18 of
CLAUSES. Identify the italiczed cause as noun, adjective, or advers. Choose the correct answer
18. Because Ruth Ann finished her work quickly, she was able to spend more time at the mall with her friends
A noun
B. adjective
C. adverb


Answer 1
Adverb is the answer to you question

Related Questions

help me plss.........​



if I help you then what things will you give me for this question?


Answer a series of questions about several works of art and literature inspired by Ovid's story of Daedalus and Icarus. First compare and contrast the theme of Ovid's story with that of Brueghel's painting Landscape with the Fall of IcarusThen compare and contrast two poems with Brueghel's painting and with each other



1.  Both of these depict the consumption of pride as a story. The hidden lesson of these stories is that if you don't learn to be humble and assert yourself, you will burn in the sun if you fly too close to it. In Ovid's story, pride causes loss. In the story, Daedalus builds wings for himself and his son and then loses his son when he flies too high and dies. Both Ovid's story and Brueghel's painting deal with human pride. In Ovid's story, pride and arrogance are weak shields. It may have far-reaching consequences. It was with great pride that Daedalus created wings for himself and his son, but his pride was dashed when he discovered his son dead from too high a flight. Brueghel's painting, however, depicts a different kind. It shows people think their suffering matters because they feel important in this world. Unlike in his painting, Icarus' drowning body is barely visible. This represents the value of one person in this world. You are a speck in the grand scheme of things. After they died, the world went on as usual. So, Brueghel's new idea in Ovid's story is people's indifference to others' suffering.

2.  Brueghel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus emphasizes that our individual suffering is insignificant in comparison to the entire world, as a single individual is only a grain of sand in comparison to the entire world. The viewer can form his or her own opinion. A powerful vocabulary includes "suffering", "martyrdom", "disaster" and "forsaken". Many readers will agree that they share many ideas.

Second, "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" is about indifference. The poet uses the mythological character Icarus to discuss human indifference. It was spring and a farmer was plowing his field when Icarus fell.

The painting depicts a tiny splash of Icarus falling into the ocean, which we know from the title of the work. The rest of the scene is calm and quiet as if nothing happened. It seems to grieve at the idea that our individual suffering isn't more important in Auden's poem.

3. William Carlos Williams' poem "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" focuses on the fact that if it doesn't happen to me, I don't care. Even if an event is significant in the eyes of future generations, it may go unnoticed if it has no immediate impact. It's not surprising that two poets have addressed this issue, but their portrayals of the drama differ slightly. However, in Pieter Brueghel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, the person in front is wearing long sleeves, which does not emphasize spring. When Icarus fell from the sky in the poem “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus,” a farmer was plowing his field. Also, the painting depicts ships and sheep, but William Carlos Williams' poem “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” does not.

4. Both W.H. Auden and William Carlos Williams describe Pieter Brueghel's painting "Landscape with The Fall of Icarus." Both poets describe the scene in detail. Both poets use imagery to describe the painting's scene.

But the poets differ in other ways:

Auden presents his poem in free verse, with two long stanzas devoid of rhyme. The poem is divided into six stanzas, each with three lines.Auden's reflections on the painting's depiction of suffering and routine are more delicate and meditative. In the second stanza, he contemplates his psyche. Williams, on the other hand, is concise. He informs the reader and describes the painting with examples. He mentions Icarus from the first stanza but doesn't focus on how he or others felt at the time.Auden felt the painting and tells the reader about it. Williams is a snoop. He describes what he saw without revealing his inner feelings or thoughts.

Synthesis and transformation
Eric hid his sister's favourite pencil. He was very mischievous.
out of



the answer is


Read the excerpt from The Code Book. A theoretical breakthrough would be a fundamentally new way of finding Alice's private key. Alice's private key consists of p and q, and these are found by factoring the public key, N. The standard approach is to check each prime number one at a time to see if it divides into N, but we know that this takes an unreasonable amount of time. Which statement is best supported by this excerpt



The author writes with great scientific detail.


