Write an essay on the Causes of Environmental Degradation​


Answer 1


Environmental degradation is a process throughwhich the natural environment is compromised in some way, reducing biological diversity and the general health of the environment. This process can be entirely natural in origin, or it can be accelerated or caused by human activities. Many international organizations recognize environmental degradation as one of the major threats facing the planet, since humans have only been given one Earth to work with, and if the environment becomesirreparably compromised, it could mean the end of human existence. One of the major threat the planet faces today, environmental degradation, is bound to make life difficult for all the life forms, including human beings, now or later. Studies by some of the eminent organizations reveal that the deterioration of environment is occurring at an alarming rate. In fact, the High Level Threat Panel of the United Nations has enlisted environmental degradation as one of the ten threats for us. This issue shares space with problems like poverty, terrorism and civil war in the list, and this itself highlights the fact that we are heading for a certain disaster. It is defined as a process wherein the natural environment of the planet is degenerated to such an extent, that the biodiversity and the general health of the planet is subjected to drastic reduction.In otherwords, this phenomenon can be defined as deterioration of the Earth’s natural surroundings as a result of excessive exploitation of the available resources. These resources include water, air, flora, fauna, soil etc. Basically, the life on the planet is interwoven to such an extent that a decrease in a particular attribute triggers a domino effect on all the other attributes dependent on it. It is the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife. It is defined as any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable.

Environmental degradation is one of the Ten Threats officially cautioned by the High Level Threat Panel of the United Nations.

Fig,1 Showing pollution from chimneysCauses:

Environmental degradation is a result of the dynamic inters play of socio-economic, institutional and technological activities. Environmental degradation can be attributed to various human activities, as well as some natural processes, with the later having an insignificant share. Most of the resources on the planet are vulnerable to depletion, and the rates at which we are exploiting them have already brought some of them to the brink of exhaustion. Exploitation of the fossil fuels is the best example of this phenomenon. Large scale exploitation has depleted the fossil fuel reserves across the world, thus leaving us with no option but to find an alternate source of energy. Other human activities which have been contributing to environmental degradation include urbanization, overpopulation, deforestation, pollution, hunting, etc.Environmental changes may be driven by many factors including economic growth, population growth, urbanization, intensification of agriculture, rising energy use and transportation.

Poverty still remains a problem at the root of several environmental problems.Social Factors:


Population is an important source of development, yet it is a major source of environmental degradation when it exceeds the threshold limits of the support systems. Unless the relationship between the multiplying population and the life support system can be stabilized, development programmes, howsoever, innovative are not likely to yield desired results.

Population impacts on the environment primarily through the use of natural resources and production of wastes and is associated with environmental stresses like loss of biodiversity, air and water pollution and increased pressure on arable land.

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"All members of the animal kingdom need sleep to help their brains function properly "


All members of the animal kingdom need sleep to help their brains function properly.


"A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun"
A.formed with -self or -selves that is used for emphasis.
B.formed with -self or -selves that refers to the subject.
C.that is not formed with -self or -selves.
D.that is not plural or possessive.




Technically, it is B.

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it is to become a more sophisticated reader and also to become a better and more flexible reader and to make more creative and critical thinker

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Type your response in the box. Read the excerpt from Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Adventure of the Speckled Band.” Pay attention to the character Dr. Grimesby Roylott. Based on the excerpt, analyze Roylott using the STEAL method. Use all the STEAL elements that are relevant to the passage. Use details from the text in your analysis.

