What plant(s) are unique and/or rare in the temperate rainforest (20 points)


Answer 1

The Giant Water Lilies, the Rafflesia and the Nepenthes are some rare and unique plants found in the temperate rainforests.

What are these rare/ unique plants?

The great water lilies also known as the Victorian Amazonica is a type of water lily native to the rainforests of the Amazon Basin in South America. Victoria amazonica is one of the largest and most beautiful plants in the world and can reach up to 3 meters in diameter. The flowers are white with pink stripes and are about 1 meter in diameter. It is also known as ‘Queen of the Night’ as it only blooms at night and stays only for about 48 hours.

Rafflesia, also known as Corpse Flower is a flower of the parasitic plant. It contains no stems or leaves to produce food, instead growing from the vine it feeds on. This is the largest flower in the world, around three feet wide. Its survival depends on deception. It mimics a mammalian corpse, from its texture and color to its odor of rotting flesh. It is found in the rainforests of Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.

Nepenthes also known as Monkey Cups, are pitcher plants, found mostly in tropical environments of the world. It is a carnivorous plant and eats small animals for nutrients, by luring them into its pitcher shaped trap by using its sweet nectar.

Other rare plants found in temperate forests are the Jabuticaba Tree, the Durian Fruit, Balsa Tree, passion flower, etc.

Learn more about rare/unique plants here: https://brainly.com/question/3651784


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The process of acquiring antibiotic resistance by means of bacteriophage activity is called.


The process of acquiring antibiotic resistance by means of bacteriophage activity is called transduction.

Antibiotics are the chemical agents that slow down or cause the complete death of the bacteria. The antibiotics can be used as medication during bacterial diseases. The widely used antibiotics are: penicillin, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, etc.

Bacteriophage can be simply called phages. These are the viruses that are capable of infecting and replicating only in bacterial cells. These are not harmful to any other form of living organisms. The genetic material of phages can be either DNA or RNA. Bacteriophages can have varying shapes. The examples of phage is T-even phage.

To know more about antibiotics, here



Is this a scientific model? Use complete sentences to explain why or why not.


The diagram shown below is a water cycle diagram and it is scientific model because it represents a system of ideas, events or processes.

What is a scientific model?

A scientific model is described as a physical and/or mathematical and/or conceptual representation of a system of ideas, events or processes.

Scientific models are very important as they are used to explain and predict the behavior of real objects or systems and are used in a variety of scientific disciplines, ranging from physics and chemistry to ecology and the Earth sciences.

The water cycle in its own modelling describes how water evaporates from the surface of the earth, rises into the atmosphere, cools and condenses into rain or snow in clouds, and falls again to the surface as precipitation.

Learn more about water cycle at: https://brainly.com/question/2164391


multicellular organisms undergo mitotic cell division to a.produce new organisms. b.produce gametes. c.increase the variability of the population. d.increase the size of the organism.


Multicellular organisms undergo mitotic cell division to d.)increase the size of the organism. Hence option d) is the correct answer.

Why multicellular organisms undergo mitotic cell division?

Mitosis is very important to multicellular organisms because it provides new cells for growth and replacement of worn-out cells. Many single-celled organisms depends on mitosis as the primary means of asexual reproduction

During mitosis, a cell duplicates its contents, including chromosomes and splits to form two identical daughter cells. Multicellular organisms require cell division to grow and replace dead/ damaged cells. Single-celled organisms reproduce  through unicellular cell division

Process where a single cell divides into two genetically identical daughter cells is called mitosis.

To know more about mitosis, refer



which of the choices is/are secretions produced by the pancreas? select all that apply. bicarbonate ions to neutralize stomach acid methane from fermentation gastrin to stimulate hcl production trypsin for further protein digestion lipase for fat digestion


Trypsin to further breakdown proteins Lipase is used to breakdown fat. gastric acid can be neutralised by bicarbonate ions.

What are the three different sorts of acids?

Acids are frequently divided into three primary groups. The first is binary acid, followed by oxyacid and carboxylic acid. All binary acids are represented by the symbol "H-A," which stands for a hydrogen connection to a nonmetal atom.

Why is it called acid?

