topic about the life of Jeremiah 1 page(will get brainiest and 5 stars and thx)


Answer 1


Jeremías, Miguel Ángel, 1509.

Jeremías (Anatoth, Judea 650 a.C. - Daphnae, Egipto 585 a.C.) fue un profeta hebreo, hijo del sacerdote Hilcías. Jeremías vivió entre el 650-585 a.C. en Judá, Jerusalén, Babilonia y Egipto. Fue coetáneo de Ezequiel y anterior a Daniel.

Llamamiento y misión

Es autor del volumen de la Biblia conocido como el Libro de Jeremías. Se le atribuye a él la autoría de los libros de los Reyes y del Libro de las Lamentaciones. La labor de Jeremías el profeta fue llamar al arrepentimiento al reino de Judá y, principalmente, a los reyes Josías, Joacim (también llamado Joaquim), Joaquín1​ y Sedecías (también llamado Sedequías), debido al castigo impuesto por Yahvéh de que serían conquistados por los caldeos si no volvían su corazón hacia Dios. Su vida, como profeta, se caracterizó por soportar con una inquebrantable entereza los múltiples apremios y acusaciones que sufrió a manos de estos reyes y de los principales de Israel, desde azotes hasta ser abandonado en estanques o arrojado a las mazmorras.

La mayoría de sus profecías fueron escritas en rollos por el escriba Baruc, hijo de Nerías quien le acompañó en una buena parte de su misión.

Con sus profecías sobre la invasión de los "pueblos del norte" (Babilonia) desafió la política y el paganismo de los reyes de Judea, Joaquim y Sedecías y anunció el castigo de Yahvéh por la violencia y corrupción social, que rompían la alianza con Dios: Hablan de paz, pero no hay paz, escribió.

Según Jeremías,2​ la primera versión de su libro profético fue destruida a fuego por el rey Joaquim, bajo cuyo gobierno el profeta vivió en continuo peligro de muerte. La persecución contra Jeremías se acrecentó bajo el mandato de Sedecías. Este, a pesar de reconocerlo como portador de la palabra de Dios, lo trató con crueldad y lo acusó de espía de los babilonios, consecuencia de proclamar que Judá sería destruida si no se arrepentía de sus pecados y de no retomar la alianza con Yavhé. Jeremías llegó a lamentarse por su destino, pero finalmente decidió continuar su misión profética.3​

Jeremías llamó a liberar a los esclavos como muestra de conversión. En principio, su llamamiento fue acatado, aunque luego los amos volvieron a privar de la libertad a los que habían sido liberados. Esta actitud fue considerada por el profeta como el sello del destino que sobrevendría al reino Judá, de Sedequías y de Jerusalén.4​ El anuncio de la derrota de Judea fue acompañado, además, por la profecía sobre la futura destrucción de Babilonia,5​ y la instauración de la Nueva Alianza.

En el año 587 a. C. Nabucodonosor derrotó a los judíos, llevó cautivos a los notables, esclavizó a miles de personas, ejecutó a los hijos del rey en su presencia y luego le arrancó los ojos y lo llevó cautivo a Babilonia. En esa incursión, los babilonios destruyeron el Templo de Jerusalén. Únicamente los pobres fueron respetados y Jeremías se retiró a Mizpah y luego a Egipto. Nabucodonosor además protegió a Jeremías sacándolo de la prisión de Ramá (Belén) donde estaba encadenado junto a los principales cautivos de Jerusalén y Judá para que viviera entre los caldeos, este hecho lo llevó a ser tratado como un traidor y espía de los babilonios. Muchos judíos huyeron a Egipto y fueron también parte de las profecías de Jeremías.

Los otros hechos en la vida de Jeremías están narradas en los Paralipómenos de Jeremías6​ escritos por el Pseudo-Baruc.


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the bartering of goods for each other


The answer is (A) The bartering of goods for each other.

Explanation: Why? The truth is I did this quiz for FLVS and got it right. But the answer is quite simple. This helped get the Vedic Age get through life.

