What does Mrs. Putnam call on Tituba to do for
her in the Crucible?
A) victim of witchery
B) member of the church
C)commune with dead children
D) dances in the woods at night


Answer 1

Each of Mrs. Putnam's seven children passed just a day after delivery. She dispatched Ruth to Tituba to speak with the spirits of her deceased children in order to identify the killer since she was convinced that someone had used witchcraft to murder her children.

What does Tituba do in Crucible?

Tituba is a Barbados-born slave. She looks after the Parris family and keeps an eye on Reverend Parris' niece Abigail Williams and daughter Betty. Tituba enjoys telling stories to the girls and Abigail frequently urges her to perform voodoo. Mrs. Putnam claims that Tituba has the power to summon ghosts.

Ruth was taken to Tituba, according to Mrs. Putnam, so that Tituba might conjure Ruth's deceased sisters in order to determine who killed them. Putnam was interested in finding out who killed her seven children. She believed Tituba might inquire about her deceased children and learn the truth.

Learn more about the Crucible, here:



Related Questions

What are four reasons why pea plants are a good choice for genetic experiments?


Short generation time, Mendel's work, Simple genetics, Large seed size are the four reasons why pea plants are a good choice for genetic experiments.

Short generation time: Pea plants have a relatively short generation time, which means they can produce multiple generations in a single growing season. This makes it easier to study genetic changes over multiple generations in a shorter time frame.

Mendel's work: Pea plants were used by Gregor Mendel in his pioneering work on genetics in the 19th century. This means that there is a lot of existing knowledge and understanding of the genetics of pea plants, which can make it easier to design and interpret experiments.

Simple genetics: Pea plants have simple genetics, with most characteristics being controlled by a single gene. This makes it easier to identify and study the effects of specific genetic changes.

Large seed size: Pea plants have relatively large seeds, which makes it easy to collect and store large numbers of seeds for experiments. Additionally, pea plants can be easily grown in large numbers, which can be useful when conducting experiments that require a large sample size.

To know more about Mendel's work on below link:



Which is the best definition of theme in a literary text?


A theme in a literary text is the central idea or message that the author is communicating through the story or poem.

It is a universal concept or insight about human nature, society, or the human condition that is revealed through the characters, plot, and setting. Themes are often implicit rather than explicit, and they may be interpreted differently by different readers. They can also be multiple and complex, but the best definition of theme in a literary text is the underlying message, meaning, or insight that the author wants to convey about life, human nature, or society.

In a novel, short story, or another piece of literature, a writer will typically explore a central idea or deeper meaning. A story's topic can be expressed through characters, setting, dialogue, plot, or a combination of these factors.

To learn more about the theme, refer:-



Does Gregory get hanged?


Gregory is a character in the play “The Crucible” by American playwright Arthur Miller. The play is set in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.

At the trial, Gregory is accused of witchcraft and is sentenced to death by hanging. Throughout the play, Gregory is portrayed as an innocent young man who is wrongly accused of witchcraft. He is shown to be a kind and compassionate person who is unable to bear the thought of the innocent people dying for his actions. He does not want to be hanged for something he did not do and is willing to do anything in his power to prevent it.

In the end, Gregory is saved from execution when his wife, Elizabeth Proctor, steps forward and testifies on his behalf. She confesses to being a witch and admits to casting a spell on him. She claims that she was the one responsible for his involvement in the trials and that she was the one who caused him to be accused. This confession is enough to convince the court to spare his life.

Learn more about The Crucible at : https://brainly.com/question/355513


the black sheep usually turns into the goat meaning


This idiom is used to describe someone who was once considered to be a failure but has now become successful.

It is a metaphor for a person who is able to turn their life around and achieve success. It is often used in a positive sense, to praise someone for their perseverance and ability to overcome difficulties.

What is metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. It is used to imply a comparison between two seemingly unrelated things by stating that one thing is actually another.

To learn more about metaphor

Here: https://brainly.com/question/9418370


how are phones more way to bully students


Cyber bullying- say a student who has a phone gets on social media and post a picture or video of themselves. Someone from the student’s class could comment negatively on the student’s picture or video or someone could post a picture of someone else on there social media and could say something negative about them.

(Let me know if that helped?)

What would happen if the President had a line item veto?


The Line Item Veto Act, P.L. 104-130, gave the President the power to completely revoke three different types of revenue provisions contained in a bill within five days (excluding Sundays) of the bill's signing.