STEAL method is:

Effects on others

Heres the Passage:

The Adventure of the Speckled Band by Arthur Conan Doyle (excerpt)

A large face, seared with a thousand wrinkles, burned yellow with the sun, and marked with every evil passion, was turned from one to the other of us, while his deep-set, bile-shot eyes, and his high, thin, fleshless nose, gave him somewhat the resemblance to a fierce old bird of prey. "Which of you is Holmes?" asked this apparition. "My name, sir; but you have the advantage of me," said my companion quietly. "I am Dr. Grimesby Roylott, of Stoke Moran." "Indeed, Doctor," said Holmes blandly. "Pray take a seat." "I will do nothing of the kind. My stepdaughter has been here. I have traced her. What has she been saying to you?" "It is a little cold for the time of the year," said Holmes. "What has she been saying to you?" screamed the old man furiously. "But I have heard that the crocuses promise well," continued my companion imperturbably. "Ha! You put me off, do you?" said our new visitor, taking a step forward and shaking his hunting-crop. "I know you, you scoundrel! I have heard of you before. You are Holmes, the meddler." My friend smiled. "Holmes, the busybody!" His smile broadened. "Holmes, the Scotland Yard Jack-in-office!" Holmes chuckled heartily. "Your conversation is most entertaining," said he. "When you go out close the door, for there is a decided draught." "I will go when I have said my say. Don't you dare to meddle with my affairs. I know that Miss Stoner has been here. I traced her! I am a dangerous man to fall foul of! See here." He stepped swiftly forward, seized the poker, and bent it into a curve with his huge brown hands. "See that you keep yourself out of my grip," he snarled, and hurling the twisted poker into the fireplace he strode out of the room.

PLEASE HELP! 15 points reward and brainliest! original answers ONLY



Speech: His speech is authoritative, invasive and even uncomfortable. He shows himself to be a man of violent and undisciplined words.

Thoughts: Hr have violent thoughts. This can be seen when he demands information about his stepdaughter and behaves in a vile way, when upset.

Effects on others: He has had no effect on Holmes, but we can predict that other people will feel threatened and insecure with him.

Actions: He demands that Holmes of a type of information, speaks in a rude and rude manner, threatens those who oppose him through force.

Looks: He has a somewhat scary appearance and lacks beauty. She has a face with marks, wrinkles, an appearance of wear and tear that gives her an air of roughness and impatience and a bit of malice.


The STEAL method is a method of characterizing a character. Through this method it is possible to build characters with strong personalities within a narrative and a notable presence for the reader. This method is able to determine a character's speech through the language and tone he uses, in addition to determining the effect that the character has on people, thoughts, their actions and even their appearance.

An example of how this method can be used can be seen above, where the method was applied to the character Dr. Grimesby Roylott.

Answer:The Adventure of the Speckled Band by Arthur Conan Doyle (excerpt)

A large face, seared with a thousand wrinkles, burned yellow with the sun, and marked with every evil passion, was turned from one to the other of us, while his deep-set, bile-shot eyes, and his high, thin, fleshless nose, gave him somewhat the resemblance to a fierce old bird of prey. "Which of you is Holmes?" asked this apparition. "My name, sir; but you have the advantage of me," said my companion quietly. "I am Dr. Grimesby Roylott, of Stoke Moran." "Indeed, Doctor," said Holmes blandly. "Pray take a seat." "I will do nothing of the kind. My stepdaughter has been here. I have traced her. What has she been saying to you?" "It is a little cold for the time of the year," said Holmes. "What has she been saying to you?" screamed the old man furiously. "But I have heard that the crocuses promise well," continued my companion imperturbably. "Ha! You put me off, do you?" said our new visitor, taking a step forward and shaking his hunting-crop. "I know you, you scoundrel! I have heard of you before. You are Holmes, the meddler." My friend smiled. "Holmes, the busybody!" His smile broadened. "Holmes, the Scotland Yard Jack-in-office!" Holmes chuckled heartily. "Your conversation is most entertaining," said he. "When you go out close the door, for there is a decided draught." "I will go when I have said my say. Don't you dare to meddle with my affairs. I know that Miss Stoner has been here. I traced her! I am a dangerous man to fall foul of! See here." He stepped swiftly forward, seized the poker, and bent it into a curve with his huge brown hands. "See that you keep yourself out of my grip," he snarled, and hurling the twisted poker into the fireplace he strode out of the room.


