Joanne continuously accuses her husband, Tom, of having affairs and of being in love with the next-door neighbor. Even though Tom swears he has not had any affairs and emphatically denies being in love with the neighbor, Joanne does not believe him. Recently, Joanne has also taken control of the household finances because she does not trust Tom and thinks he is stealing from her. Additionally, Joanne quit her job 2 weeks ago because she could not take the constructive criticism from her supervisor anymore. Which type of personality disorder is Joanne MOST likely to have


Answer 1


Joanne is most likely paranoid, based on the information they provide us with.


She is always suspicious of her husband, Tom, of doing things that he swears he hasn't. She doesn't trust almost anyone around her, and that might be part of the reason why she quit her job.  

Related Questions

why people cant choose what they wanna be?​



they can. they just have to believe they can



Because there is not enough.


People always say our world is cruel and cold and that is true. Our World and society needs to support billions of people, if it was compassionate to every single person we would soon find ourselves running out of supplies. This also applies to jobs as well. Lets say there was two jobs, Job "A" and Job "B". Job "A" pays a lot, has good insurance and a good retirement plan. But Job "B" gives mediocre pay and has no insurance and no retirement package. Obviously people would flock to Job "A" and nobody would go to Job "B". This is a major problem because soon there would too many people with Job "A" and no one would go to Job "B". The only way to fix this is to restrict Job "A" and only let the best of the best to join. All the other people who failed to get Job "A" will be forced to get Job "B". This is a balance that is necessary because everyone can't just work one Job, in order for this world to function we need different occupations to work together and co-exist. Like for example lets say architects were Job A and construction workers were Job B, if when a person at adulthood is given the choice to become either a architect or a construction worker then most probably everyone would choose architect and this would be a problem because we would have the architects to plan the building but no construction workers to build the actual building. The only way to fix this is to bottleneck the architect occupation and make people make a choice, "Do I want to go to college, study hard and procure debt to become a architect" or "Do I want to get a Job right after High School and be in no debt and become a construction worker".

ABC Advisors Inc. is an investment advisory firm that charges clients an annual fee of 1% of assets for their advisory services. ABC is approached by XYZ broker-dealer who offers to pay ABC trailing commissions on all mutual funds purchased through the broker-dealer. This would allow ABC to make additional revenue from mutual fund customers. Which of the following is true pertaining to such arrangements?[A] If IA clients receive full disclosure about the asset-based fees as well as the commission-based fees, the arrangement is allowed.[B] Only when proper approval has been received from the broker/dealer would an arrangement such as this be allowed.[C] There is no scenario where commission compensation is allowed to be paid to an IA.[D] If the IA is receiving commissions on top of the normal asset-based fees, this arrangement is prohibited under any circumstances.


Answer: a) If IA clients receive full disclosure about the asset-based fees as well as the commission-based fees, the arrangement is allowed


Any arrangement noted or implemented by the company offering the services has to be firstly communicated to their client which the service is offered to. The document which their client would sign has to have all these details and there should be an agreement between both parties. Carrying out such plan without the knowledge of the client would be a form of theft.

The client receive full disclosure about the asset-based fees as well as the commission-based fees, the arrangement is allowe.

who has the most important role in the development of country? justify with reasons.​


Local citizen has the most important role in the development of the country because without local citizen, government alone cannot do anything. They won't have any manpowers to carry out the developmemtal activities and the government alone cannot pay for the development, the citizens pay for it through various mediums like tax.

What is a federal democratic republican state?
( In Short very short 1 sentence )



federation of states with a republican form of government is called federal democratic republican state

(hope this helped)

How does the United States meet its scarcity of refined petroleum products? What other approaches could it use?



Numerous statistics indicate positive trends in the midstream and downstream oil markets, led by the domestic petroleum refining industry [1]. Domestic capacity has expanded, and there is a robust product-import market. Increased refining efficiencies have moderated crude-oil price rises since the 1970s. Products have been reformulated to improve environmental performance.

Higher refining margins in recent years have led to planned capacity additions, domestically and internationally. Few if any new refineries are likely to be built in the United States, however. This is because (among other factors) the financial disadvantage of building from scratch versus incrementally expanding existing capacity, the issue of permits aside. In all, the price- and profit-driven market process is ably at work, promising to bring the issue of pricing petroleum products back again to the issue of the globally-set price of crude oil.