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In 1867, Canada became A DOMINION OF GREAT BRITAIN.

Let me know if this helps!

How are we able to decipher Hieroglyphics.



We can decipher Hieroglyphics thanks to the Rosetta Stone.


The Rosetta Stone is a large rock containing a decree issued during the Hellenistic period in Egypt (Ptolemaic Egypt).

The decree is written in two different hieroglyphic scripts, and also in Ancient Greek.

Because the Ancient Greek version of the script is the translation of the hieroglyphics, the Rosetta Stone became the key to translate the Ancient Egyptian Script.

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The Benin product that was regulated to the point of issuing executions for unlicensed workers was brass.

The Benin Empire in Africa  was located at what is now southern Nigeria.

At a certain point, brass casting was highly regulated. Brass casting is the use of molten brass to produce a product. After brass and copper were introduced into the Empire in the late 1400's, metalworkers developed more refined techniques. Artists were esteemed in the court, and those who hadn't been licensed by the King, if caught casting brass, would face execution as a punishment.

In conclusion, brass was the product regulated to the point of issuing executions for unlicensed workers in the Benin Empire.

Learn more about Benin here:

How was the Raj transformed from the jewel in Britain's imperial crown to the independent nations of India and Pakistan?


Reasons for independence:

The British Raj unravelled quickly in the 1940s, perhaps surprising after the empire in the east had so recently survived its greatest challenge in the shape of Japanese expansionism.

The reasons for independence were multifaceted and the result of both long and short term factors.

The pressure from the rising tide of nationalism made running the empire politically and economically very challenging and increasingly not cost effective. This pressure was embodied as much in the activities of large pan-national organisations like the Congress as in pressure from below - from the 'subalterns' through the acts of peasant and tribal resistance and revolt, trade union strikes and individual acts of subversion and violence.

With US foreign policy pressurising the end of western imperialism, it seemed only a matter of time before India gained its freedom.

There were further symptoms of the disengagement from empire. European capital investment declined in the inter-war years and India went from a debtor country in World War One to a creditor in World War Two. Applications to the Indian Civil Service (ICS) declined dramatically from the end of the Great War.

Britain's strategy of a gradual devolution of power, its representation to Indians through successive constitutional acts and a deliberate 'Indianisation' of the administration, gathered a momentum of its own. As a result, India moved inexorably towards self-government.

The actual timing of independence owed a great deal to World War Two and the demands it put on the British government and people.

The Labour party had a tradition of supporting Indian claims for self-rule, and was elected to power in 1945 after a debilitating war which had reduced Britain to her knees.

Furthermore, with US foreign policy pressurising the end of western subjugation and imperialism, it seemed only a matter of time before India gained its freedom.

Partition and religion:

The growth of Muslim separatism from the late 19th century and the rise of communal violence from the 1920s to the virulent outbreaks of 1946-1947, were major contributory factors in the timing and shape of independence.

However, it was only from the late 1930s that it became inevitable that independence could only be achieved if accompanied by a partition. This partition would take place along the subcontinent's north-western and north-eastern boundaries, creating two sovereign nations of India and Pakistan.

The Muslim League failed to achieve the confidence of the majority of Muslims in the elections of 1937.

Muslims, as a religious community, comprised only 20% of the population and represented great diversity in economic, social and political terms.

From the late 19th century, some of its political elites in northern India felt increasingly threatened by British devolution of power, which by the logic of numbers would mean the dominance of the majority Hindu community.

Seeking power and a political voice in the imperial structure, they organised themselves into a party to represent their interests, founding the Muslim League in 1906.

They achieved something of a coup by persuading the British that they needed to safeguard the interests of the minorities, a demand that fed into British strategies of divide and rule. The inclusion of separate electorates along communal lines in the 1909 Act, subsequently enlarged in every successive constitutional act, enshrined a form of constitutional separatism.

While there is no denying that Islam and Hinduism were and are very different faiths, Muslims and Hindus continued to co-exist peaceably. There were, however, occasional violent outbursts which were driven more often than not by economic inequities.

