which statement BEST completes the diagram:
colonists bring diseases like smallpox in North America, Colonists believe land can be owned by individual people, American Indian peoples suffer greatly.
A- colonists refuse to teach American Indians how to farm
B-colonists become the leaders of american indian religious groups
C- colonists introduce steel weapons and guns to american indians
D- colonists force american indians into slavery on plantations


Answer 1


C- colonists introduce steel weapons and guns to american indians


I agree

Related Questions

Japan's nickname comes from a mispronunciation of China's term for what?
A. Land of Four Quarters
B. Land of Many Hills
C. Land of the Sun's Origin
D. Land of Divine Winds


I think is: C. Land of the Sun's Origin

From 7pm to 10 PM, Josh can either attend a basketball game, a wrestling match or a concert. Suppose that Josh decides to attend the wrestling match and thinks to himself that if he did not go to the match he would go to the concert. The opportunity cost of attending the wrestling match is


Answer: Going to the concert.

Explanation: The opportunity cost is simply the loss incurred by choosing a certain option over another. It is simply the cost of the opportunity forgone. In the scenario above, There are three choices : A wrestling match, a basketball match and a concert. However, Josh decision was considering two of the choices ; the wrestling match and the concert. Therefore, if Josh eventually ends opts for the wrestling match, then the opportunity forgone or cost will be the CONCERT.

Answer:Going to the Concert.


topic about the life of Jeremiah 1 page(will get brainiest and 5 stars and thx)



Jeremías, Miguel Ángel, 1509.

Jeremías (Anatoth, Judea 650 a.C. - Daphnae, Egipto 585 a.C.) fue un profeta hebreo, hijo del sacerdote Hilcías. Jeremías vivió entre el 650-585 a.C. en Judá, Jerusalén, Babilonia y Egipto. Fue coetáneo de Ezequiel y anterior a Daniel.

Llamamiento y misión

Es autor del volumen de la Biblia conocido como el Libro de Jeremías. Se le atribuye a él la autoría de los libros de los Reyes y del Libro de las Lamentaciones. La labor de Jeremías el profeta fue llamar al arrepentimiento al reino de Judá y, principalmente, a los reyes Josías, Joacim (también llamado Joaquim), Joaquín1​ y Sedecías (también llamado Sedequías), debido al castigo impuesto por Yahvéh de que serían conquistados por los caldeos si no volvían su corazón hacia Dios. Su vida, como profeta, se caracterizó por soportar con una inquebrantable entereza los múltiples apremios y acusaciones que sufrió a manos de estos reyes y de los principales de Israel, desde azotes hasta ser abandonado en estanques o arrojado a las mazmorras.

La mayoría de sus profecías fueron escritas en rollos por el escriba Baruc, hijo de Nerías quien le acompañó en una buena parte de su misión.

Con sus profecías sobre la invasión de los "pueblos del norte" (Babilonia) desafió la política y el paganismo de los reyes de Judea, Joaquim y Sedecías y anunció el castigo de Yahvéh por la violencia y corrupción social, que rompían la alianza con Dios: Hablan de paz, pero no hay paz, escribió.

Según Jeremías,2​ la primera versión de su libro profético fue destruida a fuego por el rey Joaquim, bajo cuyo gobierno el profeta vivió en continuo peligro de muerte. La persecución contra Jeremías se acrecentó bajo el mandato de Sedecías. Este, a pesar de reconocerlo como portador de la palabra de Dios, lo trató con crueldad y lo acusó de espía de los babilonios, consecuencia de proclamar que Judá sería destruida si no se arrepentía de sus pecados y de no retomar la alianza con Yavhé. Jeremías llegó a lamentarse por su destino, pero finalmente decidió continuar su misión profética.3​

Jeremías llamó a liberar a los esclavos como muestra de conversión. En principio, su llamamiento fue acatado, aunque luego los amos volvieron a privar de la libertad a los que habían sido liberados. Esta actitud fue considerada por el profeta como el sello del destino que sobrevendría al reino Judá, de Sedequías y de Jerusalén.4​ El anuncio de la derrota de Judea fue acompañado, además, por la profecía sobre la futura destrucción de Babilonia,5​ y la instauración de la Nueva Alianza.

