Complete method printPopcornTime(), with int parameter bagOunces, and void return type. If bagOunces is less than 2, print "Too small". If greater than 10, print "Too large". Otherwise, compute and print 6 * bagOunces followed by " seconds". End with a newline. Example output for ounces = 7:
42 seconds
import java.util.Scanner;
public class PopcornTimer {
public static void printPopcornTime(int bagOunces) {
/* Your solution goes here */
public static void main (String [] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
int userOunces;
userOunces = scnr.nextInt();


Answer 1



/* Your solution goes here */


if (bagOunces < 2) {

   System.out.print("Too Small");


else if(bagOunces > 10) {

   System.out.print("Too Large");


else {

   System.out.print((bagOunces * 6)+" seconds");



This line checks if bagOunces is less than 2;

if (bagOunces < 2) {

If yes, the string "Too Small" is printed

   System.out.print("Too Small");


This line checks if bagOunces is greater than 10

else if(bagOunces > 10) {

If yes, the string "Too Large" is printed

   System.out.print("Too Large");


The following condition is executed if the above conditions are false

else {

This multiplies bagOunces by 6 and adds seconds

   System.out.print((bagOunces * 6)+" seconds");


Related Questions

If you implement too many security controls, what portion of the CIA triad (Information Assurance Pyramid) may suffer?
a. Availability
b. Confidentiality
c. Integrity
d. All of the above



Option A



The implementation of too many security protocols will lead to a reduction of the ease at which a piece of information is accessible.  Accessing the piece of information will become hard even for legitimate users.

The security protocols used should not be few, however, they should be just adequate to maintain the necessary level of confidentiality and integrity that the piece of information should have, While ensuring that the legitimate users can still access it without much difficulty.

Implement the generator function scale(s, k), which yields elements of the given iterable s, scaled by k. As an extra challenge, try writing this function using a yield from statement!

def scale(s, k):

"""Yield elements of the iterable s scaled by a number k.

>>> s = scale([1, 5, 2], 5)

>>> type(s)

>>> list(s)

[5, 25, 10]

>>> m = scale(naturals(), 2)

>>> [next(m) for _ in range(5)]

[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]




The generator function using yield from:

def scale(s, k):

   yield from map(lambda x: x * k, s)

Another way to implement generator function that works same as above using only yield:

def scale(s, k):

  for i in s:

       yield i * k


The complete program is:

def scale(s, k):

   """Yield elements of the iterable s scaled by a number k.  

   >>> s = scale([1, 5, 2], 5)

   >>> type(s)

   <class 'generator'>

   >>> list(s)

   [5, 25, 10]  

   >>> m = scale(naturals(), 2)

   >>> [next(m) for _ in range(5)]

   [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]


   yield from map(lambda x: x * k, s)

If you want to see the working of the above generator function scale() as per mentioned in the above comments, use the following statements :

s = scale([1, 5, 2], 5)  


#The above print statement outputs:

#<class 'generator'>


#The above print statement outputs a list s with following items:

#[5, 25, 10]                                                                                                                    

The function def scale(s, k): is

def scale(s, k):

   yield from map(lambda x: x * k, s)    

This function takes two parameters i.e. s and k and this function yields elements of the given iterable s, scaled by k.

In this statement:    yield from map(lambda x: x * k, s)    

yield from is used which allows to refactor a generator in a simple way by splitting up generator into multiple generators.

The yield from is used inside the body of a generator function.

The lambda function is a function that has any number of arguments but can only have one expression. This expression is evaluated to an iterable from which an iterator will be extracted. This iterator yields and receives values to or from the caller of the generator. Here the expression is x: x * k and iterable is s. This expression multiplies each item to k.

map() method applies the defined function for each time in an iterable.

The generator function can also be defined as:

def scale(s, k):

  for i in s:

       yield i * k

For the above example

s = scale([1, 5, 2], 5)  

def scale(s,k): works as follows:

s = [1, 5, 2]

k = 5

for loop iterates for each item i in iterable s and yields i*k

i*k multiplies each element i.e 1,5 and 2 to k=5 and returns a list

At first iteration, for example, i*k = 1 * 5 = 5, next iteration i*k = 5*5 = 25 and last iteration i*k = 2*5 = 10. So the output. So

s = scale([1, 5, 2], 5)  In this statement now s contains 5, 25 and 10

print(list(s))  prints the values of s in a list as: [5, 25, 10] So output is:

[5, 25, 10]

Most keyboards today are arranged in a(n) _______ layout.





