in java how do i Write a program that reads a set of integers, and then prints the sum of the even and odd integers.


Answer 1


Here is the JAVA program:

import java.util.Scanner; //to take input from user

public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args) { //start of main function

Scanner input = new Scanner(; // creates Scanner class object  

       int num, integer, odd = 0, even = 0; //declare variables

       System.out.print("Enter the number of integers: "); //prompts user to enter number of integers

       num = input.nextInt(); //reads value of num from user

       System.out.print("Enter the integers:\n"); //prompts user to enter the integers

       for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { //iterates through each input integer

           integer = input.nextInt(); // reads each integer value

               if (integer % 2 == 0) //if integer value is completely divisible by 2

                   even += integer; //adds even integers

               else //if integer value is not completely divisible by 2

                   odd += integer;  } //adds odd integers

           System.out.print("Sum of Even Numbers: " + even); //prints the sum of even integers

           System.out.print("\nSum of Odd Numbers: " + odd);//prints the sum of odd integers



The program is explained in the comments mentioned with each line of the code. I will explain the logic of the program with the help of an example.

Suppose user wants to input 5 integers. So,

num = 5

Suppose the input integers are:

1, 2 , 3, 4, 5

for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)  is a for loop that has a variable i initialized to 0. The condition i<num is true because i=0 and num=5 so 0<5. Hence the statements inside body of loop execute.

At first iteration:

integer = input.nextInt(); statement reads the value of input integer. The first integer is 1

if (integer % 2 == 0) checks if integer is completely divisible by 2. The modulo operator is used which returns the remainder of the division and if this remainder is equal to 0 then it means that the integer is completely divisible by 2 and if the integer is completely divisible by 2 then this means the integer is even. 1%2 returns 1 so this means this condition evaluates to false and the integer is not even. So the else part executes:

odd += integer;   this becomes:

odd = odd + integer

odd = 1

Now the value of i is incremented to 1 so i=1

At second iteration:

integer = input.nextInt(); statement reads the value of input integer. The first integer is 2

if (integer % 2 == 0) checks if integer is completely divisible by 2. 2%2 returns 0 so this means this condition evaluates to true and the integer is even. So

even += integer;   this becomes:

even= even+ integer

even = 2

Now the value of i is incremented to 1 so i=2

At third iteration:

integer = input.nextInt(); statement reads the value of input integer. The first integer is 3

if (integer % 2 == 0) checks if integer is completely divisible by 2. 3%2 returns 1 so this means this condition evaluates to false and the integer is odd. So

odd += integer;   this becomes:

odd= odd + integer

odd= 1 + 3

odd = 4

Now the value of i is incremented to 1 so i=3

At fourth iteration:

integer = input.nextInt(); statement reads the value of input integer. The first integer is 4

if (integer % 2 == 0) checks if integer is completely divisible by 2. 4%2 returns 0 so this means this condition evaluates to true and the integer is even. So

even+= integer;   this becomes:

even = even + integer

even = 2 + 4

even = 6

Now the value of i is incremented to 1 so i=4

At fifth iteration:

integer = input.nextInt(); statement reads the value of input integer. The first integer is 5

if (integer % 2 == 0) checks if integer is completely divisible by 2. 5%2 returns 1 so this means this condition evaluates to false and the integer is odd. So

odd+= integer;   this becomes:

odd= odd+ integer

odd= 4 + 5

odd = 9

Now the value of i is incremented to 1 so i=5

When i=5 then i<num condition evaluate to false so the loop breaks. The next two print statement prints the values of even and odd. So

even = 6

odd = 9

Hence the output is:

Sum of Even Numbers: 6                                                                                                           Sum of Odd Numbers: 9  

In Java How Do I Write A Program That Reads A Set Of Integers, And Then Prints The Sum Of The Even And

Related Questions

Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of the connectivity issues?A user of the wireless network is unable to gain access to the network. the symptoms are:_______a. Unable to connect to both internal and Internet resourcesb. The wireless icon shows connectivity but has no network access


Full questions and available options

A user of the wireless network is unable to gain access to the network. The symptoms are:

1.) Unable to connect to both internal and Internet resources

2.) The wireless icon shows connectivity but has no network access

The wireless network is WPA2 Enterprise and users must be a member of the wireless security group to authenticate.

Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of the connectivity issues?