Simon Singh's "The Code Book" presents a detailed account of the history of cryptography through the tracing of its evolution and how secrecy came to be. The idea of a secret code for messages is what intrigues everyone and thus, this book delves into the how of such coded messages.

As seen in the given excerpt, the author Simon Singh states how scientific details such as "p and q" and the factoring of "the public key, N" are all processes to learn about Alice's private key. The inclusion of details such as "check[ing] each prime number one at a time to see if it divides into N" are all scientific approaches that will lead to the understanding of the private key.

Thus, the correct answer is the last or fourth option.


The author uses great scientific detail because he uses language and terminology that the average person is not educated enough to fully understand.


complete the following sentences choosing one of the preposition from the box: (on, at ,in ,off ,through, between into, under, round ,across, towards, over) 3. The prisoners escaped----------the narrow opening ----- the boundary wall


The prisoners escaped through the narrow opening under the boundary wall.

How does Hester wear her scarlet letter?



on the chest of her dress

mark each)
1.Alfred George Gardiner was the editor of​



Alfred George Gardiner, 1865-1946, was born in Chelmsford and worked for the Chelmsford Chronicle and the Bournemouth Directory as a boy. In 1887 he became a member of staff of the Northern Daily Telegraph in Blackburn and in 1899 became editor of the Blackburn Weekly Telegraph .


Voluntourism: An Opportunity Too Good to be True

A Speech to the Student Body of Evergreen High

[1] Picture this: It's Spring Break, and you fly off to some country where there's lush rainforests and beautiful, blue coastlines to explore. There's also people in need, so you decide to blend your vacation with volunteering. Volunteering as a tourist, or voluntourism, seems like a great way to explore new regions and help people at the same time. However, this "volunteer plus travel" experience can actually harm local communities. While many teens might view traveling and volunteering abroad as a worthwhile adventure, there are more genuine and effective ways to make a difference.

[2] Most would agree that volunteering in general is a worthy use of time. However, what if you found out the children you are "helping" are actually being kept in poor conditions so voluntourists will spend money to come to the local area? Dale Rolfe, a supporter of ethical voluntourism, explains the shocking reality that "Animal sanctuaries and orphanages are often manufactured for the voluntourist...encouraging a cycle of exploiting the very animals and children the volunteers are trying to help."

[3] Proponents of the "volunteer plus travel" experience also argue that traveling to new places builds character and is a valuable way to learn about different cultures. With voluntourism, however, participants often pursue experiences that are all about them. For example, they sign up to build a school for a gold star on their resume, but they have no real building skills and take jobs away from local construction workers (Schulten). Or, they arrive to teach English but instead take selfies with the locals. One world traveler and ethical voluntourist believes voluntourism "can perpetuate small minded views of the world by taking insulated, fake, and structured experiences and selling them as unabridged and eye opening" (Carlos). The voluntour experience is a mirage. The voluntourist's eyes are not opened to real life at the destination, and lasting change is not achieved.

[4] If you want a genuine experience where you can see a lasting impact, there are better options than voluntourism. You can volunteer in your local community. Give an hour every week to your town's animal rescue. Serve monthly dinners to the homeless. Be a reliable, positive influence on a child who needs a mentor. Studies show that volunteering and forming lasting relationships with those you help has a positive impact on your physical and emotional health. In fact, blood pressure is reduced, memory is improved, and rates of depression are reduced (Michaels).

[5] There is another reason to look into alternatives to voluntourism. Did you know the average "voluntour" travel package costs $3,400 (Rolfe)? Could that travel money be better spent? If the world's citizens are your passion, it could go to an international organization. If you care about education, your funds can be used to buy books for students in faraway lands. If you want villagers to have clean water, contribute funds to local efforts to dig wells. If you want to experience a different culture, travel to the country as a guest, and learn from the locals how you can best help them after you've returned home. But do not voluntour.

[6] In reality, there are better ways to make a difference. Voluntourism might appear to be an adventure that blends travel and helping others, but it does little except provide a costly, superficial experience that might actually do more harm than good. So, volunteer where you are most needed-at home, where you can stay to see the job through and form genuine, lasting relationships. Choose a beautiful coastline closer to home and send the travel money you saved to an international organization that will put it to good use. Whatever you do, don't turn someone else's hardship into your vacation.

