redactar una valoración sobre la literatura romántica. Primero responde a las preguntas que se te plantean para generar ideas, después relaciona de forma lógica esas ideas para formar un texto coherente y cohesionado sobre tu percepción del Romanticismo. Relaciona tus respuestas para formar dos o tres párrafos en el que expreses tu valoración sobre este movimiento literario

. ¿Qué es el Romanticismo?

El mayor estandarte de los románticos es la libertad. ¿Qué opinas de ello?

¿Consideras que el Romanticismo consiste únicamente en tratar temas relacionados con el amor?

Estás de acuerdo con los románticos en realzar la emoción sobre la razón, explica.


Answer 1


1- El Romanticismo es una revolución artística, social, política e ideológica cuyos principios son la libertad, el individualismo y los sentimientos.

2- El mayor estandarte de los románticos es la libertad porque necesitan vencer las convenciones y las tiranías, para ellos lo más importante es defender la dignidad humana.

3- El Romanticismo no solo trata temas de amor sino también la exaltación de las emociones y la libertad del artista.

4- Considero que es preferible razonar antes que actuar, sobre todo si se trata de temas tan complejos como el amor.


Romanticism is a literary and art movement that emerged in the 18th century that emphasized inspiration and imagination.

Answer 2

Invitamos a leer el texto sobre el romanticismo abajo.

Como preparar un texto sobre la literatura romántica

En esta pregunta debemos construir dos o tres párrafos que respondan las preguntas contenidas en el enunciado y que oriente a cualquier lector sobre las características fundamentales de la literatura romántica:

El Romanticismo fue un movimiento político, artístico y cultural que surgió en Europa, principalmente en Inglaterra y Alemania, y tuvo su apogeo entre los años 1790 y 1850 en reacción a los movimientos de la Ilustración y el neoclasicismo.

Este movimiento tenía como valor fundamental la libertad, pues por medio de ella se manifiesta la subjetividad, muy vinculada a los sentimientos y emociones de los individuos, que alimenta de vida y vigor el carácter de los pueblos y las naciones.

La literatura romántica recurrió mucho a los temas relacionados con el amor como aplicación orgánica de los ideales de la subjetividad, la libertad y la vivencia de las emociones humanas, pero también habló de los pueblos, su historia y sus costumbres, muy en sintonía con las corrientes nacionalistas que crecían en Europa como consecuencia de la Revolución Francesa.

Pese a la importancia de las emociones dentro de la subjetividad humana, no resulta sano idealizarla ni satanizar la razón, puesto que una razón humanizada por los buenos sentimientos permite vivir una situación de libertad con responsabilidad y mesura.

Para aprender más sobre el romanticismo, invitamos cordialmente a ver esta pregunta verificada:

Related Questions

Compare and contrast the Greek and Roman civil war.


Greek fought the civil war for the first time, whereas the Roman had participated in many civil wars which also included bloody battles and aggressive politics.

What were the basic differences between the Greeks and the Romans?

Greek and Romans were the two great empires that had the similarities in the term of goals, influence but contrasting in terms of government control. The Greeks influenced many aspects of the Roman civilization.

Both Greece and Rome were the Mediterranean countries, and similar in the growing of wine and olives. Greek and Romans founded the politics, literatures, philosophy, theatre, arts and so on.

Some major differences between both the empire are that the Greeks focused on their behavior and life on the now, they never planned for the after death life. However, Romans the people with good moral and ideals could become the god or goddess after death.

Learn more about Greeks and the Romans here:-


How did European competition for colonies affect Africa?

A: countries were created without regard for traditional ethnic groupings

B: European colonies treated African colonies with respect

C: The division of Africa by European country stop the spread of Islam

D: competition end of the west African and East African slave trade’s





the frontiers that the colonists drew did not take into account traditional ethnic groupings at all

Africa was affected by European competition for colonies in such a way that the nations were formed without consideration for traditional ethnic groupings. As a result, choice (A) is appropriate.

What effects did European competition for colonies have on Africa?

Africa was impacted by European competition for colonies since all of the natural resources were quickly drained. As they employed slaves to gather said natural resources, it also increased slavery. As a result of the Europeans dividing tribal territory along lines that produced inequality and apartheid, it gave rise to interethnic violence.

Additionally, Europeans pushed Africans to engage in conflict with one another in order to obtain dominance. Ethnic groups clashed as a result of new political boundaries. Political and ethnic unrest are now present in Africa as a result of this. Because of the colonial boundaries established by Europeans, there have been more than 50 ethnic conflicts in Africa since World War II.

