write down the effects of gravitational force ​


Answer 1


The effects of gravitational force are :

i) The Sun's gravitational pull keeps our planet orbiting the Sun.

ii)The motion of the Moon is affected by the gravity of the Sun AND the Earth.

iii) The Moon's gravity pulls on the Earth and makes the tides rise and fall every.

iv) The Earth's gravitational force accelerates objects when they fall.

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positive error and negative error.


There are two types of error which is possible when measuring of a length with the help of ruler. Positive error occurs if the calculated value is larger than actual value while negative error occurs when the calculated value is smaller than actual value. To avoid positive error, the increased value should be subtracted from calculated value while negative error can be corrected by adding the value with the reading.

If one half of a DNA molecule has 8 thymine bases, what else is also true about the DNA molecule? (1 point)
There will be 16 total bases.
O There will be 32 total bases.
There will be 8 adenine bases.
There will be 8 cytosine bases.


There will be 8 adenine bases.

Thymine always pairs with adenine in DNA, so if there are 8 thymine bases that means there are also 8 adenine bases.

We don’t know how many total bases there will be, and because cytosine does not pair with thymine we don’t know how many cytosine bases there will be.

1. Research 5 functions of the frontal lobe and explain them in detail with example.
2. Explain what you think might happen if someone damaged frontal lobe. You must mention the functions you have listed



the front  lobes are involved in motor function, problem solving,spontaneity,memory,language,initiation,judgement,impulse control,and social behaviour..

Explanation: particulary, an injury of the frontal lobecould leads to deficits in executive function such as anticipation , goal selection, planning and self correction





These are single-celled MESOKARYOTES constituting the phylum DINOFLAGELLATA


Their populations are distributed depending on sea surface temperature,e.t.c.

Hope it helps.

• They are basically unicellular, motile, biflagellate and photosynthetic protists. Predominate colour is golden brown but yellow, green, red and even blue also exists.Some Dinoflagellates like Gymnodinium and Gonyaulax grow in large number in the sea and make the water look red and cause the so called “red tide”.

You will be the expert: Imagine you are teaching a class on controlling microbial growth in the environment. To test your students, you will present them with a scenario including a site and some probably microbes present. They must design a strategy to eliminate harmful microbes from the area.
1A. Come up with a scenario/situation including a site and some probable microbes present.
1B. Come up with possible solution/analysis to that scenario/situation in order to eleminate harmful microbes.



A possible scenario would be many rusty pipes with abundant soil in an abandoned area or house.

The probable microorganism would be clostritium tetani, which causes tetanus disease.

This clostridium is eliminated once the oxidized surfaces are exterilized, eliminated and cleaned with disinfectants.

In addition, it could be sprayed with disinfectant on the ground to kill the presence of possible spores of this bacterium.


Clostridium tetani is a bacterium that affects the central and peripheral nervous systems of humans.

Today there is a vaccine for this bacterium, which is called tetanus and is administered against a possible accident, surgical act or risk of having been inoculated with the bacteria.

The current tetanus vaccine has a longevity of 10 years in the human organism, once this period has passed, the booster should be given.

This bacterium coexists with other microorganisms in this environment with accumulations of soil and rust, which the most dangerous would be fungi (they trigger deep mycosis). An example of these fungi is: histoplasma capsulatum, responsible for generating histoplasmosis.

The scenario or situation including a site and some probable microbes present would be a controlled Laboratory.

The possible solution or analysis to that scenario in order to eliminate harmful microbes is fumigation.

Identification of microbes is critical in determining which microbial removal strategies will be used in a site.

The scenario or situation including a site and some probable microbes present would be a controlled Laboratory where microbes are isolated from the site via cultured methods. When carrying out microbial culture, the culture plates usually support the growth of a wide range of microorganisms. As a result, biochemical approaches may be used to distinguish one microbial population species from another. They may exist in various species of fungi, viruses, bacteria, protozoa, etc.

The elimination of microbes is dependant on the size of the area being analyzed. This is done by the application of formaldehyde to the area. Other methods include alcohol sterilization and heat sterilization for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces of the laboratory and equipment respectively.

