Read the incomplete sentence and choose the option with the correct verbs to complete
Pamela y la señora Hernando
amigas y
en la boda de Carlos. (1 point)
es; está
estamos: somos
son; están
soy; estoy


Answer 1

Answer:son, están


Answer 2


The right answer is, C. Son; están.

* Pamela y la señora Hernando son amigas y están en la boda de Carlos.


Because the subject in the sentence is in the second person plural and is being narrated in the present tense, therefore it is important to identify the subject, gender, time and number in a sentence. In this way we manage to conjugate the verb in a logical way and that it agrees with what is being expressed.

Related Questions

Conjugate the present tense form of the verb "tener"
ellos/ellas / ustedes
Choose... 4

él i ella / usted






nosotros: tenemos

ellos/ellas/ustedes: tienen

yo: tengo

tu: tienes

vosotros: teneis

el/ella/usted: tiene

Hope this helps someone!

Based on what you know about Carmen, what kinds of factors influence
whether she likes a class or not?'


do you want me to translate or ??

Besides “Chau, Adiós, Hasta liege, Hasta pronto, Hasta mañana, Burma’s niches, Hasta la vista, nos vemos, and mucho gusto” what are 3 other good bye/ leave talking phrases? HELP


“Te veo luego” and “Fue bueno verte” I don’t have more sorry!!

write a short story about your family using the present tense verb





my family and I live in a nice house we like to travel a lot I'm going to college soon and I don't want to leave my family alone since I'm the only child. I enjoy reading books and helping people that's why I got this app, I also don't understand some things and appreciate it when people help me. I'm on my way to the store if you want anything.

Based on the audio, La República Dominicana is unique because


Answer: The first university in America was founded in the Dominican Republic.

Escoge la respuesta correcta:
Los niños compran unos regalos
Select one:
O a. grande, interesantes y caro
O b. grandes, interesantes y caros
O c. grande, interesante y caras


b) grandes, interesantes y caros

They bought gifts (plural), so the adjectives need to be plural as well.
The correct answer it’s B) grandes interesantes y caros.





Actividad 6 Chose the correct adjective description to agree with the highlighted subjects.

Answer 1. Mi tía es baja.

Translation 1. My aunt is short.

Answer 2. Tiene pelo corto y castaño.

Translation 2. She has short brown hair.

Answer 3. Ella es un poco gorda.

Translation 3. She is a bit fat.

Answer 4. Tiene ojos grandes y verdes.

Translation 4. She has big green eyes.

Answer 5. Sus blusas favoritas son amarillas.

Translation 5. Her favorite blouses are yellow.

Answer 6. Le gusta llevarlas con sus pantalones azules.

Translation 6. She likes to wear them with her blue pants.

Answer 7. Ella es muy simpática.

Translation 7. She is very nice.

Answer 8. Mi tía tiene un nombre bonito. Se llama Gloria.  

Translation 8. My aunt has a pretty name. Her name is Gloria.

Actividad 7 Answer should look like the example. Describe what people are wearing.

Answer 1. Teresa lleva unos zapatos rojos.

Translation 1. Teresa is wearing red shoes.

Answer 2. Teresa lleva una blusa gris.

Translation 2. Teresa is wearing a gray blouse.

Answer 3. Teresa lleva un suéter naranja.

Translation 3. Teresa is wearing an orange sweater.

Answer 4. Teresa lleva un vestido amarillo.

Translation 4. Teresa is wearing a yellow dress.

Answer 5. Teresa lleva unos jeans azules.

Translation 5. Teresa is wearing blue jeans.

Answer 6. Teresa lleva una camisa roja.

Translation 6. Teresa is wearing a red shirt.


Elabora un cuadro tematico donde presentan variantes del español entre sus hablantes.
¿Que sabemos sobre la diversidad lingüística y cultural de los hispanohablantes?
¿Cómo se extendió el español en América ya que procesos de colonización creen que corresponden esos espacios?