Even politically, the Congress and the League cooperated successfully during the Khilafat and Non Cooperation movements in 1920-1922. And Muhammad Ali Jinnah (the eventual father of the Pakistani nation) was a Congress member till 1920.

Although Congress strove to stress its secular credentials with prominent Muslim members - for example, Maulana Azad served as its president through World War Two - it is criticised for failing to sufficiently recognise the importance of a conciliatory position towards the League in the inter-war years, and for its triumphant response to Congress's 1937 election victory.

The Muslim League advocated the idea of Pakistan in its annual session in 1930, yet the idea did not achieve any political reality at the time. Furthermore, the League failed to achieve the confidence of the majority of the Muslim population in the elections of 1937.

How does the Declaration of Sentiments seem to define freedom for women?



The Declaration of Sentiments begins by asserting the equality of all men and women and reiterates that both genders are endowed with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It argues that women are oppressed by the government and the patriarchal society of which they are a part.

Once Congress declares war and the President assumes the role of Commander-in-Chief who decides how the war ends?​



Both? here let me explain...


If you want to get technical, once the President assumes the Role of Commander in Chief of the United States Military he has control over all military action while congress; per the original intent of the constitution, has control over starting war and ending it. If you really had to choose one or the other the Commander in Chief has in most occurrences decided how war ends. I really hope this helped, if not my apologies and if you need any more elaboration please let me know down in the comments and I will do my best.


checa my questions for more answers like this with a lot of points​



It's option A. historic significance that the U.S. remains neutral


When Germany declared war on the United States after it got attacked by Japan at Pearl Harbor, it could not  maintain its neutrality then.

What was a significant factor in the demise of Dutch settlements in the Americas?



In the 18th century, the Dutch colonial empire began to decline as a result of the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War of 1780–1784, in which the Netherlands lost a number of its colonial possessions and trade monopolies to the British Empire and the conquest of the wealthy Mughal Bengal at the Battle of Plassey.

A significant factor in the demise of Dutch settlements in the Americas is Too few European settlers. Thus the correct option is C.

What were the causes of  Dutch settlements?

Significant numbers of Dutch farmers began moving to America in the early nineteenth century as a result of heavy taxes and insufficient pay. Many ran away from violence, natural calamities, or religious persecution.

The London Company established a strong presence in what would become Jamestown in 1606 after this initial settlement strangely failed. From there, the Dutch established a colony in modern-day New York in 1609, followed by the French in 1608, who established Quebec.

By the end of the 17th century, a large number of the Dutch settlements had disappeared or been destroyed. The Fourth Anglo-Dutch War,  saw the Dutch Republic lose many of its colonial possessions.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about Dutch settlements, here:


The complete question is Probably

What was a significant factor in the demise of Dutch settlements in the Americas?

a. Internal struggles back in Holland

b. Conflict with native peoples

c. Too few European settlers

d. Territorial disputes with France

You have just read a news article that discusses the closing of two fast-food restaurants in a small French town in the countryside. Why might these restaurants have failed in the town?


This question is incomplete; here is the complete question:

You have just read a news article that discusses the closing of two fast-food restaurants in a small French town in the countryside. Why might these restaurants have failed in the town?

A). French food is too similar to the food at fast-food restaurants.

B). French culture favors home-cooked meals and fresh ingredients.

C). Most French towns already have more than one fast-food restaurant.

D). Fast-food restaurants offer a wide selection of options at cheap prices.

The correct answer is B) French culture favors home-cooked meals and fresh ingredients.