Learn more about microbes here:


if the sequence of bases on the mrna codon is auu what would be the sequence of bases on the trna anticodon





An anticodon is a trinucleotide sequence localized in the transport RNA (tRNA) that binds via complementary base pairing to the codon in the messenger RNA (mRNA) during protein synthesis (translation). Thus, the tRNA anticodon binds with its complementary three-letter mRNA codon during translation in order to add a specific amino acid to the growing protein. Generally, the anticodon sequence positions 34–36-nt of the tRNA that reads its cognate mRNA codon sequence via Watson–Crick base pairing.

When arterial blood pressure falls the body compensates to raise the blood pressure. Explain this process.



the body distributes more blood to the body surface where it can ... Changes in diameter affect peripheral resistance, pressure, and flow, which ... the aorta and carotid arteries: The aortic sinuses are found in the walls of the ... When blood pressure drops too low, the rate of baroreceptor firing decreases.


The photoelectric effect describes when light shines on a piece of metal, and the metal releases electrons. Which model of light
behavior best helps explain this effect?

Particle model

Wave model

Electromagnetic model

Frequency model



The answer is PARTICLE MODEL The person above ^^^ got the answer wrong, the correct answer really is Particle Model...



Particle model


I am taking the test rnn


Pectoralis Minor External Obliques Gluteus maximus Hamstrings Which are axial muscles or appendicular muscles?



they are axial muscles

* Explain about monohybrid and diyhybrib cross with the help of punnet square​


In a monohybrid cross, such as the one in Figure below, the Punnett square shows every possible combination when combining one maternal (mother) allele with one paternal (father) allele. In this example, both organisms are heterozygous for flower color Bb (purple). Both plants produce gametes that contain both the B and b alleles. The probability of any single offspring showing the dominant trait is 3:1, or 75%. To develop a Punnett square, possible combinations of alleles in a gamete are placed on the top and left side of a square. For a monohybrid cross (Table below), individual alleles are used, whereas for a dihybrid cross (Table below), pairs of alleles are used. A Punnett square for a monohybrid cross is divided into four squares, whereas a Punnett square for a dihybrid cross is divided into 16 squares. How many boxes would a Punnett square need if three traits were examined? The squares are filled in with the possible combinations of alleles formed when gametes combine, such as in a zygote.

To study the fate of carbon during glycolysis under aerobic conditions, cultured cells are fed with 14C-glucose labeled in various positions. You use a radiolabeled form of glucose where the radioactive 14C occupies position 1. Which of the following is correct?a. The carboxyl group of acetyl-CoA and CO2 become radiolabeledb. The methyl group of acetyl CoA and CO2 become radiolabeledc. The carbonyl group of acetyl-CoA becomes radiolabeledd. The methyl group of acetyl CoA becomes radiolabelede. CO2 becomes radiolabeledf. I don’t have enough information to conclude



D. The methyl group of acetyl CoA becomes radio-labeled


During the steps in glycolysis, the carbon at position 1, becomes C-1 in dihydroxyacetone phosphate during the cleavage of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. Subsequently on isomerization of dihydroxyacetone phosphate to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, C-1 of dihydroxyacetone phosphate becomes C-3 of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.

Furthermore, in pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis, C-3 is converted to a methyl group which then becomes the methyl group in the acetyl-CoA molecule produced from the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate.

Since the radioactive 14-C of radio-labeled glucose occupies position 1, it will become the methyl group of acetyl-CoA.

Compare the types of biological macromolecules and their functions.


there are four main classes

carbohidrates -built from small molecular units that are connected to each other by a strong covelent bonds.

lipids-lipids are molecules that contain hydrocarbons and make up the building blocks of the structure and functions of living cells

protiens -built from small molecular units that are connected to each other by a strong covelent bonds.

nucleic acids -built from small molecular units that are connected to each other by a strong covelent bonds.

PLz answer my scientific question



the independent variable is time.the independent variable is time in the second graph because time is the only independent variable.


hope this will help :)


I would have to say D but I might be wrong.


