(Multiple choice)
The men of Mesopotamia learned:

to build roadways
to live in villages
clothing design
to use metal
to trade
map making


Answer 1

During the ancient civilization, the men of Mesopotamia learned

to writeclothing designto trade.

What were the men of Mesopotamia known for?

During the ancient time, the typical Mesopotamian man lived in a concrete world that he experienced directly and strove to adapt to his immediate needs and special demands. The data provided to these men by his senses were utilized in two essentially different ways by his intellect though the way he constructed around himself an orderly world in which he could make rational decisions within a frame of predictable events and situations and after experience had taught him to recognize a pattern in the sequence of certain events and in the predictable features of specific phenomena,

They were also taken to convey message that referred to impending events, fortunate or unfortunate. Moreover, a typical Mesopotamian man attempted to construct an integrated whole extending beyond the objects he could touch and see, a whole of which he himself was to be an essential part. In conclusion, the internal organization of the civilization were to provide a setting and a direction for man's role within and beyond the dimensions of observable reality.

Read more about Mesopotamian



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What type of bias is present in this example?



Cultural Bias


Because the AI only uses native English speaking samples to analyse speech, it will not account for mispronunciation and accents.

"If any one lose an article, and find it in the possession of another: if the person in whose possession the thing is found say "A merchant sold it to me, I paid for it before witnesses," and if the owner of the thing say, "I will bring witnesses who know my property," then shall the purchaser bring the merchant who sold it to him, and the witnesses before whom he bought it, and the owner shall bring witnesses who can identify his property. The judge shall examine their testimony--both of the witnesses before whom the price was paid, and of the witnesses who identify the lost article on oath. The merchant is then proved to be a thief and shall be put to death. The owner of the lost article receives his property, and he who bought it receives the money he paid from the estate of the merchant.” –"Hammurabi’s Code”

What legal idea is contained in this edict from Hammurabi’s Code?

limits on powers of a judge
protection against unlawful search
protection from excessive punishment
right to present evidence





D) right to present evidence

Hammurabi's code explained those involved in a case of robbery should present evidence through witnesses.

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Voters will look at candidates before voting because they want to know who they are voting for and if they are the right person. Voters also look at candidates to make sure they are who they say they are.

Contrast the Netherlands with the rest of Europe in the 17th Century,
The Netherlands
Other European Countries


The "Golden Age" in Dutch history is the period from the end of the Twelve Years' Truce in 1609 until either Prince William III's death in 1702 or the signing of the Peace of Utrecht in 1713. During this exceptional period of political, economic, and cultural greatness, the small nation on the North Sea was among the most potent and significant in Europe and the entire world.

The Economy

It was a magnificence based on the unbroken economic growth that lasted until 1648, the year the Thirty Years' War came to a conclusion. The resurgent competition from other countries, particularly England and France, whose mercantilist policies were largely directed against the Dutch near-monopoly over the trade and shipping of Europe, resulted in a half-century that was characterized by consolidation rather than continued expansion.

The Society

The social structure that evolved with the economic transformation of Dutch life was complex and was marked by the predominance of the business classes that later centuries called the bourgeoisie, although with some significant differences. The social “betters” of Dutch aristocracy were only to a limited extent landed nobles, most of whom lived in the economically less advanced inland provinces.


During this time, one of the defining characteristics of modern Dutch society—the vertical division of society into "pillars" (zuilen) associated with the several Dutch religions—began to take shape. Calvinist Protestantism was adopted as the nation's official religion and received financial and political support from the state. However, the Reformed preachers' attempts to persecute or drive out other religions were rebuffed, and a broad tolerance was provided to them.

Know more about Dutch history



What does Charlemagne consider criminal?


I don’t know I need the answer too

Which of the following policies would advocates of "laissez-faire" economics agree with? Select all that apply.

Governments should regulate their economies strictly.

Governments should regulate strictly only the most profitable trade sectors.

Governments should regulate trade strictly only when threatened by or at war with another European country, and only trade with that country.

Governments should leave individuals alone to choose what is in their best economic interests.

Governments should regulate trade with colonies, yet allow freedom for trade with other European countries.


The following policies would advocates of "laissez-faire" economics agree with

Governments should leave individuals alone to choose what is in their best economic interests.

Governments should regulate trade with colonies, yet allow freedom for trade with other European countries.