What advantage does a line-item veto have?

The line-item veto, also known as the partial veto, is a unique type of veto power that allows a chief executive to veto specific provisions of the law without doing so for the entire piece of legislation.

The Line Item Veto Act ultimately resulted in the United States Supreme Court ruling that it was unconstitutional because it gave the President the ability to veto only a portion of a bill rather than the entire bill as provided for in article I, section 7 of the Constitution.

Therefore, Upon receipt of a special message from the President by Congress, the cancellation would go into effect.

Learn more about veto from the given link.



According to Lorraine Hansberry, why would serious drama need to be involved in its time

A: To project the future of society
B: To take a look at history
C: To make a statement about society’s issues
D: No answer text provided


Lorraine Hansberry, why would serious drama need to be involved in its time, To make a statement about society’s issues.

Who is Lorraine Hansberry ?

A Jewish intellectual is the subject of her second play, The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window, which ran on Broadway for 101 performances.Mixed reviews were given to it. Her pals came together to support the play.On January 12, 1965, the day Hansberry passed away from cancer at age 34, it closed.In her brief but amazing life, Hansberry never shied away from confronting difficult subjects as a dramatist, feminist, or racial justice fighter.In 1959, Lorraine Hansberry, the first African American woman to have a play presented on Broadway, wrote this drama.Hansberry's work, which is set in the 1950s, explores the racial and gender concerns that persisted then and do so presently.

To learn more about Lorraine Hansberry refer to



Write a well-structured and thoughtful essay that answers the question "What is Freedom?"
· your beliefs regarding freedom using your own personal experiences as well as the texts discussed in class.

No links



Freedom is the right to act as one wants without restraint. Freedom can mean many different things to people let alone the way freedom is felt. I will give two of my own beliefs.

Freedom means many different things, to many different people. I believe freedom is having the right to choose yourself instead of having someone tell you what to do. For example as an adult you make your own decisions on where you want to live and what you want to eat. But as a child you have all those things picked out for you and you don't have a choice. Another example of this is when women didn't have the same rights as men and could vote, the women would have to ask their husband before they did anything not giving them the freedom of speech or freedom to act.

Freedom can feel different for many people. I believe freedom feels as though you can be yourself, for example when we are younger we struggle to find ourselves and are under social pressure but if we felt the freedom of being who we are we and didn't have social pressure we would have the freedom to be ourselves. We don't realize the pressure can take away someones freedom let alone how they are but in reality it does.

In conclusion freedom is different for many people and many different people have different experiences. Many people have the thought that since we are ruled by a government we aren't truly free, but if you think about it compared to other people we have freedom, to wear what we want, to eat what we want, to be whatever we want, whereas other countries don't have that.


Hope this helped!

what is the difference between pity and compassion


While compassion is the emotion of mercy, empathy, and a desire to assist the suffering person or animal, pity is the emotion of sympathy or sharing in the pain of another human being or an animal.

The primary distinction between pity and compassion is that whereas compassion emphasizes a sense of sympathy and a desire to assist the other, pity emphasizes feeling sorry for the other person's situation.

Human emotions like pity and compassion emphasize goodwill and sympathy for others. To let them know they are not alone and to demonstrate that we understand what they are going through. without making oneself the Saviour and them the Victim, and not judging their condition in any manner. viewing things for what they are offering them your compassionate space.

Learn more about pity Visit: brainly.com/question/26486570


Who was the first twin ever?


The remains of the two boys in Austria are the oldest twin evidence discovered.

How are twins formed?

When two egg cells are fertilised by separate sperm cells during the same menstrual cycle, fraternal twins result. Conversely, identical twins are created when one egg is fertilised by one sperm, but that egg separates into two very early in the development process.

The first twin-related artefacts were discovered in 2005 while excavating an Upper Paleolithic site in Krems-Wachtberg, Austria. They were estimated to be 31,000 years old.


To learn more about twins from the given link



1. How are adverbs used in conversation in different situations?
2. What are the benefits of the library to students?


Adverbs can be used in multiple ways, eg adverbs to modify verbs, adverbs with adjectives (to describe the degree of the adjective), with other adverbs (very shows the degree of the adverb ), adverbs used in a sentence to modify it, in superlative, comparative contexts, or can be placed in the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.

The library provides multiple benefits for students such as a quiet environment for learning filled with resources and books on every subject and provides the perfect environment to imbibe literacy while also imparting values of discipline and respect for their peers' space.

