Read and choose the correct option to complete the sentence,
Tu prima tenia treinta
de peluche en su habitacioni


Answer 1


Tu prima tenía treinta osos de peluche en su habitación


Answer 2


B; Osos


Related Questions

Señalar el nombre de cada una de las partes de las siguientes pmoraciones.
1. El sol saldra a las 6 y 30 de la mañana
2.Damian se corta el pelo
3.Mi tia fue al supermercado en el auto
4.Me compre una bicicleta nueva
5.Tengo turno con el dentista a la 6pm



1. sol

2. pelo

3. auto

4. bicicleta

5. dentista


Fill in the blanks **MUST USE VOCAB***

Mis amigos y yo dimos __ por un __ con pocos árboles

heres vocab



Mis amigos y yo dimos UN por un BOSQUE con pocos árboles

Un bosque donde había poco arbole klk

Which Spanish words should be pronounced with a hard trill sound for the r
Select all that apply


Answer: arriba, rojo


these are kinda common when it comes to spanish speaking you gotta roll the “r”.

Probably Arriba or rojo

Pregunta 4
De acuerdo a los siguientes textos di que clase de descripción literaria es:
• Es una mujer, de estatura mediana, aproximadamente 1.60 Metros, figura esbelta, cabello largo, quebrado, castaño cobrizo. La cara es afilada, su tez es blanca, ojos grandes y claros de color miel, su mirada era infantil e ingenua, labios delgados y teñidos de rojo brillante.
¿Qué clase de descripción es? _____________________________________________________________________________________
¿Por qué? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
• "La pequeña vivienda denunciaba laboriosidad, economía, limpieza; todo era rústico, pero cómodamente dispuesto y cada cosa en su lugar. La sala de la casita, perfectamente barrida; poyos de guadua alrededor cubiertos de estera de juncos y pieles de oso; algunas láminas de papel iluminado representando santos y prendidas con espinas de naranjo a las paredes sin blanquear; tenía a la derecha e izquierda las alcobas de la mujer de José y de las muchachas. La cocina formada de caña menuda y con el techo de hoja de la misma planta, estaba separada de la casa por un huertecillo donde el perejil, la manzanilla, el poleo y las albahacas mezclaban sus aromas". La María, Jorge Isaac.
¿Qué clase de descripción es? _____________________________________________________________________________________
¿Por qué? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
• En el escaparate había un juguete que la niña siempre le había parecido maravilloso. Era un gusano amarillo que al andar se estiraba y se encogía ondulándose. Tenía una cabezota redonda y los ojos con la mirada traviesa. era el juguete que más había deseado tener y que más le gustaba." Angela Lonescu
¿Qué clase de descripción es? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ¿Por qué? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________



its no becuase its 1

Marta se va de paseo y se despide con un beso de su madre, cuál sería el canal y el código? Ayuda porfa



código: tacto

canal: señas-expresiones


Canal: Es el medio físico por el que se transmite el mensaje, como internet, teléfono, etc.

Código: Sistema de señales o signos que se usan para transmitir un mensaje, por ejemplo, el inglés, el castellano, el código morse.

¿Cómo describirías a Nora según se presenta en el principio de la obra? ¿Cómo te parece que es físicamente? ¿Cómo es la relación con su marido? ¿Cómo se llaman el uno al otro? Decir el por qué de todas tus respuesta



tells you about a book that you may have already read


me ayudan porfa hacer una introducción no verbal de la pintura​


para cuando lo necesitas

Ordena las letras de los enunciados siguientes siguiendo la estructura de los cuentos.
m. Al conde le parce apropiado el consejo y lo pone en práctica con buenos resultados.
s. Patronio establece una semejanza entre el caso que plantea el conde y un cuento.
t. Patronio manifiesta y explica al conde el consejo que le ha pedido.
h. Patronio narra el cuento(ejemplo).
i. El conde Lucanor plantea un problema a Patronio, su servidor, y le pide que le aconseje.
j. Don Juan Manuel resume la enseñanza del cuento en dos versos pareados, a modo de moraleja.










Structure of the stories of Juan Manuel (El Conde Lucanor)

Read and match each sentence with the impersonal expression that best fits the meaning or intention of the sentence. Terms: Pollution affects humans and animals. Rhinos could be in danger of extinction due to hunting. You care for the common species. You must feed the hens every morning. Definitions: A) Es malo B) Es importante C) Es fácil D) Es bueno


The impersonal expression that best fits the meaning of the sentence are;

Pollution affects humans and animals( Es Malo)Rhinos could be in danger of extinction due to hunting”(Es importante)You care for the common species”( Es bueno)You must feed the hens every morning” (Es fácil)

What is Impersonal expressions?