Laissez-faire is an economic gadget in which transactions between private corporations of human beings are unfastened from any form of economic interventionism deriving from special interest organizations.

another simple principle of laissez-faire holds that markets should clearly be competitive, a rule that the early advocates of laissez-faire always emphasized.With the ambitions of maximizing freedom with the aid of permitting markets to self-regulate, early advocates of laissez-faire proposed a impôt particular, a tax on land rent (just like Georgism) to update all taxes that they saw as detrimental welfare via penalizing production

Learn more about laissez-faire https://brainly.com/question/532359


If you were a member of the group of female abolitionists who had invited Douglass to give the speech, how might you feel about his criticism of the founders and other parts of American history and life? Would you feel personally attacked, or would you agree with his attacks? If most of his listeners were already abolitionists, what do you think he was trying to accomplish with respect to persuading them to take action?


Douglass attempted to persuade those there to support what was then regarded as the severe position of abolition in his Independence Day oration. He also aimed to modify people's perceptions of African Americans' skills and intelligence.

What was the purpose of Douglass’ speech?

Douglass spoke during a celebration honoring the drafting of the Declaration of Independence on July 5, 1852, at Rochester's Corinthian Hall. This Fourth of July is yours, not mine, the speaker admonished his audience in cutting oratory.

In his Independence Day oration, Douglass made an effort to convince the audience to accept what was at the time perceived as the extreme position of abolition. He also sought to alter how others saw the abilities and intelligence of African Americans.

Learn more about Douglass, from:



The growing problem of _______________ and _____________ in England created issues between colonies and the mother country


The growing problem of taxation and representation in England created issues between colonies and the mother country.

What was the issue between the colonists and England?

Laws imposing taxes on the colonists in America had been passed by Parliament (England's Congress). A number of additional laws, like the Stamp Act of 1765 and the Sugar Act of 1764, were designed to raise money from the colonies for Great Britain. These laws offended the colonists.

Many colonists were irate by the 1770s because they lacked self-government. This implied that they were unable to rule themselves and establish their own rules. The king demanded that they pay enormous taxes. They believed they were contributing taxes to an unrepresentative administration.

Read more on the colonists here: https://brainly.com/question/24736605


What is the main characteristic of a good king?



The main Characteristics of a good king is:


A king is never voted into power.A king is king by birthright.A king's word is law.A king cannot be voted out of power.A king chooses who will be a citizen.A king's citizenry represent his glory.A king's wealth is measured by his property.

Why did Thomas Jefferson support the idea that the United States needed to
expand westward?
OA. Jefferson felt the country needed more resources to support
B. Jefferson felt the country needed more land to support farmers.
C. Jefferson felt the country needed more farmers to raise more tax
OD. Jefferson felt the country needed more land to support an
increasing population.





there were no people in the land they will not be markets

Many of these settlers, like Thomas Jefferson, connected freedom with westward migration, property ownership, and farming.

What was the primary justification for the westward migration?
The Gold Rush, this same Oregon Trail, and the idea of "manifest destiny" all served as catalysts for the 19th-century migration of settlers into to the American West, which began with the Louisiana Purchase. He desired to establish trade with the Western Native Americans and locate a maritime route to the Pacific. Jefferson gave them instructions to find new trade routes, establish contacts with American Indian tribes in the west, and gather information just on topography, geology, astrophysics, zoology, flora, as well as fauna of the area.

To know more about Thomas Jefferson click on the link below:

I want to know the history of ancient wars?



The Opium War, usually referred to as the First Opium War, often referred to as the First Sino-British War or the "Trade War", was an unjust war of aggression launched by Britain against China from 1840 to 1842, and it was also the beginning of China's modern history of humiliation.

In 1840 (the twentieth year of Daoguang), the British government decided to send an expeditionary force to invade China under the pretext of Lin Zexu's Humen selling tobacco. In June 1840, 47 British warships and 4,000 army troops, led by Rear Admiral George Yilu and Commercial Supervisor Yi Lu in China, arrived outside the mouth of the Pearl River in Guangdong one after another, blockaded Haikou, and the Opium War began.