What are two strategies the speaker uses to develop the point that voluntour opportunities are not legitimate ways to learn about other cultures?

Expert testimony



Statistics are always on a high alert for our lifes destination

Question #2: Make a sentence by adding the correct group of words. During the birthday party _______. A.the one-year-old cried B.the one-year-old crying and eating C.the one-year-old



The answer is A.

Identify the type of narration used in the excerpt. Which words in the excerpt indicate the type of narration? What is the effect of this point of view on the reader’s interpretation of the information presented?


Read this excerpt from What Maisie Knew by Henry James and answer the question that follows.

Thus from the first Maisie not only felt it but knew she felt it. A part of it was the consequence of her father's telling her he felt it too, and telling Moddle, in her presence, that she must make a point of driving that home. She was familiar, at the age of six, with the fact that everything had been changed on her account, everything ordered to enable him to give himself up to her. She was to remember always the words in which Moddle impressed upon her that he did so give himself: "Your papa wishes you never to forget, you know, that he has been dreadfully put about."

If the skin on Moddle's face had to Maisie the air of being unduly, almost painfully, stretched, it never presented that appearance so much as when she uttered, as she often had occasion to utter, such words. The child wondered if they didn't make it hurt more than usual; but it was only after some time that she was able to attach to the picture of her father's sufferings, and more particularly to her nurse's manner about them, the meaning for which these things had waited. Identify the type of narration used in the excerpt.

Which words in the excerpt indicate the type of narration? What is the effect of this point of view on the reader’s interpretation of the information presented?


The type of narration used in the excerpt is the third-person point of view.

The words that indicate the third person style of narration are words such as "the child wondered", "her father is telling her he felt it too", "the child wondered if they didn't make her hurt more than usual" which shows that the reader is looking at the events through the eyes of Maisie.

The effect of this point of view on the reader’s interpretation of the information presented shows that the narrator is very close to the character.


The excerpt is an example of third-person limited narration. Phrases such as “the child wondered,” “she must make a point,” and “she was able to attach” indicate this mode of narration. This point of view lets readers see the events through the eyes of Maisie. The description of the emotions and expressions of the character reveal that the narrator is very close to the character.


Speech based on self love



Self-love is not being selfish; it is just putting yourself first and not being too tough on yourself. ... All we need to do is love ourselves and let the negative things pass through; eventually things will change and bad times will pass. Self-love has many benefits; the first benefit is greater life satisfaction.


Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others.

Identify and research about a personality or organization who can be considered as a jewel of kindness in the current situation of a global pandemic. Write a brief note in not more than 30- 50 words. Photographs can be attached.


Answer and Explanation:

City Harvest is an international organization that collects excess food and then distributes it to soup kitchens and shelters. During the pandemic, City Harvest has been helping feed thousands of hungry people. In New York, for instance, they have delivered food to up to 400 soup kitchens.

NOTE: If I'm not mistaken, there are 47 words above.

Which description reflects a common trait of epic poetry?
A. A long journey through an unfamiliar place
B. Biting commentary on the government or ruler
C. Contemplation of nature's power and beauty
O D. A tragic ending that reveals the hero's flaws


C. Contemplation of nature’s power and beauty

Which of the following STEM discoverers is known for inventing the circular saws used in saw mills?



Tabitha Babbitt


green creature ,found near ponds called ​



A frog

A toad




Many green creatures are found in or near a pond. It can be:

1. Frog

2. Algae

3. Snake

4. Tortoise

I will assume it is a Frog most probably.

