Social Studies

1. What are the colors of the flag?2. How many stars are there on our flag?3. What do the stars on the flag mean?4. How many stripes are there on the flag?5. What do the stripes mean?6. Why do we celebrate the 4th of July?7. What country did we fight in the American Revolution?8. Who was the first President of the United States?9. Who is the President of the United States today?10. Who is the Vice President of the United States today?11. Who elects the President of the United States?12. Who becomes the President of the United States if the President should die?13. How long does the president serve once elected?14. What is the Constitution?15. What do we call a change to the constitution?16. What are the first 10 changes to the constitution called?17. How many branches are there in our government?18. What are the names of the branches of government?19. What does the legislative branch do?20. What groups make up the legislative branch?21. Who elects Congress?22. How many Senators are in Congress?23. How long do we elect Senators?24. How many Representatives are in Congress?25. What is the executive branch of our government?26. What is the judiciary branch of our government?27. What are the duties of the Supreme Court?28. Who said "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"?29. How do we determine how many Senators are in the Senate?30. Who appoints the Supreme Court Justices?31. How many Supreme Court Justices are there?32. Why did Pilgrims come to America?33. What holiday was celebrated for the first time by American colonies?34. Who was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence?35. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?36. What is the national anthem of the United States?37. Who wrote the National Anthem?38. What is the minimum voting age in the United States?39. Who was President of the United States during the Civil War?40. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?41. What special group advises the President?42. What is the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to America?43. Name 3 rights or freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.44. Who has the power to declare war?45. Whose rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?46. What is the introduction to the Constitution called?47. Where is the United States capitol?48. What is the White House?49. Who is the Commander and Chief of the US military?50. What are the 2 major political parties today?