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Answer 1

Answer:redo reload copy cut paste bullet list highlight bold numbered list center right left.


That's all I can help with right now

Related Questions

What is the fee involved in order for a Worker to use Microworkers service?
None, Microworkers id free


None, Microworkers id free there is no charge .

What are microworkers ?

A microworker is someone who undertakes and completes these tasks. Tasks are generally easy and don't require a lot of time or skill. Microwork is often used as a way to make extra money because it can be done in a short period of time and does not require a long-term commitment. There are many of his Microwork sites that provide tasks that workers can perform. These sites include Amazon Mechanical Turk, Microworkers, and Clickworker. In Clickworker, microworkers are called Clickworkers.

learn more about microworkers here :


How are additional slides added to presentations?

from the Drawing toolbar
by clicking on the New Slide icon
by selecting the New Slide option from the Insert menu
by selecting the New Slide option from the File menu

(multiple choice) (edgenuitу)


You are using PowerPoint? You are in luck! I am a PowerPoint master.

A. By clicking on the new slide option.

You can clearly see below that you have to click the new slide option

Create two parallel arrays that represent a standard deck of 52 playing cards. One array is numeric and holds the values 1 through 13 (representing Ace, 2 through 10, Jack, Queen, and King). The other array is a string array that holds suits (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, and Spades).

Create the arrays so that all 52 cards are represented. Then, create a War card game that randomly selects two cards (one for the
player and one for the computer) and declares a winner or a tie based on the numeric value of the two cards. The game should last for 26 rounds and use a full deck with no repeated cards. For this game, assume that the lowest card is the Ace.

Display the values of the player’s and computer’s cards, compare their values, and determine the winner. When all the cards in the deck are exhausted, display a count of the number of times the player wins, the number of times the computer
wins, and the number of ties.

1) Start by creating an array of all 52 playing cards.
2) Select a random number for the deck position of the player’s first card and assign the card at that array position to the player.
3) Move every higher-positioned card in the deck “down” one to fill in the gap. In other words, if the player’s first random number is 49, select the card at position 49 (both the numeric value and the string), move the card that was in position 50 to position 49, and move the card that was in position 51 to position 50. Only 51 cards remain in the deck after the player’s first card is dealt, so the available-card array is smaller by one. In the same way, randomly select a card for the computer and “remove” the card from the deck.


Using the knowledge in computational language in python it is possible to write a code that Create the arrays so that all 52 cards are represented.

Writting the code:

import random

def result(playercards,computercards):

if playercards > computercards:

return 1

elif playercards < computercards:

return 2


return 0 #both are equal

def play(cards):


print("Starting game")








print("Starting Round ",r)


print("playercard :",cards[j])

print("computercard :",cards[j+1])



if res==0:

print("It is a tie")


elif res==1:

print("Player won")



print("Computer won")





print("Final result")

print("Total Player wins :",playerwins)

print("Total Computer wins",computerwins)

print("Total ties ",ties)

print("Showing cards before shuffling")




print("Shuffling cards\nDone")


See more about python at


Why is the I/O subsystem called a subsystem?


The I/O subsystem manages all peripheral device communication with the central processor. Hardware such as disc drives, tape drives, and printers are examples of peripheral devices.

What is an IO subsystem?

The I/O subsystem manages all peripheral device communication with the central processor. Hardware such as disc drives, tape drives, and printers are examples of peripheral devices.

Between input handlers and input devices (such as a keyboard, mouse, joystick, and so on), the Input subsystem serves as an abstraction layer. The input devices provide input events by capturing inputs from user activities or from external sources. For instance, pressing a key causes an input event.

The kernel, an I/O subsystem based on the hardware and device-driver infrastructure, offers a number of functions including scheduling, caching, spooling, device reservation, and error handling. Additionally, the I/O subsystem is in charge of safeguarding itself against rogue programmes and malevolent users.

To learn more about i/o sub system refer to:


The I/O subsystem manages all peripheral device communication with the central processor. Hardware such as disc drives, tape drives, and printers are examples of peripheral devices.

What is an IO subsystem?The I/O subsystem manages all peripheral device communication with the central processor. Hardware such as disc drives, tape drives, and printers are examples of peripheral devices.Between input handlers and input devices (such as a keyboard, mouse, joystick, and so on), the Input subsystem serves as an abstraction layer. The input devices provide input events by capturing inputs from user activities or from external sources. For instance, pressing a key causes an input event.The kernel, an I/O subsystem based on the hardware and device-driver infrastructure, offers a number of functions including scheduling, caching, spooling, device reservation, and error handling. Additionally, the I/O subsystem is in charge of safeguarding itself against rogue programmers and malevolent users.