Impersonal expressions are expression that do not contain a specific subject.

From the given expression, we can fit in the term this best fit the expression as it was done above.

Therefore, the Impersonal expressions of how Pollution affects humans is Es Malo.

Learn about Impersonal expressions at;

Identifica guiones y analiza la longitud de los párrafos¿crees q en el texto hay diálogos, monólogos o solo narración?
Ayuda plisd


A pesar de que parte de la pregunta está incompleta, seguramente te refieres al ejercicio que tiene que ser respondido luego de leer el fragmento de "Los siete libros de la Diana", escrito por Jorge de Montemayor.

En el fragmento de "Los siete libros de la Diana", los guiones que se presentan son diálogos entre dos personajes: Sireno y Silvano. Sin embargo, pueden ser confundidos con monólogos debido a la extensión de cada diálogo entre ambos.

Si nos detenemos en las definiciones de "diálogo" y "monólogo", entendemos que a pesar de la extensión que tienen los momentos en que habla cada personaje, se trata aun de un diálogo debido a que un personaje le responde al otro al momento de comenzar a hablar y, además, existe una conexión entre lo que dicen Sireno y Silvano.

Las definiciones de diálogo y monólogo están disponibles en el siguiente link

Entonces, los párrafos del fragmento de "Los siete libros de la Diana" muestran un diálogo entre los personajes Sireno y Silvano, donde tienen una conversación sobre Diana, otro personaje de la historia.

Can someone check my Latin homework? 1. Ambulando montem ascenderunt. They have climbed the mountain by walking. 2. Signum deo donandum est. A sign is to be given by goD) . 3. Dei colendi causa, templum aedificandum erat. To cause the Gods to be protected, a temple was to be built. 4. Dux Romanus, qui ad Graeciam belli gerendi gratia venerat, multa pulchra ad Romam ferebat. The Roman leader, who thankfully came to beautiful Greece, was bearing many Roman treasures. 5. Omnia quae dicenda sunt, libere dicam. All things that are to be told, I shall tell freely.



i think it looks good

Conteste la siguiente pregunta usando el pronombre correcto.
¿Comprenden ustedes esta teoría?
A. Sí, lo comprenden.
B. Sí, las comprenden.
C. Sí, la comprendemos.
D. Sí, los comprendemos.



(C) Si, la comprendemos.

C!!! Is the correct answer

Cuando yo vaya a Costa Rica, _________ la región de Osa. A. visitará B. visitaré C. visitarán D. visitarás



B. visitaré


Cuando yo vaya a Costa Rica, visitaré la región de Osa.

Hace el mayor sentido, espero que esto ayude y tenga un buen día!


B. Visitaré


Cuando yo vaya a Costa Rica, visitaré la región de Osa

La conserje y yo ________ a la familia todos los días.



el conserje y yo cocinamos a la familia todos los días

In order to send a friend a particular web site, which of the following would you use


What are choices? Please include photo in comments I’d love to help
The answer is A)descargar

LOTS OF POINTS I need help finding the cognates in these sentences I need to find 12 and need the English translation as well please help I am stressing about school El flamenco es un baile típico de España. El instrumento más importante en el flamenco es la guitarra. En Argentina, el tango es muy popular. Es un baile romántico. En la República Dominicana, el baile tradicional es el merengue. El merengue tiene muchos ritmos africanos. En Puerto Rico, la salsa es el baile preferido. El ritmo de la salsa es menos popular en la música de los Estados Unidos. La cumbia es el baile más famoso de Colombia.



El flamenco es un baile típico de España.

Complete the following sentences with the passive voice of the verbs in parentheses.
11. En los sitios públicos en Estados Unidos,
(prohibir) fumar.
12. En la mayoría de los supermercados, no
(permitir los perros.
13. En esa tienda,
(alquilar) bicicletas.
14. En muchos restaurantes en Europa,
(hablar) inglés.
15. En general,
(decir que las playas del Mediterráneo son muy bonitas.



En los sitios públicos en Estados Unidos, esta prohibido fumar

En la mayoría de los supermercados, no se permiten perros

En esa tienda, se alquilan bicicletas.

En muchos restaurantes en Europa, hablan en ingles

En general, dicen que las playas del Mediterráneo son muy bonitas.