How does the United States meet its scarcity of refined petroleum products?

Import from other countries.

What other approaches could it use?

Diplomacy. External help. Military force.__________________________________________________

Numerous statistics indicate positive trends in the midstream and downstream oil markets, led by the domestic petroleum refining industry. Domestic capacity has expanded, and there is a robust product-import market. Increased refining efficiencies have moderated crude-oil price rises since the 1970s. Products have been reformulated to improve environmental performance.

Higher refining margins in recent years have led to planned capacity additions, domestically and internationally. Few if any new refineries are likely to be built in the United States, however. This is because (among other factors) the financial disadvantage of building from scratch versus incrementally expanding existing capacity, the issue of permits aside. In all, the price- and profit-driven market process is ably at work, promising to bring the issue of pricing petroleum products back again to the issue of the globally-set price of crude oil.



Why should hdi be high
(Only appropriate answer and I will mark it brainliest )



A country scores a higher HDI when the lifespan is higher, the education level is higher, and the gross national income GNI (PPP) per capita is higher. ... The index does not take into account several factors, such as the net wealth per capita or the relative quality of goods in a country.

Difference between temporary and permanent methods of contracep


Answer & Explanation:

Temporary methods:

1. Withdrawal method: This involves removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculating. Ejaculation should be away from the introitus. However, it requires extreme self-control on the part of your man.

2. Barrier methods: These methods prevent sperm from entering the uterus. Barrier methods are removable. Types of barrier methods include:

a. Condom: This is the oldest barrier method. A condom is a thin tube that the man puts over his penis. This keeps the sperm from getting to the egg. Condoms are also called rubbers.

b. Female condom: This is like a condom, but it goes in the woman's vagina.

c. Diaphragm and cervical cap: These are put in the woman's vagina to cover the cervix

d. Contraceptive sponge: This is a sponge that is filled with spermicide and is put in the woman's vagina over the cervix.

Barrier methods can be easy to use and have few side effects.

3. Hormonal methods: These can only be used by women. Hormonal methods cause changes in the woman's reproductive cycle and include birth control pills, birth control patches, emergency contraception pill, Implants and so on. Unlike barrier methods, hormonal methods do not interfere with sex.

4. Intrauterine methods: In this method an object called an intrauterine devices or IUD is put in the woman's uterus. There are two types of IUD: the copper IUD or an IUD with hormones implanted on it. The hormonal IUD has better protection against pregnancy but costs more. You need not do anything once it is inserted. Also, it is effective for up to 10 years.

Permanent methods:

Of course, the permanent methods are more effective for preventing pregnancy than the temporary methods. The decision to proceed with a permanent method should only be made if a person is absolutely sure that no more children are desired. The biggest problems after a permanent procedure is regret that it was done.

Sterilization is a permanent form of birth control that prevents a woman from getting pregnant. These procedures usually are not reversible.

a. A sterilization implant is a non-surgical method for permanently blocking the fallopian tubes. The doctor places a coil in each Fallopian tube through the vagina and uterus block each tube completely. It may take up to 3 months to completely block the tubes.

b.Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure in which a doctor cuts the fallopian tubes. This procedure blocks the path between the ovaries and the uterus. The sperm cannot reach the egg to fertilize it and the egg cannot reach the uterus.

c. Vasectomy is a surgical procedure that consists in cutting the tubes that carry sperm. This procedure blocks the path between the testes and the urethra due to which the sperm cannot leave the testes and hence cannot reach the egg. It can take as long as 3 months for the procedure to be fully effective. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a gynaecologist.

The British Agricultural Revolution resulted in many farmers losing their jobs. Which sentence best explains the change that farmers experienced?



They moved to the cities to work in factories, leading to the urbanization of the national economy.


The British Agricultural Revolution took place between the seventeenth to the nineteenth century in Britain. It was a revolution which led to an enormous increase in the production of agricultural products. This was the result of the increase in the land and the labor supply. The countryside was vacated and the industrial production was multiplied. The peasants lost their land that got concentrated in the hands of few. They had no other option than to force themselves to work in the industries. This led to an increase in urbanization.