Hence, option (A) is accurate.

Learn more about European Competition, from:


Which option was not one of Roosevelt’s foreign policy accomplishments? A. brokering a peace deal among Spain, Britain, France, and Austria-Hungary B. mediating a truce and treaty between the warring nations of Russia and Japan C. intervening on the behalf of debtor nations Venezuela and Santo Domingo D. supporting Panamanian independence in order to build the Panama Canal



Correct Answer:

C. intervening on the behalf of debtor nations Venezuela and Santo Domingo


As the president of United States of America, much of his foreign policy focused on the threats such as those posed by Japan in the Pacific and Germany in the Caribbean Sea. Also, seeking to minimize European power in Latin America, he mediated in the Venezuela Crisis which is naval blockade against Venezuela by the Britain, Germany and Venezuela due to debt.

Which of the following statements would most likely have been spoken by a Democrat during the Jacksonian era?
In this tut
a.) "We are convinced that the national bank is popular with voters, and the president should bend to the will
of the people."
the nation
anger cont
renew the
b.) "A national bank is an institution that exists only for the benefit of elite businessmen and merchants."
Jackson ad
American pa
c.) "The government's right to establish a national bank is supported by the Constitution and is necessary for
national economic stability."
Our discussid
1. The Bank
2. The Bank
d.) "Our party grew out of opposition to Andrew Jackson and his policies."
3. The After
4. Whigs
5. Rise of the
1. The Banks



b.) "A national bank is an institution that exists only for the benefit of elite businessmen and merchants."


Jacksonian Democrats saw themselves as the defenders of the Constitution of the United States. They emphasized the greater role of the federal government on issues such as political freedom, individual freedom, and employment opportunities. They supported Jackson on his bank of war because they saw it as an effort to encourage equality and remove a monopoly in the hands of the wealthy elite.

the Montreal protocol has been revised and amended several times since its conception reflect in what aspect of design​



Design is iterative


Are you surprised to hear what Jesus said about the scribes and Pharisees? Those actions, don't we do the same thing? Who’s glory do you seek and why?

Matthew 23:23-26


I'm not really surprised about what Jesus said about the scribes and the Pharisees because, according to what the Bible relates through the four gospels, which give great indications of the social form in the time of Jesus, people like the scribes and the Pharisees sought to enrich themselves by promulgating the word of God and only pretending.

The Pharisees, as Matthew 23:23 says, did not act with justice or mercy, therefore, I consider that Jesus simply told them something that corresponded to the truth of his hearts.

Very surely today people make mistakes, sometimes we are unjust, some other people are unfaithful or hypocritical, but perhaps what differentiates a current person from the Pharisees is that he does not regularly enact good works pretending to be holy (in most cases cases), but we are aware that, as sinful people, we must consider our actions and expect to improve day after day.

Personally, I seek the glory of God, because he is the one who has given us all the blessings that we currently enjoy and who protects us at all times, I feel protected knowing that God approves my way of acting.

If you want to know a little more about the justice promulgated in the bible, please visit the following link:

Who did America fight in the War of Independence?



The Great Britain


The Revolutionary War (1775-83), also known as the American Revolution, arose from growing tensions between residents of Great Britain’s 13 North American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown. Skirmishes between British troops and colonial militiamen in Lexington and Concord in April 1775 kicked off the armed conflict, and by the following summer, the rebels were waging a full-scale war for their independence. France entered the American Revolution on the side of the colonists in 1778, turning what had essentially been a civil war into an international conflict. After French assistance helped the Continental Army force the British surrender at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781, the Americans had effectively won their independence, though fighting would not formally end until 1783.

What is the main point Engels is making in this passage?


Industrialization has created poor living conditions for the people.

Which of these sped up the production of
industrial goods in the U.S. in the 1920s, but
cost workers their jobs?
A. surplus of crops
B. machines in factories
C. the stock market crash
D. consumer spending decrease


Answer: I'll see what I can find


A plebeian and a patrician are both observed committing the same crime.
How would they end up being treated by Roman law.




The plebeian is judged guilty, while the patrician is judged innocent.


