Write a recursive function stringReverse that takes a string and a starting subscript as arguments, prints the string backward and returns nothing. The function should stop processing and return when the end of the string is encountered. Note that like an array, the square brackets ( [ ] ) operator can be used to iterate through the characters in a string.


Answer 1


void stringReverse(string s, int start){










Related Questions

In using cloud infrastructures, the client necessarily cedes control to the CP on a number of issues that may affect security
a. True
b. False



A. True


The correct option is A. True.

Actually, in using cloud infrastructures, the client necessarily cedes control to the CP on a number of issues which may affect security. It may have to restrict port scans and even penetration testing. Moreover, the service level agreements may not actually guarantee commitment to offer such services on the part of the CP. This may result in leaving a gap in security defenses.

Also, when the control of the CP changes, it's evident that the terms and conditions of their services may also change which may affect security.

#Recall that input from a user is always in the form of a string. #Write a function called "input_type" that gets user input and #determines what kind of string the user entered. The user input #will be supplied as an argument to the function like normal. # # - Your function should return "integer" if the string only # contains characters 0-9. # - Your function should return "float" if the string only # contains the numbers 0-9 and at most one period. # - You should return "boolean" if the user enters "True" or # "False". # - Otherwise, you should return "string". #Write your function here!



Here is the Python program:

def input_type(input_string): #function that takes a string as input and returns the type of that string

   try:   #used to test a block of code for input string type              

       if type(eval(input_string)) == float: #if the type of the string is float

           return "float" #function returns float

       elif type(eval(input_string)) == int: #else if the type of the string is int

           return "integer"#function return integers

       elif type(eval(input_string)) == bool:#else if the type of the string is bool

           return "boolean" #function return boolean

   except: #if the type of the string is neither int, bool nor float

       return "string" #function return boolean

#following statements are used to  test the working of the above function

print(input_type(" ")) #prints string

print (input_type ("False")) #prints boolean

print (input_type ("7.432621")) #prints  float

print (input_type("2788"))#prints int


The function input_type() takes a user input and returns the type of that string input the user entered. The user input can be one of the following types:

int which is the data type of an integer for example 1, 2, 3 etc

float which is the data type of a floating point number for example 1.2, 3.4 etc

bool which is the data type of a boolean for example True or False

string that can be characters for example an empty space character " "

try block here is used to generate an exception and it is used to test a block in the code that checks for the type of the user input. The except block here is used to handle that error. This is executed when the try part raises an error.

Inside the try block, the if and elif statements check the type of the string.

if type(eval(input_string)) == float: statement checks if the type of the string is float. Here the eval() method is used to convert the input string because the user input is basically a string value. So this method evaluates the input_string.

type() method is used to return the type of that evaluated user input string. If condition checks if type(eval(input_string)) which is the type of the evaluated input string is equal to float. If this condition evaluates to true then the function returns "float" otherwise it moves to the next elif statement. Similarly the type of the user input is checked for int in elif part and if both these if and elif conditions evaluate to false then the next elif statement is executed that checks the user input to be bool. If all these three if elif statements evaluate to false then the except part executes which returns "string". The program along with its output is attached in a screenshot.    

What is indirect program memory addressing? Explain the working of the following instructions?



Indirect main memory addressing is described as the method in which the variable's address is stored in a mind register and also a command is utilized to point towards the memory registers which hold the register. Instruction is used to direct towards a register that displays the results of the variables. The register, in turn, refers to that variable's address in simplistic words. As just a result, it is indeed considered a passive program, memory address.

The instructions operate as follows:



The JMP instruction is being used to execute an unconditional jump.AX is indeed the label's name. JMP AX codes are being used to transfer control of the flow program to the AX label.



The JMP command can be used to execute an unconditional jump, JMP LIST[DX] is the label's name.  The JMP LIST[DX] program is being used to transfer control of its flow programs to the specified section. It is the segment to which the flow control is transmitted.



Unconditional jumps could be done with the JMP command as you'll see, the label is JMP NEAR PTR[DI+3]. It's being used to transmit flow control to a particular section, throughout this case [DI+3]. The close keyword indicates that perhaps the code segment would be in the line of code being nearby.

Learn more:


26. The
operator will cause a record to
be selected only if two or more
conditions are satisfied
In MS access




The  AND operator will cause a record to  be selected only if two or more

conditions are satisfied.

