An argument that explains how everyone wants safe environments for children is using
A) dilemma
B) pathos
C) logos
D) ethos


Answer 1




Its a choice we have to make between different alternatives.

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What happened when light was created



First, there could be a light source (like a light bulb) that create light


An illustration of a "super-photon" created when physicists turned photons of light into a state of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate. ... Because photons are massless particles, they can simply be absorbed into their surroundings and disappear, which usually happens when they are cooled down.

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The more free space it has, the more entropy the device has. Adell and Lupov made a bet about the entropy about the human race and if a hundred billion years was enough to lose the entropy of society: how long it would take the human race to overpopulate and then suddenly die off from lack of natural resources.

A Bee Mystery

Recent surveys around the world have found some very sad and troubling news. Bees are not doing well. According to Time: Science & Space, "an estimated ten million beehives ... have been lost since 2006." What's worse, scientists are not sure why. Most beekeepers will tell you that bees tend to die in large numbers every spring. This is normal and necessary to keep a hive of bees healthy. But when the deaths add up to more than half the bees in an entire country, that is something altogether different and dire. Scientists have called this "colony-collapse disorder" or CCD. This name describes the effect, though, and not the cause of the die-out. Scientists simply do not know what is killing the bees.

Many things make it hard for bees. Varroa mites move into a colony and weaken it. Further, these mites carry viruses that attack those that survive. In addition, a new bacterium was recently discovered that attacks bees intestinally and kills them. Beekeepers go to great lengths to protect bees from these invaders, and for many years have been able to control them. All these attackers and the methods used to combat them do stress the bees, however.

Many feel the problem is not some new threat, but a decline in the habitat available to bees. Development of grasslands once home to wild flowers and food for bees has been universal. Pavement makes it easy to drive, but it replaces wild grasses and other food sources for bees. Perhaps, long before the mites and parasites moved in, humans took away enough of the bees' habitat to weaken their health. We plowed under a varied habitat and planted—in many cases—a single plant like beets. Then we sprayed all kinds of chemicals on the beets to keep other bugs away and in doing so also harmed bees. Now, to treat all the mites and other invaders, bee keepers use additional chemicals to kill the invaders. These chemicals also shorten the life of the bees. Have the use of chemicals, loss of habitat, and invading parasites made life impossible for bees? Experts continue to argue various theories, but few have any answers.

Colony collapse disorder is perhaps one of the most mysterious problems modern science has tried to solve. Whether the problem is environmental or an unknown disease, we will all feel the effects if bees continue to decline. Bees affect almost every aspect of the human food chain. From the fruits, vegetables, and grains we eat, to the grasses and grains we feed our livestock, we depend on bees to keep us healthy. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, bees account for 15 billion dollars in crops. Honey is a treasure for sure, but the real gold is in the strawberries, apples, peaches, and green beans we eat and need to stay healthy ourselves. All told, the outlook for bees is not good. The outlook for humans may not "bee" so good either.

Read this sentence from the text:

Perhaps, long before the mites and parasites moved in, humans took away enough of the bees' habitat to weaken their health.

How does this line function in the text?

It adds a reason that supports the thesis.
It provides general information about the topic.
It is the thesis of the article.
It concludes the ideas in the article.



A) It adds a reason that supports the thesis.


This line is in the body of the essay (Perhaps, long before the mites and parasites moved in, humans took away enough of the bees' habitat to weaken their health.)

The essay's body must contain three reasons supporting your theme. The most typical essay structure calls for five paragraphs: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each body paragraph focuses on a different point and elaborates on it. Use quotations to bolster your points. Learn the appropriate citation format.