En el año 587 a. C. Nabucodonosor derrotó a los judíos, llevó cautivos a los notables, esclavizó a miles de personas, ejecutó a los hijos del rey en su presencia y luego le arrancó los ojos y lo llevó cautivo a Babilonia. En esa incursión, los babilonios destruyeron el Templo de Jerusalén. Únicamente los pobres fueron respetados y Jeremías se retiró a Mizpah y luego a Egipto. Nabucodonosor además protegió a Jeremías sacándolo de la prisión de Ramá (Belén) donde estaba encadenado junto a los principales cautivos de Jerusalén y Judá para que viviera entre los caldeos, este hecho lo llevó a ser tratado como un traidor y espía de los babilonios. Muchos judíos huyeron a Egipto y fueron también parte de las profecías de Jeremías.

Los otros hechos en la vida de Jeremías están narradas en los Paralipómenos de Jeremías6​ escritos por el Pseudo-Baruc.


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
spread their religious
was an important driving force for the spread of Islam in Medieval Africa,
beliefs as they traveled across the desert to exchange goods.



_ was an important driving force for the spread of Islam in Medieval Africa. _ spread their religious beliefs as they traveled across the desert to exchange goods.

Key Words: Imperialism, Trade, War, Arab Missionaries, Arab Merchants and Muslim Scholars



Arab merchants


TRADE was an important driving force for the spread of Islam in Medieval Africa. ARAB MERCHANTS spread their religious beliefs as they traveled across the desert to exchange goods.

The spread of Islam in Africa had a lot to do with the trade that was done between the Arabian merchants and Medieval Africans. These Arab traders built temples whenever they did business with the Africans, especially in underdeveloped towns, and because of this, the Africans were easily influenced.


The guy above me is correct

True or false: legal residents of Puerto Rico and Guam are considered full citizens of the US.





Puerto Ricans have been granted three different types of U.S. citizenship over the years, but questions remain about their rights and equal treatment as citizens.


Freedom of expression, including freedom of religion and freedom of peaceable assembly, is protected by which amendment to the Constitution? 1. the Third Amendment 2. the First Amendment 3. the Sixth Amendment 4. the Fourth Amendment



first amendment


bcuz i said mayn ( ^ _ ^ )

Freedom of expression, including freedom of religion and freedom of peaceable assembly, is protected by The First Amendment to the Constitution. Thus, option B is correct.

What is a constitution?

A constitution is a set of rules or principles that are produced for a judicial entity that would aid in the smooth operation of the administration or the community by describing how a government should indeed be formed and every one of the rights or obligations of each individual.

Under the First Amendment, Parliament may not enact legislation that allows for the formation of a religious belief or restrict their practice session.

The First Amendment to this Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech, which also includes the right to practice one's faith or belief and the right to assemble in peacefully. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about constitution, here:



What did modern democracies learn from the Romans?

how to limit a ruler's power by establishing a constitutional monarchy

to maintain a lasting government, allow only the rich and powerful to make and enforce laws for all the citizens

how to safeguard against tyranny by dividing the government's power among different parts

how to protect the rights of citizens by allowing the leaders to have absolute power


Answer:   C. how to safeguard against tyranny by dividing the government's power among different parts

What events do you think caused voters to lose faith in the political system and the nation’s leaders in the late 1960s and 1970s? Can you think of any events during your lifetime that may have caused voters to lose faith in the political system and nation's leaders?



the Vietnamese war


It did not happen all at once, this radical diminution of trust. Over more than a decade, the accumulated weight of critical reporting about the war, the publication of the Pentagon Papers in 1971, and the declassification of military and intelligence reports tarnished the office.

Nor did the process stop when that last chopper took off. New evidence of hypocrisy has continued to appear, an acidic drip, drip, drip on the image of the presidency. The three men who are most responsible for the war, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Richard Nixon, each made the fateful decision to record their deliberations about it.

The tapes they left behind—some of them still newly public, others long obscured by the sheer volume of the material—are extraordinary. They expose the presidents’ secret motives and fears, at once humanizing the men and deepening the disillusionment with the office they held.

