Read the following passage from Mulr's "Calypso Borealis and respond to the prompt.
15] How long I sat beside Calypso I don't know Hunger and weariness vanished, and only after the sun was low in the west i splashed on through the swamp, strong and exhilarated as it never more to feel any mortal care. At length I saw maple woods on a hill and found a log house
was gladly received. Where ha ye come fra? The swamp, that awtu' swamp. What were ye doin' there? etc "Mony a pur body has been lost in that muckle, cauld,
dreary bog and never been found. When I told her I had entered it in search of plants and had been in it all day, she
wondered how plants could draw me to these awful places, and said, "I's god's mercy ye ever got out."
16 Ottentimes I had to sleep without blankets, and sometimes without supper, but usually had no great difficulty in finding a loaf of bread here and there at the houses of the farmer settlers in the widely scattered clearings. With one of these large backwoods loaves I was able to
wander many a long wild fertile mile in the forests and bogs, free as the winds, gathering plants, and glorying in God's abounding inexhaustible spiritual beauty bread. Storms, thunderclouds, winds in the woods--were welcomed as finds.
How do uthors communicate their done in a piece of writing? Identify the fone (or tones) of this passage Explain how the tone(s) is created, providing at least two examples from the passage and explaining how each contributes specifically to the tone(s) you identified. Your response
should be a paragraph of 5-7 sentences


Answer 1

Answer:According to the passage, authors communicate through figurative speech. In the passage, they used similes. For example, "How long I sat beside Calypso I don't know hunger and wariness vanished, and only after the sun was low in the west, I splashed on through the swamp, strong and exhilarated as if never more to feel any mortal care." The passage also has personification. For example, "When I told her I had entered it in search of plants and had been in it all day, she wondered how plants could draw me to these awful places, and said, "it's God's mercy ye ever get out." In conclusion, authors communicate through figurative language according to this passage.



Related Questions

Read the following passage:
"Time had not been kind to the abandoned farm. No one had looked after the place for years. Once their parents
died, the kids had drifted off to city jobs, one by one. The walls of the old barn sagged inward. Crisp red had
dimmed to pale pink. Wild daisies poked their heads through the broken windows of a rusting pickup. The
windmill still turned in the dry breeze but most of the blades had long since fallen off."
Identify the topic of the paragraph and what the author is saying about the topic. From that, find the stated main
Topic: buildings and tools
o What the author is saying about the topic need constant upkeep
Stated main idea: No one had loo he place for years.


The topic of the paragraph is the information that the farm and the children were alone in the world.

We can arrive at this answer because:

The topic of a paragraph is the subject that the paragraph is addressing.In this paragraph, the main issue is that the parents of the children, who owned the farm, had died.This death left children and farms abandoned.The fact that the farm hasn't had anyone to take care of it for years is a reflection of the children's situation.

The topic of a paragraph should be something objective and direct, allowing the reader to understand without difficulties.

More information on the topic of a paragraph at the link:

2. help/ people/ a device/ communicate/ through/ brain waves/ emotions/.



A device help people communicate emotions through brain waves

Write a sentence
that expresses your
feelings about the
outcome of the
story the sun


New hope of life

everyday sun come with sparkles,shiny rays that fill our life with new hope to live to be happy to overcome every possible difficulties

What sentence signals a plot twist about halfway through what of this goldfish would you wish


This question is incomplete. Here is the complete question:

Which sentence signals a plot twist about halfway through the story?

“The kid with the earring starts screaming, ‘Goldfish, goldfish.'”

“‘No reason to take him to the hospital anyway,' says the goldfish.”

“Sergei . . . tells the kid, it's nothing, just a regular goldfish.”

“Sergei understands the boy . . . came . . . to snatch Sergei's fish.”


The correct answer is “‘No reason to take him to the hospital anyway,' says the goldfish.”


A plot twist is a radical and unexpected turn of events that occurs suddenly for the viewer and that has enough relevance to change the fate of the protagonists of the narrative who suffer from it.

In short, and in simpler words, a plot twist takes place when there is an event that no one expected and that makes a 180 degree turn to what had happened previously.

In this case, it would be the fact that Sergei does not want to use his last wish because he does not want to let the goldfish go free.

I Need a 5-7 sentence paragraph about the picture down below.



