write down four fundamental aspects/features of Nepalese tradition​


Answer 1

The four fundamental aspects/features of Nepalese tradition​ are the following:

Religion;Most Nepalese practice Hinduism and Buddhism; while others practice religions such as Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism, Bon, and animism.CustomsCustomary marriages in Nepal are about parents arranging the marriage process between their adult or mature children.Also, there is a practice of respect which is termed Ahimsa, in Sanskrit and translates to "non-violence."Nepal people have their unique cuisines, some of the popular ones are daal - lentil soup, bhat - boiled rice, and tarkari - curried vegetables, mix with achar - pickle.

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there are 3 stages to General Adaptation Syndrome: stage 1- alarm, stage 2- resistance and stage 3- exhaustion

According to one survey of cultural valuesAnswers: a. for Americans, only good health is more important than work.b. Americans value work more than Japanese do.c. Americans typically value things like their children's education and a satisfactory love life more than work.d. Americans place no value on work, only on money.



Correct Answer:

a. for Americans, only good health is more important than work


The survey on the cultural values of Americans was able to show that, they value good health than work. Because of this, they always visit touristic places in other countries while the number of hours they put into work is minimal. To most of them, money is valueless without good health.

Gabbie is trying to decide what to wear today. It is going to be raining this morning but should be clearing off later. In addition, Gabbie knows that she has riding lessons after school, so she needs to take that into account when she chooses her clothes. On top of that, today is the pep rally, meaning Gabbie is expected to wear her school colors. In order to select an appropriate outfit without assistance, Gabbie must be capable of which of the following?A) ReversibilityB) DecentrationC) CentrationD) Conservation





In Piaget's theory, Decentration is being able to focus on the different characteristics of a situation or an object and not just notice only one characteristic or attribute of that thing. For Gabby to be able to sell the appropriate outfit, she has to be able to use decentration on all the activities she has for the day while trying to pick this outfit.

what was the role played by various committees in the making of the constitution?​



Committees in the making of constitution are the legislatures, constituent and assemblies in the previous section.


Constitution making process have limited functions are related specific functions, limited bodies.

Constitution to providing advice a aspects of system to another body and draft constitution,  have limited specific functions to making process.

Committees are they other constitutional commissions are similar bodies, drafting and adopting assemblies.

Constitution provide a advice on a financial aspects of a system, to prepare draft and prepare constitution.

Committee of they assembly is that formed a preparing draft consideration by another body.

Committee is the commissions constitutional committees, given command drafting responsibilities.

Commissions are the legislature of the assembly in a other ways.

If you had to choose a family type, which type of family would you choose? Give reason​



Nuclear Family because


The nuclear family is the traditional type of family structure. This family type consists of two parents and children. The nuclear family was long held in esteem by society as being the ideal in which to raise children. Children in nuclear families receive strength and stability from the two-parent structure and generally have more opportunities due to the financial ease of two adults.

I would have loved I would have been raised in a joint family. There are a lot of reasons to prove my point.