The word "acid," which refers to the sour flavour and pungent odour of numerous acids, derives from the Latin word acidus, which meaning "sour." Examples: Because acetic acid and water are diluted, vinegar has a sour flavour. Lemon juice includes citric acid, which gives it a sour flavour.

To know more about Acid visit:



true or false? during atrial contraction, the papillary muscles are relaxed, and av valves are open


TRUE. During atrial contraction, the papillary muscles are relaxed and av valves are open..

The cardiac cycle is accompanied by brief negative deflections in the primarily forward-moving blood in the veins caused by atrial contraction of the heart, which produces pulse waves that are conveyed from the heart into the venous system.

Just before ventricular systole, atrial contraction gives the ventricular volume one more boost. When the pressure in the ventricle surpasses the pressure in the atrium due to ventricular contraction, the mitral valve closes.

The atrial contraction, also known as the atrial kick, is the last stage. It occurs when the cardiac muscle in the atrium contracts, increasing pressure and causing more blood to flow past the mitral valve. 20% to 30% of the total diastolic volume crosses the mitral valve at this final stage.

To know more about Atrial contraction ;



what would happen if the trna synthetase for proline added lysine instead of proline to the proline trnas in a particular cell? explain your answer in no more than 3 sentences, including the consequences for the proteins made by the cell and the cell itself.


If the tRNA synthetase for proline adds lysine instead of proline to the proline tRNAs in a particular cell, it will lead to mistranslation.

Mistranslation occurs when tRNA carries the wrong amino acid, leading to the addition of wrong amino acid in the nascent protein produced.

The mistranslated protein produced may get misfolded, leading to dire consequences inside the cell that can result in disease/disorder. It is found that the addition of lysine instead of proline will result in amyloid formation (Prions) and, thus lead to neurodegenerative diseases.

To learn more about misfolded protein, click here,



Do you remember the five
characteristics of life?
From memory, list the characteristics of life.



They are usually 7 characteristics



2) Ability to REPRODUCE













I am don't remember the five characteristics of life from memory l am only remember some but here you got.

the primary difference in electroctye concentration between blood plasma and interstitial fluid is that


The primary difference in electrolyte concentration between blood plasma and interstitial fluid is that blood plasma has relatively more protein anions.

The fundamental distinction between plasma and interstitial fluid is that the former has a higher concentration of protein anions while the latter has a lower concentration. Similar amounts of the majority of other dissolved substances, including nutrients and electrolytes, can be found in both plasma and interstitial fluid. Plasma and interstitial fluid are components of extracellular fluid of a cell.

Water, ions, and other small solutes are combined to form interstitial fluid, also known as tissue fluid, which is pushed out of the blood plasma by the heart's pumping action. Water and a variety of other substances make up plasma, which transports blood cells and oxygen to different parts of the body.

To know more about blood plasma, refer to the following link:



a population of small fish is introduced into a large lake (lake grande). the lake has regions of different depths, from shallow to deep, with different oxygen levels and algal (fish food) populations. another population of the same species of fish is introduced into a small, uniform pond (wee lac). after many generations, which body of water will have more species of fish?


More fish species will be present in large lake water depends on environmental factors.

Simply, large bodies of water are known for producing large fish. It's simple to assume that larger lakes would hold greater fishspecies , so do so. Arctic seas and surrounding waterways are home to 400 different kinds of fish, the majority of which live on or the bottom. Therefore, the Pacific wins for having the greatest marine life based on worldwide fisheries and the total richness of coral reef ecosystems. Distribution and abundance in lakes and reservoirs in North America are influenced by biological factors like availability of food and competing with other fish species, as well as environmental factors like lake elevation, water quality, and lake form. The most of it is a myth. It is real.

Learn more about species



The human body is divided into several cavities. List these cavities and propose reasons why evolution has favored this configuration.


In order to supply living creatures with the necessary adaptations and efficiency, evolution has led to complexity in body design. The bodily cavity, also known as the coelom, is a fluid-filled region where organs like the heart, lungs, stomach, and intestines can grow, expand, and move. In humans the body cavity has been divided into dorsal, thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities on the basis of their body position and the organs lodged there. The fluid in the body cavity keeps all the body organs hydrated and also provides a sort of hydrostatic support. It also helps to maintain homeostasis within the body.