Speech: His speech is authoritative, invasive and even uncomfortable. He shows himself to be a man of violent and undisciplined words.

Thoughts: Hr have violent thoughts. This can be seen when he demands information about his stepdaughter and behaves in a vile way, when upset.

Effects on others: He has had no effect on Holmes, but we can predict that other people will feel threatened and insecure with him.

Actions: He demands that Holmes of a type of information, speaks in a rude and rude manner, threatens those who oppose him through force.

Looks: He has a somewhat scary appearance and lacks beauty. She has a face with marks, wrinkles, an appearance of wear and tear that gives her an air of roughness and impatience and a bit of malice.

Which are examples of an expository writing style? Select 3 options. More than a hundred million e-mails are sent around the world each day, and they are all vulnerable to interception. Other attacks include the use of viruses and Trojan horses. But how can you bury a mountain of soil? Before long, the army engineers came up with a plan that would allow them to do just that. Only a small fraction of the information flowing around the world is securely encrypted. Hall well understood the gamble the Germans were taking. When the war began, Elizabeth Van Lew was considered a southern "spinster."



More than a hundred million e-mails are sent around the world each day, and they are all vulnerable to interception.

Only a small fraction of the information flowing around the world is securely encrypted.

When the war began, Elizabeth Van Lew was considered a southern "spinster."


Expository writing has to do with writing with the aim of explaining, exposing, investigating an idea, gather evidence, and bring forth an argument to challenge or change what has been found out.

This type of writing is used mostly in essays, newspapers, texts, encyclopedia to expose and explain phenomena or other happenings.

The three examples of expository writing style are

More than a hundred million e-mails are sent around the world each day, and they are all vulnerable to interceptionOnly a small fraction of the information flowing around the world is securely encrypted.  When the war began, Elizabeth Van Lew was considered a southern "spinster."


More than a hundred million e-mails are sent around the world each day, and they are all vulnerable to interception.

Only a small fraction of the information flowing around the world is securely encrypted.

When the war began, Elizabeth Van Lew was considered a southern "spinster."


took the test

cut your coat according to your _______​






To do only what you have enough money to do and no more.

In other words, 'Let your expenditure be determined by your resources'.

Help me please……………………..



C. Visualizing.

Hope it helps!

Which sentence best states the central point of this passage?
The "new" bookstores stock only books to satisfy a variety of customers.
Most traditional bookstores sell books.
The nontraditional bookstore serves the many desires of its diverse clientele.
Courteous, well-informed store clerks eagerly answer questions.



Since you didn't put the actual passage here, I will answer the question to the best of my ability.


1: The "new" bookstores stock only books to satisfy a variety of customers.

If this is the right answer, then the passage was talking about how the newer bookstores have books that would make a large group of customers content.

2: Most traditional bookstores sell books.

If this is the answer, then the passage was talking about how the old, traditional bookstores only sold books.

3: The nontraditional bookstore serves the many desires of its diverse clientele.

If this is the answer, then the passage was talking about how the newer or nontraditional bookstores didn't just sell books, but also merchandise or toys as well.

4: Courteous, well-informed store clerks eagerly answer questions.

If this is the answer, then the passage was about how the employees at bookstores happily answer customer questions about books.

Now go back to the passage and see which answer best fits the description!

What were the colonists' attitudes toward the New World environment?



The answer is


There goals were to create a theocracy and avoid starving to death. This motivated colonists so stay alive.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

1.      Examine the final lines of the poem: “Thus, though we cannot make our sun/ Stand still, yet we will make him run.”​



this is "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew  Marvell

what is poverty according to Parker?​



According to Parker, poverty is a lack-that is living without hope, better foodstuffs, medicinal care, proper sanitation and proper education. It is like an acid that destroys pride, honour, health and future.


