I need help on this: The depositional feature formed where a stream flows from a steep slope to leveled land?!?!?!?!??!?!


Answer 1


[tex]\boxed{\sf Surface \ runoff}[/tex]


Surface runoff is a depositional feature, formed where a stream from a water source or rain, flows from a steep slope to leveled land. Surface runoff is common in the hydrological cycle.

Answer 2
Surface runoff because of how a slope is

Related Questions

What is a geographic factor?



Geographic factor is the study of the natural features of the earth's surface, including topography, climate, soil, vegetation, etc., and man's response to them.

It is also the natural features of a region and an arrangement of constituent parts; plan; layout.

What factors affect water quality



Many factors affect water quality




Dissolved oxygen



Decayed organic materials


Toxic and hazardous substances

Oils, grease, and other chemicals


Litter and rubbish

Answer: There are so many factors which may/will affect the quality of water

Explanation: such as

i) Acid : it may come from acid rain and etc.....

ii) toxic waste materials : especially from high operating factories

iii) Oil spillage: accidents during oil shipping etc....

iv) littering: dumping of trash and rubbish

v) toxic substances; may come from harmful chemicals which are used in fishing etc... pesticides

vi) bathing and washing in water bodies with animals affects water quality

vii) dumping of waste products into water bodies

viii) mining underground activities

ix) Erosion may also affect water quality

x) leakages: especially in sewage pipes



Which are examples of climate’s impact on the natural character of a location?


A. a year-long drought

B. solar radiation

C. the amount of total precipitation

D. accrued snowfalls in mountainous areas



the amount of total precipitation

which is the known as cold continent​


Antarctica is the continent you wish to know

Hope this helped ♥︎




which force is responsible for the moon revolving round the earth ?



Gravitational force is responsible for moon revolving around the earth .

gravitational force cause moon to revolve around earth, the earths gravity pulls the moons towards it!

Floodplains are hazardous areas and should be avoided when considering where to put farmlands. b. Early civilizations of Egypt, India, and China were established in river valleys and on floodplains. c. Use of the waters of major rivers, like the Colorado River, has not affected their size or discharge. d. If a dam is constructed properly, it will not change the ecosystem of the area it's in.


Sbj ia ia i haiqv iqgB. Iab

Name 3 Disadvantages of diversifying the local economy and revaaluate the role of the private sector.


The answer to the given question is explained as follows:

It discusses the disadvantages of a local economy whose diversity plays a vital role in private sector.

Local economy is diversified by shifting it from single income source to various income sources.

The disadvantages include,  

bad investment vehicles

Reduces quality

Market risks

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24369548

(i) Define the term 'import'.


Your doing awesome kiddo the answer is blank


To bring goods or services into a country from abroad for sale.



The concept of natural rights which was used in the Declaration of Independence was first proposed by



John Locke


The concept of natural rights was first proposed by an English philosopher called John Locke. He emphasized there factors known as Life, Liberty, and Property as being the core of independence and should be non-negotiable or sacrificed for anything.

This was adopted in the Declaration of Independence of the United States from Great Britain on July 4, 1776.

What problems do mapmakers face when making maps?





The earth isnt flat


The map makers face the following problems when they are doing maps:

1. problems with the cartographic projection

2. representation of 3D objects in 2D.

3. capacity to represent on a map the geographic aspects.

4. ability to synthesize information

5. the use of appropriate conventional signs

A set of beliefs about the way things should be that are used to justify public policy is best defined as which of the following?

A. Terrorism
B. Mandate
C. Nongovernmental organization
D. Ideology ​


I think its ideology (D) but i am not quite sure …

What are the two main areas of geology?



Geology is a very broad field that can be divided into many more specific branches. Traditionally, geology has been divided into two main subdivisions: physical geology and historical geology. Physical geology is the study of the solid Earth and the processes that change the physical landscape of the planet.

The world population changed relatively little between the years 1200 and 1400. Which of the following statements about this time period is likely true?A.
The birthrate and death rate were about equal.
The death rate far exceeded the birthrate
The birthrate was much higher than the death rate.
This question cannot be answered using the given information.



Given that the World population changed little between this time, we can gather than the birth and death rates were similar, since they seem to cancel each other out from 1200-1400. To clarify, think of this. If you add something to a total (think births to population), but take away the same number (think deaths from population) you end up with the same total as before. Because of this, A is the correct answer choice (The birth rate and death rate were about equal).

