you would like to avoid working with a colleague you find difficult but can't because you're in the same research unit. this reflects which characteristic of conflict?


Answer 1

Partners who use different but mutually reinforcing behaviors to manage their conflicts have a conflict style called complimentary.

Which four sorts of disputes in human behavior are there?

When two or more compelling reasons arise that can't be resolved jointly, there is conflict, according to psychology. We learned about four conflict patterns from Dollar and Miller: approach-approach, avoidance-avoidance, approach-avoidance, and double approach-avoidance.

Parallel conflict style switches from complementary and symmetrical conflict patterns from one issue to the next. Complementary conflict style is when parties use opposing but mutually reinforcing behaviors, symmetrical conflict style is when both people utilize the same strategies.

To know more about Complementary conflict, refer:


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which of the following stimulus characteristics most challenges the processing capacity of short-term memory? a. source b. color c. frequency d. complexity


Complexity is a  stimulus characteristic most challenges the processing capacity of short-term memory.

In the comprehensive course New Challenges, cross-cultural topics are used to make the material relevant for your students and to get them to consider the world outside of the classroom. Those who can successfully navigate these five significant obstacles will succeed.

An alteration in relationships Throughout your life, relationships change, whether it be due to a lost love or losing touch with a friend.

The viewpoints of others Challenges

your age as of today.

Fear as an emotion.


Any capacity refers to the ability to perform public duties without a formal or ongoing appointment (also known as a "de facto" public servant). Capacity is categorized into three categories: design capacity, effective capacity, and actual capacity.

Learn more about capacity here :


What was an important difference between native-born americans and some or all of the new immigrants?.


Indigenous Americans One significant distinction between native-born Americans and some or all new immigrants was their prohibition of any religious views other than their own.

While "new" immigrants came in search of religious freedom, "old" immigrants came for economic reasons. Although many "new" immigrants were either Jews or Protestants, the bulk of "old" immigrants was Catholic.

While "new" immigrants originated in Eastern and Southern Europe, "old" immigrants originated in Northern and Western Europe. The goal of nativists was to keep the United States home to native-born white Protestants by restricting immigration.

Additionally, they believed that immigrants were too different and took manufacturing jobs in the United States. For many city dwellers, churches and social organizations made life simpler.

To learn more about immigrants


1. What kind of government took over Cuba? 2. What is the economy of Cuba? 4. What rights were taken away from the Cuban People? 4 answers​


The rebels eventually ousted Batista on 31 December 1958, changing his authorities. 26 July 1953 is well known in Cuba as Día de Los Angeles Revolución (from Spanish: "Day of the Revolution").

The economy of Cuba is based generally on the provider region. foreign investment is feasible in Cuba through joint ventures. Cuban residents can own small companies privately. Cuba has professional medical employees that offer offerings in neighboring nations.Human Rights Watch states that "freedom of assembly is severely restrained in Cuba, and political dissidents are commonly prohibited from meeting in large businesses.

Cubans have a right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly beneath Cuba's charter and as set forth in the everyday assertion of Human Rights.

The Cuban authorities must allow its human beings to freely specific their hopes and aspirations, as opposed to rule via worry and intimidation. big human rights problems covered credible reviews of unlawful or arbitrary killings, such as extrajudicial killings, by the authorities; compelled disappearance by using the authorities; torture and merciless, inhuman,

Learn more about Cuban economy here:


Answer: The economy of Cuba is a mixed command economy dominated by state-run enterprises. Most of the labor force is employed by the state. In the 1990s, the ruling Communist Party of Cuba encouraged the formation of worker co-operatives and self-employment. In the late 2010s, private property and free-market rights along with foreign direct investment were granted by the 2018 Cuban constitution.[10][11] Foreign direct investment in various Cuban economic sectors increased before 2018.[12][13] As of 2000, public-sector employment was 76% and private-sector employment (mainly composed of self-employment) was 23%, compared to the 1981 ratio of 91% to 8%.[14] Investment is restricted and requires approval by the government. In 2019, Cuba ranked 70th out of 189 countries on the Human Development Index, placed in the high human development category.[15] As of 2012, the country's public debt comprised 35.3% of GDP, inflation (CDP) was 5.5%, and GDP growth was 3%.[16][needs update] Housing and transportation costs are low. Cubans receive government-subsidized education, healthcare, and food subsidies.[17][18]