The Opium War ended with China losing and paying reparations to cede land. China and Britain signed the Treaty of Nanjing, the first unequal treaty in China's history that lost power and humiliated the country. China began to cede land to foreign countries, pay reparations, and negotiate tariffs, seriously jeopardizing China's sovereignty, began to degenerate into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, lost its independent status, and promoted the disintegration of the small-scale peasant economy. At the same time, the Opium War also opened a new chapter in the history of the resistance of the Chinese people to foreign aggression in modern times.


What is Frederick Douglass suggesting about Aunt Hester's master?


Aunt Hester is Douglass's aunt and a slave of Captain Anthony's. She receives a merciless trouncing from her master, accompanied by demeaning slurs, because she spends time with a male slave. Douglass substantiations this beating at a veritably youthful age, and it affects him greatly.

What happend to Aunt Hester?

He tells about the brutality of his master's overseer, Mr. Plummer, as well as the story of Aunt Hester, who was severely whipped by Captain Anthony because she fancied another slave .Aunt Hester is Douglass's aunt and a slave of Captain Anthony's. She receives a merciless trouncing from her master, accompanied by demeaning slurs, because she spends time with a manly slave. Douglass substantiations this beating at a veritably youthful age, and it affects him greatly. The assault was Douglass's first view of the atrocity of slavery, as well as the Aunt Hester and sexual rapacity that characterizes manly masters' relations with womanish slaves. Douglass associates his witnessing of Captain Anthony whipping Aunt Hester with his internal inauguration into the horror of slavery.

To know more about Aunt Hester visit:



i will earn at least a 3.0 GPA in all my courses this semester is an example that meets all the criteria of a smart goal


The statement "I will earn at least a 3.0 GPA in all my courses this semester is an example that meets all the criteria of a smart goal"

What is a smart goal?

Generally, A good way to plan the steps to take in order to meet the long-term goals outlined in your grant is to set SMART objectives, which stand for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals. It assists you in moving your grant from the idea stage to the implementation stage.

S = Specific

This individual's goal is to achieve a grade point average of 3.0, which is a very stringent standard.

M = Measurable

This objective is quantifiable, and one method of doing so is by calculating the grade point average.

Stands for achievable

If you put in the effort, you may get a grade of B with a 3.0 average.

R = Realistic

If they are not striving for a perfect score, then yes, grade-based objectives are more likely to be achievable.

T stands for "Time-Bound"

This target has a time limit of one academic semester.

Read more about smart goal




I will earn at least a 3.0 GPA in all of my courses this semester is an example that meets all the criteria of a SMART goal.True or False

How did President Roosevelt attempt to get around neutrality legislation? Were his actions legal? Were they justified by the events of the times? What might have happened had he not taken these actions?


President Roosevelt was able to get around the neutrality legislation with the use of Land Lease Act. The use of Land Lease Act were legal as it were Act of the Parliament member.

What was the neutrality Policy about?

Its (Neutrality Acts) were invoked on several occasions in the 1930s and remained in effect in September 1939 when Great Britain and France declared war on Germany over Hitler’s invasion of Poland,thus, marking the beginning of World War II in Europe. Franklin Roosevelt took to the airwaves to assure the American people that the United States would stay out, but given the circumstances under which the war began, he recognized that most Americans naturally sympathized with Britain and France.

The administration of Roosevelt answered to this dilemma with a legislative proposal called Lend-Lease Act which would give the president the power to transfer weapons, ammunition, and any other war materials to any country whose defense he deemed vital to the national security of the United States.

The materials would be returned after the war or be replaced if they had been damaged or destroyed. He (Roosevelt) warned that if Germany defeated Great Britain, the U.S. would be Hitler’s next target. He compare his proposal to lending a hose to a neighbor whose house was on fire, so doing it only made sense, because if the fire went unchecked it could easily spread to the lender’s own home.

Read more about Neutrality Acts



this is a long shot but does anyone know the answers for #’s 4,6,7,8 and 9?. this is over WW2. please help, thank you!



Image result for name 3 battle that stopped japan's advance in the pacific

Attack on Pearl Harbor - December 7, 1941

Battle of Midway - June 4-7, 1942. Naval Battle of Guadalcanal - November 12-15, 1942. Battle of Attu - May 11-30, 1943.

5.Stalingrad marked the turning point of the Soviet–German War, a conflict that dwarfed the 1944–45 Allied campaign in Western Europe both in numbers and ferocity.

