In the autumn, many birds will collect seeds and then hide them in various caches throughout their habitat. The birds will guard their caches from other birds, and move the caches if they start to dry out. These caches provide a food source for the birds during the winter. What is an abiotic factor that contributed to the evolution of this set of behaviors? A. being preyed upon by larger birds B. competition with other birds for space C. limited food availability D. cold winter climate


Answer 1

Answer:cold winter climate

Explanation:During winter specially in the eastern and western part of the world....snows bury grounds and food that enables this organisms live....and cold can also affect them

Answer 2


Answer: c. limited food availability


Both biotic and abiotic factors are responsible for shaping the evolutionary framework of the population. Resource availability can be one of the important abiotic  factor in determining the evolutionary dynamics of the population or species. Limitations in resource can result in increase in competition.  According to population exclusion principle when two species compete for the same limiting  resource this results in co-evolution of both the species. But the extent of evolution may vary among the species. The one which undergoes more favorable evolution will be stronger competitor and drive more resources and will be fit for survival in adverse limiting conditions.

Related Questions

Experience with dog breeding has taught geneticists ________. A) that, given enough time, any desired trait can be bred into dogs B) that purebred dogs have offspring with qualities identical to the parents, because all purebred dogs are alike genetically C) that, while physical traits can be molded through artificial selection, behavioral traits cannot D) that geographically isolated groups of dogs may be selected for quite different traits, resulting in a different dog breed



D) that geographically isolated groups of dogs may be selected for quite different traits, resulting in a different dog breed


Artificial selection is a type of selective breeding made by humans in which offspring with desired traits are selected. Modern dogs evolved by artificial selection. Dog breeding began around 30,000 years ago from selective breeding of wolves that were separated from their original population and bred to produce dogs with desired traits (especially, loss of aggressive behavior). Purebred are reproductively isolated groups of dogs originated from the same lineage (i.e., the same common ancestor for each group), that never mated with another dog breed.

What is one question you have about the study of life? 3-4 sentences



my research into Sustainability Engineering, Time Use shows itself to be a very important variable. Together with ecological impacts (Ecological Footprint or Planetary Boundaries), Time Use to meet needs is a required unit of measurement. I am using both Max Neef's theory of Fundamental Human Needs, and Doyal & Gough's theory of Human Need.

In my current paper, I am wanting to make a number of statements, and I would like to know of existing publications that have made similar conclusion.

hope you like the explanation.



This mammal retains its embryo in its uterus for the full term of the pregnancy. Which mammal is it most likely to be?



The mammal that retains its embryo in its uterus for the full term of the pregnancy is the bat. A koala and the kangaroo both carry their babies to term in pouches.


A Mesopotâmia e o Egito antigo foram as primeiras culturas que desenvolveram métodos de irrigação. Um dos métodos eram os canais, mas quando não funcionavam, os egípcios precisavam inventar ferramentas para bombear água do Nilo e de outras fontes. E dessa forma, desenvolveram o sistema de canais. Os governantes egípcios colocaram uma enorme importância no sistema de canais do país e os governantes regionais foram responsáveis pela escavação e reparação das estruturas. Os canais usavam a água do Nilo quando o rio estava na época da cheia e inundava algumas terras... Podemos dizer que antes mesmo dos egípcios, os equinodermos tinham o mais complexo sistema de distribuição de água por pressão do mundo. Você concorda com essa afirmação? Justifique usando informações que você aprendeu durante a aula do equinodermos.






Explain why fermentation stops after
a certain time in making
making bread?



The yeast die at 140° F


The fermentation process is caused by the living organisms called yeast feeding on the sugar in the dough. As the yeast feed on the sugar they release CO² which causes the bread to rise but once the bread in the oven reaches 140° all the yeast are killed off and the fermentation process stops.

The process of fermentation stops after a certain time in making bread because the organism which carries this process has been killed.

What do you mean by Fermentation?