Following antigenic stimulation, phosphorylation of _________ relieves inhibition of the transcription factor


Answer: zap70, ITAM.


An antigen is any substance that is capable of stimulating an immune response by activating lymphocytes, which are the body’s infection-fighting white blood cells. Examples of antigens could be proteins that are part of bacteria or viruses or components of serum and red blood cells from other individuals, all of them are foreign antigens originated outside the body. However, there can also be autoantigens (which are self-antigens), originated within the body. In normal conditions, the body is able to distinguish self from nonself. And the antigens that represent a danger induces an immune response by stimulating the lymphocytes to produce antibody or to attack the antigen directly. This is called an antigenic stimulation of the immune system.

ZAP-70 (Zeta-chain-associated protein kinase 70) is a protein that is part of the T cell receptor, thereby it plays a critical role in T-cell signaling. When the TCR (receptor of T cells) is activated by the presentation of the specific antigen through the MHC, a protein called Lck acts to phosphorylate the intracellular CD3 chains and the ζ chains of the TCR complex, allowing the binding of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase, ZAP-70. Lck then phosphorylates and activates ZAP-70, which in turn phosphorylates another molecule in the signaling cascade called LAT (short for Linker of Activated T cells), a transmembrane protein that serves as an anchor site for several other proteins. The tyrosine phosphorylation cascade initiated by the Lck culminates in the intracellular mobilization of calcium ion (Ca2+) and the activation of important signaling cascades within the lymphocytes. These include the Ras-MEK-ERK pathway, which is based on activating certain transcription factors such as NFAT, NFκB and AP-1. These transcription factors regulate the production of of certain gene products, most notably cytokines such as interleukin-2 that promote the long-term proliferation and differentiation of activated lymphocytes.

The ITAM motifs (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif) are sequences of four amino acids present in the intracellular tails of certain proteins that serve as receptors within the immune system. Thus, some receptors such as the TCR have ITAM sequences that, when activated, trigger an intracellular reaction based on consecutive phosphorylations.  Kinases are recruited for this purpose.

So, ZAP-70 is a protein tyrosine kinase with a role in T-cell receptor signal transduction. During T-cell activation, ZAP-70 binds to ITAM and becomes tyrosine phosphorylated. The binding of ZAP-70 to the phosphorylated ITAM is able to activate its kinase activity, and relieves the inhibition of the transcription factor which regulates genes that are involved in the immune reaction.

How does the wheat stem rust fungus harm its host plant?



The stem rust fungus produces several different structures during its life cycle. The most obvious of these on wheat are the reddish-colored urediniospores that form on leaves, stems, and heads during the growing season. These spores are spread by wind and infect wheat or barley plants.

How does pollution affect biodiversity



All forms of pollution pose a serious threat to biodiversity, but in particular nutrient loading, primarily of nitrogen and phosphorus, which is a major and increasing cause of biodiversity loss and ecosystem dysfunction. ... In addition, nitrogen compounds can lead to eutrophication of ecosystems.

5.Do the differentiated teeth of the dolphin have specialized functions like our teeth and most other mammals


Answer and Explanation:

Dolphins are homodont. This means that all their teeth are all equal. They do not differentiate between each other as the human´s teeth or other mammal´s teeth.

Dolphins have different feeding strategies according to the species. They might be suction feeders, or they might catch their prey using the jow and mandible occlusion strenth.

Dolphins that catch their prey by using their jow and mandible do not chew, so they use teeth mostly to catch their prey and manipulate them before swallowing them. This is why they do not need differentiated teeth. Because they just use them to catch and manipulate.

Those dolphin species that are suction feeders do not need teeth to catch their prey because they just suck them. Most of these species only have a few teeth, mostly in their jows. These teeth are used for fighting with other individuals. Inter- and intra-specific fights among animals of the same gender and age are very common. It is believed that as these species do not need teeth for catching their prey, they evolved loosing most of them but those needed during confrontations. This is the case of Grampus griseus, Risso´s Dolphin, that only have 5 to 7 teeth in their jows.