To learn more about  I/O subsystem refer to:


Akari is trying to use the input she receives from the user to calculate an average. But her program keeps crashing after the user types in their input.
What has she most likely forgotten to do?
A. declare a variable
B. validate the user input
C. use a loop
D. use a colon after an if statement


Since Akari is trying to use the input she receives from the user to calculate an average, she is most likely forgotten to do option  C. use a loop.

Is there a average function in Python?

Python mean() function: The statistics module in Python 3 includes a built-in function to determine the mean or average of a set of values. To determine the mean or average, utilize the statistics. mean() function.

Note that each element in the list will be iterated over by the for-loop, which adds and stores each number within the sum num variable. Python's built-in len() function is used to calculate the average of the list by dividing the sum num value by the count of the numbers in the list.

So, you start by making the list whose average you want to determine, and then you make a variable to hold the total of the numbers. We'll set the variable to zero. Then add to the sum variable by iterating through each item in the list. Lastly, divide the total by the length.

Learn more about loop from

How is the logo for a popular sportswear company protected?
A) by a copyright
B) by a patent
C) by a trademark
D) by a trade secret



C) by a trade mark


By using a trademark they'll be able to tell other companies that the logo is theirs


answer is C.


All academic departments in a University keeps a database of its students. Students are classified into undergraduate, graduate, and international students. There are few reasons for grouping the students into these three categories. For example the department's secretary informs: the undergraduate students about new undergraduate courses offered, the graduate students about graduate courses and professional conferences and international students about new emigration laws.
i. Identify (if any) the subtypes of entity students.
ii. Identify a unique attribute (relationship) for each subtype.
iii. Draw an EER diagram for the department's database.​


The identification of subtypes of entity students may be done on the basis of students those who have taken courses on the basis of their educational qualifications.

What do you mean by the EER diagram?

The EER diagram stands for the Enhanced-entity-relationship diagram. This diagram provides a visual representation of the relationship among the tables in your model. The revisions that are made with the Model editor are significantly represented in the associated diagram.

According to the context of this question, the unique attribute (relationship) for each subtype is the classification of students based on the national and international characteristics of all courses.

The EER diagram is manipulated by the structural arrangement of the classification of the students on the basis of several characteristics.

To learn more about the EER diagram, refer to the link:


An array is called vanilla if all its elements are made up of the same digit. For example {1, 1,
11, 1111, 1111111} is a vanilla array because all its elements use only the digit 1.
However, the array {11, 101, 1111, 11111} is not a vanilla array because its elements
use the digits 0 and 1.
Write a program that reads a string from a user that represent array and check if its a vanilla
array. Otherwise it will print message as in the sample run shown below and should continue to
allow the user to enter values. The program will terminate only if the user press the "Enter" key
without entering any value. For example the '{1}' is a vanilla array since all elements use the
same digit. Where '{11, 22, 13, 34, 125}' array is not vanilla array becuase elements used 5
different digits.


Using the knowledge in computational language in JAVA it is possible to write the code that An array is called vanilla if all its elements are made up of the same digit.

Writting the code:

import java.util.Scanner;  

public class Main


public static void main(String[] args) {




    int n;  

Scanner sc=new Scanner(;  

System.out.print("Enter the number of elements you want to store: ");  

//reading the number of elements from the that we want to enter  


//creates an array in the memory of length 10  

int[] array = new int[10];  

System.out.println("Enter the elements of the array: ");  

for(int i=0; i<n; i++)  


//reading array elements from the user  



System.out.println("Array elements is: ");  

for(int i=0; i<n; i++)  


   System.out.print(array[i]+" ");  

} System.out.println("\n");  

int res=0;  

int t;

int k;

for(int i=0; i<n; i++)  













  {System.out.println("False it is not vanilla array");  






   System.out.println("True it is  vanilla array");  


See more about JAVA at


Discuss a series of steps needed to generate value and useful insights from data?


The series of steps needed to generate value and useful insights from data are:

The data value chain is divided into four primary stages:

collection, publishing, adoption, and impact.

Identify, gather, process, analyze, release, disseminate, connect, motivate, influence, utilize, alter, and reuse are the twelve processes that comprise these four phases.