1. Why is the Manhattan Project important?


The Manhattan Project was the US government program during World War II that developed and built these first atomic bombs. Detonation of these first nuclear bombs signaled arrival of a frightening new Atomic Age.
The Manhattan Project left behind a complex legacy. In the immediate aftermath of World War II, it sparked a nuclear arms race during the Cold War. The Manhattan Project also influenced other nuclear programs, not only in the Soviet Union, but in the United Kingdom and in France, among other countries.

What statement was true about the English and French colonies? Question 11 options: A) New France had a smaller population. B) Both colonies encouraged religious freedom. C) Neither nation wanted the colonists to run their own colonies. D) Both countries had urban populations who moved to the colonies.


A. New France had a smaller population

What did Americans get from the phonograph?
A. It brought music into their homes.
B. It helped people learn to play music.
C. It allowed people to talk over long distances.
D. It allowed peophs to get the news.


A. It brought music into their homes

Why princess Margaret couldn't marry Peter Townsend ?​



....Because she didn't like him. (I'm kidding )  

After the war, Margaret fell in love with Group Captain Peter Townsend. ... He proposed to Margaret early the following year. Many in the government believed that he would be an unsuitable husband for the Queen's 22-year-old sister, and the Church of England refused to countenance marriage to a divorced man.


Describe the culture of Jewish Orthodox in America



The culture of the Jewish Orthodox in America is similar to the culture of the Jewish Orthodox in other places like Israel or Russia.

The Jewish Orthodox in America are concentrated in the Northeast, particularly in New York and New Jersey. They mostly keep to themselves, and follow different branches of Judaism, like Hasidic Judaism, and Haredi Judaism.

They follow customs typical of orthodox judaism, like dressing in black, keeping long hair and beards in the case of men, and having large families. Women often do not work, and all of them keep the sabbath strictly (meaning that none of them work on saturdays).

By controlling _______, early humans were able to eat a more varied, nutritious diet.



a balanced diet



1. Fire.

2. Hierarchy.

3. Radiometric dating.

4. Beringia.

5. Disease.

6. Dog.

7. Agriculture provided a stable food source and encouraged population growth, which allowed for the development of settlements which would become towns and later cities. However, the settled diet wasn't as varied as a hunter-gatherer diet and the dense settlements allowed diseases to spread easily. As populations and wealth grew in settled communities, hierarchies and classes were established. Warfare also intensified.

8. Humans first successfully migrated into the west of Asia about 70,000 years ago, and by 50,000 years ago had migrated to Eastern Asia and Australia. About 40,000 years ago, humans first migrated to Europe. The last areas to be reached were the Americas, through the Beringia land bridge about 15,000 years ago. As they migrated, humans impacted the environment and become the top predators. Many scientists believe that humans were a main factor for the extinction of Pleistocene megafauna.



In one paragraph, identify which event you think was most influential in China’s recent history and explain why.



Their inventions were paper, compass, silk, gunpowder and fireworks. The ancient Chinese civilisation had a huge impact on the modern world. ... Ancient Chinese paper was invented because the thick hard paper had taking forever to write on. Paper had made a contribution to the modern world because it is still used today.


compare and contrast the conflict and functionalist apporach to deviance​



Conflict theory looks to social and economic factors as the causes of crime and deviance. Unlike functionalists, conflict theorists don't see these factors as positive functions of society. They see them as evidence of inequality in the system.


The biggest problem facing George H. W. Bush when he became president was?



The major issues that Bush faced while President included the tension and conflict in the Middle East as well as what to do with the dissolved Soviet Union.

riefly explain ONE example of how contact between Native Americans and Europeans brought changes to Native American societies in the period 1492 to 1700.



Native Americans societies changed a lot in the period 1492 to 1700.


The main reason is that most of Native Americans died during this period. According to some estimates, up to 90% or 95% of them died.

While it is true that some were slaughtered by Europeans, most Native Americans were killed by the spread of Eurasian diseases like measles or syphilis, for which they did not have antibodies.

As a result of this high mortality rate, entire Native American societies and empires disappeared. The Aztec and Incan Empires are perhaps the two most remarkable examples, since they were large, powerful empires before the arrival of Europeans.

What part of western food industry was among first to start large scale production


Agriculture was established in 10 thousand B.C.E in Middle East by Fertile Crescent Company.