At the time of the Cuban Revolution of 1953–1959, during the military dictatorship regime of Fulgencio Batista, Cuba GDP per capita was ranked 7th in the 47 economies of Latin America.[19] Its income distribution compared favorably with that of other Latin American countries, although "available data must be viewed cautiously, and assumed to portray merely a rough approximation of conditions at the time" according to Susan Eckstein. However, there were profound social inequalities between city and countryside, and between whites and blacks, and Cuba had a trade and unemployment problem.[20] According to the American PBS program American Experience, "[o]n the eve of Fidel Castro's 1959 revolution, Cuba was neither the paradise that would later be conjured by the nostalgic imaginations of Cuba's many exiles, nor the hellhole painted by many supporters of the revolution."[21] The socialist revolution was followed by the ongoing United States embargo against Cuba, described by William M. LeoGrande as "the oldest and most comprehensive US economic sanctions regime against any country in the world".[22]

Between 1970 and 1985, Cuba experienced high-sustained rates of growth; according to Claes Brundenius, "Cuba had done remarkably well in terms of satisfying basic needs (especially education and health)" and "was actually following the World Bank recipe from the 1970s: redistribution with growth".[23] During the Cold War, the Cuban economy was heavily dependent on subsidies from the Soviet Union, valued at $65 billion in total from 1960 to 1990 (over three times as the entirety of U.S. economic aid to Latin America through the Alliance for Progress), an average of $2.17 billion a year.[24] This accounted for between 10% and 40% of Cuban GDP, depending on the year.[25] While the massive Soviet subsidies enabled Cuba's enormous state budget, they did not lead to a more advanced or sustainable Cuban economy. Described by economists as "a relatively highly developed Latin American export economy" in 1959 and the early 1960s, Cuba's basic economic structure changed very little between then and 1990. Tobacco products such as cigars and cigarettes were the only manufactured products among Cuba's leading exports, and even these were produced by a pre-industrial process. The Cuban economy remained inefficient and over-specialized in a few highly subsidized commodities provided by the Eastern Bloc countries.[26] Following the fall of the Soviet Union, Cuba's GDP declined by 33% between 1990 and 1993, partially due to the loss of Soviet subsidies[27] and a crash in sugar prices in the early 1990s. This period of economic stagnation and decline is known as the Special Period. Cuba's economy rebounded in the early 2000s due to a combination of marginal liberalization of the economy and heavy subsidies from the government of Venezuela, which provided Cuba with low-cost oil and other subsidies worth up to 12% of Cuban GDP annually.[24]

Who does montag think about as he looks back at the city? how does he feel about this person now?.


Mildred understands that Montag does not miss her, love her, or feel sorrow for her potential demise as he turns to face the city.

He is depressed. The fact that Montag still harbors romantic sentiments for Mildred is intriguing. Montag may see the Hound follow him by peering into people's TV dens via their home windows. Literally, everyone is glued to the television to watch the chase.

Mildred's propensity for taking pills frightens Montag, but not because he genuinely worries about her survival. He doesn't truly love her, and he's trying to keep from admitting that, thus his dread comes from that. Learn more about Mildred's and Montag's inability to recall their first encounter.

To learn more about Montag


Answer: he thinks about mildred. he realizes that he doesn't feel sad over the fact that she died in the bombing. he doesn't love or miss her.

Tell us about a time you were challenged by a perspective that differed from your own. How did you respond?.


This is about a time when I got into a conversation with very different ideals from mine.

I started talking to this one person when I got into college and we became friends quickly. I am a major history buff and hate it, particularly when someone uses it and twists according to their narrative. I love how history is about facts. So when I talked to him, it was all kind and friendly at first but soon it became a blood fest.