Predict what will happen to the following lung volumes and capacities during strenuous exercise. Assume that you are comparing from a baseline of normal resting respiration.

Lung Volume or Capacity Predicted change from resting baseline : Use Increase, Decrease or No Change

TLC (total lung capacity)
No change
VC (Vital capacity)
IC (Inspiratory capacity)
FRC (Functional residual capacity
TV (Tidal volume)
IRV (Inspiratory reserve volume)
ERV (Expiratory reserve volume)
RV (Residual volume)



During intense exercise:

lung capacity increases

vital capacity increases

respiratory capacity increases

functional residual capacity increases

tidal volume increases

the inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes decrease as does the residual volume.


Residual volumes decrease because having better lung capacity, better development of the secondary skeletal muscles that collaborate in expiration and inspiration, these are given in a better way, and more effectively.

If these processes take place more efficiently, their potentiality increases and expiration and inspiration move a large current of air into the lungs, thus leaving less reserve airs.

Those people who have increased exhalation or inspiration reserve, have a weak activity of the musculature in the processes and function as "stagnant air" which is synonymous with a lack of physical activity or aerobic capacity.

It is important to clarify that all the above processes are accompanied by an increase in the size of the chest cage

TRBP is a protein important for the formation of the RISC complex. Which of the following would you expect in cells with null mutations in TRBP?
a. Reduced siRNA-mediated mRNA degradation
b. Increased miRNA-mediated translational repression
c. Increased deadenylase-mediated mRNA degradation
d. Reduced proteasome-mediated protein degradation



a. Reduced siRNA-mediated mRNA degradation


The TRBP (transactivation response element RNA-binding protein) is an RNA-binding protein that forms the Dicer complex, which is involved in epigenetic pathways such as those mediated by the RNA interference (RNAi) mechanism. RNAi is a key process where small non-coding RNAs such as, for example, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs) can inhibit target gene expression at posttranscriptional level by different mechanisms (including the degradation of target mRNAs). A null mutation of this cofactor will alter the Dicer complex, thereby also affecting RNAi pathways mediated by small interfering RNAs.

On an ECG, what does Ventricular Fibrillation mean?
A. Tachycardia, the heart is beating too fast.
B. There is no coordinated contraction of the heart, death is possible in minutes.
C. A lack of oxygen to the heart.
D. Brachycardia, the heart is beating too slow.





I believe the answer is A because Ventricular Fibrillation means the heart is beating irregularrly, and too fast. Sometimes up to 500bpm

There is no coordinated contraction of the heart, death is possible in minutes. Therefore option B is correct.

Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia characterized by chaotic electrical activity in the ventricles, the heart's lower chambers.

During VF, the heart loses its ability to pump blood effectively, leading to a lack of blood flow to vital organs.

Without immediate intervention, such as defibrillation to restore a normal heart rhythm, the condition can rapidly progress to cardiac arrest and cause death within minutes.

Unlike tachycardia (A) or bradycardia (D), which involve abnormal heart rates, VF is a more severe and critical situation with disorganized electrical signals and ineffective pumping, requiring urgent medical attention.

Therefore option B There is no coordinated contraction of the heart, death is possible in minutes. is correct.

Know more about Ventricular fibrillation:



Very small changes in the solute concentrations in the various fluid compartments cause water to move from one compartment to another, which alters blood composition and blood pressure. How do the following physiological changes affect blood pressure?

a. Decrease water reabsorption
b. Decrease peripheral resistance
c. Vasodilation
d. Decrease salt intake
e. Decrease blood volume
f. Vasoconstriction
g. Increase peripheral resistance
h. Increase salt intake
i. Increase blood volume
j. Increase water reabsorption



a. Decrease water reabsorption : decrease blood pressure.