Answer: C


02. Entre todos os movimentos realizados pela Terra, a rotação e a translação são consideradas como os dois mais importantes, pois são os que exercem maior influência no cotidiano das sociedades. Cite as consequências principais da rotação e da translação da Terra. a) Translação: b) Rotação:



A tradução é o movimento de um objeto de um lugar para outro, enquanto a rotação é o movimento de um objeto no mesmo local.


A rotação da Terra se refere ao movimento da Terra no mesmo lugar. Esse movimento é responsável pelo movimento da água no oceano e pelo vento. também ajuda na deflexão das marés no oceano, enquanto a tradução da Terra se refere ao movimento da terra na órbita. Este é responsável pela conclusão de uma revolução da Terra em torno do Sol e também pela ocorrência de 4 estações.

Write a three paragraph argument for or against the idea of using controlled fires to protect wild areas.



Wilderness areas are generally protected areas that have a high level of biodiversity, endemic and endangered species.

The use of fire even if they are controlled fires is not a useful practice, especially since it leads to the fragmentation of forests, geographical environments and the destruction of living habitats.  

Fires can affect both the area that is prone to controlled fires and other wild areas.

Suppose Earth’s axis was perpendicular to the plane of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. How would the climate at the place you live differ from the climate today? How would it change if Earth’s orbit became much more elliptical?



the earth is tilted 28 degree


The main reason why we have seasons during the year is because the Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees on its axis. In it's orbit around the sun, when the Earth is tilted toward the sun it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere and when the Earth is tilted away from the sun it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere it would be the other way round. Since the Earth orbits the sun steadily, this pattern repeats itself every year.

Well, if the Earth was not tilted, the plane of the Earth's poles would always be perpendicular to the sun, and. The sun would always be just on the horizon 24 hours a day on every day at the poles. There will be no nights at all in the polar regions. Every day would be an "equinox" and throughout the Earth (except the polar regions) there will be a 12 hour "day" and a 12 hour "night" and the sun angle would be about the same every day. There would no longer be seasons as we know them now. The climate, i.e., temperature and the rainfall pattern would not vary much. It would always be hot in the equatorial region and cold at the polar egions. The same climate will last throughout the year, and year after year.

The changes in the oceans and atmosphere would result in tremendous and unpredictable changes in conditions on the earth's surface including shifts in the oceans' levels and changes in the location and extent tropical areas. The tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn would be meaningless because there would be no more "solstices" - it would be an eternal "equinox" meaning the sun rises exactly due East, and sets exactly due West after passing over the equator, day after day, year after year.

There will be a profound effect on the migratory birds and animals. They will find no reason for migration as there are no more seasons. Imagine what may happen if all the bird migration stops! Presently, because of migration, the population of millions of migratory/non migratory creatures are in balance; but if there were no migration, their populations may increase uncontrollably, causing a major zoological imbalance. (Imagine what will happen in East Africa. Every year, blue wildebeest have a long-distance migration looking for greener pastures, coinciding with the annual pattern of rainfall and grass growth. With no seasons there would be no need to migrate.)

And then, an Earth without it's tilt would be divided into climate "bands" that would get progressively colder as we moved away from the equator in both directions. People may not be able to survive the continuous winter of the higher latitudes - like Scandinavia, Greenland, Siberia, Mongolia etc. - and so the population of the Earth would probably concentrate in the midsection tropical/equatorial regions of the planet. Needless to mention, there would be chaos! We may not be able to feed ourselves anymore, because:

The tropical zone would be humid and so, continuous rainfall would quickly erode the soil and drain away the top-soil and the nutrients, making the land useless for agriculture.

We would be plagued by diseases, the pathogens of which thrive in warm, humid environments. You must be aware that cold climate protects much of the world's population from disease carrying tropical insects which account for diseases not only in humans, but also crops and livestock. The tropics is home to MALARIA, EBOLA, and HIV. We just cannot imagine the devastation caused by deaths due to diseases coupled with hunger. As I write this, the world population is 7.32 billion and the annual increase is estimated at 1.10%. Imagine the lot living within some 40° north and south of the equator!

Let's not forget, as our numbers increase, the numbers of other inhabitants of the planet has steadily decreased; many species have even gone extinct due to loss of habitat, pollution, and global warming. With the human population concentrated in the tropical regions, there is bound to be overfishing and over-hunting. Scientists believe that with the current rate of extinction, we will experience a mass extinction in which 75 percent of the planet's species will be extinct within short period of time, like 300 years or so. On an Earth without it's tilt, it would be a lot sooner.

So whatsay, we let the present tilt of the Earth continue until further notice?

