how is chloroplast similar to bacterium??


Answer 1


it i simlr because they are both i the cell


in the cell

Answer 2


they are similar in size. duplicate their DNA and other structures and then divide into two identical organelles

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The image shows a food web in an Arctic ecosystem. Rising temperatures in the Arctic Ocean can lead to large die-offs of phytoplankton, which are autotrophs. What would most likely happen in an Arctic ecosystem if the phytoplankton population decreased?



as the population of phytoplankton decreases, the amount of food for zooplancktons decreases

(05.05 MC) Exposing human subjects to experimental manipulations such as high levels of toxins is unethical. We often use model organisms for this reason. What attributes would you look for in selecting a good model organism for investigating the impact of toxins in humans? A good model organism should be able to be easily maintain in the laboratory, be fast growing, with a fast generation time and be as closely related to humans as possible. Cost is the only consideration in selecting a model organism, since all living things are made of cells anything found will apply to humans. The best choice will must be the very closely related to humans, such as chimps, since anything found in other species will not apply to humans. The most important consideration in selecting a model organism is how the public will feel about doing experiments on that species, so the best choice would generally be a very simple organism like bacteria that people don't care very much about.



A good model organism should be able to be easily maintain in the laboratory, be fast growing, with a fast generation time and be as closely related to humans as possible.


The attributes that should be looked for in the selection of good model organism for investigating the impact of toxins in humans include:

Easy maintenance: The easier the maintenance of the organism, the better for both the research and the researcher. More can be achieved with less effort as opposed to high maintenance animals.Fast generation time: They should be able to grow and reproduce quickly so as not to prolong the experiment for too long. The lower the regeneration time, the shorter the time required to obtain adequate data for the research.Genetical similarity to humans: A good model organism for humans related study must share some similarities with humans at the genetic level. The more the genetic similarity, the more applicable the outcome of the research on humans.

Hence, a good model organism should be able to be easily maintained in the laboratory, be fast-growing with a fast generation time, and be as closely related to humans as possible.

(c) State two differences between this mesophyll cell and a root hair cell. (2 marks)



Root hairs are where most water absorption happens. ... The function of root hairs is to collect water and mineral nutrients that are present in the soil and take this solution up through the roots to the rest of the plant. As root hair cells do not carry out photosynthesis they do not contain chloroplasts.


John and Joshua used a light microscope to observe a plant cell. They indicated the magnification as x1000. Given the eye piece lens magnification x10. Work out the objective lens magnification.



Objective Lens Magnification = ×100


In a microscope, the ocular (eyepiece) lenses are usually to a magnification of ×10, meaning that it magnifies the image 10 times. While the standard objective lenses have magnifications of ×4, ×10, ×40, and ×100.

In order to work out the total magnification, the individual magnifications of the ocular and objective lenses have to be known, after which a simple multiplication of both magnifications will give the total magnification used.

Total Magnification = (eyepiece lens magnification) × (objective lens magnification)

1000 = 10 × obejcetive lens magnification

Dividing both sides by 10

Objective lens magnification = 1000 ÷ 10 = 10

∴ Objective lens magnification = ×100

What was the experimental variable we tested in the lodine Clock Reaction?