There you have. If you have any doubt let me know, i will help you, i speak Spanish

Me ayudan es para un practico

2. Subrayar el O.I, luego reescribir las oraciones sustituyendo el Ol por la forma pronominal adecuada

Sarah está lavando las manos a su tia.

Yo escribo una carta a mi padre.

Ellos compran zapatos para los niños

El turista vende su cámara a mi amiga.



O.I. a su tía. Sarah le está lavando las manos a ella.

O.I. a mi padre. Yo le escribo una carta a él.

O.I. para los niños. Ellos compran zapatos para ellos.

O.I. a mi amiga. El turista le vende su cámara a ella.


Read and match each sentence with the impersonal expression that best fits the meaning or intention of the sentence. Terms Pollution affects humans and animals. Rhinos could be in danger of extinction due to hunting. You care for the common species. You must feed the hens every morning. Definitions A) Es malo B) Es importante C) Es fácil D) Es bueno



Pollution affects humans and animals. A) Es malo.

Rhinos could be in danger of extinction due to hunting. B) Es importante

You care for the common species. D) Es bueno

You must feed the hens every morning. C) Es fácil


The impersonal expressions provided meant:

A) Es malo: It´s bad.

B) Es importante: It´s important.

C) Es fácil: It´s easy.

D) Es bueno. It´s good.

Impersonal expressions are used to express an opinion, based on subjectivity rather than on actual truth. Pretty much every statement that applies the formula es + adjective + que, and doesn’t state it´s a truth, could be an impersonal expression

otros nombres para elisa del mar la novela


Pues enrealiad no sabria decirte ya que no hay donde ver tu referencia

Decide si el verbo está conjugado correctamente.

Mañana yo estaré estudiando todo el día.


Answer:Esta bien conjugado

Explanation:Tanto en tiempo como en genero esta bien conjugado


A. El verbo está conjugado correctamente.


On Edge

I need help with 9-20
Use the correct form of the verb "ser" in the following sentences.
Plz hurry I have to babysit soon.






















Huipiles are ________.


Clothes that they wear

The trauma of war can have lasting consequences. Countries like the United States and ________ recognize this fact. This country recognizes the importance of offering services not only for soldiers, but also for their families. Unfortunately, there are some soldiers who suffer from PTSD after their experiences in the military. Argentina Germany Australia Ancient





The trauma of war can have lasting consequences. Countries like the United States and ____ Germany ____ recognize this fact. This country recognizes the importance of offering services not only for soldiers, but also for their families. Unfortunately, there are some soldiers who suffer from PTSD after their experiences in the military.

Pablo acaba de recibir su ___ y tiene muy Buenas notas en todas las materias

A informe escolar
B Computadora
C Libro
D Carta



informe escolar is the right answer


(04.07 LC)
Read and choose the correct option to complete the
Felicia tenia
en los pies.


I need an answerr choice


los patines


i took the test and got it right!

Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(01.07 MC)
Read the incomplete sentence and choose the option with the correct verbs to complete it.
las dos de la mañana. Señor Federico, ¿
O Es, estoy
O Soy, estás
O Somos están
Son, está



O    Son, está


Son las dos de la mañana. Señor Federico, ¿ está bien?

Son, está
Son las dos de la mañana. Señor Federico ¿está bien?

que sentimientos experimentan el coronel, Isabel y el niño frente al cuerpo muerto del medico en la novela hojarasca



What feelings do the colonel, Isabel and the child experience in front of the dead body of the doctor in the novel Litter?


Pamela y la señora Hernando ________ amigas y ________ en la boda de Carlos. es; está estamos; somos son; están soy; estoy



somos son, estoy



son; estan


(01.02 LC)
Read and choose the option that best answers the question
Hi, I'm Maarit, and welcome to Xcanatun, my favorite city in Mexico.
Our village's main language is Spanish. The Yucatec Mayan language is still spoken by the elders, but my friends and I know just a few word
After school I practice pok-a-tok. Pok-a-tok is an ancient Maya game in which you hit a basketball size rubber ball with your hips, thighs, and
your hands. The goal is to hit the ball into a stone hoop. The Maya practiced every day because they could face horrible consequences if the
Based on the text what is true?
O Ancient customs are disappearing
Exercise and language are honored.
Dialects and sports are rare
Competition and greed are penalized.