For each sentence, fill in each blank with the simple past or simple present form of the verb in
1. More than 50 years after President Kennedy
______(sign) the Equal Pay Act, the
gap between salaries for men and women
________(remain) a problem today.
2. Last year's study__________
(find) that in the last decade the pay gap
_________(become) greater the longer a person was in the workforce.
3. The United States is one of few countries in the developed world that currently
________(use) the death penalty. Mexico, its neighbor to the south,
_______(end) the death penalty in 2005.
4. During the 1950s and 1960s, Martin Luther King, Jr.,
______(lead) the civil rights
movement in the United States. Civil rights
______(include) the right to vote, the
right to a fair trial, and the right to an education.
5. Fifteen nations___________
(make up) the UN Security Council. The Security Council
____(hold) its first session on January 17, 1946, in London.​



1. More than 50 years after President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act, the gap between salaries for men and women remains a problem today.

2. Last year's study found that in the last decade the pay gap became greater the longer a person was in the workforce.

3. The United States is one of few countries in the developed world that currently uses the death penalty. Mexico, its neighbor to the south, ended the death penalty in 2005.

4. During the 1950s and 1960s, Martin Luther King Jr, led the civil rights movement in the United Sates. Civil rights include the right to vote, the right to a fair trial, and the right to an education.?

5. Fifteen nations make up the UN Security Council. The Security Council held its first session on January 17, 1946, in London.

Macbeth's reaction takes a form of a metaphor: " why do you dress me in borrowed ropes" please explain this methaphor​


Explanation: This means you are been dressed like the robe has been borrowed from someone, hesitatingly...

Please help me anyone PLEASE ASAP?!!!):



But how will I know the questions if I need the text?



feel at home ! Come again they Jay, and when I come again and feel at home once twice there will be no three for then I find doors Shut on me • Who says "Feel at home and to whom • What was the reaction of Speaker when the Poet visited again ​



In the ancient and modern worlds, the poet (who is also the speaker) communicates to his kid about human behavior in the past and today. In "feel at home" his meaning to this:  once, twice,  there will be no thrice  for then I find doors shut on me. He recalls a period when people shared true affection. They would laugh heartily and convey genuine emotions to one another. However, in today's fast-paced society, people regularly exchange frigid handshakes. They exchange greetings with a smile or laughter that reaches their eyes but does not reach their hearts. They are simply being courteous when they say 'come again' to a guest. According to the poet, people nowadays are frequently more interested in meeting those who are affluent, powerful, successful, or renowned than in meeting those who lack income or position.

Your best friend has just been suspended from school for truancy. write a letter to him/her expressing your displeasure and advising him/her to turn a new leaf.



dear friend


i am very happy that you are suspended for school now i cant get scholded by my teachers

stay safe stay happy

i hate you soso much

be safe from corona when you will return school i should sit with you so if you have corona i also may be suffer so be safe

your very loving bestfriend



here you go on the

basic of my life

Which of the following supports the idea that Hamlet is a problem play? Select all that apply.

The play’s characters are neither all good nor all bad.
The play has a somber, sinister mood.
Hamlet lacks a tragic flaw.
It has a tragic ending.


Answer: Hamlet's characters are neither all good nor all bad and that the play has a somber, sinister mood

Which line in the following excerpt from Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness indicate a flashback? He paused. "Mind," he began again, lifting one arm from the elbow, the palm of the hand outwards, so that, with his legs folded before him, he had the pose of a Buddha preaching in European clothes and without a lotus-flower—"Mind, none of us would feel exactly like this. What saves us is efficiency—the devotion to efficiency. But these chaps were not much account, really. They were no colonists; their administration was merely a squeeze, and nothing more, I suspect. They were conquerors, and for that you want only brute force—nothing to boast of, when you have it, since your strength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others. They grabbed what they could get for the sake of what was to be got. It was just robbery with violence, aggravated murder on a great scale, and men going at it blind—as is very proper for those who tackle a darkness. The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much. What redeems it is the idea only. An idea at the back of it; not a sentimental pretense but an idea; and an unselfish belief in the idea—something you can set up, and bow down before, and offer a sacrifice to. . . ." He broke off. Flames glided in the river, small green flames, red flames, white flames, pursuing, overtaking, joining, crossing each other—then separating slowly or hastily. The traffic of the great city went on in the deepening night upon the sleepless river. We looked on, waiting patiently—there was nothing else to do till the end of the flood; but it was only after a long silence, when he said, in a hesitating voice, "I suppose you fellows remember I did once turn fresh-water sailor for a bit," that we knew we were fated, before the ebb began to run, to hear about one of Marlow's inconclusive experiences.