The evolution of living things reveals that they began as aquatic prokaryotes, progressed to aquatic eukaryotes, and eventually became multicellular creatures that gradually adapted to life on land. The evolutionary tree's pinnacle or greatest level is seen as being human. The body cavity gives the intricate internal organs the environment they require to work properly. Evolution produced the many bodily compartments in humans because each function in the body has specialized organs that work separately yet together. These cavities are divided from one another by tissues and membranes.

To know more about cavities, visit:



what structure is indicated by the arrow? epithelial cell junctions what structure is indicated by the arrow? epithelial cell junctions spot desmosome hemidesmosome tight junction gap junctions


The arrow points to the spot desmosome structure. The anchoring junctions known as maculae adhaerentes on the spot desmosomes are connected to intermediate filaments.

Where may one find spot desmosomes?

Spot desmosomes are seen in great concentrations in between spine-like process connections of said epithelial cells and beneath belt desmosomes throughout junctional complexes in stratified squamous epithelia.

What are desmosomes and what do they do?

Desmosomes are important intercellular sticky junctions seen in other tissues and in the basolateral membranes of vascular endothelium. They facilitate direct cell-cell interactions and offer intermediate filament anchoring sites that are crucial for the preservation of tissue architecture.

To know more about spot desmosomes visit:



what specific type of macromolecules are at the ends of the markers of a red blood cell that reacts with a antiserum? with b antiserum?


the antigens of the ABO blood group are sugars ,which are present at the end/surface of RBC's . Antiserum-A reacts with red cells of Group A or AB.  Antiserum-B reacts with red cells of Group B or AB.

Of all the blood group systems, the ABO blood group is the most crucial. Based on whether a person's red blood cells contain the A antigen, the B antigen, both the A and B antigens, or neither, there are four possible ABO blood types.

Normal healthy people produce red cell antibodies against A or B antigens that are not expressed on their own cells. These antibodies are mostly IgM immunoglobulins, which are found in nature. They assault and quickly kill red cells bearing the antigen. Anti-A, for instance, targets red cells from Group A or AB. Group B or AB red cells are targeted by anti-B.

Antiserum : Blood serum that can be used to prevent or cure illness or poisoning because it includes antibodies against harmful substances like bacteria, viruses, or snake venom.

To learn more about ABO blood click here,



genes that are close together on the same chromosome: genes that are close together on the same chromosome: tend to assort independently. assort primarily independently, but will, very rarely, be transmitted together. are present only on x chromosomes. tend to be transmitted together. tend to be transmitted together, and are present only on x chromosomes.


Genes that are close together on the same chromosome tend to be transmitted together.

Independent collection of alleles of the genes throughout anaphase-I of meiosis-I calls for that the genes ought to be gift on exceptional chromosomes. The genes which might be gift at the equal chromosomes deviate from the impartial collection. These intently located genes are referred to as related genes. They circulate from one era to subsequent collectively and do segregate randomly. This outcomes withinside the era of extra percentage of the parental kinds withinside the progeny. The related genes can be gift on each autosomes and intercourse chromosomes.

To learn more about genes, click here:



The first step in the proton-proton chain produces an antielectron, or positron. What happens to the positron?.


An antielectron, or positron, is created in the proton-proton chain's first phase. When it collides with an ordinary electron, it quickly transforms into energy, causing matter-antimatter annihilation.

The opposite of an electron is a proton. The primary distinction between them and electrons is their positive charge. Positrons are created during the decay of nuclides that have more protons than neutrons in their nucleus. These radionuclides release a neutrino and a positron when they decay.

With the exception of having the opposite charge and spin, antimatter particles are almost similar to their counterparts in matter. When antimatter and matter collide, they instantly disintegrate into energy.

To learn more about positron, refer



the green wavelength is irrelevant to photosynthetic organisms that use chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b because they mainly absorb which two colors of light?


Both chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b absorb blue and red light wavelengths and reflect green light wavelengths during photosynthesis.

Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b are the two chlorophyll pigments that are essential for plants to absorb light during photosynthesis. When a pigment exhibits high absorption at a given wavelength, it is capturing that light at that wavelength to produce energy. If there is a low absorption, the plant is reflecting the light back. Chlorophylls a and b both reflect green light while absorbing blue and red light waves. In the violet and red parts, chlorophyll peaks, whereas in the blue and orange regions are where chlorophyll b peaks. In the green area, their absorption is extremely low. Because chlorophyll is a green pigment, leaves that have it as their main pigment are also green. Chlorophyll reflects some yellow wavelengths, but the green color of the leaves is only visible when yellow and deep green wavelengths are combined.

To learn more about photosynthesis please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/26494694


List 2 for each fluid: Specify if each fluid is a liquid or gas and explain why.
1. Home
2. school/work
3. outdoors


The types of fluid include the following below:

1. Home - Liquid soap, oil

2. School/work - Water, nitrogen.

3. Outdoors - Oxygen, water

What is a Fluid?

This is referred to as a substance which could be in the form of liquid or gas and is capable of continually flowing when it is subjected to shear stress or external force.

There are different types of fluids such as liquid soap which is used in the home for household chores such as washing and cleaning of materials or surfaces.

Fluids such as oxygen and water are used outdoor in the form of drinking so as to rehydrate the body and ensure that the body system functions optimally.

Fluids such as water and nitrogen can be used at work especially in industries which manufacture manure as it is an important component of chlorophyll which helps to trap sunlight for photosynthesis.

Read more about Fluid here https://brainly.com/question/9974800



Home: Cooking Oil is used to cook a variety of vegetables/ foods, Water is a basic need to live and we drink it everywhere including our homes.

School: Liquid soap is used for clean windows, floors and sometimes ourselves, Oxygen is also a basic need just like water to live but for breathing.

Outdoors: Engine Oil is a liquid and used to repair cars and Gas is a fuel used to run cars and vehicles

which type of blood vessel cells in the tunica media layer produce vasoconstriction and/or dilation of blood vessels?


Type of blood vessel cells in the tunica media layer produce vasoconstriction or dilation of blood vessels are Vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs).

Blood vessels are channels that deliver blood during your body. They form a closed loop, like a circuit, that starts offevolved and ends at your coronary heart. Collectively, the coronary heart vessels and blood vessels shape your circulatory device. Your body incorporates approximately 60,000 miles of blood vessels.

Vessels shipping vitamins to organs/tissues and to transport wastes faraway from organs/tissues within the blood. A primary reason and sizeable role of the vasculature is its participation in oxygenating the body.

There are five instructions of blood vessels: arteries and arterioles (the arterial machine), veins and venules (the venous system), and capillaries (the smallest bloods vessels, linking arterioles and venules through networks within organs and tissues) .

Learn more about Blood vessel here:-https://brainly.com/question/64497


a lake filled with a large population of fish all of the same species is discovered. which factor would not influence the evolution of a species in this lake?


Speciation involves the genetic changes that accumulate between populations of the same species that leads to the formation of a new species, whereas evolution is the change in allele frequencies of the same species.

What is Evolution ?

Evolution is the gradual change in the inherited traits of biological populations over many generations. These traits are the expressions of genes that are passed down through reproduction from parent to offspring.

Long-term perspectives are used in evolutionary theories to examine the emergence of the human species. This view holds that modern people contain genetically influenced traits that have been passed down from generation to generation and have helped them succeed in reproduction.

To know more about Evolution please click here ; https://brainly.com/question/27748371


What is true about a carrier of a recessive disorder?

The carrier has two copies of the allele and exhibits symptoms.
The carrier has one copy of the allele and exhibits symptoms.
The carrier has two copies of the allele and does not exhibit symptoms
The carrier has one copy of the allele and does not exhibit symptoms.


The carrier of a recessive disorder doesn't show the disease. The carrier has one copy of the allele and doesn't exhibit symptoms. Option d is the correct answer.

What is a recessive disorder?

A recessive disorder may be autosomal or sex-linked ( present on X chromosome). A recessive disorder is expressed when two recessive alleles are present . An example is cystic fibrosis.

