Assume a client calls an asynchronous RPC to a server, and subsequently waits until the server returns a result using another asynchronous RPC. Is this approach the same as letting the client execute a normal RPC


Answer 1


This approach is not the same as letting the client execute a normal RPC


This approach is not the same as letting the client execute a normal RPC and this is because an asynchronous RPC sends an additional message across the network after the initial call/message is sent by the sender to the client. this additional message sent through the network is directed towards the sender of the initial call/message as an acknowledgement of the receipt of the initial message by the client .

synchronous RPC is made of two asychronous RPCs, hence the client executing a normal RPC  will not establish a reliable communication between the client and the sender as asynchronous RPC would

Related Questions

Write a Bash script that searches all .c files in the current directory (and its subdirectories, recursively) for occurrences of the word "foobar". Your search should be case-sensitive (that applies both to filenames and the word "foobar"). Note that an occurrence of "foobar" only counts as a word if it is either at the beginning of the line or preceded by a non-word-constituent character, or, similarly, if it is either at the end of the line or followed by a non-word- constituent character. Word-constituent characters are letters, digits and underscores.



grep -R  '^foobar'.c > variable && grep -R  'foobar$'.c >> variable

echo $variable | ls -n .


Bash scripting is a language used in unix and linux operating systems to interact and automate processes and manage files and packages in the system. It is an open source scripting language that has locations for several commands like echo, ls, man etc, and globbing characters.

The above statement stores and appends data of a search pattern to an already existing local variable and list them numerically as standard out 'STDOUT'.


Set numMatches to the number of elements in userValues (having NUM_VALS elements) that equal matchValue. Ex: If matchValue = 2 and userVals = {2, 2, 1, 2}, then numMatches = 3.


int main(void) {
const int NUM_VALS = 4;
int userValues[NUM_VALS];
int i = 0;
int matchValue = 0;
int numMatches = -99; // Set numMatches to 0 before your for loop

userValues[0] = 2;
userValues[1] = 2;
userValues[2] = 1;
userValues[3] = 2;

matchValue = 2;

/* Your solution goes here */

printf("matchValue: %d, numMatches: %d\n", matchValue, numMatches);

return 0;

2)Write a for loop to populate array userGuesses with NUM_GUESSES integers. Read integers using scanf. Ex: If NUM_GUESSES is 3 and user enters 9 5 2, then userGuesses is {9, 5, 2}.


int main(void) {
const int NUM_GUESSES = 3;
int userGuesses[NUM_GUESSES];
int i = 0;

/* Your solution goes here */

return 0;

3)Array testGrades contains NUM_VALS test scores. Write a for loop that sets sumExtra to the total extra credit received. Full credit is 100, so anything over 100 is extra credit. Ex: If testGrades = {101, 83, 107, 90}, then sumExtra = 8, because 1 + 0 + 7 + 0 is 8.


int main(void) {
const int NUM_VALS = 4;
int testGrades[NUM_VALS];
int i = 0;
int sumExtra = -9999; // Initialize to 0 before your for loop

testGrades[0] = 101;
testGrades[1] = 83;
testGrades[2] = 107;
testGrades[3] = 90;

/* Your solution goes here */

printf("sumExtra: %d\n", sumExtra);
return 0;

4)Write a for loop to print all NUM_VALS elements of array hourlyTemp. Separate elements with a comma and space. Ex: If hourlyTemp = {90, 92, 94, 95}, print:

90, 92, 94, 95
Note that the last element is not followed by a comma, space, or newline.


int main(void) {
const int NUM_VALS = 4;
int hourlyTemp[NUM_VALS];
int i = 0;

hourlyTemp[0] = 90;
hourlyTemp[1] = 92;
hourlyTemp[2] = 94;
hourlyTemp[3] = 95;

/* Your solution goes here */


return 0;




for(i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; ++i) {

  if(userValues[i] == matchValue) {

     numMatches++;  }    }


for (i = 0; i < NUM_GUESSES; i++) {

      scanf("%d", &userGuesses[i]);   }

  for (i = 0; i < NUM_GUESSES; ++i) {

         printf("%d ", userGuesses[i]);    }


sumExtra = 0;

for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; ++i){

     if (testGrades[i] > 100){  

        sumExtra = testGrades[i] - 100 + sumExtra;    }       }


for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; ++i) {

    if (i<(NUM_VALS-1))  

   printf( "%d,", hourlyTemp[i]);


    printf("%d",hourlyTemp[i]); }      


1) This loop works as follows:

1st iteration:

i = 0

As i= 0 and NUM_VALS = 4 This means for condition i<NUM_VALS  is true so the body of loop executes

if(userValues[i] == matchValue) condition checks if element at i-th index position of userValues[] array is equal to the value of matchValue variable. As matchValue = 2 and i = 0 So the statement becomes:

userValues[0] == 2

2 == 2

As the value at 0th index (1st element) of userValues is 2 so the above condition is true and the value of numMatches is incremented to 1. So numMatches = 1

Now value of i is incremented to 1 so i=1

2nd iteration:

i = 1

As i= 1 and NUM_VALS = 4 This means for condition i<NUM_VALS  is true so the body of loop executes

if(userValues[i] == matchValue) condition checks if element at i-th index position of userValues[] array is equal to the value of matchValue variable. As matchValue = 2 and i = 1 So the statement becomes:

userValues[1] == 2

2 == 2

As the value at 1st index (2nd element) of userValues is 2 so the above condition is true and the value of numMatches is incremented to 1. So numMatches = 2

Now value of i is incremented to 1 so i=2

The same procedure continues at each iteration.

The last iteration is shown below:

5th iteration:

i = 4

As i= 4 and NUM_VALS = 4 This means for condition i<NUM_VALS  is false so the loop breaks

Next the statement: printf("matchValue: %d, numMatches: %d\n", matchValue, numMatches);  executes which displays the value of

numMatches = 3


The first loop works as follows:

At first iteration:

i = 0

i<NUM_GUESSES is true as NUM_GUESSES = 3 and i= 0 so 0<3

So the body of loop executes which reads the element at ith index (0-th) index i.e. 1st element of userGuesses array. Then value of i is incremented to i and i = 1.

At each iteration each element at i-th index is read using scanf such as element at userGuesses[0], userGuesses[1], userGuesses[2]. The loop stops at i=4 as i<NUM_GUESSES evaluates to false.

The second loop works as follows:

At first iteration:

i = 0

i<NUM_GUESSES is true as NUM_GUESSES = 3 and i= 0 so 0<3

So the body of loop executes which prints the element at ith index (0-th) index i.e. 1st element of userGuesses array. Then value of i is incremented to i and i = 1.

At each iteration, each element at i-th index is printed on output screen using printf such as element at userGuesses[0], userGuesses[1], userGuesses[2] is displayed. The loop stops at i=4 as i<NUM_GUESSES evaluates to false.

So if user enters enters 9 5 2, then the output is 9 5 2


The loop works as follows:

At first iteration:


i<NUM_VALS is true as NUM_VALS = 4 so 0<4. Hence the loop body executes.

if (testGrades[i] > 100 checks if the element at i-th index of testGrades array is greater than 100. As i=0 so this statement becomes:

if (testGrades[0] > 100

As testGrades[0] = 101 so this condition evaluates to true as 101>100

So the statement sumExtra = testGrades[i] - 100 + sumExtra; executes which becomes:

sumExtra = testGrades[0] - 100 + sumExtra

As sumExtra = 0

testGrades[0] = 101


sumExtra = 101 - 100 + 0

sumExtra = 1

The same procedure is done at each iteration until the loop breaks. The output is:

sumExtra = 8


The loop works as follows:

At first iteration


i < NUM_VALS is true as  NUM_VALS = 4 so 0<4 Hence loop body executes.

if (i<(NUM_VALS-1))   checks if i is less than NUM_VALS-1 which is 4-1=3

It is also true as 0<3 Hence the statement in body of i executes

printf( "%d,", hourlyTemp[i]) statement prints the element at i-th index i.e. at 0-th index of hourlyTemp array with a comma (,) in the end. As hourlyTemp[0] = 90; So 90, is printed.

When the above IF condition evaluates to false i.e. when i = 3 then else part executes which prints the hourlyTemp[3] = 95 without comma.

Same procedure happens at each iteration unless value of i exceeds NUM_VAL.

The output is:

90, 92, 94, 95

The programs along with their output are attached.

Briefly describe the importance of thoroughly testing a macro before deployment. What precautions might you take to ensure consistency across platforms for end users?



Answered below


A macro or macroinstruction is a programmable pattern which translates a sequence of inputs into output. It is a rule that specifies how a certain input sequence is mapped to a replacement output sequence. Macros makes tasks less repetitive by representing complicated keystrokes, mouse clicks and commands.