"But it was only after a long silence, when he said, in a hesitating voice, "I suppose you fellows remember I did once turn fresh-water sailor for a bit," that we knew we were fated before the ebb began to run, to hear about one of Marlow's inconclusive experiences."


Flashback in literary terms refers to a time in a story where the narrative is taken to a point in time from the story. This is usually done to show past events to fill some crucial backstory.

From the excerpt given, a flashback is used to remind the second character how he changed careers for some time to become a freshwater sailor before fortune turned and they began to hear about Marlow's inconclusive experiences.

Answer: "But it was only after a long silence, when he said, in a hesitating voice, "I suppose you fellows remember I did once turn fresh-water sailor for a bit," that we knew we were fated before the ebb began to run, to hear about one of Marlow's inconclusive experiences."


The underlined words and phrases have strong negative, Tatian. How do they support the authors purpose?” Children of the drug wars‘



not sure which, author.

Usually, the subject is informative, from a news anchor, military, etc., someone who was there 2 study, the impact it has on children..

Support your info. by siting your info., where you got the info, like government sites end in .org...a reliable source, (college papers, etc.).

In 2008, the once thriving company took a financial blow during the Great Recession. Profits fell, but
that was not the story the leaders of the company were telling. The CEO was obviously aware of the
corruption happening in her company and even encouraged it for her own gain. Unethical accounting
practices made the company appear to be profitable to shareholders. The company's net worth seemed to
hold steady as the rest of the market fell, day after day. Finally, a whistleblower in the accounting
department uncovered the scheme. Unbelievably, none of the wrongdoers were arrested.
Which of these sentences is an opinion disguised as a fact?
O The company's net worth seemed to holu siecdy as the rest of the market fell, day after day.
The CEO was obviously aware of the corruption happening in her company and eve i encouraged it
for her own gain.
Profits fell, but that was not the story the leaders of the company were telling.
In 2008, the once thriving company took a financial blow during the Great Recession.



Profits fell, but that was not the story the leaders of the company were telling.


Because to some people it could have seemed to them that the story fell as to speak.

Help me please……………………



B. Figure out what you already know about the subject


If it helps you mark me as a brainleast



Answer: practice














select the correct relative pronoun form the list given and complete the blank space in each of tge following sentences.

where when who
which why whose

1.this is a reastaurant ______you cna find many different cuisines from around the world.

2.the moment________i found out the exam resuls was one of the worst timrs in my life.

3.those_______are eager to join the spanish class should sign up by tomorrow.

4.los angels,________is one of the most visited tourist destinations, is a fascinating city.

5.i would like to know the reson_____you decided not to join us.

6.the amazons,_______warrior nature is stressed in greek mythology, have been a popular subject for the movies industry.

7.the early bronze age was a period______the climate was significantly warmer and drier than today.

8.anyone______is interested in montaineering should have enough physical strength to endure the harsh conditions. of the reasons______most of us change is because we need to adjust and adopt to the changing life conditions.

10.the 19th century artist,______name i couldn't remember, was very prolific as his time.


The correct relative pronouns as used in the given sentences are as below-

1. This is a restaurant where you can find many different cuisines from around the world.

2. The moment when I found out the exam results was one of the worst times in my life.

3. Those who are eager to join the Spanish class should sign up by tomorrow.

4. Los Angeles, which is one of the most visited tourist destinations, is a fascinating city.

5. I would like to know the reason why you decided not to join us.

6. The Amazons, whose warrior nature is stressed in Greek mythology, have been a popular subject in the movies industry.

7. The early Bronze Age was a period when the climate was significantly warmer and drier than today.

8. Anyone who is interested in mountaineering should have enough physical strength to endure the harsh conditions.

9. One of the reasons why most of us change is because we need to adjust and adapt to the changing life conditions.

10. The 19th century artist, whose name I couldn't remember, was very prolific as his time.

A relative pronoun is a pronoun that connects nouns or pronouns with clauses or phrases. They are also used to introduce relative or adjective clauses in a sentence.