One element that should be considered when opening a business is the cultural elements such as beliefs, practices, norms, etc. This applies to restaurants as communities have cultural ideas about food. In the case of fast food, this is very popular in cities but not in small towns. Moreover, in France traditional French food that includes fresh ingredients is preferred over fast-food. Also, home-cooked meals are considered better by many than food in restaurants. In this context, it is likely the two restaurants failed because cultural ideas do not align with fast food instead "French culture favors home-cooked meals and fresh ingredients".

introduction of aldolf Hitler



Explanation:             Adolf Hitler, byname Der Führer (German: “The Leader”), (born April 20, 1889, Braunau am Inn, Austria—died April 30, 1945, Berlin, Germany), leader of the Nazi Party (from 1920/21) and chancellor (Kanzler) and Führer of Germany (1933–45). He was chancellor from January 30, 1933, and, after President Paul von Hindenburg’s death, assumed the twin titles of Führer and chancellor (August 2, 1934).

                      Hitler’s personal life had grown more relaxed and stable with the added comfort that accompanied political success. After his release from prison, he often went to live on the Obersalzberg, near Berchtesgaden. His income at this time was derived from party funds and from writing for nationalist newspapers. He was largely indifferent to clothes and food but did not eat meat and gave up drinking beer (and all other alcohols). His rather irregular working schedule prevailed. He usually rose late, sometimes dawdled at his desk, and retired late at night.


Adolf Hitler was a German politician and the leader of Nazi Germany. He became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, after a democratic election in 1932. He became Führer (leader) of Nazi Germany in 1934.

Why did traditional church leaders reject the preaching of the Great Awakening?



In the American colonies the Awakening caused the Congregational and Presbyterian churches to split. The deep emotionalism of the Great Awakening caused religion to have a very awkward, infringing position in the state. People wanted the government to have less and less to do with what they believed, and as this became the widespread opinion, separation of Church and State became a reality.

Drag the tiles to the boxes to form correct pairs. Match each name to the corresponding description.



General Winfield Scott- devised the Anaconda Plan

William Tecumseh Sherman- pioneered the technique of total war

Robert E. Lee- lead the Army of Northern Virginia

General George McClellan- organized the army into skilled professionals

1. Why
are there more House members than Senate members?



The larger a population is in a state, the more representatives you will have from the House of Representative. The amount of represenatives from the Senate is fixed at 2 per state.

What were the effects for bubonic plague?



Bubonic plague causes fever, fatigue, shivering, vomiting, headaches, giddiness, intolerance to light, pain in the back and limbs, sleeplessness, apathy, and delirium. It also causes buboes: one or more of the lymph nodes become tender and swollen, usually in the groin or armpits.


How did
the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 limit the power of the monarchy?
O It prevented monarchs from instituting religious law.
O It prevented monarchs from conducting their own trials.
• It prevented monarchs from influencing the courts.
O It prevented monarchs from having opponents arrested.



Third choice


Monarchs didn't have that much influence anymore

Curry's actions in the Spanish American War
a. did not amount to anything, because he never got to Cuba.
b. were seen by Roosevelt as criminal.
earned him a lifetime of friendship and loyalty with Roosevelt.
d. were seen by New Mexicans as loyal.



D. Were seen by the New Mexicans as loyal.


George Curry become governor of New Mexico Territory from 1907 until February 28, 1910. Curry’s engagements in New Mexico politics and as a businessman are almost too numerous to mention. At various times and in various places he dealt in real estate, in oil, and operated a hotel. He recruited four companies for World War I service, served on the International Boundary Commission (1922-1926), and in World War II was chairman of the draft board. In 1945 he became the first State Historian of New Mexico, a state whose history he had a large part in shaping


its C


i got a 100 lol

American Revolution can be interpreted in which way



an internal revolution carried on by the masses of the people against the local aristocracy


Washington Gladden’s ideas would most closely be tied to which period in US history? A. Great Depression B. civil rights movement C. Progressive movement D. Reconstruction E. Civil War


It's A Great Depression.


A Great Depression


Just had it on a test

Why did Mary walker run away In the first place


Answer: When Walker's security was threatened under the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, Lesley helped her move to Boston. There she found refuge with Lesley's cousin. Although safe at last, Walker was heartbroken. Running away meant an end to her life as a slave, but it also meant leaving behind her mother and three children.