The step-by-step instructions for extracting actionable insights from data is given as follows:

Compile all raw dataReformat and pre-process dataClean up to make data senseStrategic data analysis.Find the best predictive algorithms. Validate the predictions. Make better data-driven decisions.What is the purpose of data?

Useful data enables companies to set baselines, benchmarks, and targets in order to keep moving ahead.

You will be able to build baselines, locate benchmarks, and set performance targets since data allows you to measure. A baseline is the state of a region before a certain remedy is adopted.

Learn more about Data:

Knowledge Review 3
Which of the following are characteristics of the core capabilities? (Select all that apply.)


Are distinct critical elements necessary to meet the National Preparedness goal.Are essential for the execution of each mission area: Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery.Provide a common language for preparedness across the whole community.

The above three are the characteristics of core capabilities.

What is National Response Framework?

The National Response Framework (NRF) is a guide to how the nation responds to all types of disasters and emergencies.

What are the main components of the National Response Framework?

Response doctrine is comprised of five key principles:

engaged partnershiptiered responsescalable, flexible, and adaptable operational capabilitiesunity of effort through the unified commandreadiness to act.

To know more about NRF:


You are trying to automate the sales of a car sales and distribution company in the
Western Cape. The work was supposed to be completed by your predecessor, but he
was unable to perform this task as he had a short stint in this job. However, he had
divided this complex task into manageable tasks for you using arrays. Analyse the
input/output of the desktop application below and answer the questions that follow.
a) Write Java statements to declare an array that will store the total car sales
values (int) for each month of the year


Using the knowledge of the computational language in python it is possible to write a code that Write Java statements to declare an array that will store the total car sales values (int) for each month of the year

Writting the code:

import javax.swing.*;

import java.util.*;

public class Sales{

       public static void main (String[] args) {

           int max=1000000,min=100000;

           int carSales[]= new int[12];

           for(int i=0;i< carSales.length;i++)


           String month[]={"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"};

           int maxSale=carSales[0],index=0;

           for(int i=1;i< carSales.length;i++)









           JFrame f=new JFrame();

           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f,"Highest Sale Value is "+maxSale+" which occur in month of "+month[index]);

           String Jmonth[]=new String[3];

           int count=0;

           for(int i=0;i< month.length;i++)








           JList list = new JList(Jmonth);

           JPanel panel = new JPanel();

           panel.add(new JScrollPane(list));

           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, panel);



See more about JAVA at


In reference to computers, what is a firewall?

A) letters, numbers, and special characters assigned to unlock accounts and websites
B) email attachments
C) an installed software element that protects and monitors incoming and outgoing data
D) a second copy of files saved to a cloud



C) an installed software element that protects and monitors incoming and outgoing data


What are progression mechanics? Why are they important for games?


The phrase "progression mechanics" in game design refers to video game mechanics where the creator establishes a path of action that a player must follow to advance in the game. The checkpoints that a character must achieve to move on to the next level are crucial to the progression of gameplay. The checkpoints change depending on the type of game. A few standard checkpoints are:

In action, adventure, and role-playing games, defeating the level boss (RPGs)achieving the third place on a certain track in racing gamescompleting a set of puzzles in a game of puzzlestaking down the enemy's base of operations in real-time strategy games

Most video games are developed using a progression gameplay concept. Designers like progression gaming because it enables them to build a compelling narrative around the game's action. Every game aims to be both engaging and enjoyable to play. Proponents of progression gameplay point out that because game creators are aware of the direction their creation will go in, they can create a far richer and more complex narrative around that direction.

On the other hand, proponents of emergent gameplay prefer games where player random acts have an unlimited number of potential results rather than a finite set of predetermined outcomes that are mapped out by designers. Of course, there is a lot of room for compromise between the two methods. Both emergent gameplay and progression are features found in many games.

Read more about game mechanics here:

Consider this program on the picture attached:

(a) In what programming language is this program implemented?
(b) Why is this program correct? In other words, how does it work?
(c) In what way is the program poorly designed?



a) Javascript

b) The program works because it iterates through an array and logs each array element into the console

c) It is poorly designed because depending on the array element value, the program will have to wait that many milliseconds before it logs and move on to the next element. This isn't good because the program may take a long time to execute if the array contains elements with large values.

difference between electronic and non electronic components



The working principle of both of them are same, i.e., uses the electrical energy for doing work. The major difference between the electrical and electronic devices is that the electrical devices convert the electrical energy into the other form of energy like heat, light, sound, etc

A firm that must invest in a new information system in order to comply with federal legislation is investing to achieve which of the following business objectives?


