the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and epinephrine function as hormones, and are secreted by which structure?


Answer 1

Your adrenal gland, which is also reached by the neurotransmitter noradrenaline, releases the chemicals noradrenaline and adrenaline (epinephrine) (norepinephrine). Your blood carries these hormones to every region of your body. They once again enter your eyes, heart, airways, skin's blood vessels, and adrenal gland.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are secreted by chromaffin cells, which are adrenal medulla cells.

Two neurotransmitters known as epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are called hormones, are members of the catecholamine chemical class. They act as hormones, affecting various physiological systems and energizing the central nervous system. Nerve cells in the brainstem region and a region close to the spinal cord produce norepinephrine. The sympathetic nervous system, which is a component of your body's immediate "fight-or-flight" response to danger, produces norepinephrine.

To know more about neurotransmitters


Related Questions

In humans, impulses that control the voluntary muscles of the skeleton travel along the nerves of the?.


In humans, impulses that control the voluntary muscles of the skeleton travel along the nerves of the Somatic system.

A division of your peripheral nervous system that permeates almost every aspect of your body is the somatic nervous system. This system's nerves transmit data from your senses to your brain. They also transmit orders from your brain to your muscles, allowing you to move.

More specifically, the reflex arc and voluntary muscle action are both controlled by the somatic nervous system. Between the central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord, and the skeletal muscles, skin, and sensory organs, this system relays nerve signals.

Thus, the control of voluntary muscles of the skeletal system is done by sensory nerves.

To know more about Somatic system visit the link:


Identify the reproductive advantages seed plants have over seedless vascular plants and nonvascular plants


Ones with seeds have certain advantages over plants without seeds. For instance, when a seed germinates, the budding plant utilises the food that is stored there. There is no stored nourishment in the spores of seedless plants to aid in the growth of a new plant. The ability of animals to disperse seeds is another benefit of seed plants.

An embryo starts to develop throughout the process of germination into a new plant known as a seedling. Because of the aforementioned factors, seeds had a better probability of reproducing than seedless plants (spores).

Genetic material from both parents is present in seeds that are created by fertilisation. As a result, none of the parent plants' and the offspring are genetically similar. They may be able to survive if the environment changes thanks to their genetic variety. Pollination, the act of sexual reproduction in flowering plants, is how it happens.

To learn more about seed plants, refer


the small fish known as the cleaner wrasse is found in a mutualistic relationship with larger fish species. what benefit does the cleaner wrasse obtain from the relationship?


The benefit of reliable food sources is the cleaner wrasse obtained from the relationship.

In this relationship, the cleaner wrasses establish "cleaning stations" where they consume parasites and dead skin cells from obedient reef fish. By getting rid of those parasites, the reef fish benefit, and the wrasses get a new source of food. A reciprocal relationship exists between cleaner fish and larger fish. The reason for this is that the cleaner fish feeds on the large fish's dangerous parasites and other small sources of food.

The larger fish benefit because they no longer have these parasites on them, and the cleaner fish get a meal as a result. More often than not, larger fish wait in "cleaning stations" for cleaner fish to come and remove these things from them. Even cleaners can be found among some small shrimp.

Learn to know more about Mutualism on


in a diploid individual, one chromosome carries f and b genes, and the homologous chromosome carries different forms (alleles) of these same genes, f and b. see the image below for an illustration of the diploid, the original cell at the start of meiosis. if there is no crossover of the non-sister chromatids during the early phases of meiosis, the genotypes of the resulting gametes will be:


The resulting genotype would be fB, fB, Fb, Fb if no crossing over of non-sister chromatids occurs during the early stages of meiosis

Homologous recombination is the genetic outcome of a physical exchange between two aligned identical DNA regions on two distinct chromosomes or on the same chromosome (HR). Numerous markers surround the exchange region, and HR is present on the majority of homologous chromosomes.

To learn more about chromosomes click here:


When a human donor gives a pint of blood, it usually requires how many weeks for
the body
RESERVE of red corpuscles to be replaced? Is it:


When a human donor gives a pint of blood, it usually requires 7 weeks for the body RESERVE of red corpuscles to be replaced.

What are red corpuscles?

Red blood cells, also referred to as red cells, red blood corpuscles, haematids, erythroid cells or erythrocytes, are the most common type of blood cell and the vertebrate's principal means of delivering oxygen to the body tissues—via blood flow through the circulatory system.

Moreover, red blood cells carry oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our bodies. Then they make the return trip, taking carbon dioxide back to our lungs to be exhaled.

Therefore, blood and lymph cells are both considered to be corpuscles because they are suspended in liquid within the body. Sometimes the word is used to mean simply "a small piece of something,".