General definition of poverty: “Poverty is a state in which a part of the population does not have basic living conditions such as food, housing, sanitation, hygiene, health care, education, transportation, and the right to participate. community consensus”

Concepts of poverty

In the past we often equated poverty with low income. Considered as the primary focus to assess human poverty. This concept has a priority point is the convenience in identifying some people based on the poverty line, poor.

But reality has proven that the determination of poverty life by income is only measured for a part of life. Low income does not reflect all aspects of poverty, it does not tell us how poor and destitute the poor are. Due to that, this concept has a lot of limitations.

Currently, due to the development of the world economy, the concept of poverty has been understood more broadly and more deeply and can also be understood in different approaches:

The Conference on Poverty Reduction in the Asia Pacific Region organized by ESCAP in September 1993 in Bangkok - Thailand introduced the concept of poverty: Poverty includes absolute poverty and relative poverty.

Absolute poverty: is the state of one of the people are not enjoying and satisfying the basic human needs which are recognized by society according to the level of economic development and local customs .

Relative poverty: is the state of a part of the population below the average level of the community.

From the economic edge: Poverty is the extreme lack of choice and the inability to participate in the socio-economic life of the nation, mainly in the economic sphere.

According to the other side: Poverty is the response of the level of socio-economic development in each historical period, within a country, a region, a region.

In 1998, the UN DP published a report on the topic “Overcoming human poverty” that gave definitions of the poor.

Human misery: lack of human rights such as literacy, participation in the community system and adequate nourishment.

Poor currency: lack of income minimization and capacity expenditure minimization.

Extreme poverty: poverty, of the same kind, that is, the inability to satisfy the bare minimum needs.

The common poverty: the more important degree of poverty is defined as the inability to satisfy those who require food and food is really weak; these requirements are sometimes defined differently in the country this or that country.


Summery of hamlet pls helppppp worth 20 points



The ghost of the King of Denmark tells his son Hamlet to avenge his murder by killing the new king, Hamlet's uncle. Hamlet feigns madness, contemplates life and death, and seeks revenge. His uncle, fearing for his life, also devises plots to kill Hamlet. The play ends with a duel, during which the King, Queen, Hamlet's opponent and Hamlet himself are all killed.

use correlative conjunction to fill the bank spaces.
1.she is_____intelligent_____polite.all the instructors love her.
2._____his father_____ mother is in ethiopia.his fasther's has gone to USA & his mother is in israel.
3.you cannot buy the book.____you have to borrow it______read it in the library.
4.because he has high blood pressure,the doctor warned him that he should_____smoke_____drink both worsen the problem.
5.i am not sure_____ tomorrows test is english_________civics.​



Hey there!

She is not only intelligent, but polite. All the instructors love her.

Neither his father or mother is in ethiopia. His father has gone to USA & his mother is in israel.

You cannot buy the book. Either you have to borrow it or read it in the library.

Because he has high blood pressure,the doctor warned him that he should neither smoke or drink both worsen the problem.

I am not sure if tomorrows test is english or civics.​

Let me know if this helps :)

speech is to communication as democracy is to


Answer: government



Human Rights


we couldn't buy the concert tickets becuse they were very expensive
the concert tickets were



The concert tickets were very expensive



A sentence is a group of words which makes an sense.

Parts of speech


Think of a better and more effective idea to dispose garbage. Write a report.​



There are different ways to dispose the garbage.The best way is recycling. Recycling is a process in which garbage is processed to create something that can be used. There can be another method which can be composition in which garbage is used to create fuel which can be used to run engines. The garbage can be burnt to create electricity.


The best way is to dispose the garbage which is economically and environmentally friendly. Energy recovery is most sustainable way to use garbage. Organic waste are used for combustion to create some sort of energy.

Which two examples would be categorized as a tragicomedy? a dramatic work with a happy ending a dramatic work with a tragic ending a tragedy with humorous qualities a tragedy with a dramatic ending a comedy with humorous qualities



tragedy with humorous qualitiestragedy with a dramatic ending


Tragicomedy is a genre of plays and is characterized by efficiently mixing elements such as comedy, tragedy, farce and melodrama in the same work. For this reason, we can say that a tragedy with humorous qualities and a tragedy with a dramatic ending are good examples of this genre.