By thoroughly testing a macro before deployment, you are able to observe the flow of the macro and also see the result of each action that occurs. This helps to isolate any action that causes an error or produces unwanted results and enable it to be consistent across end user platforms.

What is a disruptive technology? Give an example of an aspect of society that has been impacted by technological change.



A disruptive technology sweeps away the systems or habits it replaces because it has attributes that are recognizably superior. Recent disruptive technology examples include e-commerce, online news sites, ride-sharing apps, and GPS systems.

a reason for giving a Page Quality (PQ) rating of Highest, is it the page has no Ads?



quality of highest giving page hash no adds

Define a function print_total_inches, with parameters num_feet and num_inches, that prints the total number of inches. Note: There are 12 inches in a foot. Sample output with inputs: 58 Total inches: 68 def print_total_inches (num_feet, hum_inches): 2 str1=12 str2=num_inches 4 print("Total inches:',(num_feet*strl+str2)) 5 print_total_inches (5,8) 6 feet = int(input) 7 inches = int(input) 8 print_total_inches (feet, inches)


I'll pick up your question from here:

Define a function print_total_inches, with parameters num_feet and num_inches, that prints the total number of inches. Note: There are 12 inches in a foot.

Sample output with inputs: 5 8

Total inches: 68


The program is as follows:

def print_total_inches(num_feet,num_inches):

     print("Total Inches: "+str(12 * num_feet + num_inches))


inches = int(input("Inches: "))

feet = int(input("Feet: "))



This line defines the function along with the two parameters

def print_total_inches(num_feet,num_inches):

This line calculates and prints the equivalent number of inches

     print("Total Inches: "+str(12 * num_feet + num_inches))

The main starts here:

This line tests with the original arguments from the question


The next two lines prompts user for input (inches and feet)

inches = int(input("Inches: "))

feet = int(input("Feet: "))

This line prints the equivalent number of inches depending on the user input



Written in Python:

def print_total_inches(num_feet,num_inches):

    print("Total inches: "+str(12 * num_feet + num_inches))

feet = int(input())

inches = int(input())

print_total_inches(feet, inches)


computer in education are used for teaching and learning aids​


i think the answer is 9 but my head really hurt so i’m not sure

A text file has been transferred from a Windows system to a Unix system, leaving it with the wrong line termination. This mistake can be corrected by



Text to ASCII Transfer


What is the quick key to highlighting a column?
Ctrl + down arrow
Ctrl + Shift + down arrow
Right-click + down arrow
Ctrl + Windows + down arrow


The quick key to highlighting a column is the Ctrl + Shift + down arrow. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is column?

The term column refers to how data is organized vertically from top to bottom. Columns are groups of cells that are arranged vertically and run from top to bottom. A column is a group of cells in a table that are vertically aligned. The column is the used in the excel worksheet.

The quick key for highlighting a column is Ctrl + Shift + down arrow. To select downward, press Ctrl-Shift-Down Arrow. To pick anything, use Ctrl-Shift-Right Arrow, then Ctrl-Shift-Down Arrow. In the Move/Highlight Cells, the was employed. The majority of the time, the excel worksheet was used.

As a result, the quick key to highlighting a column is the Ctrl + Shift + down arrow. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about the column, here:



its (B) ctrl+shift+down arrow

hope this helps <3


Write a query to display the department name, location name, number of employees, and the average salary for all employees in that department. Label the columns dname, loc, Number of People, and Salary, respectively.



is hjs yen ; he jawjwjwjwjw

You are required to install a printer on a Windows 7 Professional x86 workstation. Which print driver do you need to complete the installation?



It depends on the model of the printer you want to install. Recent printers when connected to the computer install themselves searching for the drivers needed on the internet. Anyway, you can always google the word "driver" plus the model of your printer and it will surely appear the driver you need from the the company's website of the printer

The print driver that you will need to complete the installation of a printer on Windows 7 Professional x86 workstation is; 32 bit driver

In windows 7 Professional, an x86 name architecture simply denotes a 32 - bit CPU and operating system while x64 will refer to a 64-bit CPU and operating system.

Thus, since we want to install a printer on a Windows 7 Professional x86 workstation, it means we have to use a print driver that is 32 - bit.

Read more about 32 bits at;

Diverting an attacker from accessing critical systems, collecting information about the attacker's activity and encouraging the attacker to stay on the system long enough for administrators to respond. These are all benefits of what network appliance?