Make a thematic table where they present variants of Spanish among their speakers.


What do we know about the linguistic and cultural diversity of Spanish speakers?

How did Spanish spread in America since colonization processes believe that these spaces correspond?

Actividad 2. Arcoiris de ideas
Completa el siguiente diagrama de arcoíris escribiendo las características de las
fábulas y refranes, tomando en cuenta las ideas subrayadas anteriormente. A
terminar el diagrama puedes colorearlo.​



This question is incomplete. You need the rainbow, and the text in which the ideas to underline appear. The file will be uploaded as an attachment.


You need to write on the rainbow the difference between a fábula and a refrán.  For that, you need to underline the following ideas from the text:

Una fábula consiste en una breve composición  literaria, sencilla de leer y entender. El propósito de la fábula es transmitir una enseñanza moralizadora a través del relato. Todas y cada una de las fábulas tienen una moraleja. Los refranes expresan verdades de la vida, no se atribuyen a algún autor. Los refranes  son expresiones que encapsulan situaciones y andan de boca en boca. Los refranes expresan un pensamiento, un  regaño o un deseo y recogen unas experiencias sacadas de la vida cotidiana.

Completa la siguiente frase.
Yo (oir) oir
a mi hermana hablar sobre mi fiesta de cumpleaños.


It’s yo oigo a mi hermano hablar sobre mi fiesta de cumpleaños.

cual es número es igual a 5/15


Un número igual a 5/15 seria 1/5


i think its right but i dont have answer choices


5/15 = 1/3



5/5 = 1

15/5 = 3


5/15 = 1/3

ustedes fotos durante la fiesta? (tomar)
6. Si, y nosotros
las fotografias. (mirar)

The present tense verb for the word in parentheses that fits the sentence



5. toman

6. miramos


Help me please ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


Guapo- feo
Moreno- rubio
Alto- bajo
Gordo- delgado
Joven- viejo
Grande- pequeño
Simpático- antipático


Column A           Column B

1 Guapo ⇒⇒⇒⇒ d Feo

2 Moreno ⇒⇒⇒ f  Rubio

3 Alto ⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒ h  Bajo

4 Gordo ⇒⇒⇒⇒ a  Delgado

5 Joven ⇒⇒⇒⇒  e  Viejo

6 Grande ⇒⇒⇒ ⇒ b  Pequeño

7  Simpático ⇒⇒⇒ f   Antipático

when making the plural, words that end with a Z, change the Z to ces ?



Yes. That's correct.


two quick examples ....

lápiz    >    lapices      (noun)

feroz   >   feroces       (adjective)

(01.07 MC)
Read the incomplete sentence and choose the option with the correct possessive
adjective to complete it.
Marta y yo compramos unas máquinas de afeitar.
máquinas son azules. (1 point)



indicates that theres to object that belongs to more tnah 1 person




las maquinas belong to the both of them

Help me please thank you ❤️










2. d





Este género de música tiene influencias de hip hop y del Caribe. música de rock música norteña reggaetón salsa





5.03 Lee la grade y escoge la opción correcta para terminar la frase. Read the sentence and choose the correct option to complete the sentence. Si las injusticias sociales ___ el resultado de la corrupción, el gobierno ___ enfrentarias. A) fueron, deberían B) debería, fueran C) fueran, debería D) deberían, fueran


Answer: C) fueran, debería

Sentence: Si las injusticias sociales fueran el resultado de la corrupción, el gobierno debería enfrentarlas.

Translation:  If social injustices were the result of corruption, the government should face them.


Como llego a la tienda?



How i can get to the store?


English translation is:

How i can get to the store?

¿Cómo llego a la tienda?

Answer: How do I get to the store?