Many Java programs that you create will receive and process user input. In order to ensure that user input is accurate, you will need to use input validation and exception handling.

a. True
b. False


Answer: True

Explanation: True

What do Quadratic Selection sort, and Shell sort have in common?
They both used a/an_______based implementation in the standard form and are both relatively_____to the order of the data. The main similarity is that each one creates an environment in which a_____strategy works more efficiently.
1. blank
2. linked list
3. array
4. hybrid
5. tree
6. sensitive
7. insensitive
8. complex
9. modern
10. simple
11. retrograde
12. advanced



a) An ARRAY ( 3 )

B) relatively INSENSITIVE ( 7 )

c) a HYBRID ( 4 )


They both used an array based implementation in the standard form and are both relatively insensitive to the order of the data. The main similarity is that each one creates an environment in which a hybrid strategy works more efficiently.

Quadratic selection sort is the sorting system that sorts out the smallest value in an entire list and arrange the list in such a way that the smallest value comes first.

If the processor has 32 address lines in its address bus; i.e. 32-bit address range, what is its address space or range; i.e. what is the smallest and largest address that can be represented



The answer is "0 to 4294967295"


Given bit:

32 bits

Calculating smallest and largest bits:

In any processor, it works only on the 0 and 1 bit and it also stores 0 and 1 values. so, the smallest address in bit value is= 0 and the largest bit value can be defined as follows:

largest address value in bits:

[tex]\Longrightarrow 2^{32}-1\\\\\Longrightarrow 4294967296 -1\\\\\Longrightarrow 4294967295\\\\[/tex]

smallest address= 0

largest address = 4294967295

Write a program that uses the function strcmp() to compare two strings input by the user. The program should state whether the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second string7. Write a program that uses the function strcmp() to compare two strings input by the user. The program should state whether the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second string


user_str1 = str ( input ("Please enter a phrase: "))

user_str2 = str ( input("Please enter a second phrase: "))

def strcmp (word):

user_in1 = int (len(user_str1))

user_in2 = int (len(user_str2))

if user_in1 > user_in2:

return "Your first phrase is longer"

elif user_in1 < user_in2:

return "Your second phrase is longer"


return "Your phrases are of equal length"

Given an integer n and an array a of length n, your task is to apply the following mutation to a:
Array a mutates into a new array b of length n.
For each i from 0 to n - 1, b[i] = a[i - 1] + a[i] + a[i + 1].
If some element in the sum a[i - 1] + a[i] + a[i + 1] does not exist, it should be set to 0. For example, b[0] should be equal to 0 + a[0] + a[1].
For n = 5 and a = [4, 0, 1, -2, 3], the output should be mutateTheArray(n, a) = [4, 5, -1, 2, 1].
b[0] = 0 + a[0] + a[1] = 0 + 4 + 0 = 4
b[1] = a[0] + a[1] + a[2] = 4 + 0 + 1 = 5
b[2] = a[1] + a[2] + a[3] = 0 + 1 + (-2) = -1
b[3] = a[2] + a[3] + a[4] = 1 + (-2) + 3 = 2
b[4] = a[3] + a[4] + 0 = (-2) + 3 + 0 = 1
So, the resulting array after the mutation will be [4, 5, -1, 2, 1].
[execution time limit] 3 seconds (java)
[input] integer n
An integer representing the length of the given array.
Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ n ≤ 103.
[input] array.integer a
An array of integers that needs to be mutated.
Guaranteed constraints:
a.length = n,
-103 ≤ a[i] ≤ 103.
[output] array.integer
The resulting array after the mutation.



The program written in Java is as follows

import java.util.Scanner;

public class mutilate {

public static void main(String [] args) {

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

int n;

System.out.print("Array Length: ");

n = input.nextInt();

while(n<1 || n > 103)  {

    System.out.print("Array Length: ");

n = input.nextInt();


int a []= new int [n];

int b []= new int [n];

System.out.print("Enter Elements of the Array: ");

for(int i =0;i<n;i++)  {

 a[i] = input.nextInt();


System.out.print("Output: ");

for(int i =0;i<n;i++)  {

 if(i == 0)   {

     b[i] = 0+a[i]+a[i+1];


 else if(i == n-1)   {

     b[i] = a[i - 1]+a[i]+0;


 else   {

 b[i] = a[i - 1]+a[i]+a[i+1];    


 System.out.print(b[i]+" ");





This line allows the program accepts user input

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

This line declares integer n

int n;