If you are a working mom living in a joint family, you can rest assured of your child’s daily needs. If you are worried about who will serve him food or take care of him when he is sick, you need not. As you know in a joint family, there will always be people to take good care of him.If you have ever lived in a joint family, you must have experienced that sharing little joys and achievements with your family members makes them so happy. Even small achievements are rejoiced by one and all. And in the moments of sorrow, your family is always there to support youIf you notice a child raised in a nuclear family and the one raised in a joint family, you will observe difference in their behaviour. A kid brought up with many people is obviously more social but he also has a habit of sharing. Living in a joint family inculcates the habit of sharing from childhood. If your child has a chocolate, he will know that he has to distribute it among his siblings and cousins. As a kid, he might not like to share it, but it only prepares him for the future. The habit of giving and sharing makes you a person who is liked by all. Living in a joint family makes you focus on ‘we’ than on ‘meGrowing up in a family with so many elders develops a sense of respect for others. Keeping your tongue in check around elders, respecting them, and obeying their commands…somehow shapes your personality. And a person who shows respects and treats others with respect is always appreciatedThe education of a child living with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents is not only restricted to academics and school but the horizon of his education is much wider. Living with grandparents, a child gets acquainted with the world of their times. With aunts and uncles, he gets familiar with their struggles. All in all, living in a joint family makes one understand that there is more to education than just school booksThe amount of love and care that one receives in a joint family cannot be uttered in words. If you are sick or sad, you will never find yourself alone. There will always be people to take care of you. It is the major benefit of living in a joint family; the love you receive is immeasurable and something you can never pay off.If you live in a joint family, you can be sure that your child will never be bored or feel alone. He will always have cousins as his partners in crime. He will never be deprived of friends as he will always have his cousins to play with. As he grows, his bond with his cousins will only get better. In the lonely crowded world, your child will always have someone to share his problems.A person coming from a joint family knows how to communicate with people of different age groups. Living with elders, siblings/cousins, nephews and nieces moulds his personality. All these basic elements of communication which are necessary for living happily in a society are inculcated in him right from the start when he lives in a joint family.A person coming from a joint family knows how to communicate with people of different age groups. Living with elders, siblings/cousins, nephews and nieces moulds his personality. All these basic elements of communication which are necessary for living happily in a society are inculcated in him right from the start when he lives in a joint family.

So, there were some benefits of growing up in a family with different individuals. If you have lived in a nuclear family adjusting with many people will be hard. But, choose wisely. It’s not as bad as you think it to be.

These are the reasons why I would have liked being raised in a joint family type

When the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights clarified the meaning of Americans with Disabilities Act by saying that schools had to provide equal opportunities for students with disabilities to play sports, it was an example of government involvement meant to Group of answer choices



To ensure fairness and protect human rights.


When the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights clarified the meaning of Americans with Disabilities Act by saying that schools had to provide equal opportunities for students with disabilities to play sports, it was an example of government involvement meant to ensure fairness and protect human rights.

Some schools are fond of discriminating against students with any form of disabilities which is an abuse of the fundamental rights of these pupils and promotes segregation, stigmatization and intimidation.

Applying the median-voter model and assuming that there are equal numbers of voters supporting each stadium, we would expect:________ a. stadium C to be built, but this would not be the most socially efficient outcome. b. stadium C to be built, which would be the most socially efficient outcome. c. no stadium to be built, because of political gridlock. d. stadium D to be built because it produces the most socially efficient outcome.


Answer the question on the basis of the following table that shows the total costs and total benefits facing a city of five different potential baseball stadiums of increasing size. All figures are in millions of dollars.

Stadium Total Cost Total Benefit

A $80 $140

B 100 200

C 130 250

D 165 290

E 220 300

Applying the median-voter model and assuming that there are equal numbers of voters supporting each stadium, we would expect


a. stadium C to be built, but this would not be the most socially efficient outcome.


The median voter model, is a term that describes a situation in which a form of majority rule voting system determines the eventual outcome wanted majorly by the median voter.

This is a means of trying to reach conclusion based on median rule, most specifically, when equal number of voters are supporting different alternatives.

Hence, in this case, using median voter model will ensure that stadium C is built, however, stadium E would be most socially efficient outcome.

The strength of gravitational force is affected by the distance between objects and which of the following?



The gravitational force is jointly proportional to the masses of the objects involved and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. You've mentioned distance, so the other contributor is

1. Mass

You decide that your free time over the weekend, which you're thinking of giving up so you can volunteer at the Special Olympics, is not as important to you as the good feelings and the joy you will receive from giving back to the community. This decision can be explained by the:


what are the options?

The term _____ began to be used during the Iraq War and described the forces opposed to American involvement. Members are typically organized into covert groups that engage in organized campaigns of extreme violence.



The term terrorists/revolutionaries began to be used during the Iraq War and described the forces opposed to American involvement. Members are typically organized into covert groups that engage in organized campaigns of extreme violence.