How to say bannanna in spanish


Banana is plátano.
Pronounce it like this—> pla- ta- know
platano :)),,,,,,,,,,,,,,

En mi niñez, yo ________. No me gustaba hablar.


you could fill the blank space with “ era callada “
you could say “era tímida”

[Get Free Brainliest] Lee y escoge la mejor respuesta para completar el diálogo. Read and select the best answer to complete the dialogue. You are just meeting a new neighbor, señora Hidalgo, and want to know her name. What do you ask in a formal way? —Hola, ________ —Señora Hidalgo. A: ¿cómo te llamas? B: ¿cuál es tu nombre? C: ¿cómo está usted? D: ¿cómo se llama?





When meeting someone new or in a professional way this is the proper way to ask for someone's name.


A. Como te llamas?


Escucha los cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe, El gato negro y El corazón delator. Luego desarrolla las siguientes actividades.
- Escribe con tus palabras cuál fue la trama de cada uno de los cuentos
- ¿Cada uno de los cuentos cumple con las características propias de la narración? Justifica tu respuesta
- Realiza una descripción de los personajes principales de cada uno de los cuentos (edad, aspecto, carácter…) como te los imágenes.
- Completa la información del siguiente cuadro






Which of the following is not true about friendships in the In Spanish speaking world. A. Acquaintances are like family members. B. Friends I thought to be part of the family. C. Friends may spend time with friends family even if your friend isn’t there.








took quick check conexus

All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers.” - Francois Fenelon In the 1930s, Spain was in conflict. Conservatives wanted to keep a Catholic monarchy in control and reformists wanted a state with elected representatives. This political clash of ideas spilled into the streets as many people demanded change and police arrested many in an attempt to keep the peace. In 1936, the conflict reached a boiling point. The new prime minister sent some military officers away from the mainland, fearful that they were conspiring to overthrow the government. One of these officers was sent to the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa. His name was General Francisco Franco. He immediately took control of the islands, then flew to Morocco and assumed control there. The takeover of Spain by the military was supposed to be quick, but the government found out about it and civil war broke out. The war lasted from 1936 until 1939 when Franco declared victory after much suffering and bloodshed. There were many terrible things done on both sides of the conflict. One of those was the bombing of a small Basque town called Guernica. The attack destroyed nearly the entire city, and there were many casualties. A Basque man named José Antonio Aguirre testified: Before God and before History which must judge us all, I affirm that for three and one-half hours, German planes bombarded with unheard-of fury the defenseless civilian population of the historic city of Gernika, reducing it to ashes, chasing with machine-gun fire women and children who perished in great number, fleeing the stampede of others driven mad by panic. Guernica soon became a world-famous symbol of the suffering of innocents during war. This inspired Pablo Picasso, a famous Spanish painter, to create his famous painting: Guernica. A reproduction of this painting hangs today in the United Nations Security Council lobby to remind delegates of the tragedy and what it has come to represent. Write 2 paragraphs in Spanish to your teacher about the effects of the Spanish Civil war and what you believe the images in Picasso's Guernica represent.



All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers.” - Francois Fenelon In the 1930s, Spain was in conflict. Conservatives wanted to keep a Catholic monarchy in control and reformists wanted a state with elected representatives. This political clash of ideas spilled into the streets as many people demanded change and police arrested many in an attempt to keep the peace. In 1936, the conflict reached a boiling point. The new prime minister sent some military officers away from the mainland, fearful that they were conspiring to overthrow the government. One of these officers was sent to the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa. His name was General Francisco Franco. He immediately took control of the islands, then flew to Morocco and assumed control there. The takeover of Spain by the military was supposed to be quick, but the government found out about it and civil war broke out. The war lasted from 1936 until 1939 when Franco declared victory after much suffering and bloodshed. There were many terrible things done on both sides of the conflict. One of those was the bombing of a small Basque town called Guernica. The attack destroyed nearly the entire city, and there were many casualties. A Basque man named José Antonio Aguirre testified: Before God and before History which must judge us all, I affirm that for three and one-half hours, German planes bombarded with unheard-of fury the defenseless civilian population of the historic city of Gernika, reducing it to ashes, chasing with machine-gun fire women and children who perished in great number, fleeing the stampede of others driven mad by panic. Guernica soon became a world-famous symbol of the suffering of innocents during war. This inspired Pablo Picasso, a famous Spanish painter, to create his famous painting: Guernica. A reproduction of this painting hangs today in the United Nations Security Council lobby to remind delegates of the tragedy and what it has come to represent. Write 2 paragraphs in Spanish to your teacher about the effects of the Spanish Civil war and what you believe the images in Picasso's Guernica represent.