Answer:Experiment 1084-04: lodine Clock Reaction Purpose Determine the rate law for an iodine clock reaction and study the influence of st on that reaction abruptly that it can be as startling as the sudden sound of an alarm clock, hence the clock reaction Background Information chemical equations can be written for chemical reactions, only some will proceed while others do not. Among the ones that do proceed some reactions occur as soon as reactants are mixed, while others occur over minutes, hours, or n over several years. What are the controlling in predicting if a reaction will take place and the speed at which it will? Thermodynamics can answer the question, "Will the reaction take place?" Once the reaction is capable of proceeding kinetics can answer the other question, "How fast You will study the rate of the reduction of potassium persulfate, KoS Os, with sodium iodide, Nal. The net ionic equation for the reaction is eve The rate law for this reaction is in the form of And you will need to determine the reaction orders a and b, as well as the rate constant, k. Keep in mind that exponents can not be determined by jus looking at the chemical equation the reaction will take place? The rate of a reaction is defined as the increase in molar concentration of product of a reaction per unit time or the decrease in molar concentration of reectant per unit time. The usual unit for the rate is moles per liter per sec (mol/L s or M/s). Experimentally, it has been found that a reaction rate depends on the concentrations of the reactants. Usually a higher reactant concentration increases chance of collision among the reactants per unit time causing a faster reaction rate. An equation describing the relationship between the reaction rate and the concentration of the reactants You will need a way to determine how much of the reactants were spent over the given time period. Preferably, the concentrations of the reactants should not change too much; therefore the reaction rate can be represented by the initial concentrations of reactants (the initial-rate method). In this experiment, we will couple another reaction that consumes the product, 12 very quickly. The new reaction is the reduction of is called a rate law. For the elementary reaction Note that l2, which was produced in reaction (1) is consumed as fast as it is produced by reaction (2) to regenerate two l. i.e. [门is kept constant. By keeping [S203-9 much smaller than the initial concentration of S,0, we can assure [S20,1 is also kept nearly constant when S203 is completely consumed. At this point, the 12 is no longer eliminated by the reaction and starts to accumulate. This point is signaled by sudden appearance of the dark color from the interaction of l2 with starch indicator. We can measure the time elapsed till the color appears Rate k [AIB] The proportionality constant, k, is called the ate constant in the relationship between the rate nd concentrations. The rate constant has a fixed alue as long as the reaction temperature is held nstant. The exponents, a and b, are called the action order, and are frequently, but not always, egers. More importantly, they must be termined experimentally In this experiment you will determine the rate an iodine clock reaction, and study the effects of perature and a catalyst to the reaction rate ugh there are several versions of an iodine k reaction, all of them share a common feature: completion of the reaction is signaled by the en appearance of a dark purple color. This is characteristic of the interaction between cular iodine and starch. When the reaction is ed out correctly, this color will appear so According to the reaction stoichiometries of reactions (1) and (2), two molecules of S203 are required to counteract the consumption of one molecule of S20a2. Since S2032 would have been completely consumed when the dark purple color appeared, the Δ[SO ] should be % of the initial concentration of S203 15-08-2] = ½ initial [S,03-21

If the number of cigarettes smoked increases, then the risk for lung cancer increases. Independent variable: _______ Dependent variable: _______ If the number of sharks swimming in a coastal region increases, then the number of shark attacks on humans will also increase. Independent variable: _______ Dependent variable: _______ If the amount of milk a person drinks increases, the strength of his or her bones will stay the same. Independent variable: _______ Dependent variable: _______


Complete Question:

Part A: Identifying Variables

Read the following hypotheses and identify the variables.

If the number of cigarettes smoked increases, then the risk for lung cancer increases.

Independent variable: _______

Dependent variable: _______

If the number of sharks swimming in a coastal region increases, then the number of shark attacks on humans will also increase.

Independent variable: _______

Dependent variable: _______

If the amount of milk a person drinks increases, the strength of his or her bones will stay the same.

Independent variable: _______

Dependent variable: _______


Dependent variables are variables that is dependent on the independent variables. That is, it is the variable that changes as the independent variable changes.

Depedent variable is the main interest if a researcher. It is the variable that is measured in a research work.

In the above given hypotheses, the dependent and independent variables are shown below:

1. "risk for lung cancer" is dependent on the "number of cigarettes smoked".

"Risk for lung cancer" => dependent variable

Number of cigarettes => independent variable

2. "number of shark attacks on humans" is dependent on "number of sharks swimming".

Dependent variable => number of shark attacks on humans

Independent variable => number of sharks swimming

3. Dependent variable => strength of bone

Independent variable => amount of milk a person drinks


Lab: Heart Rate  

Part A: Identifying Variables

The dependent variable happens as a result of values/changes associated with the independent variable.

Independent variable: number of cigarettes smoked

Dependent variable: risk for lung cancer

Independent variable: number of sharks swimming in a coastal region

Dependent variable: number of shark attacks on humans

Independent variable: amount of milk a person drinks

Dependent variable: the strength of his or her bones

Part B: Heart Rate

Hypothesis: If I hold my breath for 30 seconds, then my heart rate will

(choose 1) increase/decrease.