6.High growth needn't require a war. America's response to World War II was the most extraordinary mobilization of an idle economy in the history of the world. During the war 17 million new civilian jobs were created, industrial productivity increased by 96 percent, and corporate profits after taxes doubled.

7.Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany, marking the beginning of World War II. Over the next six years, the conflict would take more lives and destroy more land and property around the globe than any previous war.

9.The army would attack Hitler's troops at their weakest points first and slowly advance toward German soil. The plan was known as "closing the ring." In December 1941, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to attack German holdings in North Africa first. That maneuver was finally executed in October 1942.

4. The battle of Midway, Battle of coral Sea, and Attack on Pearl Harbor

6. New civilian jobs, taxes doubled, including women to start working, industrial productivity increased by 96%

7. Using the media, supported American allies, saved mater used for war effort, sold war bonds

8. Hispanics: “white by treaty”
Women: given jobs
Japanese Americans: Lost property
African Americans: National Politics

9. D- Day (bombing supply lines)

Which of the following are true of John Locke's arguments about human knowledge and epistemology? Select all that apply.

Children should be educated by thrusting them into a world of strong sensory experiences.

Humans have a series of a priori categories and structures that help them interpret their sense data.

Humans are born without any prior knowledge.

Education and experience played a key role in shaping human character.

By education, women can become more like men, and men more like women.


The following are true of John Locke's arguments about human knowledge and epistemology

Children should be educated by thrusting them into a world of strong sensory experiences.

Humans have a series of a priori categories and structures that help them interpret their sense data.

Epistemology, or the idea of know-how, is the department of philosophy concerned with knowledge.

Epistemology is taken into consideration a prime subfield of philosophy, together with other predominant subfields inclusive of ethics, common sense, and metaphysics

Learn more about Epistemology https://brainly.com/question/12977987


Explain the role of religion in the Ottoman and Safavid empires. How did each empire define itself religiously, and what was its relationship to the religious identity of the other empire and the outside world at large? Where relevant, also explain the attitude of the empire to religious minorities in its midst.


Shi’ite Muslims ruled the Safavid dynasty. They became hostile against the Ottomans as a result, who adhered to the Sunni school of thought. The Safavid emperors, known as Shahs, controlled their empire with the aid of their massive armies.

How did the Ottoman and Safavid empires treat the religious minorities they conquered?

Religious minorities were required to have nebulous "rights," which in reality restricted their liberty, by the Ottomans. All religious groups were compelled to abide by the same set of secular laws rather than being able to govern themselves in accordance with their own principles.

In terms of religion specifically, the Safavids persecuted all other religions in addition to Shi'ites who held dissident beliefs and Sunni Muslims. Vandals destroyed alien sanctuaries, and Sufi mystic groups were prohibited.

Learn more about Ottomans and Safavids, from:



What is the bible's explanation for why we're stuck in
a world of corruption and injustice and the tragedy of


Corruption is a state of decay, pollution, or incorrectness. In the Bible, corruption is one of the effects of sin that resulted from the fall of man. In the beginning, God created a perfect paradise, free of sickness, pain, and death. But when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit, sin entered the world, spoiling its perfection. That sin also brought contamination and decay to Adam and Eve and to the human nature of every person born after that (Romans 5:12). Thus, corruption in the Bible is the state of moral contamination and spiritual decay expressed through disobedience toward God.

Create a presentation that discusses how the Reconstruction was both a success and a failure. Consider perspectives on:



Reconstruction was both a success and a failure because by 1877, all of the former Confederate states had written new constitutions, ratified the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, and swore allegiance to the U.S. government. Reconstruction was successful in that it brought the United States back to unity.

Why was the Reconstruction was both a success and a failure?

African Americans were able to lead regular lives after the Civil War, the reconstruction process initially failed but eventually became a major success. Reconstruction was a success overall because it considerably expanded the freedom and advancement of equality for African Americans.

Reconstruction aimed to bring the country together, reconstruct the South, and defend and help the freedmen. Reconstruction was unsuccessful despite initial success.

Reconstruction aimed to bring the country together, reconstruct the South, and defend and help the freedmen. Reconstruction was a failure despite some initial success because Redeemer Governments passed discriminatory laws and the KKK terrorized freedmen.

