How can technology efforts be reconciled to improve hazard/disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation to insure systems sustainability, data integrity, and supply chain protection?


Answer 1



With regard to preparedness for hazard/disaster, technology such as AI are being explored to see how they can help to predict natural disaster.

If there is a breakthrough in this space, it will drastically reduce the negative impact of natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes as people will become ready to respond to them and mitigate their effects where possible.

In agriculture, there are factors which come together to bring about flooding. Flooding is one of the major disasters which cripples entire value chains. With a potential threat anticipated or predicted by AI, businesses can invest in technologies that can help protect the farms, farmland and other resources critical to such a supply chain.

AI-powered technologies that provide prediction services often combine this advanced computing prowess with the ability to process big data.

Technology can reach places that are unreachable by humans

AI-powered robots will soon become the norm.

Presently there are self-learning and self instructing robots powered by Artificial Intelligence that have applications in warfare, manufacturing, deepsea diving and intelligence gathering, and transportation. It is not out of place to predict that in the next decade, scientists would have perfected rescue robots that can go into very unstable terrain that have been damaged by flood or earthquake and attempt a rescue of lives and property at a scale that has never been possible before.


Connectivity helps people access to aid, resources that are critical for survival, transmission and receipt of life--saving information etc. CISCO has successfully used its technology called TacOps (short for Tactical Operations) successfully 45 times on over 5 continents.


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when an object is passed as a non-reference pointer parametor to a method, modifiying the members of that object from



"this" keyword representing the class object itself.


Object-oriented programming concept emphasizes on using blueprints representing the structure of a data collection type to continuously create an instance of that data structure. The instance of that object is called a class object. It is used in database management systems to populate the database.

Functions defined in the class objects are called methods and are used specifically by the class instance to modify the data content of the class object defined.

When a member of a class is referenced in the class, it can be accessed with the "this" keyword. At an instance of the class object, the variable holding the object should be called to get the class content because of the "this" keyword binding the instance of the object to the method.

how do you copy a file​



right click and press control c

What triggers a LinkedIn account ban?



Before we dig into using advanced LinkedIn automation tools, it’s important to understand what activities can trigger LinkedIn to ban your account?

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Programming challenge description: In this challenge, you're given a string containing jumbled letters from several concatenated words. Each word is a numeral from zero to nine. Each numeral may be used multiple times in the jumbled string. Write a program that returns integers corresponding to the numerals used to form the jumbled string. Integers must be sorted in ascending order. For example, reuonnoinfe are shuffled letters of the strings one four nine. Your program's output should be 149.


Following are the program to the given question:

import java.util.*;//import package

public class Main//defining main method


public static void main (String[] axv)//defining main method


String nums[] = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"};//defining an arrayof string

int i,j;

Scanner obxc = new Scanner(;//creating Scanner class object to input value

System.out.print("Enter a string formed jumbled letters of numerals: ");//print message

String w =;//defining a String variable that input String value

for(i=0; i<nums.length; i++)//defining a loop to count input String length


String sa = nums[i];//defining a string variable to hold array value

boolean f = true;//defining a boolean variable

for(j=0; j<sa.length(); j++)//defining a for loop that convets value into integer


char cx = sa.charAt(j);//defining char variable that hold value

if(w.indexOf(cx)==-1)//defining if block to check indexOf value


f = false;//use boolean variable that hold boolean value

break;//using break keyword



if(f) //use if to check boolean value

System.out.print (i);//use print method that print i value


System.out.println();//use print method for beak line




Enter a string formed jumbled letters of numerals: onefournine


Explanation of code:

Import package.Defining the main class and also define the main method in it.Inside the main method defining a string of array "nums" that holds sting value and two integer variables "i,j" is defined.In the next step, a scanner class object is declared that inputs the value.After input, a value a for loop is defined that uses a string variable that holds an array value and uses another loop that converts string value into a numeric value.

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help me
Q3/ Put True or false in front of the following

1- You can use the Goal seek feature available by clicking on the data what-if analysis-> Goal Seek.
2- The equations in matrix form [X]-[A] [b]. 3- The A B matrix will be 2 3 ,where A is 2*3 and B is 3*3..
4- The command of inverse is +minverse(arry1...arry2).
5- The (By Changing Cells) box should contain the location of the decision variables for the problem.​





mark me as brainlyest

You want to remind users of the acceptable usage policy that applies to all computer systems in your organization, so you decide to display a message after the user logs in. The full path and filename to the file you would edit is


It should always be changed to show one message informing customers of the approved user policy which applies to every one computer network within our organization.The "motd" was its filename of a modified version of such a file that displays any messages after logging in.The document should be modified when the message is to be displayed before a user logs in.Please find the attached file for the complete solution.