Learn more about red corpuscles:


what class of barrier to gene flow would we be observing if we noted that the offspring of a lion and a tiger (two different species) are awkward, gangly beasts that have poor survival in the wild?


The lion and tiger's postzygotic barrier progeny are ungainly, gangly animals with a low chance of surviving in the wild.

What sort of barrier is a postzygotic barrier?

Low hybrid viability is one type of postzygotic obstacle to development. In this environment, hybrid offspring are born, but because of their decreased fitness, they are less likely to mature . Another illustration is hybrid sterility, in which hybrid offspring are healthy but sterile.

Why do postzygotic barriers occur?

When the fitness of hybrids, independent of environment, is persistently lower than of either parental species, as a result of factors like hybrid inviability or sterility, intrinsic postzygotic barriers arise.

To know more about postzygotic barriers visit:


Q5: Based on your answer to Q3, how many of those units does each of the above have?
Circle each unit" in the above molecules.


Carbohydrates are made up of monosaccharide; lipids are made up of Glycerol and fatty acids and Proteins are made up of Amino acids.

What are Carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are the simple sugar molecules which consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms having a ratio of hydrogen–oxygen of 2:1. One of three main nutrients along with proteins and fats.

Body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose which is the main source of energy for your body's cells, tissues, and organs and can be used immediately or stored in the liver and muscles for later use.

There are three main types of carbohydrates:


They are also called simple carbohydrates as they are present in the most basic form.


They are complex carbohydrates made up of lots of simple sugars strung together.


It is also a complex carbohydrate which cannot be break down

Thus, Carbohydrates are made up of monosaccharide; lipids are made up of Glycerol and fatty acids and Proteins are made up of Amino acids.

Learn more about Carbohydrates, here


some crocodiles and turtles have an exceptional ability to divert blood flow through the heart when they are diving and no longer breathing and exchanging gases. what most likely occurs when these animals dive?


When diving, blood moves to the rest of the body to support physical processes rather than the lungs.

Their left aorta emerges from the right ventricle, and their right aorta from the left. A valve that resembles a pair of cog-teeth and is located at the top of the right ventricle, which the animals can actively regulate to reroute blood flow, adds to the anatomical intricacy.

To learn more about blood click here:


Can mathematical representation support that momentum is conserved when there is no force on the object?


The momentum of a system is conserved when there is no external force applied on the object. This can be represented by mathematical expression: (m₁u₁ + m₂u₂ = m₁v₁ + m₂v₂).

What is Momentum?

Momentum is a property of a moving object which the object has by the virtue of its mass and motion. It is the product of the body's mass and velocity.

Conservation of linear momentum expresses that a body or system of bodies in motion retains its total momentum. The product of mass and vector velocity constant, until and unless an external force is applied on it. In an isolated system, there is no external force, so momentum is always conserved.

To have the momentum conserved, a system must meet two requirements:

1. Total Mass of the system must remain constant during the interaction.

2. The net external force on the system must be equal to zero.

The mathematical expression for the conservation of momentum is:

(m₁u₁ + m₂u₂ = m₁v₁ + m₂v₂)

Learn more about Momentum here:


bones will usually heal after they have been severely damaged so long as the cellular components of the endosteum and periosteum survive and there is a(n)


Bones will usually heal after they have been severely damaged so long as the cellular components of the endosteum and periosteum survive and there is an ossification center.

An ossification center is the starting site for cartilage ossification. The cartilage cells at this stage grow and arrange themselves in rows, which is the first stage of ossification. The first region of a bone to begin ossifying is called the main ossification center. In the middle of each growing bone during fetal development, it typically manifests. While the major centers of irregular bones typically occur in the body of the bone, they typically occur in the diaphysis/shaft of long bones.

To learn more about bones, visit the link below:


What is a non-example of chloroplasts in real life term?



Mitochondria is a non-example of chloroplasts.


Chloroplasts are only found within Plant Matter.

what information could be obtained from wolf scat? a. dna profiles b. vegetation preference c. presence of arthritis d. amount of urea e. time since last meal


DNA profiles could be obtained from wolf scat. DNA profile can inform a scientist about the origins of the sample's DNA, including whether it came from a man, woman, or any other type of organism.

DNA profiling is the process of obtaining a particular DNA pattern, or profile, from an individual or a sample of body tissue.

Human DNA profiles can be used to establish parentage or determine the source of a DNA sample from a crime scene.

The following purposes of DNA profiling include identifying the likely source of a bodily fluid sample connected to a crime or crime scene and revealing family links.