Independent variable: holding my breath

Dependent variable: heart rate

Part C:

The heart rate decreases because oxygen exchange in the lungs decreases.

This depends on what you chose for heart rate in the hypothesis. If you said the heart rate decreases after holding your breath, and the results showed the heart rate decreased, then the hypothesis is supported. If you said the heart rate decreases after holding your breath, and the results showed the heart rate increased, then you refuted the hypothesis.

Heart rate can change due to an increase or decrease in activity, moving positions such as sitting and standing, and emotions.

Example: Increase in activity—jumping jacks

Hypothesis: If I do five jumping jacks, then my heart rate will increase.

Test hypothesis. You can use the average resting heart rate from the previous experiment. If you do an experiment with an increase in physical activity like jumping jacks, then your data will reflect an increase in heart rate because the body requires more energy, which requires more oxygen, increasing the overall flow of blood in the body.

Support or refute the hypothesis based on the results. The hypothesis is supported if it aligns with the observed results. The hypothesis is refuted if the results don’t match the statement based on the variables.

Testing more than one variable at a time makes it difficult to interpret the results and support or refute the hypothesis. With one variable, the results can be associated with changes to that variable. To get the most reliable data to support or refute a hypothesis, an experiment should be completed several times to see if the results show the same trends.  




Penn Foster

Which refers to the process of going against the natural flow of heat and moving thermal energy from a low
temperature to a high temperature?
O conduction





Conduction is the process by which heat energy is transmitted through collisions between neighboring atoms or molecules. ... These vibrating molecules collide with their neighboring molecules, making them also vibrate faster. As these molecules collide, thermal energy is transferred via conduction to the rest of the pan.




I got it right

Over the next century, how do you think the effects of global climate change will compare for species adapted to extreme heat (tropical and hot desert species) versus those adapted to extreme cold (polar species)



If we do not reduce our carbon emissions and instead allow global temperatures to rise by 4.5˚C, up to half the animals and plants in some of the world’s most biodiverse areas could go extinct by 2100, according to a new study. In fact, even if we are able to limit global warming to the Paris climate agreement goal of 2˚ C, areas such as the Amazon and the Galapagos could still lose one quarter of their species, say the researchers, who studied the effects of climate change on 80,000 plants and animals in 35 areas. Another study found that local extinctions (when a species goes extinct in a particular area, but still exists elsewhere) are already occurring in 47 percent of the 976 species studied, in every kind of habitat and climatic zone.

With temperatures rising, precipitation patterns changing, and the weather getting less predictable and more extreme, a 2016 study determined that climate change is already significantly disrupting organisms and ecosystems on land and in water. Animals are not only shifting their range and altering the timing of key life stages— they are also exhibiting differences in their sex ratios, tolerance to heat, and in their bodies. Some of these changes may help a species adapt, while others could speed its demise.

Move, Adapt or Die

Animals can react to climate change in only three ways: They can move, adapt or die.

According to climate change If carbon emission can't reduced and instead allow global temperatures to rise by 4.5˚C, up to half the animals and plants in some of the world’s most biodiverse areas could go extinct by 2100.

What are the effects of climate change?

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, but since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil, and gas) which produces heat-trapping gases.

More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities.

The potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions, and an increase in the duration and intensity of tropical storms.

Learn more about climate change:


One of the needs of today's taxonomy is:

O more information

O more species

O more interpretation

Ofewer species



The correct choice is A


Taxonomy is the process of coining names for and categorising plants and animals into groups based on factors or qualities which are similar and or those which distinguish them.

Taxonomy helps to give meaning to the vast diversity of fauna and flora on planet earth.



The answer is A


You can tell because the way that it is

(i) parasitism,
(iii) photosynthetic nutrition​



hey there !!!!

According to google your answer's are as follows

I} Parasitism means the relationship between two species of plants or animals in which one benefits at the expense of the other, sometimes without killing the host organism.