If you could walk in Marjane's shoes for one day, what would you do different? What would you do the same?



my walking will be different

and what I will do will be thesame

I will look so different

and my character will not change

What does it mean when polynomials are closed under the operations of addition and subtraction?


When polynomials are closed under the operations of addition and subtraction it means that the input and output types will be the same for the polynomials.

Polynomials in mathematics are combinations of variables having exponential powers and coefficients together called terms. It can have more than two terms but not infinity.

The closure property states that the input type will be the same as the output for any function or type of value that is closed. Like the addition of two or more integers results in an integer i.e, input and output both are integers.

This property is only applicable to addition, subtraction, and multiplication. It is not applied to division operations

To know more about closure property visit.


Who was selfish in Animal Farm?


In George Orwell's "Animal Farm," the pigs take on leadership roles after the animal rebellion and overthrow of the human farmers.

As they gain more power, they become increasingly selfish and corrupt. Napoleon, the leader of the pigs, is the most selfish character in the novel.

He manipulates and oppresses the other animals for his gain, using propaganda and violence to maintain his power. He also changes the farm's rules to benefit himself and the other pigs, while the other animals continue to work hard and live in poverty.

Ultimately, the pigs' selfishness leads to the downfall of the animal utopia and the farm becomes similar to the human-run farms they had initially rebelled against.

To know more about George Orwell's "Animal Farm",



Is Gregory a main character in Romeo and Juliet?


Gregory only appears at the very end, when he and Sampson are sent to deliver a message to Romeo that Juliet has died. This could be seen as an indication that Gregory is not a major character, as his role is minor in comparison to the other characters.

However, his presence at the end of the play could also suggest that he is an important character. His arrival marks the end of the tragedy, as he delivers the news of Juliet’s death to Romeo. His presence therefore serves to bring the story to its tragic conclusion, and could be seen as an indication of his importance.

In addition, Gregory’s presence in the play could be seen as an indication of his importance in the story. He is part of the family of the Montagues, the family to which Romeo belongs. His presence in the play could therefore be seen as a reminder of the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets, and of Romeo’s place within it.

Learn more about Romeo and Juliet at: https://brainly.com/question/10468114


how soon can you borrow against a life insurance policy ?



About 10 years


As you pay your monthly premiums, part of your payments go toward building a cash value for your policy.

This cash value grows at an interest rate determined by your policy’s terms. Once you’ve accumulated enough cash value, usually after about 10 years, you then have the option to borrow against it.

greatest enemy of our The television. Argue for or culture is against and I need the essay ​


I argue against this; television can be an entertaining and educational tool, not an enemy of culture.

Write an argument for "greatest enemy of our the television".

The television is one of the greatest enemies of our culture. It is an all-encompassing force that has infiltrated our lives and changed how we interact with the world. Television has been a powerful force in shaping our culture and how we view the world. It has been used to spread ideas and values, as well as to shape our understanding of the world.

The television has had a profound impact on our culture. It has changed the way we communicate, consume media, and even our understanding of the world. Television has been used to create stereotypes and propagate messages of violence and intolerance. It has been used to manipulate and control public opinion and to influence our decision making. Television has also been used to spread a false sense of security and to create an illusion of control over our lives.

The television has created a culture of consumption and instant gratification. We are bombarded with advertising and are constantly bombarded with messages to buy more. This has resulted in an unhealthy obsession with material possessions and has led to an increase in consumerism and debt.

The television has also had a negative impact on our social lives. It has led to an increase in loneliness and isolation as people spend more time in front of the television than with their families and friends. It has led to an increase in the number of people who are overweight and obese, as well as an increase in the number of people who experience mental health issues.

The television has had a detrimental effect on our culture. It has changed the way we interact with the world and has had a negative impact on our social lives. It has also had a negative impact on our physical and mental health. It is important to recognize the power of the television and to take steps to limit its influence on our culture.

To know more about television, visit



hanging on in quiet desperation is the english way


Henry David Thoreau's quote “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation” was an observation that most people live an empty life caused by unfulfilling work, lack of leisure time and misplaced values; money, possessions and accolades.

What is quiet desperation?

"Hanging on in silent desperation is the English way," one of Floyd's most well-known lyrics, refers specifically to an odd life. It suggests that many people may feel as though they are all groping for meaning, whether or not they are aware of it.