Honeypot is the correct answer


A computer system that is meant to mimic the likely targets of cyber attacks is called honeypot. It is used to deflect the attackers from a legitimate target and detect attacks. It also helps to gain info about how the cyber criminals operate. They have been around for decades, it works on the philosophy that instead of searching for attackers, prepare something that would attract them. It is just like cheese-baited mousetraps. Cyber criminals get attracted towards honeypots by thinking that they are legitimate targets.

Define Proportional spacing fornt.​



Alphabetic character spacing based on the width of each letter in a font. ... Proportional spacing is commonly used for almost all text. In this encyclopedia, the default text is a proportional typeface, and tables are "monospaced," in which all characters have the same fixed width.

hope this answer helps u

pls mark me as brainlitest .-.

Write a Visual Basic Program to display factorial series upto nth term 1! 2! 3! 4! ...!



n = n(n-1)!


expanding the factorial we get;






we can rewrite the above factorials as:






the pattern applies such that if we have n th number we get it's factorial as;

n = n(n-1)!

Where can you find detailed information about your registration, classes, finances, and other personal details? This is also the portal where you can check your class schedule, pay your bill, view available courses, check your final grades, easily order books, etc. A. UC ONE Self-Service Center B. Webmail C. UC Box Account D. ILearn



A. UC ONE Self-Service Center


The UC ONE Self-Service Center is an online platform where one can get detailed information about registration, classes, finances, and other personal details. This is also the portal where one can check class schedule, bill payment, viewing available courses, checking final grades, book ordering, etc.

it gives students all the convenience required for effective learning experience.

The UC ONE platform is a platform found in the portal of University of the Cumberland.

Vehicles driving in the opposite direction on a multi-lane highway with opposite lanes separated by a painted line must stop for school buses.


True? I think that’s it’s true, it’s different here in Canada

Given a number N, write a code to print all psoitive numbers less than N in which all adjacent digits differ by 1



def lesser_adjacent_num ( N ):

     N = int( N )

     while N == True:

            next = N - 1

            print if  next >= 0 ? next : break


The python function above called "lesser_adjacent_num" accepts an argument called "N" which is an integer. The function print the number "next" which is a number less than the N integer for every loop for the condition where N is not zero.

Input a list of positive numbers, find the mean (average) of the numbers, and output the result. Use a subprogram to input the numbers, a function to find the mean, and a subprogram to output the result. Use a subprogram to Input the numbers, a Function to find the mean and a subprogram to output the Result.



def inputNumber():

   l = []

   num = int(input("Enter the number of integers you want to enter\n"))

   for i in range(0,num):

       print("Enter the ", i+1, " integers ")

       a = float(input())


   return l

def averageCalculator(l):

   total = 0

   for i in l:

       total += i

   avg = total/len(l)

   return avg

def printoutput(avg):

   print("The average of numbers is ", avg)

l = inputNumber()

avg = averageCalculator(l)



A subprogram may be considered as a method where we pass some values in the arguments and return some value.

The answer is written in python language, where we have used

inputNumber() subprogram to get the input from the user.

function averageCalculator() to calculate the average.

printoutput() subprogram to print the output or the average of the numbers.

Please refer to the attached image for better understanding of the indentation of code.

Now, let us learn about them one by one:

inputNumber(): We get the number of values to be entered as an integer value and then get the numbers as float.

Store the values in a list and return the list to the caller main program.

averageCalculator(l): Contains a list as argument as we got from inputNumber(). It sums all the numbers and divides with total number to find the average. Returns the average value to the caller main program.

printoutput(avg): Contains an argument which is the average calculated in the averageCalculator(). It prints the argument passed to it.

4. Which event is used to move from one textbox to another through enter
a) Key Click b) Key Enter c) Key Down d) Key Select



key enter


May this help you l think

Advantages of e commerce



A Larger Market

Customer Insights Through Tracking And Analytics

Fast Response To Consumer Trends And Market Demand

Lower Cost

More Opportunities To "Sell"

Personalized Messaging

Hope this helps!

A machine on a 10 Mbps network is regulated by a token bucket algorithm with a fill rate of 3 Mbps. The bucket is initially filled to capacity at 3MB. How long can the machine transmit at the full 10 Mbps capacity


2+4= this gbhfchgcjdxbhdch is correct

When working with the instruction LAHF, the lower eight bits of the EFLAGS register will wind up getting moved into the



What caused the substantial schedule delay of software development for the Jaguar project? (b) How did the software problem impact the project? (c) If you were the project manager, what would you have done differently to prevent the software problem from happening?