Fermentation may be defined as a process a chemical process by which molecules such as glucose are broken down anaerobically in the presence of yeast.

During fermentation, the yeast produces excess carbon dioxide due to which the dough of bread swells. But after the completion of fermentation when bread places in the oven or any other warmer temperature, it killed the yeast, and hence fermentation stops.

Therefore, the process of fermentation stops after a certain time in making bread because the organism which carries this process has been killed.

To learn more about Fermentation, refer to the link:


3. Which of the following most accurately represents the various feeding relationships within an ecosystem?
O A. A biomass pyramid
O B. A food chain
O C. A feeding diagram
OD. A food web



B- A food chain


This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful

Suppose that you are in charge of designing a fracking job site. Which of these locations would be most ideal for the site?



B. On a flat, vacant plot in the outskirts of the city


Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing is a drilling method used in the oil and gas industry of most countries. It is the process whereby natural gas and petroleum is extracted from deep down the Earth. A crack is made in the rock layers, followed by the injection of a liquid called fracking liquid, which is usually water, at a very high pressure.

The process of fracking has serious environmental side effects e.g. release of harmful gases, noise pollution, water contamination etc. and hence, when choosing a fracking site, environment's sustainability and safety of people should be taken into account. This is why a fracking site cannot be designed in a residential city or around a neighborhood. The site should rather be designed in a location where it would pose a minimal environmental threat to the people e.g flat, vacant plot in the outskirts of the city

Describe five of these properties and provide an example of each: Hydrogen bonding, cohesion and adhesion, surface tension, heat of vaporization, specific heat, density, and universal solvent




Hydrogen bond is an intermolecular force of attraction, it occur between a proton in a molecule and an electronegative atom in the another. It is weak bond and can be found in water molecule.

Cohesion is force of attraction thst occur when molecules are attracted to other molecules of the same type

this can be found in hydrogen bonding.

Adhesion occur when molecules are attracted to different substances. It can be founf in water when reaction with other substance

A universe solvent is a substance that is used to dissolves many substance. Example is water it can be used in dissolving many substance.

Surface tension is the ability of a liquid surfaces to reduce into the minimum surface area. It allows some insect that are less dense to float in water

Head of vapourization is the amount of heat required to change a liquid into a vapor. Heat to convert water into vapour




"The pH of a solution is a measure of the molar concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution and as such is a measure of the acidity or basicity of the solution. The letters pH stand for 'power of hydrogen' and numerical value for pH is just the negative of the power of 10 of the molar concentration of H+ ions."

hope this helps :)

Atmospheric nitrogen can be fixed by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Arrange the following forms of nitrogen from the atmospheric N stage to the final form that enters the roots. 1. Ammonia 2. Nitrogen gas 3. Ammonium ion 4. Nitrite 5. Nitrate


Answer:the answer is ammonia

Explanation:the nitrogen fixing bacteria fix the nitrogen as ammonia

briefly outline how cell theory has developed over the past 400 years​



The cell theory, or cell doctrine, states that all organisms are composed of similar units of organization, called cells. The concept was formally articulated in 1839 by Schleiden & Schwann and has remained as the foundation of modern biology. The idea predates other great paradigms of biology including Darwin’s theory of evolution (1859), Mendel’s laws of inheritance (1865), and the establishment of comparative biochemistry (1940).

First Cells Seen in Cork

While the invention of the telescope made the Cosmos accessible to human observation, the microsope opened up smaller worlds, showing what living forms were composed of. The cell was first discovered and named by Robert Hooke in 1665. He remarked that it looked strangely similar to cellula or small rooms which monks inhabited, thus deriving the name. However what Hooke actually saw was the dead cell walls of plant cells (cork) as it appeared under the microscope. Hooke’s description of these cells was published in Micrographia. The cell walls observed by Hooke gave no indication of the nucleus and other organelles found in most living cells. The first man to witness a live cell under a microscope was Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who in 1674 described the algae Spirogyra. Van Leeuwenhoek probably also saw bacteria

The cell theory, states that all organisms are composed of similar units of organization, called cells.