b. Decrease peripheral resistance : decrease blood pressure

c. Vasodilation : decrease blood pressure

d. Decrease salt intake : decrease blood pressure

e. Decrease blood volume : decrease blood pressure

f. Vasoconstriction : increase blood pressure

g. Increase peripheral resistance:  increase blood pressure

h. Increase salt intake:  increase blood pressure

i. Increase blood volume : increase blood pressure

j. Increase water reabsorption: increase blood pressure


Total peripheral resistance: This term refers to the resistance offered by the vascular system to the blood flow.  This resistance is a result of the friction between the blood and the vessel's walls. In other words, it is the opposition of the vessels to blood flow. The total peripheral resistance is the summary of all the bloody circuit resistances in the body. Those mechanisms that induce vasoconstriction conduce to an increase in total peripheral resistance, while mechanisms that induce vasodilation provoke a decrease in total peripheral resistance.     Blood pressure: This term refers to the strength applied by the blood against the vessel walls as it flows.  This pressure is determined by the bombed blood strength and the volume as well as by the vessel size and flexibility. Blood pressure changes continuously according to the activity, temperature, diet, emotional state, among others.    Salt ingestion causes an increase in plasmatic osmolarity, stimulates thirst, and hence, water ingestion. Sodium retains water, expanding the blood volume and causing an increase in vessel pressure. The antidiuretic hormone, also known as vasopressin hormone, is released by changes in serum osmolarity or blood volume. Its function is to keep homeostasis and make kidneys conserve or keep water by concentrating urine and by reducing its volume. By these actions, the antidiuretic hormone stimulates water reabsorption, according to the organism´s needs. Kidneys control blood pressure in many ways. If the pressure is elevated, kidneys produce the loss of salt and water, normalizing arterial pressure. But if pressure is low, kidneys conserve water.          

Question 3 (1 point)
During DNA replication, one of the new strands of DNA is synthesized continuously.
The other strand is synthesized as a number of separate fragments of DNA that are
subsequently linked by DNA ligase. Why does this occur?

- RNA primers only anneal to one of the parental strands of DNA.

- DNA polymerase III only synthesizes DNA in the 3' - 5' direction.

- DNA polymerase III only synthesizes DNA in the 5'-3' direction.

- One of the parental strands is unwound slower than the other by helicase.



DNA polymerase III only synthesizes DNA in the 5'-3' direction.


DNA replication is an important phenomenon for every living cell. It is the process whereby the double-stranded DNA is doubled to form two new separate double strands. In order for DNA replication to occur, the double strand of the DNA molecule must first be unwound by an enzyme called DNA HELICASE. This gives two separate single strands, which individually acts as a template for the newly synthesized strands.

DNA polymerase III is the enzyme responsible for synthesizing new DNA strand by pairing complementary nucleotides to the old strands it attaches to. However, one of the old strands called LEADING STRAND runs in the 3'-5' direction while the other strand called LAGGING STRAND runs in the 5'-3' direction.

DNA polymerase III only attaches to the 3' hydroxyll end of the DNA and synthesizes new strand of DNA in the 5'-3' direction. Since the lagging strand runs in 5'-3', it is synthesized in small separate fragments called OKAZAKI FRAGMENTS which are later joined together by an enzyme called LIGASE.

N.B: As DNA polymerase synthesizes DNA strand on the leading strand(5'-3'), it is moving in an opposite direction of the lagging strand. Hence, it has to detach and come back to synthesize on the lagging strand. This causes the lagging strand to be synthesized discontinuously.

Which of the following accurately describes this element?



Answer Expert Verified

The correct statements are: - Elements are made up of only one type of atom. - Each element has a unique chemical symbol. - Elements can be identified by their atomic number.

When an enzymatic reaction is in progress, do you expect to see an increase, decrease or no change in each of following: (i) substrate (ii) product (iii) enzyme



During Enzymatic reaction, enzymes binds to a substrate to form a which then forms the product.

Substrate: A reactant in an enzymatic or chemical reaction is called substrate. Product: The final outcome or substance after completion of reaction is called product.Enzyme: Enzyme helps to increase the rate of reaction and act as a catalyst.

Change in shape of substrate, product and enzymes depends on the temperature outside the optimal range which affect bonding between enzyme and substrate. Enzymes definitely changes their size when bind to substrat and the process is called induced fit which increases the rate of reaction.

During an enzymatic reaction, their is an decrease in the concentration of substrate, an increase in the concentration of product, and no change in the concentration of the enzyme.