Which of the following best describes the logic of scientific inquiry? Which of the following best describes the logic of scientific inquiry? If my observations are accurate, they will support my hypothesis. If my hypothesis is correct, I can expect certain test results. If my prediction is correct, it will lead to a testable hypothesis. If I generate a testable hypothesis, tests and observations will support it. If my experiments are set up right, they will lead to a testable hypothesis.



If my hypothesis is correct, I can expect certain test results.


How is district assembly formed?​




The Head of a district development committee is elected by the district assembly. The government also appoints a Local Development Officer in each district development committee who heads the DCC in absence of an elected head or deputy head

What causes shortage of water? 1.seasonal or annual precipitation 2.over-exploitation of the sources of water
3.contamination of the sources of water
4.all of the above​



Water scarcity

Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region.

It already affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of every year.

More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water.

Water scarcity involves water stress, water shortage or deficits, and water crisis.

While the concept of water stress is relatively new, it is the difficulty of obtaining sources of fresh water for use during a period of time and may result in further depletion and deterioration of available water resources.Water shortages may be caused by climate change, such as altered weather patterns including droughts or floods, increased pollution, and increased human demand and overuse of water.

A water crisis is a situation where the available potable, unpolluted water within a region is less than that region's demand.

Water scarcity is being driven by two converging phenomena: growing freshwater use and depletion of usable freshwater resources.

Water scarcity can be a result of two mechanisms: physical (absolute) water scarcity and economic water scarcity, where physical water scarcity is a result of inadequate natural water resources to supply a region's demand, and economic water scarcity is a result of poor management of the sufficient available water resources.

According to the United Nations Development Programme, the latter is found more often to be the cause of countries or regions experiencing water scarcity, as most countries or regions have enough water to meet household, industrial, agricultural, and environmental needs, but lack the means to provide it in an accessible manner.

The reduction of water scarcity is a goal of many countries and governments.

The UN recognizes the importance of reducing the number of people without sustainable access to clean water and sanitation.

The Millennium Development Goals within the United Nations Millennium Declaration state that by 2015 they resolve to "halve the proportion of people who are unable to reach or to afford safe drinking water."

Note: The above text is excerpted from the Wikipedia article "Water scarcity", which has been released under the GNU Free Documentation License.

"On a scale of one to ten, where one means "Disagree strongly" and ten means "agree strongly," please give a rating of the idea that there is a problem with police violence in the United States." This question, if used in a research study, is an example of a(n) ________ scale.


Answer: standard scale


On a scale of one to ten, where one means "Disagree strongly" and ten means "agree strongly," please give a rating of the idea that there is a problem with police violence in the United States." This question, if used in a research study, is an example of a standard scale.

It is used to rate ones satisfaction about a particular research topic.

60 POINTS!! I NEED HELP ASAP PLEASE!!!! ILL GIVE 5 STAR+BRAINLIEST!! SOMEBODY HAVE THE ANSWERS TO THIS ENTIRE CHART??(it is edmentum) In this task, you will further explore some of the issues you learned about in the unit. You will also research the UN agencies that work on resolving these issues. Complete the table with the following information for each global issue: Write a description of the issue in your own words. These issues were covered in the unit, but you may need to research them for further clarity. Identify the UN agencies that are involved in resolving each issue. To research the agencies, consult this list of UN agencies. Keep in mind that more than one UN agency may be assigned to deal with some problems. The issue of population is addressed in the first row of the table as an example.



- Climate change

Description: Climate change refers to man made activities that have resulted in colder climate for some parts of the world, and also hotter climate for other parts of the world.

UN Agency: Intergovernmental panel on Climate change (IPCC), United Nations Development Organization (UNDP)

- Health and medicine

Description: Because of the discovery of new deadly diseases every year the United Nations has organizations in place to research cures to immerging disease.

UN Agency: World Health Organization (WHO)

- Human Rights

Description: In a world where the less privilege are discriminated against on the basis of ethnicity, education status, religious affiliation etc, the United Nations has organizations that seeks to guarantee human rights protections.

UN Agency: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization  (UNESCO), Human Rights Watch

- Weapons of mass destruction


UN Agency: United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization.