The QWERTY keyboard arrangement was invented back when typewriters were used, and they needed a keyboard layout that wouldn't jam the letters.

Today, QWERTY is the most commonly used keyboard layout.

Hope this helped!

You are asked to write an app to keep track of a relatively small music library. The app should load song information from a data file once the app is started. It should allow user to view, add, remove, and search for songs. The app should save the data back to the same data file when the program exits.





Scams where people receive fraudulent emails that ask them to supply account information are called ________.



"Phishing" will be the correct approach.


This aspect of cyber attacks or fraud is called phishing, whereby clients or users are questioned for personally identifiable information about them.Attackers could very well-currently the most frequently use phishing emails to exchange malicious programs that could operate effectively in what seems like several different ways. Others would get victims to steal user credentials including payment details.

what is
computer.write its example


The definition of a computer is a person or electronic device that makes and stores quick calculations or processes information. An example of a famous human computer is Ada Lovelace. An example of a computer is the MacBook.

Write a program that uses input to prompt a user for their name and then welcomes them. Note that input will pop up a dialog box. Enter Sarah in the pop-up box when you are prompted so your output will match the desired output.


user_name = str (input = ("Please enter your name: "))

def greet (user_name):

print ("Welcome to your ghetto, {0}!".format(user_name) )

Although slow start with congestion avoidance is an effective technique for coping with congestion, it can result in long recovery times in high-speed networks, as this problem demonstrates.

A) Assume a round-trip delay of 60 msec (about what might occur across the continent) and a link with an available bandwidth of 1 Gbps and a segment size of 576 octets. Determine the window size needed to keep the pipeline full and the a worst case estimate of the time it will take to reach that window size after a timeout occurs on a new connection using Jacobson’s slow start with congestion avoidance approach.

B) Repeat part (a) for a segment size of 16 kbytes.



The answer to this question can be defined as follows:

In option A: The answer is "13020".

In option B: The answer is "468 Segments".



The value of round-trip delay= 60 m-second

The value of Bandwidth= 1Gbps

The value of Segment size = 576 octets

window size =?


[tex]\text{Window size =} \frac{(\text{Bandwidth} \times \text{round} - \text{trip time})}{(\text{segment size window })}[/tex]

                     [tex]=\frac{10^9 \times 0.06}{576 \times 8}\\\\=\frac{10^9 \times6}{576 \times 8\times 100}\\\\=\frac{10^7 \times 1}{96 \times 8}\\\\=\frac{10^7 \times 1}{768}\\\\=13020.83[/tex]

So, the value of the segments is =13020.833 or equal to 13020

Calculating segments in the size of 16 k-bytes:

[tex]\text{Window size} = \frac{10^9 \times 0.06}{16,000 \times 8}[/tex]

                    [tex]= \frac{10^9 \times 0.06}{16,000 \times 8}\\\\ = \frac{10^9 \times 6}{16,000 \times 8 \times 100}\\\\ = \frac{10^4 \times 3}{16 \times 4}\\\\ = \frac{30000}{64 }\\\\=468.75[/tex]

The size of 16 k-bytes segments is 468.75 which is equal to 468.

What is resource management in Wireless Communication? Explain its advantages



Wireless resources management is communication to address they faster response time.


Wireless communication that provide bandwidth, and transmission reliable, towards development.

This communication is discovered to the date and have consumed physical layer  of available wireless resources.

Wireless communication management all this critical topic  and the management techniques, and limited device battery power.

Communication as the address channel loss, and multi path .

Communication are the latest resources allocation and new or next generation and technologies.

Wireless communication theoretical concepts in a manner, and the necessary mathematical tools and fundamental tools.

Wireless communication device industries up to date of the topic,readers are benefit from a basic.

What is the output of this Python program, if the user types 3 as input?


0 1 2 will be the output of the function

advantages of computational skill



algorithmic thinking - developing a set of instructions or sequence of steps to solve a problem;

evaluation - ensuring a solution is fit-for-purpose;

decomposition - breaking a problem down into its component parts;

Convert the following decimal numbers into their binary equivalent: a. 13
b. 32 or 42
c. 292
d 12
e. 61
f. 120
h. 44


Answer: a. 1101 b. 10000 or 101010 c. 100100100 d. 1100 e. 111101 f. 1111000 g. 11101 h. 101100 1000011 1100010

Access controls are enforced automatically in FMS service routines that access and manipulate files and directories.
a True
b. False



A. True


In FMS service routines, access controls are enforced automatically

and they that access and manipulate files and directories. Files and directories are usually accessed via access controls in most of the FMSs.