PLEASE HELP! From The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain There was a rustling of dresses, and the standing congregation sat down. The boy whose history this book relates did not enjoy the prayer, he only endured it—if he even did that much. He was restive all through it; he kept tally of the details of the prayer, unconsciously—for he was not listening, but he knew the ground of old, and the clergyman's regular route over it—and when a little trifle of new matter was interlarded, his ear detected it and his whole nature resented it; he considered additions unfair, and scoundrelly. In the midst of the prayer a fly had lit on the back of the pew in front of him and tortured his spirit by calmly rubbing its hands together, embracing its head with its arms, and polishing it so vigorously that it seemed to almost part company with the body, and the slender thread of a neck was exposed to view; scraping its wings with its hind legs and smoothing them to its body as if they had been coat-tails; going through its whole toilet as tranquilly as if it knew it was perfectly safe. As indeed it was; for as sorely as Tom's hands itched to grab for it they did not dare—he believed his soul would be instantly destroyed if he did such a thing while the prayer was going on. But with the closing sentence his hand began to curve and steal forward; and the instant the "Amen" was out the fly was a prisoner of war. His aunt detected the act and made him let it go. The minister gave out his text and droned along monotonously through an argument that was so prosy that many a head by and by began to nod—and yet it was an argument that dealt in limitless fire and brimstone and thinned the predestined elect down to a company so small as to be hardly worth the saving. Tom counted the pages of the sermon; after church he always knew how many pages there had been, but he seldom knew anything else about the discourse. However, this time he was really interested for a little while. The minister made a grand and moving picture of the assembling together of the world's hosts at the millennium when the lion and the lamb should lie down together and a little child should lead them. But the pathos, the lesson, the moral of the great spectacle were lost upon the boy; he only thought of the conspicuousness of the principal character before the on-looking nations; his face lit with the thought, and he said to himself that he wished he could be that child, if it was a tame lion. Read these lines from the excerpt again: In the midst of the prayer a fly had lit on the back of the pew in front of him and tortured his spirit by calmly rubbing its hands together, embracing its head with its arms, and polishing it so vigorously that it seemed to almost part company with the body, and the slender thread of a neck was exposed to view; scraping its wings with its hind legs and smoothing them to its body as if they had been coat-tails; going through its whole toilet as tranquilly as if it knew it was perfectly safe. As indeed it was; for as sorely as Tom's hands itched to grab for it they did not dare—he believed his soul would be instantly destroyed if he did such a thing while the prayer was going on. In a response of two to three complete sentences explain why the fly described in this excerpt would have been in danger? Remember to use supporting details from the text.



the fly in this excerpt would have been in danger if the prayer wasn't going on. in this exert it says promptly " As indeed it was for as sorely at Tom's hands itched to grab for it they did not dare-he believed his soul would be instantly destroyed if he did such a thing wile prayer was going on." meaning the only thing that saved the fly's life was the prayer that was going on, otherwise the boy would have grabbed it.

Explanation: please give me brainliest :)

16. Dmitri and Ursula have postponed …………………………………………. married for a few months. (get)



Hmm looking at the question... as it postponed so.... as per my understanding the answer should be

Dmitri and Ursula have postponed to get married for a few months. (get)

Answer asap and I will give a like, brainlist ,and 50 points



a)the poem is written in the first person, and the speaker is playing the game



I think the first option is correct .hope this helps.

Exercise 12: Fill in the blank with A, AN, THE or (x) for "no article" for each blank.
1. What's _______ longest river in _______ world? Is it _______ Amazon or _______ Nile? I'm terrible at _______ geography.
2. In 1824, Louis Braille developed _______ system of writing for _______ blind. Quickly, _______ system, known as "Braille" after _______ inventor, spread from _______ France to dozens of _______ countries.
3. Because she did not speak _______ English, she had _______ little chance of advancing her career, so she applied for _______ year-long English course at _______ Cambridge University.
4. Tim loves islands. He has been to _______ Cuba, _______ Bali, _______ Bahamas, and _______ Philippines. And _______ next year, he wants to go to _______ Madagascar.
5. Jenifer always says that _______ patience is _______ virtue, but she is _______ least patient person I've ever met. Don't you think that's _______ little ironic?
6. Every year, _______ Smiths go camping in _______ Yellowstone National Park. But _______ next year, they are going to visit Mr. Smith's mother in _______ South instead.
7. Wow, _______ cheese is getting so expensive! Look, that cheese costs more than $50 _______ pound.