- Global trade

Description: Economic development is still lacking in many parts of the world, and so achieving economic prosperity is believed to be possible through global trade.

UN Agency:  UN Inter-Agency Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity (UNCTAD).

- Access to water

Description: Lack of access to water is still a major problem in developing countries today, thus, the United Nations has organizations that seeks to ensure everyone has access to clean water.

UN Agency: UN-Water, World Health Organization (WHO), World Food Program (WFP).

- Energy sources

Description: Today, there is limited access to energy and not all energy sources are considered safe, and so the UN tries to solve this problem.

UN Agency: United Nations Energy (UN-Energy)

- Terrorism and counterterrorism

Description: With a rising threat of terrorism, a big concern for governments today is to combat or prevent terrorism.

UN Agency: United Nations Counter Terrorism Center (UNCTC)


Global Issue population

Description As the population grows, it’s harder for some people in the world to get the things they need, such as food, housing, and water. Also, in some places the birth rates are high, but life expectancy is short.

UN Agency United Nations Development Program, World Food Program, World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization, Millennium Development Goals, United Nations Population Fund, United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Global Issue global culture and heritage preservation

Description keeps the artifacts and traditions of a community intact against factors trying to change them or wear them away. Some common examples are restoring historical buildings, passing on an ancient craft or recording traditional tales. Cultural heritage is crucial for communities.

UN Agency The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Global Issue climate change

Description Climate change refers to man made activities that have resulted in colder climate for some parts of the world, and also hotter climate for other parts of the world.

UN Agency Intergovernmental panel on Climate change (IPCC), United Nations Development Organization (UNDP)

Global Issue health and medicine

Description Because of the discovery of new deadly diseases every year the United Nations has organizations in place to research cures to immerging diseases.

UN Agency World Health Organization (WHO)

Global Issue human rights

Description In a world where the less privilege are discriminated against on the basis of ethnicity, education status, religious affiliation etc, the United Nations has organizations that seeks to guarantee human rights protections.

UN Agency United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Human Rights Watch

Global Issue weapons of mass destruction

Description a nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological, or other device that is intended to harm a large number of people.

UN Agency United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization.

Global Issue global trade

Description Economic development is still lacking in many parts of the world, and so achieving economic prosperity is believed to be possible through global trade.

UN Agency UN Inter-Agency Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity (UNCTAD).

Global Issue access to water

Description Lack of access to water is still a major problem in developing countries today, thus, the United Nations has organizations that seeks to ensure everyone has access to clean water.

UN Agency UN-Water, World Health Organization (WHO), World Food Program (WFP).

Global Issue energy sources

Description Today, there is limited access to energy and not all energy sources are considered safe, and so the UN tries to solve this problem.

UN Agency United Nations Energy (UN-Energy)

Global Issue terrorism and counterterrorism

Description With a rising threat of terrorism, a big concern for governments today is to combat or prevent terrorism.

UN Agency United Nations Counter Terrorism Center (UNCTC)

Global Issue technological change

Description An increase in the efficiency of a product or process that results in an increase in output, without an increase in input.

UN Agency The United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) is a subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). 

ita returned home after being away for several years. When she saw her father, whom she thought she disliked, she hugged him and cried. Based on her behavior when she met him, she determined that she must like him more than she thought. This is most consistent with the _____ of attitudes.





In the scenario being described, Ita's reaction is most consistent with the self-perception of attitudes theory. This theory states that when an individual is unsure about how their feelings and motivations towards something, they will usually use their own behavior to infer what exactly they are feeling. Which in this case Ita's behavior as she cried and hugged her father showed her that she actually cared for him a lot more than she thought.

Veronica spent three years fighting cancer before dying. As a result of her prolonged death, her husband, Nelson, prepared emotionally for it and acknowledged that the loss was inevitable. Nelson engaged in __________.