Additional processing overhead are usually imposed by FMS. Also, the FMS tend to restrict and hinder one from accessing secondary storage.

What is the iterative procedure of recursive and nonrecursive?





Which of the following statements are true about the growth of technology? Select 3 options.
- The Number of devices connected to the internet of things is expected to triple between 2018 and 2023
- The general public began connecting to the internet when the World Wide Web was introduced in 1991
- Individuals in the United States currently own an average of three connected devices.
- By 1995, almost half of the world’s population was connected to the Internet
- Currently, 67% of people on earth use at least one mobile device



1. Currently, 67% of people on earth use at least one mobile device.

2. The general public began connecting to the Internet when the World Wide    Web was introduced in 1991.

3. By 1995, almost half of the world’s population was connected to the Internet.


I just took the test ;)


The correct answer :

-The general public began connecting to the Internet when the World Wide Web was introduced in 1991.

-The number of devices connected to the Internet of Things is expected to triple between 2018 and 2023.

-Currently, 67% of people on earth use at least one mobile device.

( not, By 1995, almost half of the world’s population was connected to the Internet. )


edge 2022

Write a CashRegister class that can be used with the RetailItem class that you wrote in Chapter 6's Programming Challenge 4. The CashRegister class should simulate the sale of a retail item. It should have a constructor that accepts a RetailItem object as an argument. The constructor should also accept an integer that represents the quantity of items being purchased. In addition, the class should have the following methods:
• The getSubtotal method should return the subtotal of the sale, which is the quantity multiplied by the price. This method must get the price from the RetailItem object that was passed as an argument to the constructor.
• The getTax method should return the amount of sales tax on the purchase. The sales tax rate is 6 percent of a retail sale.
• The getTotal method should return the total of the sale, which is the subtotal plus the sales tax.

Demonstrate the class in a program that asks the user for the quantity of items being purchased and then displays the sale’s subtotal, amount of sales tax and total.



Following are the code to this question:

import java.util.*; //import package for user input

class RetailItem//defining class RetailItem  


private String desc;//defining String variable

private int unit;//defining integer variable

private double prices;//defining double variable

RetailItem()//defining default Constructor


   //Constructor body



The Sub Total value: 199.75

The Sales Tax value: 11.985

The Total value: $211.735


In the above code three class "RetailItem, CashRegister, and Main" is defined, in the class "RetailItem", it defines three variable that is "desc, unit, and prices", inside the class "get and set" method and the constructor is defined, that calculates its value.

In the next step,  class "CashRegister" is defined, and inside the class parameterized constructor is defined, which uses the get and set method to return its value.  

In the next step, the main class is declared, in the main method two-class object is created and calls its method that are "getSubtotal, getTax, and getTotal".  

There is some technical error that's why full code can't be added so, please find the attached file of code.  

You have n warehouses and n shops. At each warehouse, a truck is loaded with enough goods to supply one shop. There are m roads, each going from a warehouse to a shop, and driving along the ith road takes d i hours, where d i is an integer. Design a polynomial time algorithm to send the trucks to the shops, minimising the time until all shops are supplied.


Following are the steps of the polynomial-time algorithm:

Split the routes according to their categorizationAssuming that mid = di of the middle road, low = road with the least di, and high = road with the highest di, we may do a binary search on the sorted list.All shops must be approachable only using these roads for every road, from low to mid.Check if all shops can be reached from[tex]\bold{ low \ to\ mid+1}[/tex] using only these roads.There is a solution if every shop can be reached by road only up to [tex]\bold{mid+1}[/tex], but not up to mid.You can [tex]\bold{set \ low = mid+1}[/tex] if all businesses aren't accessible using both [tex]\bold{mid\ and\ mid+1}[/tex] roads.If every shop could be reached using both mid and mid+1, then set high to mid-1.With these layouts of businesses and roads, no response can be given because [tex]\bold{ low > high}[/tex]You can do this by [tex]\bold{set\ mid = \frac{(low + high)}{2}}[/tex]The new low, mid, and high numbers are used in step (a).

In a minimum amount of time, this algorithm will determine the best strategy to supply all shops.