To learn more about DNA profiling click here,


How has the development of organoids helped in treating snakebites?(1 point)
A. Organoids provide toxins that help to build immunity in communities with dangerous snake populations.
B. Organoids replace stem cells in the snake that make the dangerous venom.
C. Organoids provide laboratory produced antivenin to treat a variety of snakebites.
D. Organoids help to differentiate cells in the victims of snakebites.


The development of organoids helped in treating snakebites in the sense that they provide laboratory produced antivenin to treat a variety of snakebites (Option C).

What are organoids?

The term organoids here make reference to tridimensional model structures derived from embryonic and/or adult venom snake glands which have been developed using stem cells and holds promise to be used in the future.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the organoids can be defined as tridimensional model structures obtained from venom snake glands which are cultured as stem cells in order to obtain an outcome.

Learn more about organoids here:


biologists have been able to produce mice that lack functioning genes for aquaporins. how would the urine of these mice compare to that of mice with normal aquaporins?


Higher volume and decreased osmolarity are seen in the urine. As a result, the urine is less osmolar than regular pee and has a bigger volume.

What about aquaporins?The majority of aquaporins answer osmotic gradients produced by active solute transport by moving water across cell membranes as their main job.Anybody of a variety of proteins found in cell membranes that let water flow through the membrane.Osmotic gradients control the flow of water through aquaporins.Red cells placed into water will grow and explode because water enters the cell, but red cells thrown into seawater would shrink because water exits the cells.Aquaporins (AQP) are essential membrane proteins that act as conduits for the passage of water and, occasionally, tiny solutes.Animals, plants, and microorganisms all have them preserved.The most Intrinsic Protein (MIP) group of channel proteins, mentioned as aquaporins (AQP), features a big impact on how plants interact with water.Transport of water and other tiny, neutral molecules through cellular biological membranes is the first function of aquaporins in plants.Aquaporins (AQPs) are essential to life and are responsible for preserving water homeostasis and transferring solutes.In response to osmotic gradients in cells, AQPs are tiny integral membrane water transport proteins

Learn more about aquaporins here:


Circle the letter of the correct choice.
1. If an atom were the size of a football stadium, the nucleus would be about the
size of a
a. microwave oven.
b. basketball.
c. pea.
d. car.





C because the nucleus is extremely small

if there are five different types of bases in mrna instead of four, what will be the minimum codon length needed to specify for 4, 20, and 30 different codons, or amino acids?


There are 64 combinations of 4 nucleotides taken three at a time and only 20 amino acids, the code is degenerate.

The protein-coding nucleotide triplets known as codons are found in the mRNA templates. Each triplet is always associated with a certain amino acid. Anticodons, which are nucleotide triplets in tRNA, decode the codons in the mRNA.

What about amino acids?Proteins are made up of substances called amino acids. Proteins and amino acids are the components of life. Amino acids are the byproducts of the digestion or breakdown of proteins. Amino acids are used by the human body to create proteins that aid in: Dissect food. Isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, cysteine, tyrosine, histidine, and arginine are the 12 amino acids.The body cannot naturally generate essential amino acids; therefore we must get them from the foods we eat. Histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine are the nine essential amino acids. Compared to other foods, bananas do have a lot of seven of the nine essential amino acids. Banana lacks a little isoleucine and methionine. An average individual would need to consume 91 bananas (10750 grams) to get enough of each of the nine essential amino acids. Protein breakdown in the digestive system is insufficient. Anomalies in the body's biochemical processes that are inherited. A bad diet.Stress. The convenience of taking a supplement containing necessary amino acids is that you can do so whenever you want. Others like to take it on its own between meals, while some athletes choose to take it with their meals or in a protein smoothie. You can consume your necessary amino acids supplement before, during, or after working out.

Learn more about amino acids here:


Read the article to learn more about the types of RNA, specifically mRNA and tRNA. Use the information to answer the following question.
Explain the roles of mRNA and tRNA in protein synthesis.


The messenger RNA or mRNA is a transcription molecule that carries the information of the DNA gene sequence to be used as a template to generate a polypeptide chain, while the transfer RNA or tRNA acts during translation to transport amino acids to the site of protein synthesis.

What is mRNA?

The messenger RNA (mRNA) is a sequence obtained from the process of transcription which is complementary to the DNA gene sequence and serves to transport the genetic information from DNA to proteins. Moreover, the transfer RNAs (tRNAs) carry specific amino acids that are linked to the anticodon sequence and they are used during translation in the ribosomes.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that tRNA and mRNA are fundamental during protein synthesis.