How was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution received in Congress? A. It divided Congress by party lines B. It never went through Congress, only through the President C. They were actively opposed to it D. It was nearly unanimously supported


Answer: B

Explanation: My Grandma was a history major and she said so

which of these contributed to the union victory in the civil war



In February 1864, Lincoln appointed Grant General-in-Chief of the Union armies, and they began piecing together the means to win the war. For over 2 years, Lincoln and his commanders pursued objectives without a unifying strategic goal

Explanation: I remember this because I have a good memory on what i have learned from my teacher

Why does Travis kill eckels? Explain your answer


Travis kills Eckels because, by leaving the path and stepping on a butterfly, Eckels has destroyed their reality. The world they return to is similar...
Travis kills Eckels because, by leaving the path and stepping on a butterfly, Eckels has destroyed their reality. Eckels disobeyed the rules of traveling back into time to the dinosaur age—but as we will see, Bradbury implies it is more complicated than that.

HistoWhat happen when Japan attacked the Philippines and defeated American forces there



The victory of Japan marked the beginning of a domination of more than three years of the Japanese Empire over the Republic of the Philippines. The Allied survivors spent all this time under a harsh treatment by the victors, which included atrocities such as the March of Death shortly after the fall of Bataan and, for many thousands, slow death in concentration camps in appalling conditions and under inhumane treatment of Japanese soldiers

Many of these prisoners were sent to Japan on "death ships" to carry out slave labor in mines and factories. The Japanese did not mark the hulls and deck of these ships with the acronym P.O.W. (Prisioners of War) that identified them in the event of an air strike, and dozens of them were sunk by Allied airplanes, killing their occupants who were traveling in crowded basements with little ventilation, no food or water, and in which many died before reach the destination.

Describe the Mound Builders (quick summary would be extremely helpful!)



The various cultures collectively termed "Mound Builders" were inhabitants of North America who, during a 5,000-year period, constructed various styles of earthen mounds for religious, ceremonial, burial, and elite residential purposes.

escribe una breve explicacion de por que empieza la historia con esta fraze "QUE GRAN DECEPCION TENIA EL JOVEN DE ESTA HISTORIA"


Porque no se escucha bien.

Which route did the Northern Pacific Railway follow to Washington?
a. It ran along the western United States to Seattle.
b. It ran across the northern United States to Seattle.
c. It ran along the western United States to Kalama.
d. It ran across the northern United States to Kalama.



Throughout the mid-1880s, the Northern Pacific pushed to reach Puget Sound directly, rather than by means of a roundabout route that followed the Columbia River. Surveys of the Cascade Mountains, carried out intermittently since the 1870s, began anew.

Why are there different branches and schools of thought on Buddhism?



Geographical isolation and different goals.


Theravada Buddhism is more stripped down and bare than Mahayana Buddhism, and the simple reason is that Mahayana Buddhism was practiced in more prosperous areas (coincidentally near the Silk Road at the time), so merchants would pay good money or give expensive goods to Buddhist monasteries to ensure good business or safe travels. The more stripped-down Buddhism is nearer to the birthplace of the religion, India, where Theravada Buddhism was the minor religion and thus became more of a spiritual practice with less rituals. Hirayana... yeah you're on your own. Sorry Hirayana Buddhism doesn't really have a reason and it's pretty obscure to even see in practice in 2020.

Who was Hernando de Soto? (quick summary would be extremely helpful!)



In simple words Hernando de Soto was a Spanish explorer and conquistador who participated in the conquests of Central America and Peru and discovered the Mississippi River.


Hernando de Soto was a Spanish explorer and conquistador.


which economic system has the theory that all property she be owned by the government and distributed fairly to the people. A. Capitalism B. Communism C. Fascism D. Socialism



Those views on public assets and property rights are a major part of communist theory and philosophy.

So B communism is your answer

How did changes in manufacturing in the late 70s and early eighteen hundreds of people living in cities in the North



Northern manufacturing extended the use of power-driven machines to a wider range of commodities in the middle decades of the century. By 1860, the United States was second only to Great Britain and France in manufacturing. Stationary steam engines powering advanced machinery allowed factories to set up in the nation’s largest cities (1999.396). Affordable books and color prints from the new printing presses disseminated new fashions and ideas connecting urban and rural, East and West. By 1850, nine out of every ten adult white Americans could read, and millions bought books. Women in particular became prodigious readers, as well as the authors of many books and magazine articles (17.104).


Why did colonists feel the Articles of Confederation were necessary even though the Declaration of Independence was already written?Which responsibilities were assigned to the central government under the Articles of Confederation?





Choose all that apply. Which of the following were philosophers during the Renaissance?



Thomas More and Niccolo Machiavelli


List wasn't included so i assumed this was the answer.