Answer: Anticipatory grieving

Explanation: When an event is being anticipated, it simply means an event that has been coming or one which an individual is expectant of. In the scenario above, Veronica who happens to be Nelson's wife was plagued with cancer which happens to be a sort of terminal disease. Due to the nature of the disease and prolonged length of her death, Nelson was already planning or predicting the death of Veronica as he has doubts over her survival. The emotional Preparedness which Nelson made over his wife's death is called anticipatory grieving.

Which of the following is the same for both Senators and Representatives?
1. The number of years they serve per term.
2. The number of times they can be re-elected.
3. The minimum age at the time of their election.
4. The length of time they have been US citizens.





1: not 1. Senators 6, Reps 2

2: As far as I know, both can serve as many times as they are elected by a popular vote.

3. Not the same. Reps are 25 Senate is 30

4. Not the same. I think Reps are 7 senators are 9


2. The number of times they can be re-elected.


There are two houses within the U.S. Congress. The founding fathers wanted to make the two houses different enough so that all citizens would be represented equally. Senators and Representatives have other numbers of years that they serve (Senators 6 years, Representatives 2 years), several elected officials in their house (Senators 100 members, Representatives 435 members), and the groups of people they are accountable to (Senate is responsible to citizens of their home state, Representatives accountable to citizens in their Congressional districts). They also have a different minimum age at the time of their election. (Representatives must be at least 25 years old, while Senators must be at least 30 years old at the time of their election.) The length of citizenship is also different for a Senator and a Representative. (A Senator has to be a U.S. citizen for at least nine years, while a Representative only has to be a citizen for seven years.) One similar detail between the Senate and the house is that officials can be re-elected unlimited times.

A therapist observes that a 10-month old child is having difficulty maintaining the prone on elbows position, because every time he looks over to one side, his arm on the opposite side bends and he loses his balance. Which reflex does the therapist suspect has not been integrated



The correct answer is: Primitive reflexes.


Primitive reflexes can be understood as reflex actions that originate in the central nervous system, and are expected to be exhibited by healthy infants when being exposed to a particular set of stimuli. They are also called newborn reflex, or infantile reflex.

They include the sucking reflex, rooting reflex and the Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex.

In this particular case, A therapist observes that a 10-month old child is having difficulty maintaining the prone on elbows position, because every time he looks over to one side, his arm on the opposite side bends and he loses his balance. Which reflex does the therapist suspect has not been integrated Primitive reflexes.

Mention any five ways to preserve our art, religion and culture.​


1.The Exhibition
2.Awareness seminars
4.Exhibitions and fairs
5.Live performances


Regular practice and knowledge sharing

Live performances

Exhibitions and fairs


Awareness seminars


What What roles can you play to minimize corruption? Write in points. Why is corruption regarded as social crime? Elucidate with examples.​


We define corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Corruption erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development and further exacerbates inequality, poverty, social division and the environmental crisis.

The presence of four vehicles and a pedestrian approaching an intersection at the same time might represent a situation to _______ the risk (and move forward to an alternative maneuver at a different intersection) of completing the maneuver. a) Accept b) Reject c) Identify d) None of the above



c, identify


pedestrians always have the right of way and you could risk hitting the pedestrian


c- identity


Danica is working on a research paper for her world history class. The paper has to be at least 30 pages long. Instead of sitting down and trying to compose 30 pages, she constructs an outline and writes the paper one section at a time. In cognitive psychology, Danica is using the ________ heuristic



she's using the subgoals heuristic

This is a photograph of !Kung hunter-gatherers, a group of modern foragers. The study of the !Kung and other modern foragers as well as the geometry of ancient bones provides insight about whether people had to work harder to acquire their food as hunter-gatherers or as agriculturalists. Identify the statements that correctly reflect related research findings.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although the question does not include options, we can say the following.

This is a photograph of !Kung hunter-gatherers, a group of modern foragers. The study of the !Kung and other modern foragers as well as the geometry of ancient bones provide insight into whether people had to work harder to acquire their food as hunter-gatherers or as agriculturalists. The statements that correctly reflect related research findings are the following:

"There is a great deal of variation in how much both hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists work." And "bone signatures in Coastal Georgia indicate a lessened work load with the onset of agriculture."  