Exercise 12: Fill in the blank with A, AN, THE or (x) for "no article" for each blank.

1. What's the longest river in the world? Is it (x) Amazon or (x) Nile? I'm terrible at (x) geography.

2. In 1824, Louis Braille developed a system of writing for the blind. Quickly, the system, known as "Braille" after an inventor, spread from (x) France to dozens of (x) countries.

3. Because she did not speak (x) English, she had (x) little chance of advancing her career, so she applied for (a) year-long English course at (x) Cambridge University.

4. Tim loves islands. He has been to (x) Cuba, (x) Bali, (The) Bahamas, and (x) Philippines. And (x) next year, he wants to go to (x) Madagascar.

5. Jenifer always says that (x) patience is (a) virtue, but she is (the) least patient person I've ever met. Don't you think that's (a) little ironic?

6. Every year, (the) Smiths go camping in (the) Yellowstone National Park. But (x) next year, they are going to visit Mr. Smith's mother in (the) South instead.

7. Wow, (x) cheese is getting so expensive! Look, that cheese costs more than $50 (x) pound.

p.s I'm not really sure if most of them are correct but i hope i helped enough

Complete the sentence with the best verb.

After this dreadful winter , neither my parents nor I --------- to see a snow shovel ever again.
wants want



After this dreadful winter, neither my parents nor I want to see a snow shovel ever again.

I hope this answer helps you out! Brainliest would be appreciated.

"Compare and contrast" what does it mean?​


compare means "find the similarities " and

contrast means "find the difference ".

Answer:Compare and contrast means similarities and differences. Explanation:i know this because I'm in 6th grade.

Which sentence shows an adverb modifying an adverb?
A. There is a lot to do today.
B. Craig and Alan’s performance dragged on slowly and painfully.
C. I wanted to give him a present, but he never showed up.
D. We very slowly crept down the hallway.


The sentence that shows an adverb modifying an adverb is as follows:-

We very slowly crept down the hallway. Thus, option (D) is correct.

What is adverb?

Adverb refer to those words that add something to the more to the meaning of verb. In simple terms, it is an addition to the verb. It also modifies the adjective, verb or another adverb. It is basically used to indicate the degree, frequency, place, time or manner.

Adverb is one of the main part of the speech along with the noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, interjection etc.

For instance, He walks slowly. The word slowly is an adverb which is adding additional information to the verb that is walks. The words like very, softly, gently, very, most are adverb.

In the given sentence, the words very and slowly are adverb, which modifies adverb. Therefore, it can be concluded that option (D) is correct.

Learn more about Adverb here:




D.) We very slowly crept down the hallway


I got it correct on founders edtell

3. .... you ... shopping every week?
a. are / going
b. does / going
c. is / go
d. do / go

4. adnan is ... at the moment.
a. geting up
b. get up
c. gets up
d. getting up



answer.3) Do/go

answer.4) getting up


Do you go shopping every week Adnan is getting up at the moment .


Read the sentence below:
Shauna's famous bear stew tasted just a little bit grizzly to me at last night's dinner.
Which of the following correctly explains the pun in this sentence and the word or words on which it is built?
Bit-a bit is a small amount but also what you put in the mouth of a horse
Famous-Shauna's cooking is awful so it is famous in a negative way
Grizzly-a grizzly is a type of bear and a word to describe something awful
Stew-to stew is to cook in water but also fume or worry about something








took the test :)

what does (where's the fire )mean?​


It could be someone asking you why you're rushing through/to something.


where is the fire that is the question

The indirect speech of: Ram said to her, "You are beautiful."



Ram told her that she is beautiful.


Describe the tone Grandma uses when she speaks. What kind of words help to create this tone? In a monster calls


Answer: Words that can help:

When Grandma is nice-- softly, tenderly, whisper, brightly, inviting

When Grandma is mean--savagely, mean, angrily, raspily

Explanation:Hope this helps!