He was a good friend but our opinions clashed too much and I decided to let go of the argument. Sometimes, it might be so that the person just doesn't get what you might be trying to make them understand. You can listen to the if you feel like they are right but it is alright to not push it if they are not cooperating peacefully.

Learn to know more about Conversations on


evidence-based practice relies on rigorous integration of research evidence on a topic through systematic reviews. what is a systematic review?


A systematic review means the use of carefully developed sampling and data collection procedures that are spelled out in advanced in a protocol.

Can you explain in detail what a systematic review is?

A systematic review is a summary of the scientific literature that uses reproducible and explicit methods to systematically search, critically appraise, and synthesize on a specific issue. It synthesizes the results of multiple primary studies that are related to each other by using strategies that reduce random errors and biases.

Systematic reviews adhere to a strict scientific design that is based on pre-specified, explicit, and reproducible methods. Due to this, when carried out well, systematic reviews provide reliable estimates about the effects of interventions so that conclusions are defensible.

Learn more about systematic reviews here:


what strategy do inclusive curriculum initiatives use to improve student learning among all students?


The strategies used by inclusive curriculum initiatives are used to improve student learning among all students using design principles for making accessible classrooms, a variety of instructional formats, and developing behavior management plans.

An inclusive curriculum supports a graduate's ability to sympathize, link, and cooperate with a different group of peers, and helps respect all. All student learn to visualize themselves in their educational program, including undergraduates the one, recognizes as LGBTQ and come from LGBTQ on the way to families. Inclusive curriculum principles vary and the singular contributions each student causes to the hall. In a truly all-encompassing scene, every adolescent feels reliable and has a sense of kinship.

Students and their parents take part in background education goals and engage in conclusions that affect bureaucracy. By leading student learning of all abilities together, all-embracing inclusive curriculum are courses to create understanding, shape stances, and nurture positive knowledge atmospheres.

To know more about  inclusive curriculum refer to:


study unit 11.21 adulthood and aging kevin and ray are a newly married couple. during which periods of their lives together would you expect their satisfaction with their marriage to be the highest?


Would you anticipate their level of marital pleasure to be at its maximum during the:

married without children Empty nest because the first spouse passed away

Which model suggests that as a couple's capacity to cope under pressure?

According to the VSA Model, internal (within-person) vulnerabilities and external stressors work together to influence relationship stability by influencing partners' capacity to work together to deal with stresses and find solutions (i.e., adaptive processes).

Does a couple's level of physical intimacy during a marriage indicate how successful their union is?

Marriage quality, stability, intimacy, and functioning are all largely influenced by intimate relationships. Despite receiving a lot of attention, the majority of study has either focused on the ways in which marital intimacy contributes to marriage pleasure or on its functions.

Learn more about intimate relationships:


6. in the majority of cities located in east-central texas, homes do not have basements due to the prevalence of vertisols. what property of vertisols makes it impractical to have basements?


Vetrisols are soils with high montmorillonite or expansive clay content. It causes noticeable fissures in the walls during the dry season. Because they can push against basement walls, these clay soils can cause fissures or flooding. Because of this, basements are not feasible in Texas homes.

A soil type known as a vertisol, sometimes known as a vertosol, contains a high concentration of expanding clay minerals, many of which are known as montmorillonite and which, in drier seasons or years, produce extensive fractures. In a process known as argillipedoturbation, the soil material repeatedly mixes itself as a result of alternate shrinking and swelling, leading to some vertisols having an extraordinarily deep A horizon but no B horizon.

Learn more about vertisols here:


the practice of redrawing congressional districts a. is usually not political since it is handled by bipartisan commissions. b. tends to have a greater impact on senate rather than house elections. c. is sometimes characterized by gerrymandering, which can have a major effect on the outcome of elections. d. is constrained by supreme court decisions that make it unconstitutional to draw majority-minority districts.


The practice of redrawing congressional districts is usually not political since it is handled by redistricting commission.

What is redistricting commission?