What is cell theory?

The concept of cell theory was in 1839 by Schleiden & Schwann which leads the foundation of modern biology. Cell theory states that every cell is generated from another preexisting cell.

This idea makes the great revolution in biology including Darwin’s theory of evolution (1859), Mendel’s laws of inheritance (1865), and the establishment of comparative biochemistry (1940).

Schleiden & Schwann propose every organism is composed of the cell, which is the basic unit of life and each cell comes from the preexisting cell, and each cell produces a progeny which is similar to its parent cell.

Therefore, cell theory states the existence of the cell in the organism.

Learn more about cells, here:


The organs in the human body perform specific functions for survival.

Organ A delivers blood to the body
Organ B delivers oxygen to the body
Organ C delivers messages to the body

Which of the following correctly identifies the organs that perform each function above?

Organ A is the heart, Organ B is the brain, and Organ C is the lungs
Organ A is the heart, Organ B is the lungs, and Organ C is the brain
Organ A is the lungs, Organ B is the brain, and Organ C is the heart
Organ A is the lungs, Organ B is the heart, and Organ C is the brain


Organ A is the heart

Organ B is the lungs

Organ C is the brain

Because heart only delivers blood to lungs and other body tissues, Lungs input oxygen into the blood and brain sends signals and messages to the body parts.

This is the answer. Hope it helps you


B) Organ A is the heart, Organ B is the lungs, and Organ C is the brain


According to the theory of natural selection, why are some individuals more likely than others to survive and reproduce?

Some individuals pass on to their offspring new characteristics they have acquired during their lifetimes.

Some individuals are better adapted to exist in their environment than others are.

Some individuals do not pass on to their offspring new characteristics they have acquired during their lifetimes.

Some individuals tend to produce fewer offspring than others in the same environment.


I’m pretty sure that it’s B.

Which of the following organisms convert energy from the sun into chemical energy?



This would include any plant/moss/tree/any autotroph.


Autotrophs are capable of making their own food, unlike heterotrophs who consume other organisms and autotrophs to receive nutrients.

how bone tissue and muscle tissue interact



The bone tissue and muscle tissues interact for the system is more complex than components system is separately.

Explanation:                                                                                                       Bone tissue and muscle tissue responsible for communication between bone and muscle is to research potential especially bone and muscle.

That they are bone and muscle are concept that bone and communicate biochemical  and complementary and work bone and muscle in health and disease.

The bone and muscle in the viewed as that  mechanical nature, bone simply the attachment sites, this is much more complex bone and muscle.

Development to the bone and muscle cells only a common experience a tightly networks of genes.

The muscle and bone regarding review article major goal of loading, bone and muscle relation mechanical coupling, and is also earliest muscle factors, bones are not through of as the pituitary adrenals, bone endocrine organ .

which compound will be the first to contain the c14 in light independent phase of photosynthesis ​



The Calvin cycle, light-independent reactions, bio synthetic phase, dark reactions, or photosynthetic carbon reduction (PCR) cycle of photosynthesis are the ...

how are phenotypes impacted by mutations



I guess phenotypes are not affected by mutations since mutations affect the gene structure of organisms while phenotypic characteristics are acquired through ones life time therefore no relationship between the two

a person has a cardiac output of 4.9L per minute. the stroke volume of each heart beat is 70 ML


that's true

stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped by each ventricle per beat

cardiac output is the blood pumped by ventricles per minute

Is that a question or a statement?

Select the correct answer. What’s the significance to scientists of finding a new, unknown fossil?

A. It allows scientists to formulate new theories.
B. It enables scientists to better differentiate among the various species.
C. It proves that there’s an unlimited supply of fossils to be unearthed.
D. It provides evidence of links between evolutionary species.
E. It provides scientists with a reason to continue their research.