Learn more:

user logs:

In database a record is also called a



hope it helps you

pls mark this ans brainlist ans

What are the best websites to learn about Java Programing?



well you can download some apps from the play store and it is easy for you to learn from there (interactive)

Karl from Accounting is in a panic. He is convinced that he has identified malware on the servers—a type of man-in-the-middle attack in which a Trojan horse manipulates calls between the browser and yet still displays back the user's intended transaction. What type of attack could he have stumbled on?



The correct answer will be "Man-in-the-browser".


Man-in-the-browser seems to be a category of person-in-the-middle attack where a certain Trojan horse tries to misrepresent calls between some of the web pages and therefore it is prevention systems while still demonstrating the intentional transfer of funds back to the customer.High-tech as well as high-amount technology for starting a man throughout the internet explorer assaults.

Operations that a given computing agent can perform are called



Primitive operation


Operations that a given computing agent can perform are called primitive operations.

These operations are basic arithmetic work done by an algorithm such as assigning a variable, calling a method, returning an array, etc. They are sometimes written in pseudo-code.

They are correct? thank you!



Yes they are correct. welcome....

2. A computer that is easy to operate is called





A computer that is easy to operate is called User Friendly

Write a method that accepts a String object as an argument and returns a copy of the string with the first character of each sentence capitalized. For instance, if the argument is "hello. my name is Joe. what is your name?" the method should return the string "Hello. My name is Joe. What is your name?" Demonstrate the method in a program that asks the user to input a string and then passes it to the method. The modified string should be displayed on the screen.



The programming language is not stated; However, the program written in C++ is as follows: (See Attachment)


using namespace std;

string capt(string result)


result[0] = toupper(result[0]);

for(int i =0;i<result.length();i++){

 if(result[i]=='.' || result[i]=='?' ||result[i]=='!')  {

 if(result[i+1]==' ') {

  result[i+2] = toupper(result[i+2]);


 if(result[i+2]==' ')  {

  result[i+3] = toupper(result[i+3]);


 } }

return result;


int main(){

string sentence;



return 0;



The method to capitalize first letters of string starts here

string capt(string result){

This line capitalizes the first letter of the sentence

result[0] = toupper(result[0]);

This iteration iterates through each letter of the input sentence

for(int i =0;i<result.length();i++){

This checks if the current character is a period (.), a question mark (?) or an exclamation mark (!)

if(result[i]=='.' || result[i]=='?' ||result[i]=='!')  {

 if(result[i+1]==' '){  ->This condition checks if the sentence is single spaced

  result[i+2] = toupper(result[i+2]);

-> If both conditions are satisfied, a sentence is detected and the first letter is capitalized


 if(result[i+2]==' '){ ->This condition checks if the sentence is double spaced

  result[i+3] = toupper(result[i+3]);

-> If both conditions are satisfied, a sentence is detected and the first letter is capitalized



}  The iteration ends here

return result;  ->The new string is returned here.


The main method starts here

int main(){

This declares a string variable named sentence

string sentence;

This gets the user input


This passes the input string to the method defined above


return 0;


I really need To know how To get The special ending for final fight 2 for super nintendo it’s a video game



Check Yt


More often than not there are many video tutorials about every game imaginable.

For this lab, imagine you are an IT Specialist at a medium-sized company. The Human Resources Department at your company wants you to find out how many people are in each department. You need to write a Python script that reads a CSV file containing a list of the employees in the organization, counts how many people are in each department, and then generates a report using this information. The output of this script will be a plain text file.



import csv

import sys

file_csv = argv

with open( "file_csv", "rb" ) as file:

      rowlist= csv.DictReader( file )

      dict_count={ }

      for row in rowlist:

           dict_count[ row[ 'department' ] ] = dict_count.get( row[ 'department' ], 0 ) + 1

      print( " The count of employees per department are", dict_count )


The python script in the solution above is able to accept user input csv files via command prompt and get an output of the number of employees for each department.

Explain what 10CLS program does and the write the output​



This text is being printed via the PRINT command."
On the next line, I'll use CLS, which will clear everything I just printed, so you won't even see the preceding text."
Also, you can't give CLS a line to PRINT; it won't actually do anything"
Finally, on line 80, I

what is the difference between packed and unpacked bcd numbers ​



Packed BCD ( Binary coded decimal) is type in which each decimal digit is represented by 4 bits ( 1 nibble) . For Example : 14 will be shown as 0001 0100 in packed BCD form. Unpacked BCD is type in which each decimal digit is represented by 8 bits ( 1 byte).