Read this passage from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein:
The storm appeared to approach rapidly ... it advanced;
the heavens were clouded, and I soon felt the rain coming
slowly in large drops, but its violence quickly increased....
The darkness and the storm increased every minute, and
the thunder burst with a terrific crash over my head....
Vivid flashes of lightning dazzled my eyes, illuminating the
lake, making it appear like a vast sheet of fire... (75).
How is nature most clearly portrayed in this passage?
O A. As a detached observer
O B. As an uncaring father
O C. As a lonely child
O D. As an uncontrollable entity



D. As an uncontrollable entity


This is the correct answer because during the storm a lot of things has happened including the discovery of the murderer of Frankenstein's brother.

what is main idea ? the definition?



The main idea is the point of the paragraph. It is the most important thought about the topic. The main idea is usually a sentence, and it is usually the first sentence. The writer then uses the rest of the paragraph to support the main idea.

Which equipment is essential to create a podcast?

a computer, a microphone, headphones, and recording software

a full sound recording studio and a set of headphones

a computer, a portable audio recorder, and video production software

a computer with premium audio recording software


Answer: The first one

a computer, a microphone, headphones, and recording software


you don't need a full recording studio, premium audio, or video production


(A. A computer, a microphone, headphones, and recording software.

Other Questions
Which of the following would be examples of abiotic factors in a mountain river ecosystem? fish, algae, and sandsand, water, and fishsand, water, and mineralswater, fish, and algae Imagine that you are using a similar computer simulation to conduct an experiment on ph value of different liquid hand soap solutions and water. What is a potential source for error in such a computer model? Please help!! Carfax offers a report on used cars for $39.99. It details the ownership type and history, vehicle mileage, accident reports, and other information. Carfax is an example of how markets try to: what is a business plan his oratory (worked up/worked out) the feelings of the crowd...worked up or worked out Fuller bought 4 cantaloupes at the grocery store. Each cantaloupe weighed between 4.5 and 6.3 pounds. Fuller estimates a reasonable weight of all the cantaloupes to be 21.2 pounds. 17. what is the value of x?18. what is the value of z?please help me fast!! I need some help plsssssssssssss what can make you become a stronger communicator? A store sold 50 copies of a magazine for $150. Each copy of the magazine costs the same. Which equation and set of ordered pairs best represents the price, in dollars, of a certain number of copies of the magazine? (1 point) Select one: a. Y = 3x; (1, 3), (2, 6), (3, 9) b. Y = 4x; (1, 4), (2, 8), (3, 12) c. Y = 5x; (1, 5), (2, 10), (3, 15) d. Y = 6x; (1, 6), (2, 12), (3, 18) Plz answer quick! A management control system is a logical integration of techniques to gather and use data and to evaluate performance.a. Trueb. False How will our planet change in 10 years? Help me please answer this, this will be my first grade for freshman year. The picture of the question is down below. I need write a thesis statement about peoples expectations of a first datewhat can I use for topic question A restaurant is doing a special on burgers. If the home team get a sack, the next day, burgers will cost$1Normally, they cost $3,99. If every fan who attended the game (86,047 people) buys a $1.00 burger, howmoney did the restaurant lose with this discount? 6. A car dealership would like to estimate the mean mpg of its new model car with 90% confidence. The population is normally distributed; however we are taking a sample of 25 cars with a sample mean of 96.52 and a sample standard deviation of 10.70. Calculate a 90% confidence interval for the population mean using this sample data. take an interview of your parents about the difficulties faced during the pandemic while running their household activities.plz answer correctly it is my project work. Muckenthaler Company sells product 2005WSC for $30 per unit. The cost of one unit of 2005WSC is $27, and the replacement cost is $26. The estimated cost to dispose of a unit is $3, and the normal profit is 40% of selling price. At what amount per unit should product 2005WSC be reported, applying lower-of-cost-or-market A student hypothesized that EC growth might be affected by the DNA from circulating erythrocytes. Is this students hypothesis reasonable? Which of the following sentences uses passive voice to emphasize the action? Many motorists eat breakfast every morning while they drive to work. Precautions must be taken by motorists if food is consumed while driving. Most fast-food restaurants sell breakfast foods until 11 a.m. every day. Some lawmakers have considered banning people from eating while they drive.