Which U.S. action would be more likely under the Reagan Doctrine than under the foreign policy of détente? A. Signing a treaty promising to dismantle most U.S. nuclear weapons B. Funding foreign dictators fighting communist rebels C. Providing humanitarian aid to an impoverished communist country D. Opening diplomatic relations with a powerful communist state


The US action that would most likely be under the Reagan Doctrine would be  Funding foreign dictators fighting communist rebels.

What was the Reagan Doctrine?

This was a doctrine by the Then United States president called Ronald Reagan.

The aim of the doctrine was to offer assistance to people that were fighting against communism in the various countries that they existed. Th aim was to roll back communism in the world.

Read more on the Reagan Doctrine here:


Answer:  B. Funding foreign dictators fighting communist rebels 


Name the French philosophers of the Enlightenment



Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Buffon and Denis Diderot.


Public assembly facilities have existed since A. medieval times. B. the early 1900s. C. ancient times. D. the invention of baseball in the Elysian fields of the 1840s.



C. Ancient times


Public assembly facilities are places designed for the gathering of a large number of people. This can be due to special occasions/events organized or a place of relaxation by people.

Public assembly facilities include Stadiums, amphitheaters, special event facility, trade show center/expo center/convention center, performing arts facilities etc and they are known to have existed since ancient times.

How many of Paul’s letters are undisputed?

a. 5

b. 7

c. 9

d. 11





In other words, we have seven letters certainly from the historical Paul (Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, Philemon), three others probably not from him (Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians) and a final three certainly not from him (1-2 Timothy, Titus)

Hope this helps <3 Comment if you want more thanks and be sure to give brainliest (4 left) <3

If you were chosen as the new leader of a country, and could only pick one, would you think safety or freedom would be more important for the people you lead? Why?



Safety would be more important. I mean yeah freedom is great but you wouldn't wanna be mugged because some idiot thought it was their right

Question 5
Which of the following ideological principles of the Founding Fathers is MOST strongly suggested
by the phrase "We the People"?
the United States is on its own against all others
all people on Earth are connected
the Founding Fathers are a replacement for the king
the government gets its authority from the people


C is the answer.

More specifically, the Founding Fathers managed to defy conventional wisdom in four unprecedented achievements: first, they won a war for colonial independence against the most powerful military and economic power in the world.

The ideological principles of the Founding Fathers which is MOST strongly suggested  by the phrase "We the People" is:

D. The government gets its authority from the people.

According to the given question, we are asked to state the ideological principles of the Founding Fathers which is MOST strongly suggested  by the phrase "We the People"

As a result of this, we can see that after the American colonists got their freedom from British colonial rule, their Founding fathers got their new country and proceeded to establish a new government.

They were determined to create a government that was different from the tyrannical rule of the British King and they made the phrase We the People" to show that the power rests with the people in selecting their leaders.

Read more about Founding Fathers here:

Which country was a member of the central power?



Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire


for in depth explanation

The Allies described the wartime military alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire as the 'Central Powers'. The name referred to the geographical location of the two original members of the alliance, Germany and Austria-Hungary, in central Europe.

hoped this was able to help hun.


Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire


The trade routes to the Orient that existed before prince Henry



land, by ship


by land across China through the Middle East by water to northern Russia, 2. then by land to India by land to Africa,3. then by ship to China by water across the Mediterranean; land to the Red Sea or Persian Gulf; water to India and China.

3 different types of humanism


there are three basic types: humanism as Classicism, humanism as referring to the modern concept of the humanities, and humanism as human-centredness.

How do these lines of "The Battle of Dorking" catch a reader's attention?



The British author raised concerns over the state of the army with the genre of invasion which touched the readers.


The Battle of Dorking was written by George Tomkyns Chesney in 1871 just after the France and Prussian War in which Prussia came out victorious. The novel reflects the ideas of the nineteenth century England and concern for the reforms in the Britsh military and Royal Navy. It portrayed the invasion of England by German-speaking people which reflects the immediate concern to prepare for war against the dominating Prussian army.

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