II} Photosynthesis is a biological process utilized by all green plants to synthesize their own nutrients. The process of photosynthesis requires solar energy, water and carbon dioxide.


which structures in plant cells build protein molecules under the control of the nucleus?
a) cell walls
b) chloroplasts
d) ribosomes


The cell walls, chloroplasts, and mitochondria play important roles in plant cells, they are not directly involved in building protein molecules under the control of the nucleus. D

Ribosomes are the structures in plant cells that build protein molecules under the control of the nucleus.

Ribosomes are tiny, complex molecular machines composed of RNA and protein molecules.

They are involved in the process of protein synthesis, where they facilitate the translation of genetic information from the DNA in the nucleus into functional proteins.

The nucleus of a cell contains the DNA, which serves as the blueprint for building proteins.

However, the actual synthesis of proteins occurs in the cytoplasm, outside the nucleus.

Ribosomes are responsible for this task.

Ribosomes can be found both freely floating in the cytoplasm and attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).

The ones attached to the ER are called rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) due to the presence of ribosomes on their surface.

These ribosomes associated with the rough ER are involved in the synthesis of proteins that are destined for secretion or for integration into the cell membrane.

The process of protein synthesis involves the decoding of the genetic information stored in messenger RNA (mRNA) by ribosomes.

Ribosomes read the mRNA sequence and assemble amino acids into a growing polypeptide chain, forming a functional protein.

Cell walls provide structural support, chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, and mitochondria are involved in cellular respiration. However, the primary site for protein synthesis in plant cells is the ribosomes.

Therefore, the ribosomes (option d) are the structures in plant cells that build protein molecules under the control of the nucleus.

For similar questions on plant cells


If Earth’s average surface temperature continues to change over the next 30 years at the same rate it changed between 1980 and 2010, the average temperature will most likely be around



Its B....


Get that 100.

Find the average of 124, 456, 788, 343. Write it as the closest whole number


Average =
(124+456+788+343) / 4
= 1711 / 4
= 427.75
= 428

The hard outer covering of an animal is a(n) blank




Explanation: answering spree


The hard outer covering of an animal is a(n) exoskeleton.


The definition of exoskeleton is "a rigid external covering for the body in some invertebrate animals, especially arthropods, providing both support and protection."

Afferent neurones connect?

A the brain and spinal cord to muscles
B sense organs to muscles.
C one sense organ to another sense organ
D sense organs to brain and spinal cord

Can someone explain to me the answer because I'm confused.



These neurons are located in the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). Afferent and efferent neurons have to work together in order to sense and respond to stimulus, but they don't directly connect. Association neurons bridge the gap to relay information between sensory and motor neurons.

Which is a difference between a compound light microscope and a scanning electron microscope?


The scanning electron microscope can view the internal part of a cell, while the compound light microscope views the surface of a cell. ... The scanning electron microscope uses an electron beam and a layer of gold to view the surface of the cell, while the compound light microscope uses light and lenses.


the answer is D not what other dude said


Can someone please help me!!???



plant cell only

nucleuscell wallchloroplastgolgi apparatus cell membraneribosome

both plant and animal cells

nucleuscell membraneribosomegolgi apparatus

Which label in the graphic represents the energy that is released from glucose by cellular respiration?
Energy stored as ATP
Carbon dioxide and water



C) Energy stored as ATP


100% on edge

When does puberty occur? What causes the changes that occur during puberty?



When does puberty start? Puberty starts when changes in your child's brain cause sex hormones to start being released from the gonads, which are the ovaries and testes. This typically happens around 10-11 years for girls and around 11-12 years for boys.Skip



Raising Children Network







School age






What is puberty?

Puberty is the time when your child moves through a series of significant, natural and healthy changes. These physical, psychological and emotional changes are a sign that your child is moving from childhood towards adulthood.

Changes in puberty include:

physical growth and development inside and outside children’s bodies

changes to children’s sexual organs

brain changes

social and emotional changes.

When does puberty start?

Puberty starts when changes in your child’s brain cause sex hormones to start being released from the gonads, which are the ovaries and testes.