Different relative clauses are used for different purposes. The relative clause "where" tells us about a place, while "when" is for time. Likewise, "who" tells us about a person, while "which" is used for a place and also to show a difference or a choice. Also, "why" is used for a reason and 'whose" to show possession or belonging. Now, looking at the given sentences, the correct relative clauses to use in each sentence are given as below-

1. This is a restaurant where you can find many different cuisines from around the world.

2. The moment when I found out the exam results was one of the worst times in my life.

3. Those who are eager to join the Spanish class should sign up by tomorrow.

4. Los Angeles, which is one of the most visited tourist destinations, is a fascinating city.

5. I would like to know the reason why you decided not to join us.

6. The Amazons, whose warrior nature is stressed in Greek mythology, have been a popular subject in the movies industry.

7. The early Bronze Age was a period when the climate was significantly warmer and drier than today.

8. Anyone who is interested in mountaineering should have enough physical strength to endure the harsh conditions.

9. One of the reasons why most of us change is because we need to adjust and adapt to the changing life conditions.

10. The 19th century artist, whose name I couldn't remember, was very prolific as his time.

Relative pronouns tells us the relation between the nouns or pronouns with the rest of the sentence. Thus, the correct relative pronouns to be used in the given sentences are given above.


Learn more about relative pronouns here:

Threet’s Repair Shop was started on May 1 by Erica Threet. A summary of May transactions is presented below.
1. Invested $10,000 cash to start the repair shop.
2. Purchased equipment for $5,000 cash.
3. Paid $400 cash for May office rent.
4. Paid $500 cash for supplies.
5. Incurred $250 of advertising costs in the Beacon News on account.
6. Received $6,100 in cash from customers for repair service.
7. Withdrew $1,000 cash for personal use.
8. Paid part-time employee salaries $2,000.
9. Paid utility bills $170.
10. Provided repair service on account to customers $750.
11. Collected cash of $120 for services billed in transaction (10).
(a) Prepare a tabular analysis of the transactions, using the following column headings: Cash, Accounts Receivable, Supplies, Equipment, Accounts Payable, Owner’s Capital, Owner’s Drawings, Revenues



Total liabilities and owner’s equity:



Threet’s Repair Shop was started on May 1 by Erica Threet. The total liability of the owner is the $20,800.

What is liability?

The term “liability” refers to a company's indebtedness to third-party creditors. The obligations include notes payable, bank debt, accounts payable, wages payable, accrued expenses, and taxes payable. Liabilities are classified as current, non-current, or contingent.

Date  Assets = Liability + Owner's equity.

Assets =  cash + a/c receivable + Supplies + Equipment

Assets = 9900 +  7000  +            900         +   3000

Assets = +4000 + (4000)

Assets = 13900 + 3000            +    900       +     3000

Assets = 20,800

Liability + Owner's equity

200       + 15000 + (600) + 10000 + (3800)


Therefore,  the total liability of the owner 20,800.

Learn more about on liability, here:


Passive form of "How does the girl help the the boy?"​



the girl help The Boy by making


How is the boy helped by the girl?


This is the passive voice.

What do you think working in a fine dining restaurant has an edge working in a fast food restaurant?​



Fine dining puts a lot more effort into their meals. Since they take longer to make the meals, and put extra effort (at least more than fast food places) their meals would be more expensive, making the waiters salaries higher than in a fast food restaurant.




1. Congratulations!

2. Hey!

3. Listen


Interjections are an abrupt remark, made especially as an aside or interruption.