A proper divisor of a positive integer $n$ is a positive integer $d < n$ such that $d$ divides $n$ evenly, or alternatively if $n$ is a multiple of $d$. For example, the proper divisors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, but not 12. A positive integer $n$ is called double-perfect if the sum of its proper divisors equals $2n$. For example, 120 is double-perfect (and in fact is the smallest double-perfect number) because its proper divisors are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 40, and 60, and their sum is 240, which is twice 120. There is only one other 3-digit double-perfect number. Write a Python program to find it, and enter the number as your answer below.



The program written in Python is as follows:

See Explanation section for line by line explanation

for n in range(100,1000):

     isum = 0

     for d in range(1,n):

           if n%d == 0:

                 isum += d

     if isum == n * 2:



The program only considers 3 digit numbers. hence the range of n is from 100 to 999

for n in range(100,1000):

This line initializes sum to 0

     isum = 0

This line is an iteration that stands as the divisor

     for d in range(1,n):

This line checks if a number, d can evenly divide n

           if n%d == 0:

If yes, the sum is updated

                 isum += d

This line checks if the current number n is a double-perfect number

     if isum == n * 2:

If yes, n is printed


When the program is run, the displayed output is 120 and 672

What Internet access method would be suitable for a business requiring a high bandwidth connection where no cabled options exist?



Fiber Optic, it allows for speeds up to 1200 mbps


In what way does a hash provide a better message integrity check than a checksum (such as the Internet checksum)?



Hash function have less collision than a internet checksum because of computational infeasibility.


A collision means there is more then one way to produce the same sum. It is nearly difficult to developed two messages with same hash however, in checksum, it is more easier to develop or modify two messages to have same sum, thereby enabling attackers to have access to the message or the information arising to less message integrity.

Individually or in a group find as many different examples as you can of physical controls and displays.a. List themb. Try to group them, or classify them.c. Discuss whether you believe the control or display is suitable for its purpose.



Open ended investigation


The above is an example of an open ended investigation. In understanding what an open ended investigation is, we first of all need to understand what open endedness means. Open endedness means whether one solution or answer is possible. In other words it means that there may be various ways and alternatives to solve or answer a question or bring solution to an investigation.

From the definition, we can deduce that an open ended investigation is a practical investigation that requires students to utilize procedural and substantive skills in arriving at conclusion through evidence gathered from open ended research or experiment(as in not close ended, not limited to ready made options, freedom to explore all possibilities). This is seen in the example question where students are asked to explore the different examples of physical controls and displays and also discuss their observations. Here students are not required to produce a predefined answer but are free to proffer their own solutions

You resurrected an old worksheet. It appears to contain most of the information that you need, but not all of it. Which step should you take next



The answer is "check the worksheet is not read only"


The read only mode is used for read the file data, and it doesn't allows the user to update the file, and for updating the worksheet we should check iut does not open in the read-only mode.

If it is open, then we close it and for close we goto the office button and click on the tools option after that goto general setting, in this there is a check box for turn off the read-only mode.


Select the function completion that satisfies this docstring description: def convert_to_string(nums): """ (list of number) -> NoneType Replace each item in nums with its string equivalent. >>> nums



def convert_to_string(nums):

   for i in range(len(nums)):

       nums[i] = str(nums[i])

nums = [7, 28, 92]





Create a function called convert_to_string that takes one parameter, nums

Create a for loop that iterates through the nums. Inside the loop, set each item to its string equivalent using type casting (str)

Initialize a list

Print the list before the function call

Call the function, passing the list as a parameter

Then, print the list again to see the difference

Write a function called changeCharacter that takes three parameters – a character array, its size, and the replacement character – to change every third character in the array to its replacement character

(C++ coding)


Method explanation:

Defining a method "changeCharacter" that takes three parameters that are "character array", and two integer variable "s, k" in its parameters.Inside the method, a for loop is declared that takes array value and defines a conditional statement that checks the 3rd character value in the array, is used to the array that holds its key-value.Please find the full program in the attachment.