The next two line prompts user for length of the array and also accepts input

System.out.print("Array Length: ");

n = input.nextInt();

The following while iteration ensures that the user input is between 1 and 103

while(n<1 || n > 103)  {

    System.out.print("Array Length: ");

n = input.nextInt();


The next two lines declares array a and b

int a []= new int [n];

int b []= new int [n];

The next for iteration allows user enter values for array a

System.out.print("Enter Elements of the Array: ");

for(int i =0;i<n;i++)  {

 a[i] = input.nextInt();


The next for iteration calculates and prints the values for array b based on the instruction in the question

System.out.print("Output: ");

for(int i =0;i<n;i++)  {

 if(i == 0)   {

     b[i] = 0+a[i]+a[i+1];


 else if(i == n-1)   {

     b[i] = a[i - 1]+a[i]+0;


 else   {

 b[i] = a[i - 1]+a[i]+a[i+1];    


 System.out.print(b[i]+" ");


#Below is a class representing a person. You'll see the
#Person class has three instance variables: name, age,
#and GTID. The constructor currently sets these values
#via a calls to the setters.
#Create a new function called same_person. same_person
#should take two instances of Person as arguments, and
#returns True if they are the same Person, False otherwise.
#Two instances of Person are considered to be the same if
#and only if they have the same GTID. It does not matter
#if their names or ages differ as long as they have the
#same GTID.
#You should not need to modify the Person class.

class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age, GTID):

def set_name(self, name):
self.name = name

def set_age(self, age):
self.age = age

def set_GTID(self, GTID):
self.GTID = GTID

def get_name(self):
return self.name

def get_age(self):
return self.age

def get_GTID(self):
return self.GTID

#Add your code below!

#Below are some lines of code that will test your function.
#You can change the value of the variable(s) to test your
#function with different inputs.
#If your function works correctly, this will originally
#print: True, then False.
person1 = Person("David Joyner", 30, 901234567)
person2 = Person("D. Joyner", 29, 901234567)
person3 = Person("David Joyner", 30, 903987654)
print(same_person(person1, person2))
print(same_person(person1, person3))



Here is the function same_person that takes two instances of Person as arguments i.e. p1 and p2 and returns True if they are the same Person, False otherwise.

def same_person(p1, p2):  #definition of function same_person that takes two parameters p1 and p2

   if p1.GTID==p2.GTID:  # if the two instances of Person have same GTID

       return True  #returns true if above condition evaluates to true

   else:  #if the two instances of Person do not have same GTID

       return False #returns false when two persons have different GTID


person1 = Person("David Joyner", 30, 901234567)  #first instance of Person

person2 = Person("D. Joyner", 29, 901234567)  #second instance of Person

person3 = Person("David Joyner", 30, 903987654)  #third instance of Person

print(same_person(person1, person2))  #calls same_person method by passing person1 and person2 instance of Person to check if they are same

print(same_person(person1, person3)) #calls same_person method by passing person1 and person3 instance of Person to check if they are same

The function works as follows:

For function call print(same_person(person1, person2))

The GTID of person1 is 901234567 and that of person2 is 901234567

If condition if p1.GTID==p2.GTID in the function same_person checks if the GTID of person1 is equal to the GTID of person2. This condition evaluates to true because GTID of person1 = 901234567 and GTID of person2 = 901234567

So the output is:


For function call print(same_person(person1, person3))

The GTID of person1 is 901234567 and that of person3 is 903987654

If condition if p1.GTID==p2.GTID in the function same_person checks if the GTID of person1 is equal to the GTID of person3. This condition evaluates to false because GTID of person1 = 901234567 and GTID of person2 = 903987654 and they are not equal

So the output is:


The complete program along with its output is attached in a screenshot.

What are the basic characteristics of object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD)? How does OOAD compare to structured analysis and design (SAD)?



Basic characteristics of OOAD and compression with SAD can be defined as follows:


The Object-oriented analysis is described as a design and analysis system like an application, that uses Oops programming. It is the measurement model, that is the presentation, which became a part of the object-based review.  

The features of OOAD can be defined as follows.  

The complex issues are simply solved.    The operation of very fast recovery.  The stability in condition changes. Its conceptual method for resolving its extremely complex problems.