Learn more about mRNA here:


The messenger RNA or mRNA is a transcription molecule that carries the information of the DNA gene sequence to be used as a template to generate a polypeptide chain, while the transfer RNA or tRNA acts during translation to transport amino acids to the site of protein synthesis.


edge 2023

Which ventilation allows warm air to escape while drawing in fresh, cooler air?
O Active
O Passive
O Natural
O Automatic


Passive ventilation allows warm air to escape while drawing in fresh, cooler air.

The correct option is B.

What is ventilation?

Air is moved through the conducting tubes between both the lungs and the atmosphere during ventilation, often known as breathing. Pressure gradients created by the diaphragm or thoracic muscles flexing cause the air to travel through the channels.

Why is ventilation important biology?

To keep the gradients in gas concentration in the alveoli, a breathing system is required. The concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen between both the blood and the alveoli causes gas diffusion.

What differentiates ventilation from respiration?

The processes of respiration and metabolism are separate. Physiologic respiration involves the exchange of gases in the cells and the alveoli (external respiration). Mechanical ventilation involves the movement of air (internal respiration).

To know more about Ventilation visit:


what is radial symmetry? answer when an organism cannot be divided to produce a mirror image when an organism can be divided two ways around the central axis to make a mirror image there is only one way an organism can be divided to make a mirror image when an organism can be divided multiple ways around their central axis to make a mirror image


Radial symmetry is a type of symmetry in which the body plan is divisible into identical parts all over a central axis.

Symmetry is a characteristic of assured organisms in which there is regularity in parts on a plane or all over an axis. Radial symmetry is a symmetry in which the sides display correspondence or constancy of parts all over a central axis. It is without left and right sides. On contrary, bilateral symmetry is more usual than radial symmetry.

Relatively fewer animals possess radial symmetry. Some of them are sea stars, sea anemones, jellyfish and sea urchins. In the plant kingdom, though, many flowers are manifesting radial symmetry.

Learn more about radial symmetry here:


According to the results of this experiment, germination of tobacco seeds during the first week is ______.


According to the results of this experiment, germination of tobacco seeds during the first week is increased by exposure to light.

It is presumable that light affects the germination of tobacco seeds in at least two different ways. It does this by first turning on the PHY signal pathway, which releases photo-dormancy and encourages germination. Second, in tobacco seeds that are not photo-dormant, light speeds up endosperm rupture. Therefore, on performing an experiment to germinate tobacco seeds, germination would increase on exposure to light.

Because the tobacco seed is so tiny, it must be sown indoors. It needs a minimum temperature of 65 degrees in order to germinate. Six weeks before the last frost, plant the seed in seed compost rather than potting soil. When planting, just lay the seed directly on top of the compost.

To know more about tobacco, refer to the following link:


what morphological features have traditionally been used to classify animals, but are now recognized as being less useful in determining evolutionary relationships than originally thought


segmentation; presence/absence of a coelom are the morphological features that have traditionally been used to classify animals but are now recognized as being less useful in determining evolutionary relationships.

Animals are primarily divided into groups based on their physical and developmental traits, such as their body plans. The morphological symmetry of genuine animals' body plans is one of their most notable characteristics. This implies that the distribution of their bodily components along an axis is balanced. The number of tissue layers that form throughout development, the existence or absence of an internal body cavity, and other aspects of embryological development, such as the mouth's and the anus's genesis, are additional characteristics.

The complete question is:

What morphological features have traditionally been used to classify animals, but are now recognized as being less useful in determining evolutionary relationships than originally thought?

To learn more about morphological characteristics please click on the given link:


question mode multiple choice question neurotransmitters function multiple choice question. only to stimulate neurons to fire. neither to stimulate nor inhibit neuron firing. only to inhibit neurons from firing. to stimulate or inhibit neuron firing.


Neurotransmitters have the ability to neither promote nor inhibit neuronal activation.

Option B is correct.

Multiple-choice question: Which neurotransmitter affects how muscles learn and remember things?

Acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is the sole member of its class of neurotransmitters. It is the major neurotransmitter linked to motor neurons and can be found in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. 14 Along with memory and learning, it affects how muscles move.

How are movements regulated by neurotransmitters?

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that affects how we move and how we stand. Additionally, it modifies mood and is essential for both dependence and reinforcement. Muscle rigidity characteristic of Parkinson's disease is brought on by dopamine depletion in some areas of the brain.

To know more about stimulate neurons visit:-


whose experimental findings were that second generation reappearance of characteristics present in one of the grandparents used in his studies demonstrated that inheritance was particulate and mixing did not alter genes?


Gregor Mendel findings demonstrated that inheritance was particulate and mixing did not alter genes.