This typically happens around 10-11 years for girls and around 11-12 years for boys.

But it’s normal for the start of puberty to range from 8-13 years in girls and 9-14 years in boys.

There’s no way of knowing exactly when your child will start puberty. Early changes in your child’s brain and hormone levels can’t be seen from the outside, so it’s easy to think that puberty hasn’t started.

Puberty can be completed in about 18 months, or it can take up to 5 years. This range is also completely normal.

Girls: key physical changes in puberty

In girls, these are the main external physical changes in puberty that you can expect.

Around 10-11 years

Breasts will start developing. This is the first visible sign that puberty is starting. It’s normal for the left and right breasts to grow at different speeds. It’s also common for the breasts to be a bit tender as they develop. If your child wants a bra, a soft crop top or sports bra can be a good first choice.

A growth spurt occurs. Some parts of the body – like the head, face and hands – might grow faster than limbs and torso. This might result in your child looking out of proportion for a while. On average, girls grow 5-20 cm. They usually stop growing at around 16-17 years.

The body shape will change. For example, a girl’s hips will widen.

The external genitals (vulva) and pubic hair will start to grow. Pubic hair will get darker and thicker over time.

Around 12-14 years (about two years after breast development starts)

Hair will start growing under the arms.

A clear or white discharge from the vagina starts several months before periods start. If the discharge bothers your child, you could suggest your child uses a panty liner. If your child says it’s itchy, painful or smelly, consult your GP.

Periods will usually start within 2 years of breast growth starting, but can take up to 4 years.

Boys: key physical changes in puberty

In boys, these are the main external physical changes in puberty that you can expect.

Around 11-12 years

The external genitals (penis, testes and scrotum) will start to grow. It’s normal for one testis to grow faster than the other. You can reassure your child that men’s testes usually aren’t the same size.

Pubic hair will start to grow. It will get darker and thicker over time.

Around 12-14 years

Your child will have a growth spurt. Your child will get taller and their chest and shoulders will get broader. Some parts of your child’s body – like their head, face and hands – might grow faster than their limbs and torso. This might result in your child looking out of proportion for a while. On average, boys grow 10-30 cm. They usually stop growing at around 18-20 years.

It’s common for boys to have minor breast development. If your child is worried by this, it might help your child to know it’s normal and usually goes away by itself. If it doesn’t go away or if the breasts seem to be growing a lot, consult your GP.

Around 13-15 years

Hair will start growing on other parts of your child’s body – under the arms, on the face and on the rest of the body. Leg and arm hair will thicken. Some young men will grow more body hair into their early 20s.

The hormone testosterone is produced, which stimulates the testes to produce sperm.

Your child might start having erections and ejaculating (releasing sperm). During this period, erections often happen for no reason at all. Just let your child know that this is normal and that people don’t usually notice. Ejaculation during sleep is often called a ‘wet dream’.

Around 14-15 years

The larynx (‘Adam’s apple’ or voice box) will become more obvious. Your child’s larynx will get larger and their voice will ‘break’, eventually becoming deeper. Some boys’ voices move from high to low and back again, even in one sentence.


For girls, puberty typically occurs between the ages of nine and thirteen

For boys, puberty typically occurs between the ages of ten and fifteen.

An increase in hormones – estrogen and progesterone in girls and testosterone in boys – causes the changes that happen during puberty.


In 1937, a man employed to lay water pipes was found to be the source of a severe epidemic of typhoid fever. The man, an asymptomatic carrier of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi, the bacterium that causes typhoid, habitually urinated at his job site. In the process, he contaminated the town's water supply with bacteria from his bladder. Over 300 cases of typhoid fever developed, and 43 people died before the man was identified as the carrier.
How was this carrier identified?
a) nasal swab
b) sputum sample
c) throat swab
d) urine culture


Urine culture

It literally says he peed in the water

Which type of energy do you think is better: SOLAR ENERGY or WIND ENERGY?why do you think that ?


Answer: solar energy is better.