exercise and language are honored

Answer: exercise and language are honored


Other Questions
Brian is building a wood frame around a window in his house. If the window is 4 feet by 5 feet, how much wood does he need for the frame? Which of the following is not true concerning Internet websites_____ Equivalent expression -(-5.6m-n+9.9 The destruction of an organism's habitat either through human impact or natural causes, such as a fire or flood, increases the likelihood that an organism could become extinct. Which of the following could also increase an organism's chances of extinction? A. an increase in predation, competition, and/or disease B. a lack of genetic diversity in an organism's species C. the inability to reproduce D. all of these The systematic killing of Jews in Germany was called If g(x) = (x + 2)/3, find g(-8). My loving people, We have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit ourselves to armed multitudes, for fear of treachery; but I assure you I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people. Let tyrants fear, I have always so behaved myself that, under God, I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good-will of my subjects; and therefore I am come amongst you, as you see, at this time, not for my recreation and disport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live and die amongst you all; [1] to lay down for my God, and for my kingdom, and my people, my honour and my blood, even in the dust. [2] I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too, and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm; to which rather than any dishonour shall grow by me, [3] I myself will take up arms, I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field. I know already, for your forwardness you have deserved rewards and crowns; and We do assure you in the word of a prince, they shall be duly paid you. In the mean time, my lieutenant general shall be in my stead, than whom never prince commanded a more noble or worthy subject; not doubting but by your obedience to my general, by your concord in the camp, and your valour in the field, we shall shortly have a famous victory over those enemies [4] of my God, of my kingdom, and of my people.Selection 3 from the speech is an example of which of the following of rhetorical devices? 5 of 17Questions Question 5 Safiya needs to find a number that can be multiplied by 183 to result in a rational product. Which values could she use? Select all that apply. What theme is portrayed in this excerpt from Leo Tolstoys The Death of Ivan Ilyich? In reality it was just what is usually seen in the houses of people of moderate means who want to appear rich, and therefore succeed only in resembling others like themselves: there are damasks, dark wood, plants, rugs, and dull and polished bronzesall the things people of a certain class have in order to resemble other people of that class. His house was so like the others that it would never have been noticed, but to him it all seemed to be quite exceptional. He was very happy when he met his family at the station and brought them to the newly furnished house all lit up, where a footman in a white tie opened the door into the hall decorated with plants, and when they went on into the drawing-room and the study uttering exclamations of delight. He conducted them everywhere, drank in their praises eagerly, and beamed with pleasure. A. the effect of consumerism B. the power of wealth C. keeping up appearances in society D. conforming to societal conventions Question 2 Which of the following are wholesale and which are retail? (a)Large-scale deposits made by firms at negotiated rates of interest. .............................retail / wholesale (c)Deposits in savings accounts in high street banks. ......................................................retail / wholesale (b)Loans made by high street banks at published ratesof interest. ..................................retail / wholesale (d)Deposits in savings accounts in building societies .......................................................retail / wholesale (e)Large-scale loans to industry syndicated through several banks. ................................retail / wholesale Please help with questions 1-4. Which scientific questions can be disproved by conducting tests? Select all that apply. Do video games negatively impact mental health? Will my published scientific paper be successful? Can monkeys communicate with each other? Are dogs the most responsible type of pet? Are vegetables good for growing strong bones? If (x - 2) and (x + 1) are factors ofx + px? + qx + 1, what is the sum of p and q? If g (x) is the inverse of f (x) and f (x) = 4 x + 12, what is g (x)g (x) = 12 x + 4g (x) = one-fourth x minus 12g (x) = x minus 3g (x) = one-fourth x minus What is 105x - 125y + 236z if "x = 10, y = 23, and z = 54" (40 points!) GIVE A GOOD EXPLANATION, NOT JUST AN ANSWER, WHO EVER DOES IT RIGHT FIRST GETS BRAINLIEST. A team wishes to purchase 10 shirts of the same color. A store sells shirts in 3 different colors. What must the inventory of the store be in order to conclude that there are at least 10 shirts in one of the three colors? As the assistant to the CFO of Johnstone Inc., you must estimate its cost of common equity. You have been provided with the following data: D 0 = $0.80; P 0 = $22.50; and g = 8.00% (constant). Based on the DCF approach, what is the cost of common from reinvested earnings? A real estate licensee specializes in helping both buyers and sellers with the necessary paperwork involved in transferring property. Although not an agent of either party, the real estate licensee may not disclose either party's confidential information to the other. The real estate licensee is BEST described as The "family resources" element of Family stress theory suggests that family-based resources such as cohesion, adaptability, and problem-solving may be important factors in whether families survive or deteriorate when stressors are introduced. Group of answer choices what are the principles of ubuntu?