The majority of men endure lives of quiet desperation, according to Henry David Thoreau, who observed that this is due to unfulfilling job, a lack of free time, and misdirected ideals such as money, things, and honours.

Thoreau argued that the value we place on things, money, and prestige is incorrect. You might feel worn out, dejected, and lost as a result. In a metaphorical sense, desperation can drain your creativity. Harvard researchers conducted a study in 2013.

To learn more about quiet desperation refer to  :



explanin how the judicial branch can limit the power of the other branches


Answer: Because judicial review has the authority to declare that a law or action passed by a local, state, or federal government is invalid if it violates the Constitution. Additionally, it grants courts the authority to declare a legislative or executive branch action to be unconstitutional.

how much money did robin thicke and pharrell williams have to pay for plagiarizing a song by marvin gaye?


In March 2015, a jury determined that "Blurred Lines" had violated the "Got to Give It Up" copyright. As a result, the court ordered Williams and Thicke to pay the Gaye family $7.3 million in damages.

In 2013, the estate of Marvin Gaye filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against Pharrell Williams, Robin Thicke, and T.I., claiming that their hit song "Blurred Lines" copied elements of Gaye's song "Got to Give It Up." The matter went to trial, and in March 2015, a jury determined that "Blurred Lines" had violated the "Got to Give It Up" copyright. As a result, the court ordered Williams and Thicke to pay the Gaye family $7.3 million in damages. This case was notable because it marked one of the first times that a court had found that a song had infringed on the copyright of another song based on similarities in the "feel" or "groove" of the songs, rather than specific musical elements. The case also sparked a broader conversation about the limits of copyright protection for musical compositions.

To learn more about Got to Give It Up, refer:-



who was driving the car that killed georgia football player


LeCroy was driving the car that killed georgia football player.

Police reports indicated that the vehicle was speeding when Devin Willock, a football player for the University of Georgia, and Chandler LeCroy were killed on Sunday.

According to the crash report released on Tuesday by the Athens-Clarke County Police Department, LeCroy was driving a car that was going over the 40 mph speed limit when the accident occurred. LeCroy later passed away at the hospital. It is unknown exactly how fast the automobile was moving. The report obtained by CNN claims that LeCroy was operating her Ford Expedition when she "failed to negotiate a left curve, resulting in the vehicle striking a curb with its front passenger tyre and leaving the roadway." The vehicle then struck a "[Georgia] Power Pole and another utility pole cutting them in half," the report continues.

To learn more about Georgia Please click on the given link:



As managing editor of the Atlanta Constitution in the 1880s, what did Henry Grady use the paper to promote?A. Women's suffrageB. racial integrationC. the unionization of laborD. southern industrial growth


As managing editor of the Atlanta Constitution in the 1880s, Henry Grady use the paper to promote southern industrial growth. So, the correct option is (D).

What is Industrial growth?

Industrial growth is defined as the result of demand for new products or services offered by companies in the region. For instance, the industry seeing growth is explained as the technology sector, which has outperformed all levels and created multibillion-dollar valuations for tech companies on the stock market.

Growth is vital to the long-term survival of a business which helps to acquire assets, attract new talent and invest in investments and also enhance the performance and profit of the business. Southern industrial growth is promoted by Henry Grady with the help of a paper Atlanta Constitution in the 1880s

Thus, as managing editor of the Atlanta Constitution in the 1880s, Henry Grady use the paper to promote southern industrial growth. So, the correct option is (D).

Learn more about Industrial growth, here:



What is one downside for consumers to competition in a free-enterprise system consumers must be knowledgeable?


One downside for consumers to competition in a free-enterprise system consumers which must be knowledgeable is that they have limited choices.

In a free enterprise economy, the marketplace, not the administration, sets the pricing and terms for goods and services. Not socialism, but capitalism. Free things have no restrictions, and a corporation is an enterprise. Therefore, a free enterprise economy is one where enterprises are not subject to governmental regulation.

Some would contend that freedom is the primary advantage of free enterprise. In a certain sense, people can transact with little to no barriers, especially ones imposed by trade laws or policy. In another sense, people are free to express themselves artistically and conduct business using a seemingly limitless variety of consumer choices.

To learn more about  free enterprise here






Who is the author of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness 123movies?


Michael Waldron wrote Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and Sam Raimi directed it.

Who was doctor strange?