Answer: D. It provides evidence of links between evolutionary species.

Explanation: The significance to scientists of finding a new, unknown fossil is that it provides evidence of links between evolutionary species.

Organisms arose as a result of these changes, and some of their remains have been preserved as fossils. An organism's type, life history, and preservation method can all be ascertained by studying a fossil. Thus, option D is correct.

What are the features of finding a new, unknown fossil?

They can discover when and how various animals existed millions of years ago by studying fossils. Fossils can sometimes show scientists how the Earth has changed over time.

The discovery of a new, undiscovered fossil is significant to scientists because it shows connections between evolutionary species.

Fossils with remarkably similar geometries are thought to be from the same species. It is considered that fossils with somewhat differing geometries come from a separate species. Usually, the fossil species has been researched and given a name.

Therefore, It provides evidence of links between evolutionary species.

Learn more about fossil here:


1.What are the scope of environment education? Explain any 3 of them. 2.What are the scope of health education? Explain any 3 of them



[tex] \boxed{\bold{ \orange{See \: below}}}[/tex]


[tex] \bold{ \green {Scope \: of \: Environment \: education}}[/tex]

Environmental education includes the study of various factors of the environment which affect the health of human beings. Environment comprises all the factors in our surroundings. It includes even abstract factors , which do not have weight , length and breadth. Cultural traits , social norms and values, feasts and festivals etc. are some of the examples of abstract aspects. Some of the scopes of environment education are described below:

Physical aspect ( soil , water , air , rocks , gases etc )

The physical aspect included non- living things on the earth. They are soil, water , air , rocks , gases etc. Environment education gives knowledge about the status of soil , water , air , rocks , gases and other various physical components of the earth. It aims to make students aware of the effects and consequences of human activities upon these factors. It also gives knowledge to raise environment friendly attitude and behavior among the students .

Biological aspect ( biology , agriculture , forestry etc )

The biotics factors include living plants and animals , their life mechanism , interrelationship etc. Some of the educational streams related to the biotic aspects are biology , agriculture , and forestry. They are some of the important scopes of the environment education. This branch of education helps to develop the level of knowledge , attitude and behavior regarding these factors in the students.

Socio - cultural aspect ( sociology , civics , religion , ethnicity , anthropology etc )

Environment has some of the abstract aspects too. Abstract aspects include religious , cultural , ethnic and social norms and values. Some of the educational streams dealing with this aspect are sociology , civics and anthropology. Environment education also teaches students about such abstract factors, which play vital role in the environment.

[tex] \bold{ \green{Scope \: of \: Health \: education}}[/tex]

In general , scope of health education can be understood as the areas included in health education. Health education not only communicates knowledge about body features and diseases, but also includes the matters concerned with healthy surroundings , human psychological states affecting health , public health, human anthropology , medical science and so many other things. Any three scopes of health education are as follows:


Home is the residence of all people. Home is the first school for all. A child passes the primary days of life at home. Every individual learns the basic skills if survival at home. Proper time to wake up in the morning , to start daily sanitary schedules, to eat , to practise all other health behavior are learnt at home. The child lives in community and learns many more about healthy social adjustment in the social environment. Health education aims to raise the level of knowledge , attitude , and behavior related to health and healthy life.


Children go to school for formal education and spend most of active hours of a day. They achieve several forms of health knowledge and develop healthy attitude and practise accordingly. Their heath status depends upon the environment of school , health curriculum, healthful school environment , co-curricular and extra - curricular health activities.


Community is a place where many people live with their families. People's health is determined by the several factors in the community. Health education teaches about these factors like community sanitation , drainage , health service providing organizations and health centers.