In the United States, a redistricting commission is a body established to draw electoral district boundaries instead of the typical state legislative bodies. By appointing a nonpartisan or bipartisan body to make up the commission responsible for drawing district boundaries, gerrymandering, or at least the appearance of gerrymandering, is generally intended to be avoided. Currently, there are nonpartisan or bipartisan redistricting commissions in 21 U.S. states. 13 of these 21 states only use redistricting commissions to determine the boundaries of electoral districts. The boundaries of electoral districts are drawn using a unique redistricting process in Iowa, the fourteenth state, which does not involve either the state legislature or a separate redistricting commission. Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission was a case heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2015.

To learn more about redistricting, visit:


which of the following is true regarding the social loafing studies that we discussed in class? group of answer choices a) people reduced their effort only on tasks requiring physical strength (but not on other tasks) when they believed they were working with others (versus alone) b) in the study involving tug of war simulation, the effect of adding group members was linear, such that the more people a participant believed they were working with, the less effort they exerted themselves c) when asked about their performance, people tended to recognize that they had made less noise when yelling as part of a group compared to alone d) all of the above (a, b, and c are all true) e) none of the above (none of a, b, c, or d are true)


The true statement regarding social loafing studies is that people reduced their efforts only on tasks requiring physical strength (but not on another task) when they believed they were working with others (versus alone) that is option A.

Social loafing is witnessed less in collectivist cultures where people take pride in group performance. It refers to the condition when people involved in group tasks tend to work less efficiently and put in lesser efforts than their potential. Though it encourages teamwork and division of work based on expertise, it may cause reduced productivity. Some factors that affect social loafing are the meaningfulness of tasks assigned, culture of job, the performance of co-workers involved etc. Some methods to reduce social loafing includes assigning each player a specific position or duty, divide teams into smaller subunits, emphasize the need of individual efforts and unique contributions.

Learn more about Social Loafing at:


state three promotional requirements for passing the national senior certificate​



A Senior Certificate will be achieved by an adult candidate who satisfies the following requirements in these examinations:

Pass three subjects at 40%, one of which must be an official language at Home Language level.

Pass two subjects at 30%, one of which must be an official language at First Additional or Home Language level.

Obtain a subminimum of 20% in the sixth subject.


Hope this helps!

the most significant event of the roman period was the birth, life, and death of jesus christ. true false


The most sizable event of the Roman period was once the birth, life, and loss of life of Jesus Christ.

Not tons has been written about the boyhood of Jesus. Jesus was once betrayed by Judas Iscariot, one of his own disciples. Jesus was crucified through the Roman officers against the will of the human beings themselves.

Why used to be the Roman generation important?

Ancient Romans pioneered advances in many areas of science and technology, setting up tools and techniques that have subsequently fashioned the way the world does sure things. The Romans had been extraordinarily adept engineers. They understood the legal guidelines of physics nicely adequate to improve aqueducts and better methods to useful resource water flow.

Learn more about Roman era here:

which learning theory suggest people can only change their behavior or knowledge base by engaging the five senses?


Sensory-Stimulus learning Theory suggests people can only change their behavior or knowledge base by engaging the five senses.

All of the senses are awakened when learning according to the sensory-stimulation learning theory. Arousal of the five senses is to be anticipated. The fundamental tenet of sensory-stimulation learning theory is that active learning occurs when the senses are awakened.

The advice and sensation you experience when one or more of your senses are activated are known as sensory stimulation. This kind of stimulation is primarily for infant infants and can be used to increase the pleasure of older people, community members who also have neurocognitive impairments, and developmentally disabled adults.

To know more about learning theory refer to:


a pattern of disordered eating characterized by an obsession with right or proper eating is called


Orthorexia, or orthorexia nervosa, is an ingesting ailment that involves an unhealthy obsession with wholesome eating. American medical doctor Steve Bratman first coined the time period “orthorexia” in 1997.

What causes orthorexia nervosa?

Many individuals are compelled to conform to a sure photo portrayed in society, which leads to leading motives of orthorexia nervosa; strict dieting, and obsessions about healthful meals which can further lead to emotions of anxiety, isolation and depression.

How is orthorexia one-of-a-kind then anorexia nervosa?