The Freedmens Bureau was established to safeguard and help black people, as well as to aid in the reconstruction of the South. Union League, Woman's Loyal League, Special Field Order No. 15, Freedmens Bureau, 14th and 15th Amendments, and the Reconstruction Act Black people's political and economic potential were constrained by Reconstruction, which failed to safeguard them.

Learn more about Reconstruction from


Are animal bones with long grooves evidence of humans? Yes/no/maybe. Why?


Maybe, animal bones with long grooves evidence of humans because researchers has shown that  the scrapes and grooves that are thought to have been made into fossilized bones by early human ancestors are almost indistinguishable from the bite marks made by crocodiles.

How can you distinguish between human and animal bones?

Non-human animal bones are denser in proportion to their size, less porous, and thicker in cross section than human bones. For instance, the cortical thickness of the humeral and femoral bones in humans accounts for around a quarter of the total diameter, but it accounts for about half of the diameter in animal limb bones.

In order to harvest bone marrow from animal bones, early humans had to do it with considerable dexterity and accuracy to avoid damaging the bone marrow.

Therefore, In the above discovery calls into question a significant 2010 study that cited the bone scars as proof that some of our earliest evolutionary relatives used stone tools.

Learn more about evidence of humans from


This is an excerpt from a ninth-grade history textbook:
Trench warfare had been used throughout history, but it is
most commonly associated with fighting in World War I.
Trenches were as deep as 12 feet and often constructed in
a zigzag pattern. By the end of 1914, an estimated 475
miles of trenches had been dug on the Western Front.
Which statement best represents the main idea of this source?
A. Trench warfare was used a lot in World War I.
B. Fighting in trenches was dangerous and boring.
C. An estimated 475 miles of trenches were built.
D. Trenches were often dug to a depth of 12 feet.


Option (a), which states that trench warfare was widely used in World War I, is the right response.

Why did trench fighting occur so frequently in World War One?

Due to the horrendous casualties incurred in open combat, trench warfare was immediately adopted. Within four months, soldiers on all fronts had started building trenches because they were a particularly effective way for infantry to defend themselves against powerful weapons.

Why was trench warfare utilized, and what did it entail?

On the Western Front, trenches were prevalent. The purpose of long, narrow trenches cut into the ground near the front during World War I was to shield troops from machine gun fire and artillery attack from the air. Typically, these trenches were created by infantry soldiers who would occupy them for weeks at a time.

Learn more about trench warfare: https://brainly.com/question/366767


Both Fredrick Douglass and Sojourner Truth argued for abolition as well as for:
A. Women's rights
B. States' rights
C. Immigration
D. Temperance


Both Fredrick Douglass and Sojourner Truth argued for abolition as well as for A. Women's rights.

What is the arguement of Fredrick Douglass and Sojourner Truth?

The arguement of Fredrick Douglass and Sojourner Truthwa based on the Women's rightsas well asd the abolishment of th slave trade.

It should be noted that they both argue tht the women should have the same right as well as the right that can be attribute to the fellow men in the country, since before, the women are not allowed to vote in the system, they argued that the women should be given the right to cast their vote and other rights that belongs to them should be given to them.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Read more about Fredrick Douglass at:



1. Read 1-5 and Describe what steps 1-5 were meant to prevent: A) on your own; B) after Class discussion
2. Read 6-13. Describe what he recommended here? A) in your own mind; B) after Class discussion
3. #14 Wilson felt his FOURTEENTH POINT was the most important. Read it and describe why he felt this
Weaknesses of the Treaty of Versailles
Read Module 7.4 Sub-section: "Debate over the Treaty of Versailles" and list the weaknesses and FLAWS of
the treaty.



You can do the best you can! Determine which equation is false, based on the solution set S:{4}.

3t = 12

3m + 7 = 14

4(4c + 1) = 68

9 = 5p − 11


Which variables will you change in a controlled manner?


All variables that can impact the results can be change in controlled manner.

In a scientific experiment, an independent variable is the variable that is changed or controlled in order to test the effects on the dependent variable. If you do not hold these variables constant for all observations, the three examples of controlled variables may explain the plant growth differences you observe. As a result, moisture, sunlight, and temperature are critical control variables for your research.

It is controlled if a temperature is kept constant during an experiment. Other controlled variables include the amount of light, the use of the same type of glassware, constant humidity, and the duration of an experiment.

To know more about controlled manner visit :



The US Constitution can be changed through the...
Adjustment process
Arraignment process
Amendment process
American process


Yes, the US constitution can be changed through the amendment process.