Research conducted on homographs (e.g., bat or minute) in lexical decision tasks predicts that you are likely to _________________________. Click or tap a choice to answer the question. access only the meaning of the word that is appropriate in the given context activate one meaning of the word, which is not necessarily decided by the context activate multiple meanings of the words, and partially activate closely related words take longer to understand the word because it has an ambiguous meaning


Answer: activate multiple meanings of the words, and partially activate closely related words


Homographs are words with two different pronunciations and meanings. For example, the word "bat" can refer to a piece of sporting equipment or to a winged nocturnal animal.

In a lexical decision task, a subject presented with a single word is required to quickly decide whether the word is real or not, or if it´s a word from his own language. In this case, the decision would most likely be which meaning we think the word has.

Research conducted on homographs in lexical decision tasks predicts that in such a situation, the subject is likely to consider the multiple meanings of the word, and even consider closely related words, before making a decision.

Your friends introduce you to Jane, who they have described as creative, intelligent, and very detail-oriented. After meeting Jane, your friends ask you to guess whether Jane works as an artist or as a cashier. You guess that Jane is an artist. Your response was most likely due to your use of



the availability heuristic

Your mother calls you and asks you to help with a major family decision. Your maternal grandfather is 70 years old and has been diagnosed with a condition that will kill him some time in the next five years. He can have a procedure that will correct the disease and not leave him with any long-term problems, but the procedure has a 10% mortality rate. He wants to have the procedure, but your mother does not want him to. How would you help mediate this issue?



Kindly check explanation

Explanation: Considering the constraints in the scenario above, The 10% mortality rate of the surgery which grandfather will undergo in other to get rid of a condition which would kill him in 5 years seems to be quite considerable and hence a worthy gamble as he has a higher chance of survival. Also, given that grandfather himself wishes to undergo the procedure as he also has the right to decide and choose for himself. Given these reasons, I'll talk to mother and convince her to allow grandfather undergo the procedure has the chance of survival is higher and a successful surgery would afford him more years. Also not undergoing the procedure will cause him pain and eventually die in a few years.

an organisation that provides support to the community​



Community organization refers to organizing aimed at making desired improvements to a community's social health, well-being, and overall functioning. ... Community organization includes community work, community projects, community development, community empowerment, community building, and community mobilization.

Which statement about traditional economic systems is false? They are often found in socialist and communist countries. They rely on people rather than technology to do their work. They are typically based on agriculture, crafts, and trade. They rely on custom in determining how goods are produced.



Explanation:the anwser is a

mencione las caracteristicas del feudalismo



translate please


Unitary and Federal systems essential questions: The US and United Kingdom have different systems of government. Explain how the UK's national government differs from the US national government. What type of government does every US state have? Unitary or Federal? And how does that relationship between the state and local governments compared with the state and national governments? Thinking question: How did the United States path to independence impact the system of government that was created in 1787 (Ultimately, I'm asking why do you think we don't have a Unitary National government?)



Explain how the UK's national government differs from the US national government.

The UK government is unitary, meaning that most government functions are centralized in London. The US government is Federal, the central government in Washington D.C. has some functions, but the rest are left to the states.

What type of government does every US state have? Unitary

Every US state has a government modeled after the federal government. Each state has a legislative branch, an executive branch, and a judicial branch. Each state has an unitary government.

And how does that relationship between the state and local governments compared with the state and national governments?

The state governments have more power over local governments than the national government has over state governments. This is simply because state governments are unitary, while the federal government, is as the name says, federal.

How did the United States path to independence impact the system of government that was created in 1787

The North American colonies had a great degree of autonomy, and during most of their history, the British government did not meddle much in their internal affairs. This created a culture of political independence among the colonists, that was in part the inspiration of the U.S. Constitution.

The nation that Georgia belongs to:






ihzdfvy hdsstggvvr bgsssrtdrd


The nation that Georgia belongs to is Kartvelians.

The country of Georgia is a former republic of the Soviet Union. Georgians like to call their country not Georgia, but Sakartvelo. Georgians also call themselves the Kartvelians ---> this is what the nation is called in Georgia.

what do youean by faternity​



In simple words fraternity is called brotherhood.


hope this helps


fraternity means people sharing their common interest or profession.