A. The wireless signal is not strong enough

B. A remote DDoS attack against the RADIUS server is taking place

C. The user's laptop only supports WPA and WEP

D. The DHCP scope is full

E. The dynamic encryption key did not update while the user was offline


C. The user's laptop only supports WPA and WEP


Given that the laptop's wireless icon shows connectivity but has no network access, and at the same time it is unable to connect to both internal and Internet resources, while the wireless network is WPA2 Enterprise and users must be a member of the wireless security group to authenticate, then it can be concluded that the most likely cause of the connectivity issues is "The user's laptop only supports WPA and WEP and not WAP2 Enterprise network."

Hence the right answer is Option C.

A python keyword______.



cannot be used outside of its intented purpose

Explanation: python keywords are special reserved words that have specific meanings and purposes and can't be used for anything but those specific purposes

Regular Expression Replace Challenge
In this challenge you will use the file to:
Write a regular expression that will replace all occurrences of:
regular:expression r
In the string: This is a string to search for a regular expression like regular expression or regular-expression or regular:expression or regular&expression
Assign the regular expression to a variable named pattern
Using the sub() method from the re package substitute all occurrences of the 'pattern' with 'substitution'
Assign the outcome of the sub() method to a variable called replace_result
Output to the console replace_results



Here is the Python program:

import re  # module for regular expressions

search_string='''This is a string to search for a regular expression like regular expression or  regular-expression or regular:expression or regular&expression'''  #string to search for a regular expression

pattern = "regular.expression" #Assigns the regular expression to pattern

substitution="regular expression"  #substitute all occurrences of pattern with regular expression string stored in substitution  

replace_results = re.sub(pattern,substitution,search_string)  # sub() method from the re package to substitute all occurrences of the pattern with substitution

print(replace_results) #Assigns the outcome of the sub() method to this variable


This is a string to search for a regular expression like regular expression or regular-expression or regular:expression or regular&expression

search_string='''This is a string to search for a regular expression like regular expression or  regular-expression or regular:expression or regular&expression'''

The following statement assigns the regular expression to a variable named pattern .

pattern = "regular.expression"

The following statement is used to substitute the pattern (regular expression) in the search_string by replacing all occurrences of "regular expression" sub-string on search_string.

substitution="regular expression"  

The following statement uses re.sub() method to replace all the occurrences of a pattern with another sub string ("regular expression"). This means in search_string, the sub strings like regular expression, regular-expression, regular:expression or regular&expression are replaced with string "regular expression". This result is stored in replace_results variable. Three arguments are passed to re.sub() method:

sub string to replace  i.e. pattern

sub string to replace with  i.e. substitution

The actual string i.e. search_string

replace_results = re.sub(pattern,substitution,search_string)  

The following print statement displays the output of replace_results


The output of the above program is:

This is a string to search for a regular expression like regular expression or regular expression or regular expression or regular expression

If you experience a technical problem with Canvas or another computer application, what is the first thing you should do



restart the application, if that doesn't work try a different internet server (if the application requires internet connection), free up ram, restart AND shut down your computer, undo any hardware or any softwar changes


Restart the application, if that doesn't work try a different internet server (if the application requires internet connection), free To begin with, the term of back-out plan in the field of computers.

What is back-out plan?

The term of back-out plan in the field of computers refers to the situation where a person wants to restore a system to its original or previous state in the case where there is a failure trying to implent a new system.

Moreover,  this back-out plan works as an action process where once the failure has happened then the system will intiate a series of procedures to uninstall or disintegrate the system that had the failure. It basically defines a contingency plan component of the IT service management framework.

Secondly, in the case presented where a person must decide what document he should address to resolve the problem then a back-out plan will be the most common response given the fact that it will quickly uninstall the new software that was not compatible with the old data fields and help the users to open their files without problems and later seek for a new way to install that new software.

Therefore, Restart the application, if that doesn't work try a different internet server (if the application requires internet connection), free To begin with, the term of back-out plan in the field of computers.

Learn more about application on:


How to improve and create beautiful graphic



Learn OpenGL and any graphics rendering program.


Write a function "doubleChar(" str) which returns a string where for every character in the original string, there are two characters.



//Begin class definition

public class DoubleCharTest{


   //Begin the main method

    public static void main(String [ ] args){

       //Call the doubleChar method and pass some argument




    //Method doubleChar

    //Receives the original string as parameter

    //Returns a new string where for every character in

    //the original string, there are two characters

    public static String doubleChar(String str){

        //Initialize the new string to empty string

       String newString = "";


        //loop through each character in the original string

       for(int i=0; i<str.length(); i++){

            //At each cycle, get the character at that cycle

            //and concatenate it with the new string twice

           newString += str.charAt(i) + "" + str.charAt(i);


        //End the for loop


        //Return the new string

       return newString;


    } //End of the method


} // End of class declaration

Sample Output:



The code above has been written in Java and it contains comments explaining each line of the code. Kindly go through the comments. The actual lines of executable codes have been written in bold-face to differentiate them from comments.