But the process is challenging. There are two ways to amend the Constitution, according to the Fifth Amendment. One of them is unutilized.

Prior to being sent to the states, a bill must first be approved by both the Senate and the House with a two-thirds majority. The bill can state which type of approval is required—legislative or constitutional—by three-fourths of the states.Second: The legislatures of two-thirds of the states may convene a constitutional convention. There, one or more Constitutional amendments may be proposed. The states are then sent the amendments, and three-fourths must agree for the change to go into effect. There has never been a try at this process.

To learn more about US constitution, refer to: https://brainly.com/question/453546


where did each of the two companies start construction? In what direction did each company build


Union Pacific started the railroad construction from Omaha, Nebraska while Central Pacific started the  railroad construction from Sacramento, California and they both built towards west.

What were the two companies constructing?

In 1862, the Congress passed Pacific Railroad Acts which designated the 32nd parallel as the initial transcontinental route and gave huge grants of lands for rights-of-way. Its then authorized some two railroad companies which are Union Pacific and the Central Pacific to construct the lines.

The Union Pacific employed about 8,000 Irish, German, and Italian immigrants and built to west from Omaha, Nebraska but the Central Pacific whose workforce included over 10,000 Chinese laborers, built eastward from Sacramento, California.

Read more about transcontinental railroad



can somone help me pls


The reactants in photosynthesis are water, carbon dioxide, light energy, and chlorophyll. The end results are water, oxygen, and glucose (sugar).

List the components of photosynthesis, including their reactants and products.

Photosynthesis chemical reactions, with the following reactants and products:

6CO₂ + 6H₂O → C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂

Photosynthesis reaction:

When carbon dioxide and water are combined with sunshine, a process occurs that produces sugar and oxygen.

According to one interpretation of the chemical equation for photosynthesis, sunlight causes a reaction between six carbon dioxide molecules and six water molecules to produce a simple sugar and six oxygen molecules. The following names are given to the reactant and products:

carbon dioxide + water → Sugar + oxygen

Learn more about Photosynthesis: https://brainly.com/question/1388366


Which of the following is true for the "typical" immigrant who arrivedin the colony of Virginia during the 17th century?
Select one:
O a. The "typical" migrant to Virginia was almost always poor and
Ob. The "typical" migrant to Virginia was in her or his mid-
twenties and usually migrated as part of a family group.
c. The "typical" migrant to Virginia was middle-aged, male, and
Od. The "typical" migrant to Virginia was young, in his late teens
or early twenties, male, and single.


True, the "average" migrant to Virginia was middle-aged, male, and married. Hence, the right option is (c) The "typical" migrant to Virginia was middle-aged, male, and married.

Who settled in Virginia and why?

Due to the War of the Spanish Succession and pirates stationed in Nassau pestering ships on the East Coast, immigration and trade declined. Trade and immigration resumed after the pirate capital was "reduced" and Blackbeard was executed.

In 1607, 104 English men and boys arrived in North America to start a colony. On May 13, they picked Jamestown, Virginia for their settlement and named it after their King, James I. It was North America's first permanent English colony.

To learn more about migrants, click



What arguments does Wollstonecraft present for women’s rights? Which are most persuasive?



Wollstonecraft argued that females are in all the most important aspects the same as males and women are superior in the context of strength of mind, perseverance and fortitude. Her most persuasive ideas were of women's rights.

The U.S. Constitution reflects the influence of the English Bill of Rights by:
OA. separating power between branches of government.
B. giving the government more power over individuals.
C. guaranteeing fair trials and freedom of speech.
O D. creating a court system with multiple levels.


Three distinct but equal branches of government are established by the United States Constitution: the executive branch, which enforces the law, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch, which interprets the law.

How was the Constitution influenced by the Bill of Rights?

After receiving the necessary approval from three-fourths of the states, ten of these amendments were incorporated into the United States Constitution in 1791.Preventing the government from abusing individual liberties was one of the most obvious flaws of the new Constitution that was addressed by the Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights was influenced by what English documents?

The Virginia Declaration of Rights, penned by George Mason, had a significant impact on the Bill of Rights. English documents like the Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, the English Bill of Rights, and the Massachusetts Body of Liberties are additional precursors.

Learn more about United States Constitution here:



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