This genre was very popular in the Elizabethan theater and has examples such as Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and "King Lear".

The examples that would be categorized as a tragicomedy include:

a dramatic work with a tragic ending.tragedy with humorous qualities.

It should be noted that tragicomedy simply means a genre of plays and is characterized by efficiently mixing elements such as comedy, tragedy, farce, and melodrama in the same work.

In this case, the examples that would be categorized as a tragicomedy include a dramatic work with a tragic ending and a tragedy with humorous qualities.

Learn more about tragedy on;


There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake.
1. Sitting close to the laptop’s screen hurt your eyes.
2. You can avoid many diseases by eat healthy food.
3. You look so bad! How’s wrong with you?
4. Eating lots of fast food can make you fat or obesity.
5. Eating more fruit and vegetables to get vitamins, minerals, fiber.
6. Good nutrition is a important part of leading a healthy lifestyle.
7. Watch more television; if not, your eyes will be tired.
8. I’ve drunk three glasses of beer, but I’ve got a headache.



1. Sitting close to the laptop's screen hurt your eyes.

Sitting close to the laptop's screen hurts your eyes.

2. You can avoid many diseases by eat healthy food.

You can avoid many diseases by eating healthy food.

3. You look so bad! How's wrong with you?

You look so bad! What's wrong with you?

4. Eating lots of fast food can make you fat or obesity.

Eating lots of fast food can make you fat or obese.  

5. Eating more fruit and vegetables to get vitamins, minerals, fiber.

Eat more fruit and vegetables to get vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The word "and" is used to show the conclusion of the list of items in the sentence. If a sentence contains a list of simple items, separate each item with a comma. The words “and” or “or” should be used just before the last item to indicate the conclusion of the list. “And” is inclusive and means all of the items mentioned apply, whereas “or” indicates that only one of the items is relevant.  

6. Good nutrition is a important part of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle.

7. Watch more television; if not, your eyes will be tired.

Watch less television; if not, your eyes will be tired.

8. I've drunk three glasses of beer, but I've got a headache.

I've drunk three glasses of beer, but I have a headache.

We have eaten all of our dinner and our homework is finished. is it parallel or no?



No. The sentence is not parallel.


Here are the fixes:

We have eaten all of our dinner, and we have finished our homework.


We have eaten all of our dinner and finished our homework.


Our dinner has been eaten, and our homework is finished.

What mood does the author create at the beginning of marigolds? (Answer with evidence and phrases from the story)



The mood the author creates at the beginning of Marigolds is the mood of beauty.


At the beginning of Marigolds, marigolds represent beauty and happiness in the sad town and Miss Lottie's life which was boring and bleak. After Elizabeth comes and destroys the marigolds, Miss Lottie's life is once again dull and boring because she has nothing else to bring happiness to her.

Afterward, Elizabeth realizes what she has done and begins to regret her actions which have adversely affected Miss Lottie.

Kids should have homework because it can help them get a good college. Counterargument



Children should not receive homework because it can raise their stress levels. Homework also takes up kids' time when they could be outside exercising or socializing with friends. In order to get into a good college, you must have great communication skills. No matter how smart you are, you must have some experience in socializing with different people. If homework is given to students and they spend the entire night working on it, then they won't have enough energy to pay attention during class.

The following is a draft of a student essay. It may contain errors. Which statement provides the best introduction for the passage? A. Many of us will remember that a papyrus is an ancient text written on a thick paper made from the fibers of a plant that grew in the Nile region of Egypt. B. The Ancient Egyptians used many different natural resources to treat various ailments, and one of the main ways we know this is through a historical medical text. C. As a boy, Georg was fascinated by the culture of Egypt, and even though it was not a popular subject to pursue, he devoted many years to learning as much as he could about it. D. When you think of going to the doctor, you do not necessarily imagine being given salad herbs for treatment, but that is exactly what some Ancient Egyptian doctors prescribed



A Draft of a Student Essay

The statement that provides the best introduction for the passage is:

C. As a boy, Georg was fascinated by the culture of Egypt, and even though it was not a popular subject to pursue, he devoted many years to learning as much as he could about it.