This is an autosomal recessive disorder. F is a normal allele, while f is diseased. F is dominant, and f is recessive. Normal people have the FF genotype, carriers are heterozygous and have the Ff genotype, and diseased people have the ff genotype. The carrier person won't show any symptoms and will have a single recessive allele.

Hence, the carrier has no symptoms but carries a single recessive allele. Option D is the correct answer.

To learn more about recessive disorder, refer to the following link



Which term best describes the smallest function unit of life?

- Atom

- Cell




Atom is the smallest unit of life.
It is either going to be atom or cell

what is an example of a mutualistic relationship in which one species provides defenses against herbivory for the other?


Ant and acacia tree is an example of a mutualistic relationship in which one species provides defenses against herbivory for the other .

Acacia trees produce shelter by developing specialized structures also feed the ant colony, and the ants, in turn, defend the tree against herbivores.

Mutualism is the formation of a relationship that will mutually benefit two  parties that are distinct and are in the relationship. In this kind of relationship  Both the partners will be equally benefited from the each other . this is one of the most positive association between two different individual that stay and protect each other .

To learn more about Mutualism  , here



thermogenesis refers to multiple choice the energy you require during sleep at night. shivering when hot and fidgeting. the inability to regulate body temperature. metabolic activity of brown adipose tissue, especially in hibernating animals.


The energy you require during sleep at night.

Shivering thermo genesis, a reaction to unexpected cold exposure, plays a significant role in increased heat generation. The method through which heat is produced via the calorigenic effect of nor epinephrine and epinephrine is known as no shivering thermo genesis,

What about thermo genesis?Thermo genesis, which takes place in specialized tissues such brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle, is described as the disposal of energy through the generation of heat. The metabolic process through which organisms burn calories to produce heat is known as thermo genesis. The body generates heat through thermo genesis, to put it another way. Calorie "burning" does this. The energy required for the digestion, absorption, and elimination of consumed nutrients is known as thermo genesis or the thermic effect of food. The process through which organisms produce heat is known as thermo genesis. All warm-blooded creatures experience it, and a few thermogenic plant species like the Eastern skunk cabbage, the Voodoo lily (Sauromatum venosum), and the enormous water lilies of the genus Victoria also experience it. When combined with a healthy lifestyle, consuming a diet that contains these substances can aid in weight loss. In fact, studies suggest that taking thermogenic compounds can accelerate fat-burning by 10-16% and raise metabolic activity by 4-5%. For thermo genesis, energy balance, and metabolism, thyroid hormones (TH) are crucial. Simply told, you may assist your body burn more calories by enhancing thermo genesis, which also helps you increase your metabolism's rate. Increasing your daily energy expenditure is essential if you want to lose weight, maintain your current weight, or lose a few pounds.

Learn more about thermo genesis here:



which category of joint provides a very slight degree of movement, but isn't designed to be highly mobile?


Amphiarthroses joints are slightly movable joints.

What are amphiarthroses joints?

The singular form of amphiarthroses is amphiarthrosis. The bones in these kinds of joints are connected together by the hyaline cartilage or the fibrocartilage.

These amphiarthroses joints impart slight mobility while at the same time maintaining stability between bones adjacent in the vertebral column.

Amphiarthroses joints are also called symphysis or syndesmosis. Amphiarthroses joints can also be called cartilaginous joints as the bones are connected by cartilage. Examples of amphiarthroses joints are the pubic symphysis of the pelvis, which is a cartilaginous joint that holds together the right and left hip bones of the pelvis.

Therefore, Amphiarthroses joints are only slightly movable joints, but aren’t highly mobile.

Learn more about Amphiarthroses joints here: https://brainly.com/question/5140755


gerardo is listening to a high-pitched drill, which is higher than the 1,000 hz that can be handled by a single neuron at a time but lower than 4,000 hz that would have been transmitted due to placement of the hairs being impacted on the basilar membrane. what principle explains his ability to hear this noise?


The volley principle explains Gerado's ability to hear noise higher than 1,000 Hz and lower than 4,000Hz.