It's Illegal to Chew Gum in Singapore​



No not now


The chewing gum sales ban in Singapore has been in force since 1992. ... It is currently not illegal to chew gum in Singapore, merely to import it and sell it, apart from the aforementioned exceptions.

Read the excerpt from " The Pit and the Pendulum ". Question) The narrator is not reliable because of the conditions he faces. He and the reader do not know, for example, how he gets food and water because he loses consciousness. How does this develop suspense? ( Read the 2 small paragraphs to answer the question). Will Mark Brainliest . ​



This creates suspense because now the readers know that there are other people around the narrator, and that though it might seem like the mystery person is trying to help, the readers and the narrator can't  be sure.


I hope that makes sense....

to whom is the narrator telling his story? support your answer with evidence from the text.

From the cask of amontillado



He is telling an old friend before he dies.


He had murdered Fortunato almost fifty years ago, as stated in the last paragraph, and is about to die when he finally confesses to his old friend what he had done.

He is telling an old acquaintance before he dies. Edgar Allan Poe is widely regarded as the father of the modern detective story, the creator of the Gothic horror story, and a significant early forerunner of the science fiction form.

What is the main message in The Cask of Amontillado?In The Cask of Amontillado, Edgar Poe suggests that seeking vengeance may blind one to happiness. Montresor makes it clear early on in the story that his only thought is exacting revenge on Fortunato.Montresor, our terrible narrator, speaks in the first person (central). He is dedicated to advancing his own cold, ruthless, violent, cunning, and vindictive viewpoint. He doesn't mind telling us about torturing and killing Fortunato because it was the right and moral thing to do in his opinion.He killed Fortunato about fifty years ago, as mentioned in the previous sentence, and he is about to die when he finally admits to his old friend what he had done.

To learn more about The cask of amontillado, refer to:


Read the excerpt from "The Royal House of Thebes."
Antigone and Ismene heard with horror what Creon had
decided. To Ismene, shocking as it was, overwhelming
her with anguish for the pitiful dead body and the
lonely, homeless soul, it seemed, nevertheless, that
nothing could be done except to acquiesce [to accept
without protest]. She and Antigone were utterly alone.
All Thebes was exulting that the man who had brought
war upon them should be thus terribly punished. "We
are women," she told her sister. "We must obey. We
have no strength to defy the State." "Choose your own
part," Antigone said. "I go to bury the brother I love."
"You are not strong enough," Ismene cried. "Why, then
when my strength fails, " Antigone answered, "I will give
up." She left her sister, Ismene dared not follow her.
How does Antigone's action as a rebel reveal the
universal theme?
It shows that she is tired of being alone, revealing
that loneliness is difficult for people to handle.
It shows that she can break the rules for her
principles, revealing that women are as capable as
It shows that she does not side with her sister,
revealing that families should stick together.
It shows that she pities Ismene, revealing that
understanding leads to right action.


The correct answer is B. It shows that she can break the rules for her principles, revealing that women are as capable as men.


In the excerpt presented, it is described how Antigone opposes the actions of Creon as he wants to stop Antigone and her sister from burying his brother. Indeed, even if Ismene (Antigone's sister) expresses they must obey "We are women...We must obey", Antigone decides to break the rules and disobey "I go to bury the brother I love" inspired by love and own principles. These actions indirectly show the reader women can break the rules and be as strong as men. According to this, the universal theme (underlying idea understood in cultures around the word) expressed when Antigone breaks the rules is i"women are as capable as men" (Option B).