The best introduction to the passage contains the main idea or topic.  In this case, the main topic is "the culture of Egypt."  This is followed by a proposal made by the writer which outlines her opinion or claim (thesis).  The introduction statement above also shows the writer's claim, "the culture of Egypt was not a popular subject to pursue."  Lastly, the best introduction after stating the main topic and the writer's thesis, must be followed by some supporting arguments.  These are statements D, B, and A in that sequential order.

Therefore, I will re-arrange the passage as follows, to show that C statement is the best introduction and that other statements sequentially support it.  I have also bolded the linkages in the arguments to prove that the sequence is in order.

Best Introduction:

C. As a boy, Georg was fascinated by the culture of Egypt, and even though it was not a popular subject to pursue, he devoted many years to learning as much as he could about it.


D. When you think of going to the doctor, you do not necessarily imagine being given salad herbs for treatment, but that is exactly what some Ancient Egyptian doctors prescribed.

B. The Ancient Egyptians used many different natural resources to treat various ailments, and one of the main ways we know this is through a historical medical text.

A. Many of us will remember that a papyrus is an ancient text written on a thick paper made from the fibers of a plant that grew in the Nile region of Egypt.

Rewrite the paragraph, correcting all mechanical errors.

According to Dr. Jones, Prof. of marine biology at Fla. International university in miami, Famous Orcas like Keiko -the whale in the movie "Free Willy" who was successfully released back into the wild-have helped raise public awareness about the inhumane capture and treatm-ent of these sea animals. In the past 40 years, a number of organizations, including the Free Willy Keiko foundation and the humane society have taken important steps to stop the capture of Orcas in the waters surrounding the U.S. Progress to stop inhuman capture and captivity throughout the world continues



According to Dr. Jones, Prof. of marine biology at Fla. International university in Miami, Famous Orcas like Keiko -the whale in the movie "Free Willy" who was successfully released back into the wild-have helped raise public awareness about the inhumane capture and treatment of these sea animals. In the past 40 years, a number of organizations, including the Free Willy Keiko foundation and the humane society have taken important steps to stop the capture of Orcas in the waters surrounding the U.S. Progress to stop inhuman capture and captivity throughout the world continues.

Which of the following means "having to do with," "belonging to," or
O A. Fy
O B. Ent
O co-or
D. -lan



I think its B


I think its Ent because I have a feeling that's what means "having to do with," "belonging to," or "following."

What helps to ensure that the meaning of prose is clear to the reader?
A. Complex sentences
B. Reader response
C. Several points of view
D. Careful organization


D. Careful organization

Complete the dialogue with the verbs below


1. Have, been
2. visited
3. was, have, been
4. took. visited
5. have, visited
6. couldn’t see
(Please make sure to recheck as the answers may not be totally correct)

What skills as well as knowledge did and you learn in this Pandemic and why are these skills important for making your life meaningful and valuable?"​



Say you learned how to spend more time with family and friends you learned

how to keep your distance you manged to do your work while in the middle of a pandemic and you learned how to mange your time wisley

Hope it helps✌✌

4. Change the following sentences to plural. Example: The boy is singing.
The boys are singing.
(a) The tiger jumped in the air.
(b) The elephant is running.
(c) They gave me an apple.
(d) Raju put the apple in a box.
(e) She opened the door.​



a=the tigers are jumping in the air

b=the elephants are running

C=they are giving me an apples

d=raju put the apples in the box

e=she is opening the doors

I gave the answer that I know

This is my school exercises. Can you help me?









13. dependently

14. that much different

15. industrial

16. national

17. educations

18. instructions

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