A sample output has also been given.

Snapshots of the program and sample output have also been attached.

Privacy is considered keeping information about a network or system user from being disclosed to unauthorized people.A. TrueB. False



A. True


Privacy: In computer science, The term "privacy" is described as an issue that generally concerns specific computer community in order to maintain some personal information associated with individual citizens of specific nations in computerized systems that is responsible for keeping the records. However, it is also a major concerns for different individuals to keep their data safe.




Privacy is considered keeping information about a network or system user from being disclosed to unauthorized people. As per the  Information privacy law,  the relationship between the collection and dissemination of data, technology, the public expectation of privacy, legal and political issues surrounding them.It is also known as data privacy or data protection.

Competitive Pricing
Bill Schultz is thinking of starting a store that specializes in handmade cowboy boots. Bill is a longtime rancher in the town of Taos, New Mexico. Bill's reputation for honesty and integrity is well-known around town, and he is positive that his new store will be highly successful.
Before opening his store, Bill is curious about how his profit, revenue, and variable costs will change depending on the amount he charges for his boots. Bill would like you to perform the work required for this analysis and has given you the AYK12_Data.xlsx data file. Here are a few things to consider while you perform your analysis:_______.
• Current competitive prices for custom cowboy boots are between 5225 and $275 a pair.
• Variable costs will be either S100 or S150 a pair depending on the types of material Bill chooses
• to use.
• Fixed costs are $10,000 a month.
Data File: AYK12_Data.xlsx



To calculate the profit of the month, the monthly cost should be extracted from the monthly generated revenue, while the revenue is the total sales of the store for the month.


In the excel file worksheet, the total number of shoes should be calculated. And a formula to calculate the revenue for the month should multiply the total shoes by the price of shoes per pair

The formula to calculate the profit is gotten from total sales minus the fixed cost.

Jenae helps maintain her school web site and needs to create a web site poll for students. Which tool will she use? JavaScript HTML CSS Text editor



Text Editor


What the question implies is that, what tool will she need to create the website.

And the answer is a text editor; this is so because the other three options are web development languages used in developing a website but the text editor is where she'll write her line of codes to create the required website poll.

Example of usable text editors are notepad and notepad++ etc.

If Janelle wants to create a school website for poll she has to make use of html.

What is HTML?

The full name for this is HyperText Markup Language. It is a programming language that is used to create websites.

It is very useful here because it helps to create structured documents. Therefore the HTML is the best tool for her.

Read more on HTML here

Write a C++ program that determines if an integer is a multiple of 7. The program should prompt the user to enter and integer, determine if it is a multiple of 7 by using a given formula and output the result. This is not meant to be a menu driven program so one run of the program will only offer one input and one output.



#include <iostream>  // Needed for input/output operation

int main()  // define the main program


   int userNumber = 0; // number storage for user input

   std::cout << "Please enter an integer: ";  // Ask user for number

   std::cin >> userNumber;  // Assumes user input is an integer

   if (userNumber % 7 != 0)  // Check to see if 7 divides user input

       std::cout << "\nYour number is not a multiple of 7.\n";


       std::cout << "\nYour number is a multiple of 7.\n";

   return 0;  // End program


What is the part of a system that defines the extent of the design pursuant to the operational requirements?



The system's scope defines the extent of the design according to operational requirements. The proposed system is also subject to limits known as boundaries, which are external to the system. Boundaries are also imposed by existing hardware and software.

The contains_acronym function checks the text for the presence of 2 or more characters or digits surrounded by parentheses, with at least the first character in uppercase (if it's a letter), returning True if the condition is met, or False otherwise. For example, "Instant messaging (IM) is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication" should return True since (IM) satisfies the match conditions." Fill in the regular expression in this function:



Following are the code to this question:

import re#import package regular expression

def contains_acronym(val): #defining a method contains_acronymn that accepts text value in parameter

   match= r"\([A-Z1-9][a-zA-Z1-9]*\)"#defining match variable that uses upper case, number, and lower case value  

   r=, val)#defining r varaible that uses search method to search values

   return r!= None #use return keyword  

val="Instant messaging (IM) is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication"

print(contains_acronym(val))#use print function to call method and print its return value




In the above-given code, first, we import package "regular expression" this package is used to check the string, In the next line, a method "contains_acronym" is defined that accepts a "val" variable in its parameters.