The difference in OOAD and SAD can be defined as follows:

The OOAD mainly focuses upon the design of objects, it can be used in highly complex logical systems, whereas the SAD focuses on data analysis systems and processes.  The OOAD uses the framework to target data, but the SAD is process-oriented. It uses class and UML diagrams, but SSAD uses DFDs to extract the element, it has many limited steps to prepare and execute, but OOAD relies mostly on initial growth. This method is being developed in the course of the process.

Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu bỏ một ly nước nóng vào tủ đông đá?



A glass of hot water will freeze, of course, but at a faster rate than a glass of normal temperature water

Write a program that reads a list of 10 integers, and outputs those integers in reverse. For coding simplicity, follow each output integer by a space, including the last one. Then, output a newline. coral


def reverse_list (num_list):


if num_list.isdigit() == True:

return num_list[::-1]

elif num_list < 0:

return "Negative numbers aren't allowed!"

except ValueError:

return "Invalid input!"

user_list = list (int (input ("Please enter ten random positive numbers: " )))

print (reverse_list (user_list))

) Write the JS code to load the 3rd party script before ready event triggers and after successful load show your name on the browser with a message



Following are the code to this question:

var id= document.createElement('script');//defining id varaible that uses the createElement method  

ld.src = "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js";//defining id varaible with src that holds the source link

alert("The loaded Script is: ");//defining alert box that print Script loaded.


In the above-given code, an id variable is defined that uses the createElement method, which helps to create the specified name with the Element Node, and in the next line, it uses the src with the id variable, that store the link, it also helps to loads the 3rd party script, which is displayed in an alert msg box.

How can technology efforts be reconciled to improve hazard/disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation to insure systems sustainability, data integrity, and supply chain protection?




With regard to preparedness for hazard/disaster, technology such as AI are being explored to see how they can help to predict natural disaster.

If there is a breakthrough in this space, it will drastically reduce the negative impact of natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes as people will become ready to respond to them and mitigate their effects where possible.

In agriculture, there are factors which come together to bring about flooding. Flooding is one of the major disasters which cripples entire value chains. With a potential threat anticipated or predicted by AI, businesses can invest in technologies that can help protect the farms, farmland and other resources critical to such a supply chain.

AI-powered technologies that provide prediction services often combine this advanced computing prowess with the ability to process big data.

Technology can reach places that are unreachable by humans

AI-powered robots will soon become the norm.

Presently there are self-learning and self instructing robots powered by Artificial Intelligence that have applications in warfare, manufacturing, deepsea diving and intelligence gathering, and transportation. It is not out of place to predict that in the next decade, scientists would have perfected rescue robots that can go into very unstable terrain that have been damaged by flood or earthquake and attempt a rescue of lives and property at a scale that has never been possible before.


Connectivity helps people access to aid, resources that are critical for survival, transmission and receipt of life--saving information etc. CISCO has successfully used its technology called TacOps (short for Tactical Operations) successfully 45 times on over 5 continents.


As described in class, what does the sender send to the receiver when using hashing for integrity and authentication? (Do not include information previously shared / agreed upon by the sender and receiver.)



The answer is "secret key k".


When the sender sends the message, he/she may combine, it with the hidden key, and determines the hashing, when transmitting the information the digest is being sent, and also the message is transmitted through the connection.

when the receiver receives the message, still having the very same secret key, adding the Hidden Key then recalculating the hashing again. In this, two factors if another subsequent digest matches something, this message is sent.  

During transit, the message was certainly not changed. Anybody with the private key – preferably even a preferred sender sent out this letter.

If Scheme were a pure functional language, could it include DISPLAY ? Why or why not?​



When Scheme is a pure functional language, it cannot include the function DISPLAY. Since the pure functional languages will return the same value whenever the same expression is evaluated, and the DISPLAY would be the output and thus it cannot be part of the purely functional language. Thus in the pure functional language we can evaluate the expressions with the same arguments and it returns the same value since there is no state to change.


The web development team is having difficulty connecting by ssh to your local web server, and you notice the proper rule is missing from the firewall. What port number would you open on your webserver?

a. Port 21
b. Port 22
c .Port 25
d. Port 80
e. Port 443



Option b (Port 22) seems to the appropriate choice.


Below seem to be some measure you should take to correct this mistake.

Verify whether Droplet's host IP address seems to be right.  Verify existing connection supports communication over all the utilized SSH port. Any access points can be able to block port 22 and sometimes customized SSH. For illustration, you could do this by checking different hosts who used the same port, using only a recognized working SSH connection. These could help you identify unless the current problem is not particular to clients' Droplet. Authenticate the Droplet configuration settings. Verify that they're not being configured to DROP 's preferred policy, and do not apply the port to require connectivity.