[tex] \mathsf{Hope \: I \: helped !}[/tex]

[tex] \mathsf{Best \: regards !}[/tex]

Zelda is a plant geneticist and needs to see the internal details of plant cells. She needs a very high power of resolution. Which microscope should she choose?
O Compound light microscope
O Common light microscope
O Dissecting microscope
O Scanning electron microscope



'Scanning electron microscope' is the correct answer because two types of electron microscope are used to study plant cells in culture, the transmission (TEM) and scanning (sem) electron microscopes. with the TEM, the electron beam penetrates thin slices of biological material and permits the study of internal features of cells and organelles



The image shows groundwater zones. Top to bottom: Porous rock or soil, Water, Impermeable rock. Zone 1 is at the top of porous rock. Zone 2 is between porous rock and water. Zone 3 is in the Water. Zone 4 is between the Water and Impermeable rock. Which is the saturated zone?



zone 3





The biggest difference between elements and molecules is that elements only have one TYPE of atom, while molecules have MULTIPLE types of atoms. True or False​



the answer is true


el3m3nt is pure substance and is only made up of one type of atom it cabt be broken down into simpler substance

molecules form when two or more atoms form chemical bonds with eachother

The biggest difference between elements and molecules is that elements only have one TYPE of atom, while molecules have MULTIPLE types of atoms. The statement is true.

what is molecule ?

When two or more atoms are connected by a chemical bond will form a molecule.

The fundamental unit of element is  atom, which consist of a nucleus and its surrounding electrons.

There are different types of molecules like diatomic molecules where only two atoms are combined. For example carbon monoxide (CO) made of a single atom of carbon and one of oxygen.

This diatomic molecule can be homonuclear diatomic molecule, like oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2).

Similarly another type called polyatomic molecules have more than two atoms, for example water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

The molecular weight of a molecule is calculated by sum of total atoms' atomic weights present in it and  represented by Avogadro's number (6.02214076 × 1023).

Learn more about molecule,  here:


The hydrogen atom has one _____ and one _____.



The hydrogen atom has one proton and one electron.

Answer: the h2 atom has one electron and one proton.

E = p^+

Just keep in mind that electrons ar always equal to the protons. so you don’t have to worry !

The earliest atmosphere on earth was composed of

A. Oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen

B. Carbon dioxide steam nitrogen nothing and ammonia

C. Hydrogen and helium


The answer is B

Carbon dioxide, steam (water vapor), nitrogen, and small amounts of ammonia and methane from volcanic activity.

C is correct one


Hydrogen and helium

1. As a group, you and three other students must make a presentation on an animal. Which option is the best example of your group coming to a consensus on the presentation topic?(1 point)

A. A group member is selected as the team leader and the team leader chooses the presentation topic.

B. Each member gets a vote and the animal with the most votes will be the presentation topic.

C. The group writes options on slips of paper, puts them in a hat, and the paper that is selected will be the presentation topic.

D. The group cannot agree on what animal to choose so your teacher chooses your presentation topic.

2. Why might a paleontologist who works with fossils and an archaeologist who specializes if recovering human artifacts work together to determine where a fossil belongs in the hominid family tree?(1 point)

A. They both know how to remove objects carefully from the ground.

B. They both have different skills to help answer the question about ancient humans.

C. They both understand the relationship between fossils and early humans.

D. They both are experts on different types of bones.

3. Suppose a team of scientists has uncovered the site of an ancient city along a river. Which question could an anthropologist and archaeologist work together to help answer?(1 point)

A. Which plants did humans grow at this site and how were they grown?

B. How have humans impacted the rock layer of the city changed over time?

C. What tools were found at the site and which civilization used them?

D. How did changes in the depth of the river affect the houses people built at the site?

4. Insects are important to many ecosystems. For example, bees help pollinate many different plants and many animals rely on insects as food sources. Citizen science projects allow the public to work together with scientists by collecting observational data on many types of organisms such as plants, birds, or insects.