Help me,plzzzzzzzzzz



2. shows


3. performer


4. act


5. dream


Question #3: Which sentence is a run-on sentence? A. Ben and Izzy both enjoyed hiking, so they went hiking together often. B. Sarah, Ben's other daughter, was not interested in hiking so she stayed home. C. Ben wanted to make sure Izzy was prepared to hike; therefore, he taught her hiking safety. D. Although Izzy was young, she had been on many hikes with her dad.





don't know

Describe your career goals and how do you hope to achieve them?



l want to be a surgeon,establish a good hospital for citizens and inspire people


l hope to achieve them by praying and by being diligent and handworking

In the first paragraph, which line states a reason why humans are at fault for the lionfish problem?
O What was once just an attractive aquarium fish has recently become one of the biggest menaces in the Atlantic
O The lionfish was accidentally introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1990s.
O Because it has no natural predators, it has adapted quickly to its new home
The lionfish now threatens to destroy native fish populations in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico.


Hey There!!

The answer to this is: When reading this, we saw how this lion fish was put into the Atlantic, and therefore, there's actually one thing that is actually something that we would want to consider, and that would actually indicate that it would be our answer.

Let's take notice in the paragraph on how the following sentence shows that this would be a total accident, and that this animal was putted in this location not by purpose, but by accident, and therefore, this was the actual lead on why humans are at fault for the lion fish problem.

The lionfish was accidentally introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1990s.

This would be your answer, and this would be why it would be that they have adapted very quickly to their homes and all the they have now have.

Your answer: The lionfish was accidentally introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1990s.

Hope It Helped!~ ♡

ItsNobody~ ☆

B. The lionfish was accidentally introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1990s.

WE introduced the lionfish into the atlantic in 1900s. Therfore, it is OUR fault.

I really hope this helped you!-DiorsDesignerDoodles <3

A. Choose the best answer to complete each of following sentence
1. The secretary has been busy all afternoon
A. to type B. type C. typing D. typed



I think A is correct


The secretary has been busy all afternoon to type some files or documents.




I think it's C.  The secretary has been busy all afternoon typing important information.  

B Page view A Read aloud Grammar Practice A' Did you go to the cinema last night (go) B No. 1 at home (stay) АУ you ever to Mexico? (go) B Yes, I have last year. (go) A you any Latin American novels? (read) B Yes, 1 Spanish when i was at university (study) A What? you for dinner last night? (have) B Nothing 1 hungry (not be А . Read the sentences carefully, Identify whether it is the simple past or the present perfect form. • Change the words in the brackets into the correct forms of the simple past OR the present perfect tense. • Write your answers in the following slide. · Question no 1 is done for you. you ever to a famous actor? (speak) a famous person. (meet) 10 B No, 1 never AN you at the end of Titonic? (cry) very sad. (be) B Yes, it2 A 13 the new James Bond film? (see) you B No. Is it good? AH you your homework last night? (do) ING​





For which writing prompt would you use an explanatory thesis? A.) Analyze the differences between yoga and aerobics, and then explain which one is better for your body. B.)Describe the poetry of Shel Silverstein and the poems of Jack Prelutsky and then decide which poems are funnier. C.)Compare and contrast traveling by ship with traveling by airplane, discussing the pros and cons of each. D.) Compare and contrast the Great Chicago Fire (1871) and the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 to determine which was worse.


The correct answer is A.) Analyze the differences between yoga and aerobics, and then explain which one is better for your body.


Explanatory texts focus on explaining or providing information to make clear a topic, process, or event. This form of writing is used in encyclopedias and similar that explain readers a topic. In this context, the prompt that requires an explanatory text and an explanatory thesis (position of the author) is option A as the section "and then explain which one is better for your body" shows the writer will need to explain or provide information to help the reader understand why yoga or aerobics are better, which might include providing information about health, psychological benefits, etc.


Compare and contrast traveling by ship with traveling by airplane, discussing the pros and cons of each

Explanation: all the other answers have you determine, find out what is better for your body, and what is funnier. From what I know those are all not based soley on factual information                                                                                                        Explanatory thesis statement An explanatory thesis statement is based solely on factual information. It doesn't contain personal opinions or make claims that are unsupported by evidence. Instead, it tells the reader precisely what the topic will be and touches on the major points that will be explored in the essay.

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