Instead, the focal point for humans with orthorexia is an excessive obsession with the fitness implications of their dietary choices. People with anorexia will severely preclude their food consumption in order to lose weight. People with orthorexia, however, strive to feel pure, healthful and natural.

Learn more about  orthorexia nervosa here:

at what age do most states infer that individuals are competent and capable of committing a crime as an adult?


The minimal age of crook responsibility is formally 18.

Where a man or woman under 18 infringes the crook law, he or she is regarded to have committed “an infraction” and can be subjected to socio-educative measures, though these measures consist of deprivation of liberty.

Which type of crime occurs when a person encourages every other to commit a crime?

Solicitation is an inchoate crime that includes in search of out any other man or woman to engage in a criminal act. A defendant may be charged with solicitation if he or she requests or induces some other person to commit an act that would amount to a felony.

Learn more about crime here:

Select the affix you would find in a word indicating a subject of study? ify micro ology phob


In the English language, the term "field of study" is frequently denoted by the suffix "ology."

What is ology's prefix?

The term "-ology" comes from the names of specific fields of study. The basic meaning of the -logy suffix is "the study of "These words come from Greek or Latin roots, and the ending -logy comes from the Greek suffix - (-logia), which means speaking, and the Latin root legein, which means "to speak."

What are the four words in ology?

Cardiology (the study of the heart), dermatology (the study of the skin), oceanology (the study of the oceans), biology (the study of life), zoology (the study of animals), ecology (the study of organisms and the environment), and sociology (the study of social interaction) are all examples of words ending in -ology.

Learn more about ology's here:


Answer: c


i took the exam and got the right answer promise

Write an explanatory essay in which you explore the ways Jackson employs effective Gothic Elements into her writing. Analyze the setting, symbols, mood, and tone within the text to determine its Gothic elements


The Gothic factor of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is represented via the theme of doubling.

This is revealed to the reader by the horrifying transformation of Dr Henry Jekyll into the atavistic assassin Edward Hyde. The transformation is generated via the fear of regression, as both men are revealed to be the equal person.

What makes an positive piece of Gothic writing?

Supernatural and Paranormal Activity

Much of Gothic literature's appeal comes from the genre's advice of supernatural or inexplicable events, such as inanimate objects coming to life, ghosts, spirits, and vampires like that of Bram Stoker's 1897 Gothic fantasy, Dracula.

The three major gothic elements that are evident in this story are the special setting, the theme of dying and decay, and the presence of madness

Learn more about gothic element here:

sheila is interested in studying the way that riders choose seats on the city bus. which level of analysis is she most likely to use in this study? a. positivism b. microsociology c. structural functionalism d. macrosociology


The correct option is B ; microsociology

Studying the varied interactions between first-time parents and parents without children is one instance of microsociology.

Another example of microsociology research would be looking at how male and female partners behave in love relationships. Several instances of macrosociology include: the local culture of the person's residence. socioeconomic position. the system of education. One of the primary levels of analysis (or foci) in sociology is microsociology, which examines the character of small-scale, daily human social interactions and agency: in person In addition to serving as a catch-all term for viewpoints that emphasize agency, such as Max Weber's theory of social action, microsociology also refers to a collection of unique methodologies, particularly in American sociology. Georges Gurvitch first used the phrase in 1939 to describe how daily patterns of sociality are irreducible and unstable. He did this by appropriating the phrase from microphysics.

Learn more about to microsociology  visit here:


which of the following racial or ethnic groups has been the most privileged racial or ethnic group in the united states? a.Irish Americans b.Italian Americans c.Middle Eastern d. white Anglo-Saxon Protestants


The racial or ethnic group that has been the most privileged racial or ethnic group in the United States has been the d. white Anglo-Saxon Protestants.

Which group is most privileged in the United States?

In the United States, White people have generally been more privileged than other races. However, even within White people, there are racial or ethnic groups that have been more privileged than others.

A prime example is the White Anglo - Saxon Protestant population. This group is the most privileged in American history. The simple reason for this is that they are the descendants of the British colonists who established the United States and so they have led the nation socially since then.