Explanation:All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers.” - Francois Fenelon In the 1930s, Spain was in conflict. Conservatives wanted to keep a Catholic monarchy in control and reformists wanted a state with elected representatives. This political clash of ideas spilled into the streets as many people demanded change and police arrested many in an attempt to keep the peace. In 1936, the conflict reached a boiling point. The new prime minister sent some military officers away from the mainland, fearful that they were conspiring to overthrow the government. One of these officers was sent to the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa. His name was General Francisco Franco. He immediately took control of the islands, then flew to Morocco and assumed control there. The takeover of Spain by the military was supposed to be quick, but the government found out about it and civil war broke out. The war lasted from 1936 until 1939 when Franco declared victory after much suffering and bloodshed. There were many terrible things done on both sides of the conflict. One of those was the bombing of a small Basque town called Guernica. The attack destroyed nearly the entire city, and there were many casualties. A Basque man named José Antonio Aguirre testified: Before God and before History which must judge us all, I affirm that for three and one-half hours, German planes bombarded with unheard-of fury the defenseless civilian population of the historic city of Gernika, reducing it to ashes, chasing with machine-gun fire women and children who perished in great number, fleeing the stampede of others driven mad by panic. Guernica soon became a world-famous symbol of the suffering of innocents during war. This inspired Pablo Picasso, a famous Spanish painter, to create his famous painting: Guernica. A reproduction of this painting hangs today in the United Nations Security Council lobby to remind delegates of the tragedy and what it has come to represent. Write 2 paragraphs in Spanish to your teacher about the effects of the Spanish Civil war and what you believe the images in Picasso's Guernica represent.

Answer:the crimean war was the first to be documented for civilizations

Explanation: bc i guessed and got it right

Select the verb form that correctly completes the sentence. Yo ___________________ a las islas para mis vacaciones. A. fui B. fue C. fueron D. fuiste


a.) fui !!!!! :)))))))


A) Fui

Yo fui a las islas para mis vacaciones

Escoge la mejor opción para completar la frase con las palabras correctas. Choose the best option to complete the sentence with the correct words. Una serie de cuentas con una cruz y que es muy importante para las personas que practican la fe católica es ________. (1 point) Group of answer choices el rosario el azabache el amuleto el mal de ojo



Its not el rosario


What is on spanish 3 module 3 dba on flvs?


need more information

Read and write a short portion of a dialogue. Write a short portion of a dialogue—both sides of the conversation—in Spanish between you and your doctor, Dr. Romero, in complete sentences. Use the vocabulary from this lesson and the following suggestions as a guide for your answer: You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿ *Note: The sample sentences/questions in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences. You must come up with your own original answers, keeping academic integrity intact. Have the doctor greet you. (e.g., Hi, good morning.) Ask him/her how he is doing in one sentence. (e.g., Good morning, doctor; how are you?) Hint: Remember to use the formal format when taking to an adult or a person whom you just met or do not know very well yet.



(You'll have to add accents on your own)

Doctor: Hola,buenos dias.

you: Hola doctor romeo,como estas usted?

Doctor: Bien, y tu?

You: Soy mal, tengo un dolor en mi cuerpo.

Doctor: Donde esta el dolor?

You: Es en mi cabeza.

Doctor: OK,veta a casa y descansa

You: Gracias doctor Romeo,adios!

Doctor: Adios!


is manzanas masculine or feminine​


Answer: Manzanas (apples) is a feminine noun

Explanation: Feminine nouns in Spanish typically end in -a and masculine nouns end in -o




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