The Volley principle was given by Weaver, gray and their research team in 1937. According to this principle,

Whenever someone is exposed to high frequency sounds (i.e. succession of stimuli) very frequently, the Corti of ear merges all the stimuli and form a volley.

This causes successive volleys of impulses and these volleys are fired such to align with inputs of stimuli. This helps neuron process and fire for each sound event.

This explain how Gerado's auditory nerves was able to respond to the high frequency sound of drill.

To learn more about Volley principle, visit



What is the primary advantage of using phase comparison in an interference microscope?.


Using the structures of interference microscope, we got that phase comparison can  be used to view specimen that is unstained.

Although all optical microscopes in strict sense create images by diffraction, interference microscopy creates images using difference between an interfering beam unmodified by  specimen and an otherwise identical beam that illuminates it. A beam splitter divide light into two paths, one of which passes through  specimen while the other bypasses it. When the two beams are combined,  resulting interference between them reveals the structure of  specimen. The first successful system, was actually invented by British microscopist Francis Smith and French physicist Maurice Françon in year 1947, used quartz lenses to produce reference and images-forming beams that were perpendicularly polarized.

The other advantages of using phase comparison in an interference microscope are:

Can be used to study marine organisms due to its dark space.Can be used to study live bacterium

Hence, the reason of using phase comparison in an interference microscope is that with the help of this we can view specimen that is unstained.

To know more about interference microscope, visit here:



which of the following statements about the monomers and polymers found in living organisms is false? question 6 options: the monomers used to make polymers are essentially universal. monomers serve as building blocks for polymers. monomers are joined together by the process of dehydration / condensation. monomers are joined together by the process of hydrolysis


False statement is option D: monomers are joined together by the process of hydrolysis.

The majority of macromolecules are constructed from single monomers, often known as building blocks. Covalent bonds allow the monomers to join to create polymers, which are bigger molecules. Consequently, monomers produce water molecules. Dehydration synthesis, which literally translates as "to bring together while losing water," is the name for this kind of reaction. Hydrolysis on the contrary means to break down polymers into monomers by putting up water.

Monomers are thus building blocked of polymers joined together by covalent bonds. While hydrolysis reactions typically release energy by breaking bonds, dehydration reactions typically require an energy investment for the formation of new bonds.

To know more about macromolecules, refer to the following link:



small seed that are covered in a biodegradable coating to make seed larger (easier to sow) are called .


Small seed that are covered in a biodegradable coating to make seed larger or easier to sow is called seed pelleting.

Seed pelleting is applying thin layer of filler materials that is biodegradable in nature, on seed surface that increases their weight and changes shape and size of seed. It is done to improve establishment process. Mostly, seed pelleting is done to make small, fine, light and odd shaped seeds into bold, heavy, round and uniform so they can be planted in easy way.

What is meant by term biodegradable?

The term biodegradable is defined as ability of any material to get decomposed by action of microorganism with the help of  abiotic factors in an ecosystem. Process of decomposing biodegradable waste is natural and may take time. Example includes food materials, kitchen wastes, paper, manure etc.



a heterozygous fruit fly with normal wings and a gray body (vvbb) is crossed with homozygous flies with vestigial wings and black bodies (vvbb). this type of cross is known as a


This type of cross is known as a dihybrid cross.

Dihybrid cross is a breeding experiment between two organisms which are identical hybrids for two traits. For example, heterozygous fruit fly with normal wings and a gray body (vvbb) is crossed with homozygous flies with vestigial wings and black bodies (vvbb).

Dihybrid cross  is explained as when the two organisms have equal hybrid for two traits. A hybrid organism is a heterozygous organism, which shows the organism have two different alleles at genetic point. Thus, a dihybrid organism is heterozygous at two distinct genetic loci.

To learn more about  dihybrid cross , here



When a researcher examines the consistency of data collected in a study, the researcher is considering which of the following characteristics?

A. reliability

B. validity

C. standard deviation

D. mode


reliability ; reliability refers to the consistency of a measure/data set. researchers consider three types of consistency: over time (test-retest reliability), across items (internal consistency), and across different researchers (inter-rater reliability).
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