Add: Eclipses will become common. Every new-moon will be a solar eclipse and every full moon a lunar eclipse. Some of the solar eclipses would be total, while others would be annular, depending on the how far the moon is from the earth.

NPL also gives services of accurate time-keeping. is it true or false​



it's true


Indian standard time is maintained by National Physical Laboratory

Beijing is located of Shanghai. Shanghai is located slightly north of the line of latitude. Which country shares a border with the northernmost part of China? What are two countries located between the 105° E and 135° E lines of longitude?



1. North Korea

2. China and Mongolia


1. Going by the meaning of the term 'northernmost', which is a location that is situated furthest to the north, we can conclude that North Korea is the country that shares a border with the northernmost part of China.

2. China and Mongolia are among the several countries found between the 105° E and 135° E lines of longitude.


Beijing is located  

✔ north

of Shanghai.

Shanghai is located slightly north of the  

✔ 30° N

line of latitude.

Which country shares a border with the northernmost part of China?  

✔ Russia

What are two countries located between the 105° E and 135° E lines of longitude?  

✔ Taiwan and South Korea



Which would be the best argument to make against using fossil fuels for someone living in a coastal area?

A. Deforestation will make the greenhouse effect worse.

B. The warming oceans will raise sea levels and displace people.

C. The more carbon dioxide we put into the atmosphere, the more polluted our air will be.

D. Continued global warming will make coastal areas hotter to live in.


B, because fossil fuel gases are greenhouse gases which contribute to Earth’s increasing climate. With the climate increasing our ice caps will melt and increase sea levels. People living in coastal areas may have to relocate.

Rainfall that contains too much sulfur or carbon dioxide is called__________, which is making the ocean too acidic for many types of life.



Acid rain


Acid rain consists of sulfur and carbon dioxide. Acid rain can affect all living thing even non-living thing. It can kill many animals and plants. Many stone buildings can dissolve and it can corrode many metal structure.

Given that point A is the midpoint of line segment ED, where E( -1,9) and A(4,5), what is the location of point D?



D(9, 1)


Since A is the midpoint of ED, then;

A = ([tex]\frac{X_{1}+X_{2} }{2}[/tex], [tex]\frac{Y_{1}+Y_{2} }{2}[/tex])

A(4, 5) ⇒ 4 =  [tex]\frac{X_{1}+X_{2} }{2}[/tex] and 5 = [tex]\frac{Y_{1}+Y_{2} }{2}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{X_{1}+X_{2} }{2}[/tex] = 4

[tex]X_{1}[/tex] + [tex]X_{2}[/tex] = 8

But [tex]X_{1}[/tex] = -1, then;

-1 + [tex]X_{2}[/tex] = 8

[tex]X_{2}[/tex] = 9

[tex]\frac{Y_{1}+Y_{2} }{2}[/tex] = 5

[tex]Y_{1}[/tex] + [tex]Y_{2}[/tex] = 10

But [tex]Y_{1}[/tex] = 9, then;

9 + [tex]Y_{2}[/tex]  = 10

[tex]Y_{2}[/tex]  = 1

Therefore, point D has coordinates (9, 1).

what could be the possible shape of universe with an evidence. ​





When we talk about the "shape" of the universe. It is its intrinsic shape, not the embedding of the universe within a larger space.

It does make sense to talk about the intrinsic shape. Properties like "curvature" can be measured from inside a shape, you don't need suppose that the universe is "in" something to talk about its shape.

Now the space of the universe is three dimensional, this creates visualisation problems. So I'm going to first talk about an imaginary 2d universe:

A 2d universe could be flat, with a curved boundary (like a disc) Or it could be flat with no boundary (an flat infinte plane). Or a 2d universe could be intrinsically curved. If it has positive curvature it could be like the surface of a ball (positive curvature, finite with no boundary) Or shaped like a bowl (positive curvature) Alternatively it could have negative curvature: it could be shaped like a "Pringles crisp" These have negative curvature (this can happen with or without a boundary). Finally there could be regions with different curvature: positive in some parts, negative in others.

The same possibilities exist for our universe: It could be flat (with or without boundary) It could be positively curved (This is intrinsic curvature and your brain can't visualise this for a 3d shape) Or it could be negatively curved (again, don't try to visualise this for a 3d shape, you can't). In the case of positive curvature, it could be finite and unbounded, but for negative curvature, it must either have an edge, or be infinite.

So mathematically these are the possibilities. What does the science say?

We can measure the curvature on large scales. Our measurements are not perfect, there is some room for error. We measure the large scale mass/energy density of the universe, since curvature is caused by gravity, and gravity is caused by mass and energy. If the mass/energy density is > 1 then space would be positively curved. We actually find that the energy density is 1.00±0.02 That is the universe is either flat, or very nearly flat.