The Whole Community concept means that residents, emergency management practitioners, organization and community leaders, and government officials: A. Become self-reliant in responding to disaster so that they will not need to request assistance through mutual aid or other means. B. Rely on the expertise and resources of the Federal Government to rebuild their communities in a safer, stronger way following a disaster. C. Work together to assess the needs of their respective communities and determine the best ways to organize and strengthen their assets, capacities, and interests. D. Prioritize which members of the community will receive assistance if response and recovery resources are limited.



C. Work together to assess the needs of their respective communities and determine the best ways to organize and strengthen their assets, capacities, and interests.


The concept of a community is the unity of the community in dealing with a problem or disaster that may pose a threat or difficulty for them. In this concept, the community can act as a single body to understand and assess the needs of the whole community and not just focus on a single person or family.

This Whole Community concept means that everyone from the residents, emergency management practitioners, and community leaders, including the government officials, are responsible for the well being of the community as a whole. It also means that they will work together to assess the needs of the community and find out the best ways to organize and help in strengthening their assets, capacities, and interests.

Thus, the correct answer is option C.

what are the factor that determine social development? list them pointwise​



Socio-Economic Status of the Family. Love and Affection. Love and affection are the basic psychological needs of children. If the child is treated with love and affection, he feels secure, and thus, develops self- confidence. ...

Why is the kathmandu-Nijgadh Express way important for people? Presant any four benefits that they can get from the project.



People from Madhes/Terai will have easy reach to capital which may help to reduce socio-political issues with Kathmandu too. 2)This Fast track also brings Birjung, Nepali trade point to India, closer to the Chinese border. ... 4)Kathmandu Terai/Madhesh Fast Track is strategic road development for Nepal

Menciona 3 ideas para evitar la contaminacion y preservar el medio ambiente



Evitar malgastar el agua como por ejemplo cuando me lavo los dientes apagar la llave mientras lo hago.

Evitar usar o comprar las botellas de agua para no hacer mas grande lq contaminación por el plástico.

Usar energías renovables

In "the ethnic theory of plane crashes", gladwell discusses one extreme way in which different "cultural languages" manifest themselves. in your opinion, what is our "cultural language"? how did it emerge and evolve? does it work in our favor with regard to our social structure?


1. Our cultural language, as Americans, is one that is focused on issues that are mixed and multicultural, due to the mixture of cultures and customs that make up the American continent and each country. In short, our cultural language is very diverse due to the diversity of communities that compose it.

2. It emerged from the beginning of the discovery of the continent and the formation of communities and evolved along with the evolution and growth of society. This evolution has also arisen through the interplay between peoples and the mixture of cultures.

3. As our social structure is also extremely diverse, our cultural language benefits us by showing us cultural interaction, the mixture between customs and the beauty of plurality.

The evergreen forests have a short ____________ season




The evergreen forests have a short dry season season




Because the evergreen forest recieves rainfall every year

And so it does not get summer season. Maybe once or twice it will get.

Who were the Roman Vigils and what was their purpose?



Technically they were the policemen and the firemen of Rome at the time.

Their purpose was "to counterbalance the enormous power of the Praetorian Guard in the city of Rome"

Hope that helps.


According to the psychometric approach to intelligence, Group of answer choices intelligence aids in adaptation to the environment. intelligence is made up of traits that vary and can be measured. intelligence is fixed at conception by genetic factors. intelligence is organized by stages or levels.



intelligence is made up of traits that vary and can be measured.


According to the psychometric approach to intelligence, intelligence is made up of traits that vary and can be measured by mental tests.

Generally, the psychometric approach to intelligence involves the process of studying individual differences between humans by using mental test batteries that are reliable enough in a large numbers of specimens under controlled conditions.

14. Scientific and technological development are beneficial for...
A. Production
B. Development
C. Humankind
D. Industries




Because, production, development and industries are all beneficial to human

Hanna is a supervisor in the production unit of a textile company. Yosef, who is of Jewish origin, joins her unit as a trainee. Hanna overcriticizes him for minor errors. She tends to overpraise his achievements in order to avoid appearing biased. Consequently, because of the absence of genuine feedback, Yosef is not able to progress like other trainees. In the context of psychology, this scenario illustrates



Modern racism.