Find out more on Anglo - Saxons at


define, as it relates to agency relationships, actual authority, apparent authority and implied authority.


Actual authority refers to specific powers. Apparent authority is the power of agent to act on behalf of principal. Implied authority means agent can act according to jurisdiction to perform acts .

What is agency relationship?

An agency relationship is one where one party appoints another to perform tasks on their behalf. The definition of an agency relationship is a partnership between a principle and an agent in which the principal grants the agent the authority to act on the principal's behalf. The hiring of a lawyer to handle legal work on someone else's behalf is a typical example of an agency relationship. The agent is able to fulfill the principal's needs in this situation because of a legal authorization.

Since the connection is seen as fiduciary, trust and confidence are its foundations. To grant their agent the authority to act on their behalf, the principle must have faith in and confidence in them.

to learn more about agency relationship click:


a group of people work to fight against the exploitation of personal data on social media. the group uses a tactic of deleting their social media accounts to encourage companies to scale back their ability to use technology in new ways that have not yet been vetted by the public. instead of pushing for new innovations and social changes, the group wants to scale back social media use altogether and focus on making older ways of communicating more appealing like they were in the past. this example best represents which social movement?


The movement aims to reduce social media usage to zero and concentrate on reviving more traditional forms of communication. The most effective illustration of regressive social movement.

What does the term "social movement" mean?

Networks of unofficial relationships involving a variety of people, groups, and/or organizations involved in political or cultural issues are referred to as social movements. These interactions are based on a commonality of collective identities.

Regressive social movements: what are they?

Supporters of regressive social movements argue that a certain shift has led to issues, and they make their worries known. They frequently seek to enact additional restrictive laws or norms in an effort to lessen the harm they see.

Why are social movements crucial?

The greatest significant changes in the world today are the result of social movements. Social movements have the power to alter attitudes, pass legislation, and alter policies on issues like voting rights, political upheavals, and the pursuit of racial equality.

Learn more about social movements:


if an argument applies a generalization to a particular case, that suggests that the argument is group of answer choices categorical. pure hypothetical. mixed hypothetical. disjunctive. this information tells us nothing about the form.


If an argument applies a generalization to a particular case, that suggests that the argument is option D: disjunctive.

Arguments that draw conclusions about all members of a given group of things based on knowledge about a subset of those members are generalizations. These conclusions are inductive in nature. Although they may have a high likelihood of being accurate, sound generalizations are made with caution. When an argument applies a generalization to a particular case, it results into disjunctive argument.

A valid argument form in classical logic is a disjunctive syllogism, which is a syllogism with a disjunctive statement for one of its premises. It was historically known as modus tollendo ponens (MTP), which is Latin for "mode that affirms by denying" is real.

To know more about generalization, refer to the following link:


how does douglass interpret the motives and psychological effects of the owner's encouragment of excess among the slaves during holidays? your answer:


Douglass portrays the breadth of slavery's capacity to dehumanize thru his insights into the mentality of slave owners.

Douglass suggests that if slaves are made as an alternative than born, the same is once in a while real of slave owners.

What does Frederick Douglass say about the results of slavery?

He does this when he says, “The existence of slavery in this country manufacturers your republicanism as a sham, your humanity as a base pretence, and your Christianity as a lie.” Frederick Douglass exposes the evils of slavery with the aid of giving the humans a slave's standpoint of their Fourth of July.

Learn more about effect of slavery here:

kwan has a master's degree in psychology, but he is working at a sunglasses cart in the mall. kwan is currently experiencing


Kwan works at a sunglasses cart at the mall despite having a master's degree in psychology. Kwan's present situation is underemployment.

Underemployment is the word used to describe those who can only find work for shorter periods of time than usual, such as part-time employees, seasonal workers, or day or temporary workers.

For instance, someone with an engineering degree whose primary source of income is as a pizza delivery man is seen as underemployed. In addition, someone who has a part-time office job but would want to work full-time is seen as underemployed.

Underemployment has comparable negative repercussions as unemployment. Both contribute to greater poverty rates. Families spend less money if they don't have enough to buy.