What is enzymatic reaction?

A reaction, which is mediated with the help of an enzyme is termed as enzymatic reaction. A substance, which functions as a catalyst in living organisms and regulate the rate at which the chemical reactions takes place is known as an enzyme.

The enzymatic reactions follows the lock and key model, in which the free enzyme combines with the substrate and forms the enzyme-substrate complex, this is further catalyzed into the enzyme-product complex, from which the free enzyme and product get discharged. The product never further binds with the free enzyme.

In the reaction, the substrate get used up thus its concentration decreases, while the formation of product takes place thus its concentration increases. However, there is no change in the concentration of the enzyme as it does not get used up in the process.

Thus, in enzymatic reaction, substrate decreases, product increases, and enzyme concentration remains the same.

Find out more information about enzymatic reaction here:


During inhalation, air
travels from____
pressure to_____

A. High; Low
B. Low; High
C. Not enough information to determine



during inhalation, air travels from high atmospheric pressure to low intra pulmonary pressure

Match the reactant in gluconeogenesis with the appropriate enzyme.


a. Fructose dehydrogenase
b. PEP kinase
c. Phosphoglycerase
d. Pyruvate kinase
e. Phosphoglyceromutase
f. Glucose kinase
g. Phosphoglycerokinase
h. Phosphofructokinase
i. Hexokinase

1. glucose
2. fructose-6-phosphate
3. fructose-I , 6-bisphosphate
4. phosphoenolpyruvate
5. 1 , 3-bisphosphoglycerate
6. 3-phosphoglycerate


Answer: a c g e


Homeostasis is a tendency to remain more or less stable in nature this is maintained primarily by



By continuolsly monitoring its internal conditions


1. Question: How does temperature affect the growth of bacteria?
Procedures: A scientist places three different petri dishes in 20C, 35C,
and 60C. After 2 days, the number of bacteria colonies were counted.



It directly affects


Bacteria are conditioned by external environmental factors such as partial pressure of oxygen, humidity, temperature, metabolites, radiation present, living with other types of colonies, partial pressures of carbon dioxide, etc.

The growth of a colony will always be better or worse as long as the ideal environmental conditions are met for that bacterium to nurture and develop widely.

In general, the ideal temperature is around 37 degrees for most bacteria, although it also depends a lot on the presence of the substrate they need to live and give their necessary metabolites.

Categorize each enzyme based on its specific function in glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, or both pathways.a. Triose phosphate isomerase b. Glucose 6-phosphatase c. Hexokinase d. Fructose I ,6-bisphosphatase e. Phosphofructokinase f. Pyruvate kinase



a. Triose phosphate isomerase glycolysis

b. Glucose 6-phosphatase gluconeogenesis

c. Hexokinase  glycolysis & gluconeogenesis

d. Fructose I ,6-bisphosphatase gluconeogenesis

e. Phosphofructokinase glycolysis

f. Pyruvate kinase glycolysis


Triose phosphate isomerase is a protein that functions as an enzyme, and takes part in glycolysis, in the interconversion of dihydroxyacetone phosphate and D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. Glucose 6-phosphatase is also a protein that works as an enzyme, it hydrolyzes glucose 6-phosphate given glucose free as a result. Hexokinase is a protein too, and is part of a wider group of enzymes. It forms hexose phosphate by phosphorylating hexoses (six-carbon sugars). Fructose I ,6-bisphosphatase is an enzyme too, and it tranforms fructose-1,6-bisphosphate into fructose 6-phosphate. Phosphofructokinase is an enzyme too, that works in changing a phosphoryl group from ATP to fructose-6-phosphate (F6P). Pyruvate kinase is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of ADP tp ATP and phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate.

ABO blood type is examined in a Taiwanese population, and allele frequencies are determined. In the population,
f (IA) = 0.30,
f(IB) = 0.15, and
f (i) = 0.55.
What are the frequencies of the various genotypes and various phenotypes in this population? Assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.


Answer and Explanation:

Due to technical problems, you will find the answer and explanation in the attached file.

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