No there are profound problems with supposing that the universe has a boundary. But there are also problems with supposing it to be infinite. Scientifically, no edge has ever been detected. So when we build models of the universe, we will generally suppose to have no edge.

Thus our "best guess" is that the universe is uncurved and infinite.

how can the government help stop palm oil deforestation?



There are International non-profits trying to work with governments and people to reduce deforestation, educating people, and buying tracts of land to preserve and/or replant, and donating the newly established reserves to the country while working with the people to create new jobs.


Question 6 of 15 In a traditional society, why might those in power resist change? Check all that apply. A. Change can undermine cultural traditions. B. Change is good for the country. O C. Those in power often have an economic advantage over those without power. D. They don't want to share their power. SUBMIT​


Hi! The options which I believe are true are A., C., and D. I think these are the correct answers in my opinion because change can erode the base of traditions which they may not like, they don’t want to lose the economic advantage over those without power, and they don’t want to lose there power. I hope this helped, Goodluck :)

Match the mountain range with its type of formation.


Grand Tetons




The mountain ranges given above can be matched with their types of formation as,

Andes – Oceanic-continental;

Grand Tetons – Fault-block;

Himalayas – Continental-continental;

Aleutian – Oceanic-oceanic.

What are mountain ranges?

A series of mountains or hills, which are connected throughout a particular region with the grounds of higher altitudes, typically very high above the sea-water level, are known as mountain ranges.

There are different types of mountain ranges in the world based upon their formation in the region that they belong to.

Hence, the types of formation of the mountain ranges are aforementioned.

Learn more about mountain ranges here:



Which of the following statements about political maps are true? Check all that apply. I A. They never show any physical features of land. B. They are the most common type of map. O C. They will show capital cities, major cities, and large lakes or rivers D. They may show how areas are broken into countries and states.​



B, C, D


If you look up a political map you can see they they are the most common map, they are what we use to find cities and landmarks, and they are the kind of map that show you where all the states or countries borders are.

Why do many Georgia rivers begin in the Blue Ridge province?



The Blue Ridge receives the most precipitation of all the regions in Georgia and hosts the headwaters of the Savannah,

Many rivers in Georgia, including the Chattahoochee, Savannah, and Oconee, originate in the Blue Ridge province due to the region's unique geological and topographical characteristics. The Blue Ridge province is characterized by its high elevation, rugged terrain, and ample rainfall. These factors contribute to the formation of numerous streams and rivers.

The elevated landscape of the Blue Ridge province allows for the accumulation of precipitation, which leads to the formation of springs and small streams. As these small streams converge and flow downhill, they gather volume and momentum, eventually evolving into larger rivers that meander through the state.

Additionally, the porous and fractured nature of the rocks in the Blue Ridge region enables water to seep into the ground, replenishing underground aquifers. When these aquifers reach their capacity, they discharge water into the surface streams, further contributing to the formation of rivers.

To learn more about topographical, click here.



Which of the following is true? Group of answer choices The Bulge of Africa is in the south, the Horn is in the north. The Bulge of Africa is in the west, the Horn is in the east. The Bulge of Africa is in the north, the Horn is in the south. The Bulge of Africa is a desert area and the Horn is tropical.


The second option is correct (The Bulge of Africa is in the West, and the Horn is in the East). If you look at a map of Africa, you can see the “bulge” extending to the West (think Mali, Ghana, Senegal, Morocco, etc...), and the “horn” protruding slightly to the East (think Somalia, Ethiopia, and Eritrea).

Why do humans often act in ways that disturb the natural services of the environment?



Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.

Geologists use epochs to further divide geologic eras and periods. Put the following epochs from the Cenozoic Era in chronological order, from the earliest to the most recent. Items (5 items) Item in order(Drag and drop into the appropriate area) YoungestPliocene Oligocene Eocene Miocene Paleocene



Oldest to youngest : Oligocene, Eocene Miocene, Pliocene followed by holocene.


Cenozoic s the most recent era i.e 66.5 million years ago and consists of the quaternary and the tertiary period and Holocene, Pleistocene, Pliocene, Miocene, Oligocene, Eocene, and Paleocene Epochs etc.  Being sided into the Paleogene, Neogene, and quaternary. That's from 66 to 23 to 2.6 million years ago. The Paleogene consists of the Eocene and Oligocene epochs as Neogene consists of Miocene and Pliocene. While the quaternary includes the Pleistocene and the Holocene.
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