To learn more about underemployment


a police officer who finds a missing child as part of his duties may not collect any reward for finding the child. why?


This is because the officer already had a pre-existing duty to do so . It was his duty to help the child as he is being paid for the same through his salary.

- Roles of police officers :

- Generally speaking, police are in charge of maintaining law and order, safeguarding the public, and putting a halt to, identifying, and investigating unlawful behavior.

- Investigation, capture, and custody of people accused of committing crimes are some additional important responsibilities of law enforcement.

- The custody of those who have been found guilty of crimes is also a major responsibility of several law enforcement organizations, in particular sheriffs' offices.

To know more about police officers, kindly click on the link below :


While stratification appears to be a feature of any society, it is nonetheless?.


Although stratification occurs everywhere, it differs amongst communities. It is a feature of society, not a matter of personal preferences.

A method of ranking individuals and groups within cultures is known as social stratification. It is the classification of members of a society into socioeconomic groups according to wealth, income, race, level of education, and political influence.

Although it exists everywhere, stratification differs amongst communities. In other words, we need to employ the sociological imagination to comprehend social stratification and see it as a social issue and not just an individual problem. It is a trait of society and not a question of individual variations. Although it frequently allows for some degree of social mobility, it endures across generations. Due to attitudes and beliefs regarding social stratification, stratification persists.

To know more about Social Stratification, refer to this link:


what provisions should be made to provide children the helpless senior citizens and the people with physical disabilities with opportunities?​


The provisions should be made to provide children the helpless senior citizens and the people with physical disabilities with opportunities

(a) Recalling the principles outlined in the United Nations Charter, which affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every member of the human family as well as their equality and inalienable rights as the cornerstones of freedom, justice, and peace in the world,

(b) Noting that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International physical disabilities on Human Rights both state that everyone has the right to each of the freedoms and rights outlined therein, without exception of any type

(c) Reaffirming the necessity of ensuring that people with disabilities can fully enjoy their fundamental provisions freedoms without facing discrimination, as well as the universality, indivisibility, interdependence, and relatedness of all human rights and freedoms,

Learn more about physical disabilities


alternating between periods of high intensity and low intensity with a 1:1 ratio is an example of what kind of training?


Interval training involves switching at a 1:1 ratio between periods of high and low intensity.

Exercises that last anywhere between a few seconds and many minutes make up an interval training session. You exert yourself at a specified intensity for a predetermined amount of time or distance during each interval, and then you recover at a lower level of effort.

One kind of interval training for runners is "walk-back sprinting," which involves sprinting a short distance, walking back to the starting place, and repeating the sprint a predetermined number of times.

The cardiovascular advantages of interval training are maximized. Hence, it can rapidly raise stroke volume, making your heart stronger and more effective.

To learn more about Interval training


molly is developing the habit of doing her homework as soon as she gets home. today she was tempted to go outside and play with her dog, and she actually got up from the table for a few seconds, but then thought better of it and sat back down. molly is displaying her:


Molly is developing the habit of doing her homework as soon as she gets home. Molly is displaying her self-regulation.

Emotional self-regulation or emotion regulation is the capability to put oneself in the place of another the continuous demands of experience accompanying the range of sentiments in theory that is politically acceptable and sufficiently responsive to permit willing backlashes as well as the strength to delay willing responses as needed.

Self-regulation is the strength to appreciate and manage your own behavior and responses. Self-organizing helps toddlers and teenagers learn, function well, associate with others, and enhance free. Therefore, Molly is developing the habit of doing her homework as soon as she gets home. Molly is displaying her self-regulation.