The company produced different cultivated crops which included wheat, barley, chickpeas, lentils and cereal crops.

The first food mass production started in Ancient Rome in 350 B.C.E. The mass production was for bread which Roman empire  used to provide to every citizens every day.

About almost 120,000 were provided with free loaves of bread everyday who were living in annona.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24339079

What are 3-5 things that were unique to life out west?​


This question is incomplete, here´s the complete question.

The Gilded Age Overview

What are 3-5 things that were unique to life out West?


The settlement in the western United States

Native Americans sent to reservations

The foundation of the Populist Party


The construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, as well as the discovery of gold, silver, and copper in many western states, led to the rapid settlement of the western United States. By 1890, 430 million acres in the Far West were settled, much more than the previous 250 years.

After 30 years of war, 250,000 Native Americans who lived on the Great Plains were enclosed in reservations to allow the westward settlement.

The Populist Party was founded with the support of western farmers affected by the depression that arose in rural America who wanted a political voice against the railroad tycoons.

Consider a short story that takes place in a small seaside village during the early 1900s. The village is an example of:

Falling action

The plot


The setting




The setting


Setting refers to the time and place of a story. In this case, the seaside village is where the story takes place, so it would be the setting of the story.

On considering the story that makes up the plot and set in the village during the early 1900s the village in the story is an example of the setting.

The setting tells us about the background of the story and tells us about the early 1900 C.E The story is about a small village and is set for the audience.

Hence the option D is correct,

Learn more about the that takes place in a small village along seaside.


PLEASE HELP!!!! i need to compare and contrast between Mohandas Gandhi and augusto pinochet!! needs 500-600 words or just try and make it long please!!!


Mohandas Gandhi and Augusto Pinochet are two characters that have been very important in contemporary politics, both within their own nations as well as internationally. Although the two characters are very different, they share some commonalities.

Some common traits between the two is that both characters were considered historically significant in their respective countries. These are India in the case of Gandhi and Chile in the case of Pinochet. Another similarity is that both leaders succeeded in replacing the government that was in place in their nation at the time. While Gandhi tried to undermine the British government of India, Pinochet wanted to undermine the democratically-elected socialist government of Chile.

However, the two characters were also extremely different. Gandhi was only interested in politics when it came to benefitting the majority of the population, and particularly the most unfortunate ones. On the other hand, Pinochet wanted to benefit and protect the elite families of Chile. While Gandhi respected democracy, Pinochet established a military dictatorship. Finally, Gandhi was interested in reducing the influence of foreign powers in India, while Pinochet supported the involvement of the United States in Latin America.

Select any decade from the nineteenth or the twentieth century and create a timeline that traces the significant developments in the field of
psychology across that decade. Your timeline should include at least 10 significant psychological developments that span the decade that you


The development in the field of psychology has been through many decades. there has been a revolution the advancement of psychological field.

The understanding of human behavior have resulted in solving many problems. It mainly focuses on how a human will respond in a certain situation and what will be his behavior based on the environment.

There are many books published by various authors which include Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24370325


1950 Karen Horney, the founder of Feminist Psychology, published Neurosis and Human Growth: The Struggle Towards Self-Realization.

1950 Erik Erikson put forth his theory on the stages of psychosocial development.

1952 The first edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

1953 Nathaniel Kleitman discovered rapid eye movement sleep (REM),

1953 B.F. Skinner proposed behavioral therapy.

1954 Abraham Maslow introduced humanistic psychology.

1955 George Kelly put forth his theory of personality called personal construct psychology.

1956 Rollo May promoted existential psychology with the publication of Existence.

1959 Noam Chomsky started a sort of cognitive revolution after reading Skinner’s Verbal Behavior.

1959 Lawrence Kohlberg, based on Jean Piaget’s work, proposes his stages of moral development


from edmentum

Exploring Historical Mysteries
Which mysteries of the ancient world would you like to solve? Check all that apply.
O Where is Cleopatra's tomb?
O Was Alexander the Great murdered?
O What caused the fall of the Roman Empire?
How did the development of farming create killer diseases?
Why did the civilizations of ancient Laos create giant stone jar statues?
Why did the Nazca people draw giant shapes in the deserts of Peru?​



Where is Cleopatra's tomb

How did the development of farming create killer diseases

Why did the civilizations of ancient Laos create giant stone jar statues

Why did the Nazca people draw giant shapes in the deserts of Peru


These mysteries listed above are those I'd like to solve.