Inside the method, the "match" variable is defined that holds the uses upper case, number, and lower case values, and in the r variable the "search" method is defined, that search these and return the value. Outside the method, val variable is defined, that store string value and use print method is used that calls the method "contains_acronym".      

AppWhich is the same class of lever as a broom?
A. A boat oar.
B. A baseball bat.
OC. A wheelbarrow.
D. A pair of scissors.



A. boat oar is your answer hope it helped

Describe Format Painter by ordering the steps Jemima should follow to make the format of her subheadings more
Step 1: Select the subheading with the desired format.
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6: Use Reveal Formatting to make sure formatting was copied.






Describe Format Painter by ordering the steps Jemima should follow to make the format of her subheadings more consistent.

Step 1: Select the subheading with the desired format.

Step 2:

✔ Navigate to the ribbon area.

Step 3:

✔ Go to the Clipboard command group.

Step 4:

✔ Click the Format Painter icon.

Step 5:

✔ Click and drag the icon on the second subheading.

Step 6: Use Reveal Formatting to make sure formatting was copied.


not needed

How do the following technologie help you in your quest to become a digital citizen: kiosks, enterprise computing, natural language processing, robotics, and virtual reality?





It is generally believed that a digital citizen refers to a person who can skillfully utilize information technology such as accessing the internet using computers, or via tablets and mobile phones, etc.

Kiosks (digital kiosks) are often used to market brands and products to consumers instead of having in-person interaction. Interestingly, since almost everyone today goes shopping, consumers who may have held back from using digital services are now introduced to a new way of shopping, thus they become digital citizens sooner or later.

Enterprise computing, natural language processing, robotics, and virtual reality are vital for an individual to become a digital citizen.

Enterprise computing simply means a business-oriented technology that's vital to the operations of a company. It's part of the critical infrastructure of a company.

Robotics is the design, construction, and the use of robots. It's used for assisting human beings to perform different operations.

Virtual reality refers to a stimulated experience that appears to make objects and scenes real. It should be noted that robotics, virtual reality, natural processing language, etc are vital for an individual to become a digital citizen.

Read related link on:

What three requirements are defined by the protocols used in network communcations to allow message transmission across a network?



Message encoding, message size and delivery option.


The protocols used in network communications define the details of how a message is transmitted, including requirements for message delivery options, message timing, message encoding, formatting and encapsulation, and message size.

Which statement is correct? a. choice of metric will influence the shape of the clusters b. choice of initial centroids will influence the result c. in general, the merges and splits in hierarchical clustering are determined in a greedy manner d. All of the above


Answer: the answer is c

Explanation:in general, the merges and splits in hierarchical clustering are determined in a greedy manner

Which statement is correct is that All of the above options are correct. Check more about metric below.

What is metric?

Metrics are known to be a unit that is often used in the measurement of quantitative works that are often used for comparing, tracking performance, etc.

Note that  Metrics can be used in a lot of purposes and as such, the  choice of metric will affect the shape of the clusters  and the use of merges and splits in hierarchical clustering are set up in a greedy manner.

Learn more about metric form

Which of the following is a career that's indirectly linked to careers in web technologies?

ОА. system administrator

OB. UI developer

OC. UX developer

OD. web developer



that would beA


What is the result if you add two decimal numbers (45+216), expressed in binary using 8-bit unsigned precision?





Adding up two decimal numbers ( 45 + 216 ) expressed in binary using 8-bit unsigned precision

first we express the decimal numbers in 8-bit unsigned precision :

45 = 32 + 8 + 4 + 1 = 2^5 + 2^3 + 2^2 + 2^0 = 00101101

216 = 2^7 + 2^6 + 2^4 + 2^3 = 11011000

Adding the numbers together =  00101101

                                                   + 11011000

                                                 = 100000101 = 261 ( an overflow occurred )

note : The maximum value that can be expressed with 8-bit unsigned precision is  = 2^8 - 1 = 256

what is the world first mobile phone brand​



The world first mobile phone brand is Motorola.


bruh u have the internet u must be brain dead




Which of the following specific components are incorporated on HDInsight clusters?
A. Storm
B. Spark
C. Hive
D. All the options





The answer to this question is option D. All of the options are incorporated on HDinsight clusters.