To know more about Self-regulation refer to:


Other Questions
A fair six-sided die is rolled twice. What is the theoretical probability that the first number that comes up is greater than or equal to the second number?OA. 16OB. 12O c. 712OD. 5 After the Revolutionary War new settlers moved into central and northern Georgia with one goal in mind, to become rich from goldmining True or False assume you are reviewing a graph that plots earnings per share (eps) on the vertical axis, against earnings before interest and taxes (ebit) on the horizontal axis. the steeper the slope of the plotted line the: multiple choice lower the impact of financial leverage. lower the debt-equity ratio. higher the tax rate. greater the sensitivity of eps to changes in ebit. lower the probability of a negative eps. please help asapAfter Congress passed the (1) _______________________________ in 1830, Jackson sentfederal officials to negotiate treaties with the Native Americans in the Southeast. In 1834 Congresscreated the (2) ______________________, an area in present-day Oklahoma. President Jacksonsupported Georgias efforts to remove the (3) ____________________________ even after(4) ___________________________ ruled against Georgia. Most of the(5) ____________________________ Cherokee refused to give up their land. In 1838(6) __________________________ and an army of 7,000 federal troops went to Georgia toremove the Cherokee from their homes and lead them west. Thousands of Cherokee died on theforced journey west, which became known as the(7) ______________________________________________.Native American ResistanceIn 1832 the Sauk chieftain (8) ___________________________ led a force of Sauk and Fox people back to (9) _____________________________, their homeland. Most of the Sauk and Foxwere killed by the state militia. The (10) _______________________ ofFlorida were the only Native Americans who successfully resisted their removal. Chief(11) _____________________________ and his people went to war against the United Statesrather than leave Florida. By 1842 more than (12) ______________________ American soldiershad died, and the government gave up. Native Americans gave up more than(13) _____________________ acres in exchange for $68 million and 32 million acres.word bank :General Winfield ScottIndian Removal Act100 millionOsceolaSeminoleTrail of Tears1,500Indian TerritoryCherokeeIllinoisChief Justice John MarshallBlack Hawk17,000 Fill in the blank. A mi esposo y a m _____ gusta caminar.telesmenosle using a dot and cross diagram as electrons show the bonding in a molecule of oxygen(O2-2 atoms of oxygen, one as dots, one as crosses) What is a introduction in essay Why are the Great Lakes important to both the United States and Canada? What does McCarthy seem to be suggesting in the final paragraph in his speech? I need help please asapQuestion 16The continuous columns surrounding the Cella of a Greek temple are known asO Greek temples had no columnsO peripteral columnsO No answer text provided.O the perimeter you manufacture devices with sensors and need to stream huge amounts of data from these devices to a storage option in the cloud. which storage option is the best choice for your application? Question 3 of 5Which of the following describes a major similarity between the Declarationof Independence and Thomas Paine's Common Sense? Force, Motion, and Newton's Laws (8.6 A and C):Question 4A force of 200 N is exerted on an object of mass 40 kg.What is the acceleration?Select one:05 m/s05 N05 m/s05 m (a) occasionally one encounters the suggestion that a garbage-collected language should provide a delete operation as an optimization: by explicitly delete - ing objects that will never be used again, the programmer might save the garbage collector the trouble of finding and reclaiming those objects automat- ically, thereby improving performance. what do you think of this suggestion? explain. a nurse is teaching a new mother about her neonate and the changes that are occurring as the neonate adapts to life outside the client's uterus. the nurse would incorporate understanding of which change when describing the neonate's current status? select all that apply. the management of hamano corporation would like for you to analyze their repair costs, which are listed below: machine-hours repair costs april 2,140 $ 33,094 may 2,169 $ 33,112 june 2,126 $ 33,089 july 2,198 $ 33,112 august 2,111 $ 33,022 september 2,214 $ 33,176 october 2,137 $ 33,063 november 2,209 $ 33,149 management believes that repair cost is a mixed cost that depends on the number of machine-hours. using the least-squares regression method, the estimates of the variable and fixed components of repair cost would be closest to: on What is the output of the following code: int i = 1; while (i Which axis indirectly shows the relative amount of dna per cell? by what relationship?. What could twains viewpoint be, based on the humor and the authors intent? in the laboratory you dissolve 21.0 g of potassium phosphate in a volumetric flask and add water to a total volume of 375 ml. what is the molarity of the solution ? m. what is the concentration of the potassium cation ? m. what is the concentration of the phosphate anion ? m.