Cleopatra was a strong historical figure, and I''l like to find her tomb, and if possible her remains.

Diseases are one of the greatest problems faced by humanity, and finding out how it came to be, and how diseases have evolved will be a mystery I'd love to unravel.

The purpose of some of the structures and the symbols of the ancient world like creation of giant stone statues by ancient Laos, and the drawing of a giant shape by the ancient Nazca people in the Peruvian desert are among the mysteries I so much year to solve.


Where is Cleopatra's tomb

How did the development of farming create killer diseases

Why did the civilizations of ancient Laos create giant stone jar statues

Why did the Nazca people draw giant shapes in the deserts of Peru


Select the correct answer.

Which text structure has the author of this passage used?

In 1908, my great-grandmother first arrived in this country, and she had few possessions and little money. Then she found a friend living in a small apartment with a few other women, so they roomed together, and my great-grandmother found a job. The next year, my great-grandmother met my great-grandfather; they fell in love and were married within a matter of months. After that, they paid to rent out a small apartment while they worked hard and saved money, eventually saving enough to open their own business.

cause and effect
chronological order
problem and solution



B.  chronological order


It is chronological order because 1908, first, then, the next year, and after that are words that describe sequence or chronological order.


chronological order

I hope this helps

Which of the following strategies does McCarthy use in his speech?

A. He infers that the U.S. is morally superior to the Soviet Union.

B. He uses statistics to try to convince the audience that Communism is spreading rapidly.

C. He uses real-world examples to make his arguments about Soviet spies more convincing.

D. All of these choices are correct.



A. he infers that the U.s is morally superior to the Soviet Union

Write a persuasive paragraph to convince a friend or relative why government is necessary. As you write, think about the origin of state theories. Do you think governments come from God, or by agreement, or do you have some other theory? Discuss the theories and why your choice makes the most sense.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

My paragraph to convince a friend on why the government is necessary would be this one.

A form of government is so much needed in sociates to establish the kind of control and regulations to allow the citizens to live in peace and harmony. I would like to use the theories and references of Enlightenment authors such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jaques Rosseau that inspired revolutionary ideas about government and societies, that were later used in the United States and France. The form of government, of course, does not come from God, but from the people consensus of what could better work to live in harmony.

The govt is necessary for any country to manage external and internal affairs. The role of govt is essential for administration purposes and is preceded for the functions of the entity such as city, town, or any notified body.

The role of govt is essential as to make a division of rules and regulations regarding the work.

Learn more about the paragraph to convince a friend or relative.


Which of the following statements is an example of total war during World War I? Mandatory conscription was imposed to enlist more soldiers for the war. Newspapers worked hard to tell both sides of the story. All food and supplies were sent to soldiers, while civilians starved at home. Children were forced to work without pay in weapons factories. The government banned workers from going on strike.



An example of total war during World War I would be that all food and supplies were sent to soldiers, while civilians starved at home.


Total war is a type of war in which not only the armies but the whole of society fights, not on the battlefront but on the domestic front, through the redirection of the productive effort from the civilian to the military. Thus, the nation allocates all its resources and efforts to its military objectives, in order to win the conflict.

Thus, for example, the fact that most of the food resources and supplies were destined to cover the needs in the battle front, momentarily putting aside the needs of civil society, is a clear example of total war, in the that not only the soldiers, but the nation as a whole, make efforts to win the war.


the third one


in a representative democracy, who is being represented?



The people


It is  a system of government in which all eligible citizens vote on representatives to pass laws for them


In representitive demacraucy the people who are being represented are the people who will go and vote for president or whoever


in representitive demaucracy citizens vote for pres or whoever

7. This was the leading cause of death from the 1700s through the 1800s.
a. Infection
b. Influenza
Heart disease
d. Bubonic plague





There weren't many medications the stop Infections


A . Infection

The leading cause of death from the 1700s through the 1800s. was infection

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