Method description:

void changeCharacter(char* ar, int s, int k)//defining a method changeCharacter that takes three parameters


  for(int j = 1; ar[j]!='\0'; j++)//defining a for loop for 3rd character value in array  


      if(j%3== 0)//use if block that check 3rd character value in array  


          ar[j-1] = k; //Changing the 3rd character in array




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Which of the following statements is true of an encrypted file? * The file can be read only by a user with the decryption key The file can be read by the creator and system administrator The file can not be opened again The file can be opened but not read again



The file can be read only by a user with the decryption key


The way encryption works is it scrambles the data in a file following the rules of the encryption algorithm using a certain key to tell it how to scramble everything.

Without the key, the computer doesn't know how to decrypt it.

This is true no matter who has access to the file, be it a system administrator, a hacker, or even a legitimate user who has somehow lost access to the key

Strictly speaking, encryption can be broken, but, especially with modern encryption, that's a matter of centuries, and isn't really feasible

The statement that is true of an encrypted file is that The file can be read only by a user with the decryption key.

What is decryption key?

A decryption key is known to be a key that is given to Customers by a specific Distributor.

This key allows Customers to open and access the Software that they bought. The decryption key is a  mechanism that  permit  that a file can be read only by a user.

Learn more about decryption key from

2) What are three categories of computer languages? 3) Write four components of a QBASIC window. 4) What are the three types of operators in QBASIC? 5) What is the use of connector symbol in flowchart? 6) What is a computer network? 7) State two uses of Internet. 8) Write three examples for web browser. 9) Name some popular ISPs in Sri Lanka. 10) Differentiate between MAN and PAN.​



2: assembly language , machine language and high level language

3: a character set , constants , variables , statements , operators and expressions

is the highest education degree available at a community college.



The answer is "associate".


The two-year post-school degree is also known as the associate degree, in which the students pursuing any of this degree, which may take as little as 2 years to complete the course, although many prefer to do it at the same rate. Its first two years of a Bachelor (fresh and sophomore years) were covered by an Associate degree.

Ann, a user, reports that she is no longer able to access any network resources. Upon further investigation, a technician notices that her PC is receiving an IP address that is not part of the DHCP scope. Which of the following explains the type of address being assigned?

A. Unicast address
​B. IPV6


Answer: APIPA


Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) is a Windows based operating systems feature that allows a computer to assign itself automatically to an IP address even though there is DHCP server to perform the function.

From the information that has been provided in the question, we can see that the type of address that is used is APIPA.

System stored procedures a. perform standard tasks on the current database b. are stored in the Master database c. can change with each version of SQL Server d. all of the above



D. all of the above


A Stored Procedure (sp) is an already compiled group of SQL requests that contains either one or more statements which are stored in the master database.

A Stored Procedure can be created by using the CREATE PROC statement.

They perform standard tasks, stored in the master database and can change with each new version of SQL, so option D is correct.

Discuss the scaled index addressing mode and comments on the following instructions?

a) MOV BX, [CX+5*AX]
b) MOV [DX5*DI+30H], CX


Memory will also be accessible in Scaled index addressing mode using a 32-bit base & indexing register.The instruction's first parameter will be the base register, and the instruction's second parameter will be the index register. The index register is multiplied by a scaling factor before the program is fetched.

For option a:

The baseline register is [tex]\bold{BX}[/tex], while the index register is [tex]\bold{CX+5*AX}[/tex].

The multiplier for Accumulator [tex]\bold{AX }[/tex] will be 5.[tex]\bold{CX }[/tex] will be multiplied with this value.[tex]\bold{CX+5*AX}[/tex] will contain a memory address.The value at position [tex]\bold{CX+5*AX}[/tex] is accessed by [tex]\bold{[{CX+5*AX} ]}[/tex].The value retrieved from the address [tex][\bold{CX+5*AX}][/tex] is moved into Base register BX by the MOV instruction.

For option b:

Its index register is [tex]\bold{CX }[/tex], whereas the base register is [tex]\bold{DX5*DI+30H}[/tex].

[tex]\bold{CX}[/tex] has a number, that is copied to a computed place below.After multiplying [tex]\bold{DI}[/tex] by [tex]\bold{5, DX}[/tex] will be multiplied by this [tex]\bold{5*DI}[/tex].To the aforementioned multiplied value,[tex]\bold{ 30H}[/tex] will be added.[tex]\bold{[DX5*DI+30H]}[/tex] is a value located at location [tex]\bold{DX5*DI+30H}[/tex]. [tex]\bold{DX5*DI+30H }[/tex] is a memory address number.As a result, the value of [tex]\bold{CX}[/tex] will be copied to the [tex]\bold{ [DX5*DI+30H] }[/tex]location.

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