Which question could citizen science data answer that best illustrates insect population responses to climate change?
(1 point)

A. “What tree species provide the best habitat beetle species in this area?”

B. “What types of foods can butterflies eat?”

C. “How many dragonfly species are native to this region?”

D. “How does caterpillar abundance and distribution change over the year?”

5. Coral bleaching occurs when coral become stressed and expel the algae that they contain. According to scientists, what steps can society take to fix coral bleaching?(1 point)

A. Scientists have concluded that society can only fix coral bleaching by stopping climate change entirely.

B. Scientists have concluded that society can fix coral bleaching by reducing stressors, such as sedimentation and pollution, and limiting climate change.

C. Scientists have concluded that society can fix coral bleaching by reducing stressors, such as sedimentation and pollution.

D. Scientists have concluded that society can only fix coral bleaching by controlling ocean temperatures by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.



(Q1: B)






Question 1:

A consensus hears all voices in a group and goes with the common "majority rule" and B shows this in clear detail.

Question 2:

They both have different skill sets but we can remove option A because all fossils are handled the same way. We can remove D because it doesn't make sense for the question which leaves us with C and B. This makes us know that the answer is B because it makes the most sense for the question.

Question 3:

An anthropologist is someone who specializes in the study of human societies and cultures and their development and an archaeologist is someone who digs up fossils. The only answer that makes sense here is C because the archaeologist can uncover the tools and where they made marks in the rock while an anthropologist can use those to discover what civilization it was and how those tools were used.

Question 4:

In the context of this question we can decide that the only relevant answer is D because it would watch over a period of time that could show climate change while the others are just simple facts that can be uncovered about the daily life of these insects.

Question 5:

The steps that can be taken to fix coral bleaching are to reduce stressors, such as sedimentation and pollution, and limiting climate change. This is because the main things that cause the coral to become bleached are changes in the temperature and salinity of the water. By polluting the ocean we change the chemical formula of the water and therefore affect the coral and the climate change heats the ocean to temperatures that the coral can't or will not be able to withstand.

Describe what makes the Möbius strip different from a strip of paper taped in a circle


It’s taped in the opposite direction, making a Möbius strip.

Interpreting an Expression Quick Chec How many factors does the expression (17 –r) have? O four O two one three​





Why do doctors have to check what blood type a person has before receiving a
A. Different blood types have different antibodies that will be attacked by someone with
antigens against that blood type.
B. Different blood types have different antigens that will be attacked by someone with
antibodies against that blood type.
C. Your blood type doesn't matter as long as you get the correct amount of blood in a
D. They need to have the same blood type because their DNA must be similar enough to
blend or will cause side-effects and possibly be rejected.



A. Different blood types have different antibodies that will be attacked by someone with

antigens against that blood type.

The Amish populations in the United States began with relatively few individuals and have not recruited many newcomers to the population. Today, these Amish populations exhibit a much higher incidence of polydactyly (possessing extra digits) than other American populations. Which mechanism of evolution is likely responsible for this phenomenon


Answer: The founder effect

Explanation: The high incidence of polydactyl prevalent among the Amish population could be attributed to the a case of genetic drift called the founder effect. The founder effect occurs when a small population consisting of few people separate from a much large population, just like the Amish population separating from the larger American community. Due to the few composition or small size of the population, the genetic impact or influence on members of the population is usually higher than the effect on the larger population and leading to more rapid spread. The relatively small individuals which make up the Amish population compared to the larger American community is the reason why polydactyl hmis prevent within them and since theere are no newcomers, the trend will likely continue.

Predict: Some pathogens are spread directly from one person to another. This can happen when people come into direct contact or share items, such as drinking glasses. What do you think might affect how quickly a pathogen is spread from person to person?


I think the reservoir ( a human,animal or non living such as soil where the infectious agent normally lives)

secondly the mode of transmission,there are some modes of transmission that allow the pathogen to enter quickly and some that make the process slow.

and also crowding and the presence of co-infections.

i hope this helps

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