Learn more:

polynomial-time algorithm:

What is the difference between business strategies and business models?
A. Business strategies include long-term business plans, while
business models include plans for daily business functions
B. Business strategies focus on specific aspects of a business, while
business models focus on how different aspects affect the whole
C. Business models focus on specific aspects of a business, while
business strategies focus on how different aspects affect the
whole business.
D. Business strategies incorporate forms of traditional business
advertising, while business models incorporate the use of social



A . Business strategies include long-term business plans, while business models include plans for daily business functions

Answer: A

Explanation: A business strategy is a deliberate vision to get toward a desired long-term goal. A business model is a great tool to execute a business strategy. Yet while achieving a long-term goal a business strategy set a vision, mission, and value proposition that can be executed through several possible business models.

Let PALINDROME_DFA= | M is a DFA, and for all s ∈ L(M), s is a palindrome}. Show that PALINDROME_DFA ∈ P by providing an algorithm for it that runs in polynomial time.



Which sentence best matches the context of the word reticent as it is used in the following example?

We could talk about anything for hours. However, the moment I brought up dating, he was extremely reticent about his personal life.


Which sentence best matches the context of the word reticent as it is used in the following example?

We could talk about anything for hours. However, the moment I brought up dating, he was extremely reticent about his personal life.

Can Anyone put my name in binary code using these images? Bentley is my name





Write down the short history of COMPUTER? ​



Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer and polymath, originated the concept of a programmable computer. Considered the "father of the computer",he conceptualized and invented the first mechanical computer in the early 19th century.

A professor copies one article from a periodical for distribution to the
class. Is that Fair Use? *

Yes or No?


Yess I think I’m not sure


no because...


proffesers say you can't copy so why would they copy and also proffesers have degrees they can co.e up with their own questions to help you students to learn more

5 Major of computer application


Im assuming you means applications as in Apps.

Microsoft windows
Microsoft internet Explorer
Microsoft office or outlook
Mcafee antivirus
Adobe pdf


Basic Applications of Computer

1 ) Home. Computers are used at homes for several purposes like online bill payment, watching movies or shows at home, home tutoring, social media access, playing games, internet access, etc.

2 ) Medical Field.

3 ) Entertainment.

4 ) Industry.

5 ) Education.


Hope it helps you

Mark my answer as brainlist

have a good day

Given an array of integers check if it is possible to partition the array into some number of subsequences of length k each, such that:
Each element in the array occurs in exactly one subsequence
For each subsequence, all numbers are distinct
Elements in the array having the same value must be in different subsequences
If it is possible to partition the array into subsequences while satisfying the above conditions, return "Yes", else return "No". A subsequence is formed by removing 0 or more elements from the array without changing the order of the elements that remain. For example, the subsequences of [1, 2, 3] are D. [1], [2], [3]. [1, 2], [2, 3], [1, 3], [1, 2, 3]
k = 2.
numbers [1, 2, 3, 4]
The array can be partitioned with elements (1, 2) as the first subsequence, and elements [3, 4] as the next subsequence. Therefore return "Yes"
Example 2 k 3
numbers [1, 2, 2, 3]
There is no way to partition the array into subsequences such that all subsequences are of length 3 and each element in the array occurs in exactly one subsequence. Therefore return "No".
Function Description
Complete the function partitionArray in the editor below. The function has to return one string denoting the answer.
partitionArray has the following parameters:
int k an integer
int numbers[n]: an array of integers
1 sns 105
1 s ks n
1 s numbers[] 105
class Result
*Complete the 'partitionArray' function below.
The function is expected to return a STRING
The function accepts following parameters:
2. INTEGER ARRAY numbers
public static String partitionArray (int k, List public class Solution




Using Python as our programming language


def partitionArray(A,k):


if not A and k == 1:

return "Yes"

if k > len(A) or len(A)%len(A):

return "No"


cnt = {i:A.count(i) for i in A}

if len(A)//k < max(cnt.values()):

return "No"



return "Yes"

k=int(input("k= "))

n=int(input("n= "))

print("A= ")



Code Screenshot:-

Gwen is starting a blog about vegetable gardening. What information should she include on the blog's home page



The correct answer is "List of posts with the most recent ones at the top".


A website that includes someone else's thoughts, insights, views, etc. about a writer or community of authors and that also has photographs as well as searching the web.It indicates that perhaps the blog should distinguish between different articles about the site because then customers who frequent the site will observe and experience the articles on everyone's blogs.