Multiple Choice: Please select the best answer and UICK
Which of the following items was Darwin able to use to study the structures of
extinct organisms?
A. Fossils
O B. Species
O C. Amino acids
O D. Adaptations



The correct answer is fossils


Because fossils are used in studying extinct animals.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

How much time is required for a P-wave to travel 6,000 kilometers?



294.1 minutes


5,882 seconds (98 minutes) to travel 2,000 km.

2,000 x 3 = 6,000

5,882 seconds x 3 = 17,646

(294.1 minutes) to travel 6,000 km

Which space exploration activity has most helped astronomers determine the age of the solar system?

collection of lunar rock samples

experiments performed on the International Space Station

placement of mirrors on the lunar surface

collection of deep space images by the Hubble telescope


The best answer about the space exploration activity that has helped astronomers determine the age of the solar system is :  Collection of Lunar rock samples ( option 1 )

There are several exploration activities in which astronomers partake when they visit the solar system and they include :

experiments on the space station, placement of mirrors on the lunar surface and the collection of space images

But to determine the age of the solar system, collection of rock samples is the best activity, because rocks (one of the first substances found in the solar system )  are as old as where they are found.

Hence the space exploration activity that has helped astronomers determine the age of the solar system is the collection of lunar rock samples

learn more :


Explanation:Collection of lunar rock samples will help understand the moon more than the other options.

mention 6 substances secreted by the body​










Substances? Just any substances?

What features do plant cells have in common with animal cells?



they both are cells boom


they kinda different do

Question 3
Some globular proteins are water soluble, while all fibrous/membrane proteins are water insoluble.
Which of the following statements BEST explains the reason for these differences?
Fibrous proteins have a large number of hydrogen bonds between the amino acids in the polypeptide chains that stabilize their structures, preventing solubility in water. The globular proteins that are water-soluble do not have as many hydrogen bonds between the amino acids in their peptide chains, allowing water solubility.
Fibrous proteins are configured in a way that exposes the polar side chains of the amino acids on the surface of the protein, preventing solubility in water. The globular proteins that are water soluble have nonpolar side chains on the surface of the protein, allowing water solubility.
Some globular proteins are configured in a way that exposes the polar groups of the amino acids on the surface of the protein, allowing water solubility. Fibrous proteins have nonpolar side chains on the surface of the protein, preventing water solubility.
Some globular proteins are composed of more than one polypeptide chain that weakly interacts with one another, allowing water solubility. Fibrous proteins are composed of only one polypeptide chain that tightly folds, preventing water solubility.


Globular proteins are spherical proteins which are water soluble and forms colloid in water.

The best statement which will explain the reason for difference in globular protein and fibrous proteins is statement C.

C. Some globular proteins are configured in a way that exposes the polar groups of the amino acids in the surface of the protein, allowing water solubility.

Fibrous proteins have non polar side chains on the surface of the proteins, preventing water solubility.

Globular proteins are water soluble. Fibrous proteins are not soluble in water.

Amino acids chain prevents folding up so that the chain is not broken and it remains in elongated form. The correct answer is C.

Learn more at

If a force of 90 N is applied to each cart, which cart has the greatest
acceleration? *
1 point​


Answer: Cart 1 would have the greatest acceleration. It weights less and if you apply force it will go faster than other carts.


(at least so I think, don't shame me if I am wrong)

why do we drink water??​



You need water to digest your food and get rid of waste. Water is needed for digestive juices, urine (pee), and poop. And you can bet that water is the main ingredient in perspiration, also called sweat. Besides being an important part of the fluids in your body, water is needed by each cell to work.


I'm not sure but hope it helps


beacuse we gona healthy drink many water bro

The plasma membranes of the __________ bear enzymes referred to as brush border enzymes, which complete the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins in the small intestine."





The microvilli are microscopic in nature, they form projections on cell membranes which helps to increase the surface area of the membrane, which further enables diffusion. Microvilli are mostly found in the small intestine and they work together with villi to increase the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.

In addition, they also involved in the secretion of enzymes called brush border enzymes that aids the easy and complete digestion of carbohydrates and Protein. One of such enzymes are the glycosidases which digest carbohydrates.

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