Gregor Mendel, discovered the fundamental law of inheritance . He said the genes usually come in pairs and get inherited as unique units, as  one from each parent. Mendel also state the law of segregation of parent gene and their appearance as dominant and recessive gene in offspring.

Mendel performed his experiment on pea plant ,Mendel developed three principles of inheritance that described the transmission of genetic traits. He performed this experiment by choosing seven different characteristic of pea plants .

To learn more about Gregor Mendel , here


Repeated irrigation in dry climates leads to accumulation of salts in the upper layers of the soil, a process called ____.


Repeated irrigation in dry climates leads to accumulation of salts in the upper layers of the soil, a process called salinization.

Soil salinity is the quantity of salt withinside the soil.  The system of growing the salt content material is referred to as salinization.  Salt is a certainly taking place compound determined in soil and water.  Salinization may be due to herbal strategies which include mineral leaching or the withdrawal of salt deposits from the oceans.  Salinization also can arise because of human sports which include irrigation.

The accumulation of an excessive amount of salt, particularly at the surface, is due to the motion of salt thr the capillary system from the element withinside the soil that's full of liquid with dissolved salts, to the surface.  The evaporation system attracts liquid from the soil to the surface, and the evaporated liquid leaves salt at the soil surface.  Concentrated salt also can come from chemical fertilizers.

To learn more about salinity, click here:


what is the most fundamental reason that taxonomy changes (sometimes rapidly), at all levels (order, family, genus, species, etc)?


When scientists discover new species that can trade type structures so that you can accommodate them. DNA sequencing has additionally let us discover more about evolutionary relationships.

There are new species of plant life and animals that have steadily developed. consequently, there may be a want to reclassify organisms based totally on their newly discovered trends. the new species have new traits that never existed before; hence, scientists have come up with new methods of category.

The species is the most essential unit in taxonomy and ranks at the bottom of the biological type hierarchy. members of the equal species proportion an equal evolutionary history and are extra carefully related to every apart from they're to some other organisms, inclusive of different contributors of the identical genus.

Learn more about taxonomy here:-


In the present day, is more carbon released or absorbed by the atmosphere? Why is this significant?

If CO₂ holds heat, what does this mean for Earth’s global temperature?

Which reservoir holds the most carbon on Earth?

Suggest one solution for increasing the amount of carbon being absorbed from the atmosphere. Present a short argument for why this suggestion will work.
(Refer to the Carbon Reservoirs table for ideas)



beautiful the temperature is to hot so the clouds can not sustain it

suppose prey move out of an area at a rate proportional to the number of predators in the area. how would you modify these systems to take this into account?


If prey moves out of an area at a rate proportional to the number of predators in the area, then the number of prey and predator would be equal leading to static growth.

Predators are living creatures that chase other living beings, called prey, in arrange to nourish and subsist through a vitality exchange within the shape of nourishment. It is an interaction where one life form is profited, whereas the other included is hurt.

The predator can expend prey totally, or as it were take a portion of it, even though it causes significant damage.

Prey moreover have versatile characteristics to guard themselves against predators. Camouflage capacity: much appreciated to which they can go unnoticed in their environment.

The colors can moreover serve as an alarm, with distinctive colors or designs that demonstrate to predators that they may be in peril in case they are hurt.

If you're inquisitive to know more animals that camouflage themselves, here you'll be able to discover more than 20 creatures that camouflage themselves.

Without predators, populace x develops over time without bounds. But with predators, it'll diminish relative to the number of predators y increased by the number of prey x, since of the number of intelligent between the two species.

Learn more about prey and predator at


How are the genes involved in the production of proteins?



Genes carry genetic material called RNA which are used for protein synthesis


Genes contain Codes from DNA .


They are two way in which genes can code for a Protein . A DNA in the nucleus (translation or transcription these are two process to send genes according to the needed ) with help of mRNA to the ribosomes and tRNA gather the specific amino acids for the specific protein .

All these can happen because genes contain the necessary codes for a specific protein .

How many chromosomes would a cell have after mitosis if it has 24 chromosomes during interphase?


If a cell has 24 chromosomes during interphase then after mitosis or mitotic division it will have 24 chromosomes.

Interphase is the resting phase between successive mitotic divisions of a cell, or between the first and second divisions of meiosis.

Mitosis or mitotic division is a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus, typical of ordinary tissue growth.

If a cell has 24 chromosomes during interphase then the daughter cell resulting from mitotic division or mitosis will have 24 chromosomes.

To know more about chromosomes:

The main function of prop roots in mangroves is to
A. aerate the plant
B. produce and store food
C. keep mangroves upright
D. absorb water far below the earth​


C: keep mangroves upright is my answer mark brainliest if correct and correct me if I’m wrong
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