So that the above would be the appropriate one.

What’s cloud-based LinkedIn automation?



Cloud based LinkedIn automation includes tools and software that run through the cloud-system and are not detectable by LinkedIn. Cloud based LinkedIn automation tools are becoming the favorite among B2B marketers and sales professionals as they are giving the desired outcomes without any effort.

If the data rate is 10 Mbps and the token is 64 bytes long (the 10-Mbps Ethernet minimum packet size), what is the average wait to receive the token on an idle network with 40 stations? (The average number of stations the token must pass through is 40/2 = 20.) Ignore the propagation delay and the gap Ethernet requires between packets.





To calculate the transmission delay bytes for the token,

we have the token to be = 64bytes and 10mbps rate.

The transmission delay = 64bytes/10mbps

= 51.2 microseconds

A microsecond is a millionth of a second.

= 5.12 x 10^-5

The question says the average number of stations that the token will pass through is 20. Remember this value is gotten from 40/2

20 x 5.12 x 10^-5

= 0.001024

= 1.024x10^-5

Therefore on an idle network with 40 stations, the average wait is

= 1.024x10^-5

Select the scenario that describes a top-down approach to data warehouse design.

Cathy’s Cards and Gifts, which has three stores, creates data marts for its sales, marketing, and delivery departments to study the possibility of establishing a new store.

Crawford's Fabrics, which wants to expand its operations, combines data from the purchasing and sales departments into a central database, to be divided into new data marts as needed.

Cynthia’s Florals, which is dealing with debt, creates new data marts for the service, delivery, and sales departments to develop a strategy to stay in business.

Connor’s Meat Market, which just opened, creates data marts to track the sale of each of the following meats: beef, pork, lamb, and fish.



Crawford's Fabrics, which wants to expand its operations, combines data from the purchasing and sales departments into a central database, to be divided into new data marts as needed.

The scenario defines a top-down approach to data warehouse design as "Crawford's Fabrics, which wants to expand its operations, combines data from the purchasing and sales departments into a central database, to be divided into new data marts as needed".

What is a top-down approach to data warehouse design?

In the "Top-Down" method system, a data warehouse exists defined as a subject-oriented, time-variant, non-volatile, and integrated data storage for the entire business data from various sources exist validated, reformatted, and saved in a normalized (up to 3NF) database as the data warehouse.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b) Crawford's Fabrics, which wants to expand its operations, combines data from the purchasing and sales departments into a central database, to be divided into new data marts as needed.

To learn more about warehouse design


When a user runs a program in a text-based environment, such as the command line, what determines the order in which things happen?



In general, when a program runs in text-based environment like command line interface, the program is used for determining the order in which things happen.

As the program runs, the user will not have any choice and he or she can enter the required data.

If the user enters the data in required format then, he/she can get the result or output in desired format.

The slope and intercept pair you found in Question 1.15 should be very similar to the values that you found in Question 1.7. Why were we able to minimize RMSE to find the same slope and intercept from the previous formulas? Write your answer here, replacing this text.


I don’t get the question
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He believes that when individuals form groups, the divine becomes part of them. in a group140 pupils 5/7 like swimming while the rest like football .find the fraction of the pupils who like football National Bank has several departments that occupy both floors of a two-story building. The departmental accounting system has a single account, Building Occupancy Cost, in its ledger. The types and amounts of occupancy costs recorded in this account for the current period follow. DepreciationBuilding $31,500 InterestBuilding mortgage 47,250 TaxesBuilding and land 14,000 Gas (heating) expense 4,375 Lighting expense 5,250 Maintenance expense 9,625 Total occupancy cost $112,000 The building has 7,000 square feet on each floor. In prior periods, the accounting manager merely divided the $112,000 occupancy cost by 14,000 square feet to find an average cost of $8 per square foot and then charged each department a building occupancy cost equal to this rate times the number of square feet that it occupied. Diane Linder manages a first-floor department that occupies 900 square feet, and Juan Chiro manages a second-floor department that occupies 1,800 square feet of floor space. In discussing the departmental reports, the second-floor manager questions whether using the same rate per square foot for all departments makes sense because the first-floor space is more valuable. This manager also references a recent real estate study of average local rental costs for similar space that shows first-floor space worth $40 per square foot and second-floor space worth $10 per square foot (excluding costs for heating, lighting, and maintenance).Required a. 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