judicial?

Belongs to the branch of government that has the authority to administer justice in its area of responsibility and to try any issues involving the government. Compare this to the executive and legislative branches. a judicial auction. pertaining to or proper for a judge or the legal system.

The concept of restraint is a procedural philosophy that directs judges to avoid ruling on legal problems, particularly constitutional ones unless doing so is essential to resolving a specific conflict between opposing parties.

Therefore,  Thus, option (B) is correct.

Learn more about the judicial here:




Introduction to the Articles of Confederation:
To all to whom these Presents shall come, we the undersigned Delegates of the States affixed to our Names send greeting.

Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts-bay Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Which option best analyzes the change of focus from state to federal government evident in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution?

The Founding Fathers realized establishing a federal government would help protect America.
Swift military action if we are attacked by other nations was important to the Founding Fathers.
The Founding Fathers believed separation between the states and territories was important.
Viewing American citizens as individuals was important to the Founding Fathers.



The Founding Fathers realized establishing a federal government would help protect America.

This diagram shows the triangular trade that developed between Europe,
Africa, and the Americas. In which direction did most slaves travel?
A. From A to C
B. From A to B
C. From C to A
D.from B to A


Answer:From A to B(:


what were items that helped changes in labor during the 1800s



The pace of work usually became faster and faster; work was often performed in factories built to house the machines. Finally, factory managers began to enforce an industrial discipline, forcing workers to work set hours which were often very long.


Anika and Mateo are on the planning committee for the Valentine’s Day dance. Their task is to set the price for the tickets. Mateo wants to offer tickets at a lower price if couples buy them together.

Anika, who identifies as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, asks, "We’re going to discount tickets for LGBTQ+ couples too, right? We have an equal right to come to the dance as couples. Why should we pay more?”

"No, let’s compromise.” Mateo replies. "We should have the LBGTQ+ students buy tickets at the regular price and then meet up at the dance.”

Which statement best describes Mateo’s suggestion?

It is an effective compromise because LGBTQ+ couples can still buy tickets.
It is an effective compromise because LBGTQ+ students can still come to the dance.
It is not an effective compromise because LBGTQ+ students are the only ones giving up something.
It is not an effective compromise because no LGBTQ+ student is part of the decision-making process.


It is not an effective compromise because LGBTQ+ students are the only ones giving up something.

In this case, they are not receiving the discount like straight couples despite being couples themselves. It’s not option 3 because Anika is a member of the LGBTQ+. Option 1 and 2 are not effective because everyone else can also come to the dance and buy tickets so it would be even more ineffective by denying them a basic thing. Overall, an effective compromise would be that all tickets are regular or any couple has discounted tickets.

What Connection does the author draw between Pericles and democracy in Athens? The Golden Age Of Athens.


The Connection drawn by the author between Pericles and democracy in Athens saw Pericles form an embryo that would be the prototype of modern democracy centuries later.

What was the Golden Age Of Athens?

Generally, if Pericles was the first to create a political platform like democracy in Athens, the Greeks are the first in Europe to have used this system of government. The historical literature holds Pericles in high regard as a gifted orator, statesman, and military commander.

He is also credited with bringing democratic principles to Athens and ancient Greece. This guy was responsible for the founding of Athens's democracy in the year 461 BCE. Even while the democratic model of ancient Athens differs much from the idea of current equality, there are some parallels.

In particular, Pericles made it possible for more underprivileged Athenians to engage in the political and judicial processes of their city.

As a result, the link between the genetic ties that the previously outlined functions were predicated on is no longer there. All crucial decisions were made in the assembly, which now included all of the free Athenians.

One thing that is certain about the absence of Pericles' democracy in Athens is that women and slaves were not allowed to take part in these political and judicial procedures.

Read more about Pericles' democracy



q016) in the aftermath of the war of 1812, americans tended to view canadians as group of answer choices monarchial and lacking in an understanding of liberty. partners in developing the continent based on europeans traditions. ex-europeans unusually prone to violence. untrustworthy as their political connections were still strongly tied with france.


There was a strong nationalist mood among the people and officials in the early wake of the War of 1812.

The War of 1812 was fought between the United Kingdom and the United States of America between June 17, 1812 and February 17, 1815. British historians generally classify the war as part of the Napoleonic Wars, whereas American historians classify it as a second war of independence.

The War of 1812 , which began as a result of British violations of American sailors' rights, reaffirmed the United States' independence and put an end to Great Britain's abusive behavior. The alliance of American society against the enemy, the victory over the great world power, and the establishment of full sovereignty over the nation's territory all contributed to a strong nationalist sentiment, which came to confirm the inhabitants of the United States of America's sovereign and anti-British positions.

Learn more about  The War of 1812 to visit this link



the eighteenth century was an era of improving health and increased life expectancy. why? what impact did improving health and longevity have on european society?


The "consumer revolution" ushered in new standards of comfort, hygiene, and individuality, fundamentally altering daily life in Europe in the 18th century.

The average life expectancy in the US has increased to 78.8 years over the past 200 years, which is a twofold increase. This lifespan is a result of increased medical treatment, better diets, healthier habits, and hygiene. Improvements in sanitation, housing, and education played a major role in the rise in life expectancy during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which led to a steady decline in early and mid-life mortality, which was primarily caused by infections. The life expectancy at 60 years old has risen recently in high-income countries.

Learn more about country here-



Why do you think the library of congress holds two copies of all copyright material?


The library of congress holds two copies of all copyright material are the  based on the government agencies are the main motive to the collection of the record.

What is congress?

The term “Congress” refers to the legislative of the United States' federal government. The president and Congress were to share power. The Supreme Court is the branch's apex body. The Congress governs the American people.

According to the congress are the main motive to the hold on the copyright materials such as the books, photographs, maps, manuscripts, films, audio, video, and the magazines. There was the submitted to the copyright material on agencies and the libraries.

Learn more about on Congress, here:



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