Each time we add another bit, what happens to the amount of numbers we can make?



When we add another bit, the amount of numbers we can make multiplies by 2. So a two-bit number can make 4 numbers, but a three-bit number can make 8.

The amount of numbers that can be made is multiplied by two for each bit to be added.

The bit is the most basic unit for storing information. Bits can either be represented as either 0 or 1. Data is represented by using this multiple bits.

The amount of numbers that can be gotten from n bits is given as 2ⁿ.

Therefore we can conclude that for each bit added the amount of numbers is multiplied by two (2).

Find more about bit at:

what is the role of media in our society, and how can we become responsible consumers producers of news and information in the digital age?​


1.Own your image, personal information and how these are used.Pay close attention to the 2.Terms of Use on apps and websites. ...

3.Obtain permissions when posting videos or 4.images of others on your networks. ...

Scrub your accounts. ...

5.Password diligence. ...

Spread love, not hate.

 A ………….. is a basic memory element in digital circuits and can be used to store 1 bit of information.



A memory cell

Explanation: Research has proven that ;

The memory cell is also known as the  fundamental building block of computer memory.

It stores one bit of binary information and it must be set to store a logic 1 (high voltage level) and reset to store a logic 0 (low voltage level).

CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 3.1.2: Type casting: Computing average owls per zoo.
Assign avg_owls with the average owls per zoo. Print avg_owls as an integer. Sample output for inputs: 1 2 4
Average owls per zoo: 2
1. num owls zooA= 1
2. num owls zooB = 2
3. numowlszooC = 4 -
4. num-zoos = 3
5. avg-owls 0.0
7. Your solution goes here" Run



num_owls_zooA = 1

num_owls_zooB = 2

num_owls_zooC = 4

num_zoos = 3

avg_owls = 0.0

avg_owls = (num_owls_zooA + num_owls_zooB + num_owls_zooC) / num_zoos

print("Average owls per zoo: " + str(int(avg_owls)))


Initialize the num_owls_zooA, num_owls_zooB, num_owls_zooC as 1, 2, 4 respectively

Initialize the num_zoos as 3 and avg_owls as 0

Calculate the avg_owls, sum num_owls_zooA, num_owls_zooB, num_owls_zooC and divide the result by num_zoos

Print the avg_owls as an integer (Type cast the avg_owls to integer, int(avg_owls))

After a new firewall is installed, users report that they do not have connectivity to the Internet. The output of the ipconfig command shows an IP address of Which of the following ports would need to be opened on the firewall to allow the users to obtain an IP address? (Select TWO).
A. UDP 53
B. UDP 67
C. UDP 68
D. TCP 53
E. TCP 67
F. TCP 68



B. UDP 67

C. UDP 68


In this scenario, after a new firewall is installed, users report that they do not have connectivity to the Internet. The output of the ipconfig command shows an IP address of The ports that would need to be opened on the firewall to allow the users to obtain an IP address are both the UDP 67 and UDP 68. UDP is an acronym for user datagram protocol in computer networking and it is part of the transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) suite.

Generally, the standard Internet communications protocols which allow digital computers to transfer (prepare and forward) data over long distances is the TCP/IP suite.

Also, the UDP 67 and 68 ports is responsible for the connectionless framework which is typically being used by the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) that is used to assign IP addresses to various computer users and manage their leases.

UDP 67 is the destination port for a DHCP server while the UDP 68 is the port number for the computer user (client).

Hence, for the users to have access to the internet or internet connectivity both UDP 67 and 68 must be opened on the firewall.

What is wrong with the following if statement (there are at least 3 errors).
The Indentation indicates the desired behavior.

if numNeighbors >= 3 || numNeighbors = 4
printf ("You are dead! \n “);


In programming, if statements are used to test conditions. The statement to be executed will be determined by the result of the conditions. A statement will be executed if its accompanying condition is true.

The errors in the given code segment are as follows:

The if condition on line 1 should be in a closed bracket; i.e. ()The if condition has more than 1 statements to execute. So, it requires a curly bracket; i.e. {}The second part of the first condition should be == 4 and not =4; because the proper operator to make comparison is == while = is used as an assignment operator

The correct code is as follows:

if (numNeighbors >= 3 || numNeighbors == 4) {


printf ("You are dead! \n “); }



Read more about conditional statements at:

While the Internet can be a great resource, the information is not always reliable, as anyone can post information. Select one: True False


Answer: True

Explanation: Because anyone can post something and it can be non reliable

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