In one paragraph, explain why leaders of the women's rights movement decided to model the Declaration of Sentiments after the Declaration of Independence.



Declaration of Sentiments, document, outlining the rights that American women should be entitled to as citizens, that emerged from the Seneca Falls Convention in New York in July 1848. Three days before the convention, feminists Lucretia Mott, Martha C. Wright, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Mary Ann McClintock met to assemble the agenda for the meeting along with the speeches that would be made. The Declaration of Sentiments, written primarily by Stanton, was based on the Declaration of Independence to parallel the struggles of the Founding Fathers with those of the women’s movement. As one of the first statements of the political and social repression of American women, the Declaration of Sentiments met with significant hostility upon its publication and, with the Seneca Falls Convention, marked the start of the women’s rights movement in the United States.

are big business /monopoliws good for society or bad and why​


Im some industries it is beneficial while others it is not.

This excerpt is from a campaign speech given by albert j. beveridge in september 1898. the speech was entitled "the march of the flag." "the ocean does not separate us from lands of our duty and desire. . cuba not contiguous! porto rico not contiguous! hawaii and the philippines not contiguous! the oceans make them contiguous. and our navy will make them contiguous."which statement best describes the controversy between imperialists such as beveridge and anti-imperialists over the terms of the treaty of paris of 1899?
a. they disagreed over the annexation of cuba.
b. they disagreed over the annexation of hawaii.
c. they disagreed over the acquisition of the philippines.
d. they disagreed over the purchase of puerto rico and guam.





'The Mark of the Flag' is a speech delivered by Albert J. Beveridge. Beveridge was an imperialist and a senator of Indiana Polis. On 16th September, 1898, he delivered 'The Mark of the Flag' speech after a truce was signed before the end of Spain war. Beveridge dreamed of an imperialist America which was accepted by many other Americans also.

The controversy between imperialists and anti-imperialist was over the acquisition of Philipines. After the war with Spain ended with the sign of Treaty of Paris, Spain ceded Philipines.

From the given options, thus, the correct one is option C.


The answer is C, "they disagreed over the acquisition of the Philippines."


The acquisition of the Philippines was quite controversial, as many Americans and senators found it to be imperialism at its worst, some of which forming the Anti-Imperialist League as a result. Another concern was that it would increase immigration and threaten the jobs of American workers. I hope this helps!

What are the sacred texts or holy books for
each of the three major monotheistic faiths?



Judaism- The Torah

Christianity- The Bible

Islam- The Quran  


The three religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam part of monotheism. Monotheism is to worship one god while denying the presence of different gods. These three religions were all born in the Middle East. Christianity was born from within the Jewish tradition, and Islam originated from both Christianity and Judaism. Judaism begins as a result of the connection between God and Abraham.

The Torah accepted to be a holy book for Jewish people. The Torah is also known as the Jewish bible, which refers to the five books of Moses.

The Bible tells the story of the Creator and his creation.

The Quran is the sacred book in the lives of Muslims. The book conveys the message of god received by the prophet Muhammad.

>> Look at the pictures. Under each write what it represents



Great wall China

It represent the borders that China made to seprate it from the other countries

What is the “melting pot” theory?



The melting pot theory is when multiple people from different places, heritages, and cultures come together and unite



Melting Pot: is a metaphor for describing the assimilation of immigrants into American culture. It relies on the image of people from different cultures and backgrounds mixing and melting together into one big cultural pot. The melting pot metaphor comes from the fusing together of melted metal material.

Which is these came first, the chicken or the egg?​



MAYBE THE EGG .............

Answer: I believe it was the chicken, but I could be wrong


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Switch off the lights, then you can leave. (BEFORE) Switch off the lights ... He is one of the people who runs the youth club. (INVOLVED) He is ... the youth club. She went on her own and did not wait for the others. (INSTEAD) She went on her own ... for the others. He does not always remember people's names. (BAD) He ... people's names. You can only improve if you work harder. (BY) You can only improve ... harder. Why didn't she give you her phone number? (REFUSE) Why ... you her phone number. They couldn't drive home because of heavy snowfall. (PREVENTED) Heavy snowfall ... home. I really don't want to go out tonight. (PREFER) I ... out tonight. He was punished for his bad behaviour. (BADLY) If he ..., he wouldn't have been punished. She found it hard to answer the test questions . (DIFFICULTY) She ... the test questions. We started eating after all the guests had arrived. (UNTIL) We ... all the guests had arrived. Did Timothy say why he was late? (REASON) Did Timothy ... late? 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