A firm that must invest in a new information system in order to comply with federal legislation is investing to achieve New product of the following business objectives.

What products are brand-new?

Brand-new goods or services are developed and advertised in marketing under a new brand. Along with the brand-stretching, line-extension, and multi-brand strategies, this is a brand strategy. The emphasis of the new strategy is on successfully developing and introducing new items.

A business can satisfy market demand for seasonal products by producing new products. Due to products that are appropriate for each season, customers are happy, and business is brisk. Innovation and creativity are effective ways to increase market share or sales.

Therefore, A new product is one that the company is releasing for the first time, even if it has been produced in the same form by others.

Learn more about Product from

E-commerce Web sites can use many different hardware architectures to divide the work of serving Web pages, administering databases, and processing transactions.
Discuss in detail the TWO (2) types of web architectures generally used in ecommerce websites.


The two type of web architectures generally used in ecommerce websites are the business logic and the customer side application.

What are web architectures?

Web architectures are defined as a system that controls the communication between application components. The interconnections between web applications, databases, and middleware technologies are referred to as web application architecture.

The user interface is executed on the client side, which is the first, and database data is stored on the server side, which is the second. The business logic and the customer-side application are two web applications that operate on opposite sides of the architecture.

Thus, the two type of web architectures generally used in ecommerce websites are the business logic and the customer side application.

To learn more about web architectures, refer to the link below:


Which of the following could be considered an algorithm?

directions for assembling a bicycle

the pages in a book

a file system directory

an application


The best answer is an application

Physical appearance
OF Fith generation


The physical appearance of the fifth-generation computers is VLSI architecture, parallel processing such as data flow control, and logic programming.

What are the generations of computers?

The phrase “generation” refers to a shift in the technology that a computer is/was using. The term “generation” was initially used to describe different hardware advancements.

These days, a computer system's generation involves both hardware and software. 5 Fifth Generation: The period of the fifth generation: 1980-onwards. ULSI microprocessor based.

Thus, fifth-generation computers have knowledge based on a relational database and applied artificial intelligence and pattern processing.

To learn more about Fifth generation computers, refer to the link:


Name three current problems in your life that might be solved through a heuristic approach. Explain why each of these problems is heuristic in nature.


Heuristics are mental shortcuts for solving problems in a quick way that delivers a result that is sufficient enough to be useful given time constraints.Heuristic methods can help ease the cognitive load by making it easy to process decisions. These include various basic methods that aren't rooted in any theory per se but rather rely on past experiences and common sense.

Three current problems that can be solved through Heuristic Approach:

1. Challenging and routine work

2. When a student  decide what subject she will study at university, her intuition will likely be drawn toward the path that she envisions most satisfying, practical and interesting.

3. Trial and error, which can be used in everything from matching nuts and bolts

The three heuristics Mentioned are: availability, representativeness, and anchoring and adjustment.

To know more about Heuristic from the given link


Looking for similarities between concepts or problems is referred to as
an algorithm
pattern recognition


Pattern recognition is used  for similarities between concepts or problems in an algorithm.

What is meant by pattern recognition?

Pattern recognition is a data analysis method that uses machine learning algorithms to automatically recognize patterns and regularities in data. This data can be anything from text and images to sounds or other definable qualities. Pattern recognition systems can recognize familiar patterns quickly and accurately.

An example of pattern recognition is classification, which attempts to assign each input value to one of a given set of classes (for example, determine whether a given email is "spam" or "non-spam").

Therefore, Pattern recognition is used.

To know more about Pattern recognition from the given link


Which CPU sockets are supported by the motherboard and are the
least expensive? (Select two.)
17-975, 3.33 GHZ, 8MB Cache, LGA1366
AMD Phenom II X4 940 Black Edition
Intel Pentium 4 Processor 662
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E6300
i7-930, 2.80 GHZ, 4MB Cache LGA1366



Educated guess: The 662 and E6300, since the others are both i7. The 662 and E6300 are both socket LGA775.