The SSH server also operates on port 22, by default.  

Other choices don't apply to the specified scenario. So that the argument presented above will be appropriate.

The port number would you open on your webserver is Port 22

For better understanding let's explain SSH means.

Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry. where the service name is Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol and it has the port number of 22 therefore this mean that SSH will only work with port 22 using it for other port will only result in difficulty in connection. SSH has other names like Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell. it is known as a network protocol that helps its users with system administrator.

From the above we can therefore say that the answer The port number would you open on your webserver is Port 22, is correct

Learn more about SSH and port from:


what do you mean by hardware and software?



I think the above information will help you a lot.

Have a nice day.

Please read the screen shot brainly is not letting me write the whole thing

The work associated with software engineering can be categorized into three generic phases, regardless of application area, project size, or complexity namely the phase which phase which focuses on how and the phase which focuses on what the focuses on change. i support ii. development 2​



The work associated with software engineering can be categorized into three generic phases,regardless of application area, project size, or complexity namely the_____________ phase which focuses on what, the______________ phase which focuses on how and the_____________ phase which focuses on change ? i. support ii. development iii. definition

[A]. 1, 2, 3

[B]. 2, 1, 3

[C]. 3, 2, 1. ✅✅

[D]. 3, 1, 2

A TCP entity opens a connection and uses slow start. Approximately how many round-trip times are required before TCP can send N segments



Round trip times required =  log2N


The round-trip times required before TCP can send N segments using a slow start is log2N. we can arrive at this by looking at the mode of operation of TCP which is  at the 1st time of using a TCP it starts the congestion window as 1 then it  sends an initial segment. When the acknowledgement of the initial segment arrives, TCP increases the congestion window to 2 and then sends 2 segments, When the 2 acknowledgements of the segments sent out arrives, they each increase the congestion window by one, thereby increasing the congestion window to 4 . therefore it takes   log2N round trips before TCP can send N segments

Internet radio probably uses UDP because it is a connection-less protocol and streaming media typically does not require an established connection.

a. True
b. False





Please mark me as the brainiest

industrial advantages of using a waterfall model for library system



It allows for departmentalization and managerial control. Simple and easy to understand and use. Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model – each phase has specific deliverables and a review process. Phases are processed and completed one at a time.


convert decimal number into binary numbers (265)10




Alr lets start with steps by dividing by 2 again and againn..

265 / 2 = 132 ( rem = 1 )

132 / 2 = 66 ( rem = 0 )

66/2 = 33 ( rem = 0 )

33/2 = 16 ( rem = 1 )

16/2 = 8 ( rem = 0 )

8/2 = 4 ( rem = 0 )

4/2 = 2 ( rem = 0 )

2/2 = 1 ( rem = 0 )

1/2 = 0 ( rem = 1 )

now write all the remainders from bottom to up


is ur ans :)))

You are in the process of building a computer for a user in your organization. You have installed the following components into the computer in Support:AMD Phenom II X4 quad core processor8 GB DDR3 memoryOne SATA hard drive with Windows 7 installedYou need to make sure the new components are installed correctly and functioning properly. You also need to install a new SATA CD/DVD drive and make sure the computer boots successfully.Perform tasks in the following order:Identify and connect any components that are not properly connected.Use the PC tools on the shelf to test for components that are not functioning. Replace any bad components with the known good parts on the shelf.Install the required CD/DVD drive in one of the drive bays and connect the power cable from the power supply.



i would check all connections from the hard drive and power supply and check your motherboard for any missing sauters and or loose no contact connections


In the Gradient Descent algorithm, we are more likely to reach the global minimum, if the learning rate is selected to be a large value.

a. True
b. False


False iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


false i think.


Gradient Descent is more likely to reach a local minima. because starting at different points and just in general having a different starting point, will lead us to a different local minimum( aka the lowest point closest to the starting point). if alpha(the learning rate) is too large, gradient descent may fail to converge and may even diverge.