For the !Kung, the work load heavily depended on the conditions of the environment. They had to consider their living conditions and necessities to know what to do and the way to work to fulfill their necessities. Researcher Christopher Ruff shared important knowledge about how bones found in the Coastal area show that these people had less stress due to the fact that their level of work and general activities were lower. The weather conditions of the region allowed them to grow crops and harvest successfully in the coastal region. Raw materials and natural resources were plenty in this area.

What are the clothes of brahmin?​


The Daura is a variant of the Kurta and is the upper garment, the Suruwal is the trouser. The coat was added to the costume by Jang Bahadur Rana, a prime minister of Nepal in the 19th century. The outfit is also popular in Darjeeling in neighbouring India amongst people of Nepali origin.

Have a nice day!

Brahmins are the class in Hinduism. Brahmins are believed to come from India. The ethnicity of Brahmin is Aryan. Brahmin is divided into two groups: purbiya and kumai. Brahmin is again subdivided into; Upadhya and jaisi. Upadhya is regarded to be higher in rank than jaisi. In many places, were even people of Upadhya class do not eat the food offered by jaisi. From many years, Brahmas used to be engaged in religious activities as priest. They make pujas in Brahmin caste, In marriage and even in death ceremony. In many ceremonies, It is very important to have Brahmin priest.

In marriage ceremony, bridegroom goes in the house of bride to marry her. They both worship fire and god and take around fire promising each other not to leave each other’s support, love in front of family, friends and relatives. Bride has to go in the house of bridegroom after marriage.

d Name four other water-related activities that would interest this
type of tourist.






water skiing

It is a typical late-fall day and your father has been outside for a good part of the day working in the yard. When he enters the house, he is visibly shivering and appears to be somewhat confused and disoriented. His clothing is soaked (apparently from working with the garden hose). Which of the following would be appropriate to do first?A- Replace your father's wet clothing with dry clothing.B- Call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number.C- Have your father drink a warm liquid.D- Gradually rewarm your father's body.



B- Call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number.              


The first thing to do is call 911 or the designated emergency number. The person needs professional assistance that can help him and check the severity of his hypothermia. The sooner we call the emergency number, the fastest the help will arrive, which is very important since time has a crucial role in these types of cases. Once you call 911, they will tell you what to do while they are on their way, something that is very important because if we do not follow their instructions, we can harm the person.

What is the difference between federal and provincial government?​



The federal government runs all the states combined, under common federal law, while the state, or provincial government, operates under local state-wide laws. ... The federal government is where the federal laws that are made by the US Congress, are applied, while the state government is where state-wide laws made.


The federal government runs all the states combined, under common federal law, while the state, or provincial government, operates under local state-wide laws. ... The federal government is where the federal laws that are made by the US Congress, are applied, while the state government is where state-wide laws made.

Geography is the study of __________. A. the Earth’s surface B. the interior of the Earth and its impact on the Earth’s surface C. ancient cultures D. animal populations


a. the earths surface

Answer: Geography is the study of Earth's surface. (Hence, Geo, which means earth.)

Write any two advantage of preserving our cultural heritage​



Preserving our heritage and improving our environment

Conserving heritage buildings reduces energy usage associated with demolition, waste disposal and new construction, and promotes sustainable development by conserving the embodied energy in the existing buildings.

Preserving our heritage and improving our environment. Conserving heritage buildings reduces energy usage associated with demolition, waste disposal, and new construction, and promotes sustainable development by conserving the embodied energy in the existing buildings.

What is the meaning of heritage?

Cultural heritage is indeed the inheritance from earlier generations of a group or society's intangible and physical heritage assets. Not every legacy left by previous generations qualifies as "heritage"; heritage is instead the result of social selection.

Heritage is the entirety of our inherited customs, structures, possessions, and culture. The variety of modern activities, meanings, plus behaviors that we infer from them is what matters most.