In this scenario, Hanna is a supervisor in the production unit of a textile company. Yosef, who is of Jewish origin, joins her unit as a trainee. Hanna over criticizes him for minor errors and tends to overpraise his achievements in order to avoid appearing biased. Consequently, because of the absence of genuine feedback, Yosef is not able to progress like other trainees. In the context of psychology, this scenario illustrates modern racism.

Modern racism can be defined as a common form of unidirectional prejudice expressed either covertly and indirectly against the members of other ethnicities or racial groups. Generally, any individual who is a modern racist usually condemns the cultural values of the outgroup or individuals who do not belong to their own class such as a social group. In this context, Hanna had aversive emotions when interacting with Yosef but didn't act explicitly on those negative emotions she experiences.

The psychotic disorder characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, as well as other disturbances, is known as ____________________.​


Answer: schizophrenia


The hunting of which of these
animals is banned in India? *
1.lions, tigers, deer, great Indian bustards,
and peacocks
2.lions, tigers, chicken, great Indian bustards,
and peacocks
3.lions, tigers, fish, great Indian bustards, and
4.lions, tigers, giraffe, great Indian bustards,
and peacocks​



1.lions, tigers, deer, great Indian bustards, it is the correct option


write six solution to the energy crisis of Nepal​


Answer: power

2.hydroelectric power

3.less expensive power grid

4. power contractors

5. oil


Other Questions
How did the end of the Vietnam War mark a difference in US foreign policy? A. The US had never lost a war before, making war a less favorable option B. The US required an attack on US soil first before beginning a war C. The US would not get involved in any foreign wars after it D. The US would begin new wars in Southeast Asia to prove its strength Which is an example of satire? A. The family members in a short story have an elephant living in their dining room that they refuse to discuss, just as they refuse to deal with other problems. B. In a novel, the partners in a couple have good news they hide from each other, unaware that the other is doing the same thing. C. A play about a deaf character includes jokes that are funnier in sign language, so audience members who don't know sign language are left out. D. A film's teenage character rolls her eyes and says, "Sure, I'd love to," when her mother asks her to clean the toilet. what battle resulted in the beginning of the civil war? Fire-breathing dragonA man is trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or anyone that enters. Through the second door there is a fire-breathing dragon. How does the man escape? Which question best completes the conversation? Emily: ___________________________? Susana: Siga derecho y en la esquina dobla al oeste. A. Cmo voy en el cine B. Me puede decir cmo est el cine C. Me ayuda a salir del cine D. Puede decirme cmo llegar al cine 2- Completar las siguientes palabras que tienen relacin con la AMISTAD :CON_ _ AN_ _ _ EAL _ A _ EMP _ _ T _ A_ ARI _ O A _ REC _ _ CO _ _ REN _ _ __ OL _ _ AR _ _ AD A _ U _ _ _ F _ _ TO Which phrase describes the linear relationship between the x and y values shown in the table? x l y 8 l 29 l 310 l 4 A. y is 6 times x B. x is 6 times y C. y is 6 less than x D. y is 6 more than x PPPLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE ANSWER FASTThe following shape is based only on squares, semicircles, and quarter circles. Find the area of the shaded part. To James Hutton why were rocks more than just rocks Subject : earth science Why doyou think that organizing the Earth into levels is important?Ready? Which of the following is made up of two different words?notebookeraserlanguagepicture Please help Choose the correct word.una parte del brazoel codola rodillala cabeza What problems do mapmakers face when making maps? The term Light hearted devil refers to what? What type of map is shown in the image? A. Resource B. Physical C. Road D. Political Find the value of x in the triangle In what movie did the homicide rate drop to 0% and in which stateThank you for the help! 37. What is the slope of the equation ?-3y = x + 2HELP! answer if you can! Which of the following was not a part of the Northern industry? A.lumber B. Shipping C. Textiles D.cotton The same force is applied to two hoops. The hoops have the same mass, but the larger hoop has twice the radius. How are the angular accelerations of the hoops related