Doctor Stephen Strange is a fictional character that appears in Marvel Comics' American comic novels. The character was created by Steve Ditko and originally appears in Strange Tales #110. (cover-dated July 1963). Doctor Strange is the chief guardian of Earth against magical and mystical perils as Sorcerer Supreme. Strange was introduced during the Silver Age of Comic Books in an attempt to introduce a new type of character and mystic themes to Marvel Comics. The protagonist begins as a talented but egotistically arrogant neurosurgeon injured in a vehicle accident. Because the accident caused extensive nerve damage in his hands, he is advised that current medical therapy and rehabilitation will not be enough to allow him to work as a surgeon again. Michael Waldron wrote Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and Sam Raimi directed it. The following actors appear in it: Dr. Stephen Strange is played by Benedict Cumberbatch.

To learn more about Multiverse visit:



there is a piece of iron near a locked electromagnet, with the electricity turned off.what will happen to the piece of iron


The iron object has transformed into a magnet. An electric current has the ability to magnetize certain materials. A magnetic field results from the flow of electricity through with a coil of wire.

Why does a magnet never turn away an iron object?

Iron becomes magnetized when it is exposed to a magnetic field because the atoms start to coordinate their electrons with the magnetic field's direction. The two magnetic objects then become attracted to one another as a result of this.

What are the four techniques for magnetizing iron?

By using a powerful magnet to rub the metal, smashing the metal with a hammer, and creating an electromagnet, respectively.

To know more about Electromagnet, visit:



Write 3 paragraphs explaining what according to Douglass, what does the Fourth of July represent to an African American living in the 1850s? Why does he say this is so?


Answer:  a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.


2. Using ethos
You are attempting to convince an audience that animal testing is morally wrong.




We have a moral duty as a community to preserve and respect the lives of all living beings. Animal testing, or the use of animals as test subjects in scientific research, is a harsh and unethical activity that breaches this basic concept. Animal testing is not only ethically reprehensible, but it is also useless and out of date.

It is unethical from an ethical standpoint to expose innocent animals to brutal treatment for the benefit of human development. They are sentient individuals with their own distinct lives and experiences, and they deserve to be treated with dignity and compassion.

Furthermore, animal experimentation is not only brutal but also untrustworthy. Animal research may not necessarily transfer to people and frequently yields erroneous results. Modern technology has improved to the point that we now have access to more effective and compassionate research methods, such as cell cultures and computer simulations.

Furthermore, many businesses and organizations have already taken efforts to end animal experimentation and discovered that it is not only ethically correct but also economically profitable.

Finally, animal experimentation is ethically wrong, out of date, and useless. It is our obligation to advocate for the well-being of all living beings and to encourage the adoption of alternative research methodologies. We can work together to make the world a more compassionate and caring place.

the belief that moral behavior varies among individuals, groups, and cultures and across situations is called ?



Ethical relativism is the theory that holds that morality is relative to the norms of one's culture. That is, whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced. The same action may be morally right in one society but be morally wrong in another.


As a moderator for an online discussion room, Azumi used to be annoyed when people would use texting abbreviations or emojis rather than spelling
out all the words. After several weeks as a moderator, Azumi eventually got used to the texting jargon, and it no longer bothered her. What type of
learning does this display?
O A. classical conditioning
OB. habituation
OC. operant conditioning
O D. extinction



OB.  habituation


Classical Conditioning


Classical conditioning is a type of learning that occurs when an organism learns to associate two previously unrelated stimuli. It was first described by the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov in the late 19th century, when he observed that dogs would begin to salivate at the sound of a bell after they had learned to associate the bell with food.

In classical conditioning, an unconditioned stimulus (UCS), such as food, naturally evokes an unconditioned response (UCR), such as salivating. Then, a neutral stimulus (NS), such as a bell, is repeatedly presented before the UCS. After a few pairings, the organism learns to associate the previously neutral stimulus with the unconditioned stimulus, resulting in a conditioned response (CR), such as salivating to the bell.

Classical conditioning is used to explain many forms of behavior and is important in understanding how organisms learn to respond to their environment. It is different from habituation, which is the reduction of responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated exposure, and operant conditioning, which involves the use of reinforcement to increase or decrease the likelihood of a behavior.

If you want to know more about this question please refer the verified answer:-  


you need to Type an ending to this story. MARK help asap please now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Why did Isis heal the son of the woman who would not take her in?


Enjoy your day guys and gals!

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