Output is the act of is the act of entering the data to the computer?​



Output is the act of the computer display information based on your input


Funny thing is that output is the exact opposite of what you just described

What will be displayed after the following code executes? mystr = 'yes' yourstr = 'no' mystr += yourstr * 2 print(mystr)





mystr = 'yes'

yourstr = 'no'

mystr += yourstr * 2

mystr = "yes"yourstr * 2 = "no"+"no"yes + no+noyesnono

Add each element in origList with the corresponding value in offsetAmount. Print each sum followed by a space. Ex: If origList = {40, 50, 60, 70} and offsetAmount = {5, 7, 3, 0}, print:45 57 63 70 #include using namespace std;int main() {const int NUM_VALS = 4;int origList[NUM_VALS];int offsetAmount[NUM_VALS];int i = 0;origList[0] = 40;origList[1] = 50;origList[2] = 60;origList[3] = 70;offsetAmount[0] = 5;offsetAmount[1] = 7;offsetAmount[2] = 3;offsetAmount[3] = 0;// your solution goes here



Complete the program with the following code segment

for(int i =0;i<=3;i++)


cout<<offsetAmount[i]+origList[i]<<" ";


return 0;



The following line is an iteration of variable i from 1 to 3; It iterates through elements of origList and offsetAmount

for(int i =0;i<=3;i++){

This adds and prints the corresponding elements of origList and offsetAmount

cout<<offsetAmount[i]+origList[i]<<" ";

}  The iteration ends here


Which type of chart or graph shows the contribution of each item in a total of 100%?

Bar graph

Column chart

Line graph

Pie chart



pie chart


pie chart shows percentage per item


pie chart


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When the number of units in work in process and finished goods inventories decrease, absorption costing net operating income will typically be greater than variable costing net operating income.a. Trueb. False In a doubleslit interference experiment, the wavelength is lambda=487 nm , the slit separation is d=0.200 mm , and the screen is D=48.0 cm away from the slits. What is the linear distance x between the eighth order maximum and the fourth order maximum on the screen? Which relation is a function? 22/55 of a number is what percentage of that number Can you please help me!!!!! Order the expressions from least to greatest.2^3 - 2^1 , 2^1 + 3^1 , 3^2 6. The discovery of life on another planet would tremendousexcitement among both scientists and the general population.A. deprecateB. surmiseC. raze D. engender7. To me, geese always look_, strutting around with their chests puffedout and their heads held high in the air.A. servile B. credulous c. gratuitous D. pompous8. "Are you comfortable? Can I get you something to eat? You're lookingawfully pretty today. Would you like a pillow for your head?" my brotherasked me, making me very suspicious. Why was he being so __?A. resigned B. incipient c. listless D. servile9. Dost thou take this woman to be thy lawfully wedded wife?" the preacherasked. Amused by the language, the couple couldn't help giggling.A. recalcitrant B. soporific c. archaic D. resigned10. Hoping to sound to his date, Len spent the afternoon reading theWall Street Journal, the New York Times, and some online articles.A. hardy B. credulous c. erudite D. incipient Complete the recursive formula of the geometric sequence -0.3,0.9,-2.7,8.1 A mortgage is paid off in 30 years with a total of $124,000. It had a 2% interest rate that compounded monthly. What was the principal analyse the negative impact of administered prices on the economy 1.46 mol sample of nitrogen gas at a temperature of 14.0 C is found to occupy a volume of 23.7 liters. The pressure of this gas sample is mm Hg Find the area and the perimeter of a triangle (shown below)PLZZZ -2x + 8 = -26plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!! Find f(2) given f(x) = -3x^3 + x^2 3 The following shows the monthly sales in units of six salespersons before and after a bonus plan was introduced. At 95% confidence, determine whether the bonus plan has increased sales significantly. (For the following matched samples, let the difference "d" be: d = after - before.)Salesperson After Before1 94 902 82 843 90 844 76 705 79 806 85 80 Century Page: Date: A man bought a radio for Rs. 2000 and fixed its price so that after giving 20% discount he made 10% profit. Find the fixed price of the radio Find an equation of the line with the slope m= 3/2 that passes through the point (8,-3). Write the equation in the form Ax+By = C. Trent is an avid fly fisherman and for his hobby he large rubber rafts, hip waders, special fishing rods, reels, line, and an assortment of fishing tackle and lures. There are no sporting goods stores near him so he orders his fishing supplies from the L.L. Bean catalog. His supplies are generally delivered to his home within 72 hours. Trent is using a ________ to satisfy his fishing supply needs. What is the weight of pure composed atmos element combined in definite proportion Mention any three disadvantages of early age marriage in points..PLZZ answer my question in relation to health education....