HDInsight is very useful in the field of computer science because it creates a fast and easy way for large amounts of data to be processed. It also has the characteristic of being cost effective.

HDInsight has different cloud and open source frameworks. These includes:



In most languages, if a file does not exist and a program attempts to open it in append mode, what happens?



It create a new file in which writing of data begins.


A file can be open in the three mode:

-r (Read mode): open an existing file for the purpose of reading data from it.

-w (write mode): Create a new file for the purpose of writing data to it.

-a (append mode): open an existing file for the purpose of appending extra data to it but if the file does not exist, it create a new file and start writing data to it.

5- image I(x,y) with gray level in range[0.L-1) has applied with the spatial operation S-L-1-I(x,y)
this is Called :
(A) Gray-level Reduction ((B) Image Negative (C) morphology enhancement (D) Denoising​


Can you help me with this question like we have to do a paragraph with this question

what will happen in your future?

2. You have noticed over the past several days that your computer is running more slowly
than usual, but today it is running so slowly that you are unable to get your work done.
What is one possible reason for your computer's slow operation?



Because of temporary file


Go to run and go in temporary file

describe how to perform a task, such as following a cake recipe, using simple and clear steps PLEASE HELP



Step 1: Choose a Recipe.

Step 4: Prep the Pans.

Step 6: Stir Together Dry Ingredients.

Step 7: Combine the Butter and Sugar.

Step 8: Add Eggs One at a Time.

Step 9: Alternate Adding Dry and Wet Ingredients.

Step 10: Pour Batter Into Pans and Bake.

Step 11: Check Cake for Doneness.

Answer: Prep the pans and sift the flower is right but everything else was wrong


Which of the following statements is true?
A. Project management is being used at a consistent percentage of a firm's efforts.
B. Project management is far from a standard way of doing business.
C. Project management is increasingly contributing to achieving organizational strategies.
D. Project management is a specialty that few organizations have access to.
E. All of these statements are false.


The answer is C. project management is increasingly contributing to achieving organizational strategies

A chord 6.6cm long is 5.6cm from the centre of a circle, calculate the radius of the circle​



chord 30cm long is 20cm from the centre of a circle calculate the length of a chord ... Find the length of an arc of a circle of radius 5.6cm which subtends an angle of 60°at the centre of the circle of the ...

Answer: radius = 6.5 cm


The distance from the center to the chord is measured at its perpendicular.

Therefore we can use Pythagorean Theorem to find the radius.

r² = 5.6² + 3.3²

r² = 31.36 + 10.89

r² = 42.25


r = 6.5

Hardening FSO infrastructure includes all of the following except:______.
A. FSOs should have backstops to prevent overshoot to neighboring office windows orrooftops
B. They should be mounted in easy to reach places.
C. They should have physical security such as keycard and/or biometric access.
D. They should be protected by motion detection systems and motion-activated video.



Hardening FSO infrastructure includes all of the following except:______.

A. FSOs should have backstops to prevent overshoot to neighboring office windows or rooftops.


FSO means a floating storage and offloading vessel.  It is a simplified version of a floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) unit.  FSO vessels are mainly floating vessels used by the offshore oil and gas industry for the storage of oil.  Unlike the more advanced FPSO it cannot be used for the production and processing of hydrocarbons, and storage of oil.  Since FSOs are installed offshore storage and offloading vessels, there is no need to harden the infrastructure by having "backstops to prevent overshooting to neighboring office windows or rooftops."

After completing a scan, Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) will generate a report which identifies security issues and:


Complete Question:

After completing a scan, Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) will generate a report which identifies security issues and:

Group of answer choices

A. Describes how the vulnerabilities could impact the organization.

B. Provides recommendations for system configuration changes.

C. Lists them in alphabetical order.

D. Provides recommendations for additional personnel needed.


B. Provides recommendations for system configuration changes.


The Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) is a software program or application developed by Microsoft and it helps network security administrators to check for security updates, Structured Query Language (SQL) administrative vulnerabilities, Windows administrative vulnerabilities, Internet Information Services (IIS) administrative vulnerabilities, weak passwords, identifying missing security patches and common security misconfigurations.  

After completing a scan, Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) will generate a report which identifies security issues and provides recommendations for system configuration changes.

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) is a legacy software that scores the results of a scan and displays the items posing the highest risk first, based on Microsoft’s security recommendations.

________________is a distribution of Linux Operating
system for desktop computers.





Ubuntu is based on Linux and Debian and is free/open-source. It’s released in 3 editions: Desktop, Core, and Server.

Hope this helped!

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