The ideas, traditions, and social norms of a particular group of people or society are referred to as their culture. The cultural elements that have been passed down to the present and are to be conserved for the future are referred to as heritage. Thus, the major distinction between history and culture is this.

You get an opportunity to comprehend customs that were unique to your forefathers. You can learn more about the evolution of your ancestors and culture, as well as interesting facts about your particular ancestry. The data acquired will be based on genetic and environmental factors in some cases.

Learn more about heritage here:



Other Questions
Literature: Figures of Speech - Tuesday, 4 AugustExercise 1: Identify and understand personificationRead the poem below and answer the questions that follow'.I meant to do my work todayRichard Le GallienneI meant to do my work today,But a brown bird sang in the apple tree,And a butterfly flitted across the field,And all the leaves were calling me.And the wind went sighing over the land,Tossing the grasses to and fro,And a rainbow held out its shining hand -So what could I do but laugh and go?Questions1. What human qualities are referred to in the poem?2. Why did the poet write this poem?3. What two figures of speech is used in line 2? What effect does it have? the first permanent english colony in the new world was at? 5s indicate multiplication using parentheses and then without using a raised dot or parentheses. ALGEBRA 1 Solve 2 - (7x + 5) = 13 - 3x (make sure to type the number only) Once upon a time there was a farmer whose family raised pigs and chickens. If you counted 24 heads and 80 feet, how many chickens were there? How many pigs were there? Make t as the subject of the formula. P = d + 15t According to the number line, what is the distance between points A and B?BVX- 16 - 14 -12 -10 -8 -6 4-20 2468 10 12 14 16U6 unitsX 7 units12 units14 units Please help me guys :)Question:In exercises 1 through 4, find the one-sided limits lim x->2(left) f(x) and limx-> 2(right) from the given graph of f and determine whether lim x->2 f(x) exists. Which of the following amendments to the U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of federalism? How to do these two questions? II. Give the noun of each of the following words.1. possible . 2. dirty .3. safe . 4. obedient .5. responsible . 6. inform .7. lose . 8. choose .9. necessary . 10. important . 1. Research 5 functions of the frontal lobe and explain them in detail with example.2. Explain what you think might happen if someone damaged frontal lobe. You must mention the functions you have listed Rent expense of $3,000 is allocated to Department A and Department B based on square footage. Department A has 5,000 square feet and Department B has 2,500 square feet.The dollar amount of rent expense allocated to Department B is:_______ NO LINKS OR ANSWERING QUESTIONS YOU DON'T KNOW!!! PLEASE answer thoroughly. Chapter 9 part 24. How can you determine the maximum number of solutions for a polynomial? How are these counted on the graph? Suppose that 67.2% of all adults with type 2 diabetes also suffer from hypertension. After developing a new drug to treat type 2 diabetes, a team of researchers at a pharmaceutical company wanted to know if their drug had any impact on the incidence of hypertension for diabetics who took their drug. The researchers selected a random sample of 500 participants who had been taking their drug as part of a recent large-scale clinical trial and found that 317 suffered from hypertension.The researchers want to use a onesample z test for a population proportion to see if the proportion of type 2 diabetics who have hypertension while taking their new drug, p, is different from the proportion of all type 2 diabetics who have hypertension. They decide to use a significance level of ???? = 0.05.A. Determine the p value for this test.B. Determine the value of the z test statistic. Let a and b be rational numbers. Is a b rational or irrational? Calculate the surface area of a cube when the length of a side a = 15cm.Surface area = 6a^2 Define:(i) parasitism,(iii) photosynthetic nutrition Find the length of the missing side. Leave your answer in simplest radical form. A. 296 ft B. 2[tex]\sqrt{74}[/tex] ft C. [tex]\sqrt{206}[/tex] ft D. [tex]\sqrt{26}[/tex] ft All of the following are true regarding traditional manufacturing except a.traditional manufacturing practices tolerate defects. b.traditional manufacturing practices increase inventory to protect against process problems. c.traditional manufacturing practices decrease lead time to protect against uncertainty. d.traditional manufacturing practices emphasize product oriented layout.