The Intel Pentium and Core 2 lines are lower spec than Intel's i7 generations, so they must be cheaper. AMD is entirely different, and that Phenom II is AM2 socket type if I'm remembering correctly. This is all so dated. The E6300 there came out 16 years ago. That i7-930 is the most recent in the list and came out in 2010, 12 years ago.

on What is the output of the following code: int i = 1; while (i <= 9)
system. out.print(i+"");






notice that the System.out.print call does not output a new line.

so... it is going to print 1, then what is 1 plus 2? the answer is 3.

what is 3 plus 2? the answer is 5.

what is 5 plus 2? the answer is 7.

what is 7 plus 2? the answer is 9.

now if we proceeded, i is more than 9, thus ends the while loop.

the output is 13579

because there are no newlines, the numbers are all squished together on the same line.

Which string method returns true if the character is an uppercase letter?
letter =input("Enter a letter: ")





isupper is all lowercase and it is a method that belongs to a string, so it is letter.isupper()

Answer: letter.isupper()


A user launches an application on an Android device. Once the software loads, the user reports that when turning the tablet to work the application in landscape mode, the software does not automatically adjust to landscape mode. Which of the following is the cause of the issue?


Since the user launches an application on an Android device, the option that  is the cause of the issue is option (C) The application was not developed to react to changes to the gyroscope.

What is the gyroscope about?

The majority of Android devices have sensors available. One of them rotates the screen appropriately is the gyroscope.

Because the software or application is not set up to rotate in accordance with the gyroscope when the user runs an application on the tablet, the screen does not rotate when the tablet is turned by the user.

Therefore, The gyroscope keeps functioning properly by monitoring the rate of turn around one specific axis. An real value is determined when the rotations around an aircraft's roll axis are measured up until the item stabilizes.

Learn more about application from

See full question below

A user launches an application on an Android device. Once the software loads, the user reports that when turning the tablet to work the application in landscape mode, the software does not automatically adjust to landscape mode. Which of the following is the cause of the issue?

(A) The auto-adjust setting is not enabled in the operating system.

(B) The tablet is running low on power and disabled landscape mode.

(C) The application was not developed to react to changes to the gyroscope.

(D) The user did not switch the tablet to landscape mode.

Which is true about a gas? Choose the correct answer. Responses It changes to a liquid when it heats up. It changes to a liquid when it heats up. It takes up a definite amount of space. It takes up a definite amount of space. It takes up a definite amount of space but does not have a definite shape. It takes up a definite amount of space but does not have a definite shape. It does not take up a definite amount of space and does not have a definite shape. It does not take up a definite amount of space and does not have a definite shape.


A gas does not take up a definite amount of space and does not have a definite shape.

What are the properties of a gas?

There are four basic states of matter, with gas being one of them. A pure gas can be composed of single atoms, elemental molecules derived from a single type of atom, or complex molecules derived from a combination of atoms. There are many different pure gases in a gas mixture like air.

Three characteristics distinguish gas from liquids or solids they come from:

(1) they are easily compressed,

(2) they expand to fill their containers, and

(3) they take up a lot more area than solids or liquids.

To learn more about gas, use the link given

What are some examples of common watermarks? Check all that apply.
do not copy


The common Watermarks that can be applied are

1. Sample

2. Do not copy

3. Draft

What is watermark with example?

Watermarking is the process of superimposing a logo or piece of text atop a document or image file, and it's an important process when it comes to both the copyright protection and marketing of digital works.

There are two types of digital watermarking:

Visible Digital Watermarking:

Invisible Digital Watermarking:

Hence, Sample , Do not copy and Draft can be considered as Watermark

To know more about watermark from the given link


How can a LAN be changed into a WAN?

A) Connect every device in your household to the same network (phones, computers, tablets, and printers).
B) Include a printer on the network.
C) Connect several LANs from different geographical locations.
D) Add wireless devices to the network.


The way in which a LAN can be changed into a WAN is to: C) Connect several LANs from different geographical locations.

What is a LAN?

A LAN is an abbreviation for local area network and it can be defined as a group of personal computers (PCs), smartphones, printers, or terminals that are located within the same area and are connected by a common network cable or communication circuit.

What is a WAN?

WAN is an abbreviation for wide area network and it can be defined as a type of telecommunication network that covers a wide range of geographical regions such as states, especially for the purpose of communication between several end users that are residing in different countries or geographical regions across the world.

In order to change a local area network (LAN) into a wide area network (WAN), you should connect several local area networks (LANs) from different geographical locations together.

Read more on WAN here:



It is C


Name two ways to store data



Hard drives and solid-state drives


what is search engine optimization?



Make the website clear with search engine


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