You will only know what a man is like with the way he treats people younger/in a smaller position than him. He will tend to be very secretive when it comes to behaving with the people equal or in the same position than him. I strongly agree with this line as it is very true. People tend to act different towards different types of people. You get to know their character only by seeing their attitude and behavior toward other people


What evidence from "To Build a Fire" might lead you to this inference?

The man is arrogant and overconfident.


This question is incomplete. I've found the complete question online. It is the following:

What evidence from "To Build a Fire" might lead you to inference?

The man is arrogant and overconfident.

A)Working carefully from a small beginning, he soon had a roaring fire, over which he thawed the ice from his face and in the protection of which he ate his biscuits. For the moment the cold of space was outwitted.

B)He had felt the give under his feet and heard the crackle of a snow-hidden ice-skin. And to get his feet wet in such a temperature meant trouble and danger. At the very least it meant delay, for he would be forced to stop and build a fire, and under its protection to bare his feet while he dried his socks and moccasins.

C)Those old-timers were rather womanish, some of them, he thought. All a man had to do was to keep his head, and he was all right. Any man who was a man could travel alone.

D)He looked at his watch. It was ten o'clock. He was making four miles an hour, and he calculated that he would arrive at the forks at half-past twelve. He decided to celebrate that event by eating his lunch there.


The evidence that leads to the inference that the man is arrogant and overconfident is:

C)Those old-timers were rather womanish, some of them, he thought. All a man had to do was to keep his head, and he was all right. Any man who was a man could travel alone.


"To Build a Fire" is a short story by author Jack London. The main character is a man traveling alone but for the company of a dog in the harsh cold of the Yukon region. This man has been warned by an older man about the perils of traveling alone. As a matter of fact, he was clearly told not to do so.  However, he is quite arrogant and overconfident when it comes to his abilities. He not only underestimates nature, but also judges the old person who has tried to advise him. That is precisely what the excerpt in letter C shows:

C)Those old-timers were rather womanish, some of them, he thought. All a man had to do was to keep his head, and he was all right. Any man who was a man could travel alone.

Unfortunately, he ends up dying for not being able to build a fire when he should. Nature easily overcomes him and his arrogance.


B)Those old-timers were rather womanish, some of them, he thought. All a man had to do was to keep his head, and he was all right. Any man who was a man could travel alone.


Choose one of the bad habits above to talk about about the consequences and how to fix?



I have a bad habit of that I get angry very easy so I have to fix it by controlling myself and not letting anyone controlling me and I will not be angry any more I hope that.

now I have fixed my problem very much no it angry only on my younger brother not anyone else but if anyone misbehaves then I get angry very easily

Help me please…………………….




car - noun

drove - verb

his - adjective

carefully - adverb

Help me please……………………


Answer: D

Word association (by the name) is associating an unknown word with a known one that has a similarity in order to infer the meaning

Please mark brainliest

I don't have any milk here but I have a/Little/some sugar(.is it little, a or some)​



i dont have any milk but i have some sugar.

This type of definition is a lengthy explanation that begins with a formal
definition and is developed into several paragraphs or more.
O Technical definition
O Expanded definition
Informal definition
O Professional definition



technical def


i the school you can see some instructions whata are they ? give 05



k Nishant


In my school

1) we should talk in English

2) Should not fight

3) Should homeworks

4) should not play more time in ground

5) Should pay fine if we speak Telugu

One way to punctuate a compound sentence correctly is to join the two independent clauses with a comma. a semicolon. a comma and a subordinating conjunction. a semicolon and a coordinating conjunction.Which contains an independent clause? Because the tragic fumble was scored by the visiting team in the last minute. When the player, in an extraordinary move, went charging down the field. As the uproar from the delirious fans exploded jubilantly through the stadium. While the team made their play, the frenzied crowd cheered them to victory.



While the team made their play, the frenzies crowd cheered them to victory.


comma between the two clauses.

"the frenzies crowd cheered them to victory" could be a sentence of its own. this makes it an independent clause.

change the following to indirect speech
1)"can you help me with this?said Ada

2)"you should obey your parents,said James

3)"The sun sets in the west."the teacher said.​



1) Ada said can i help her with this.

2) James said that i should obey my parents.

3) The teacher said that the sun sets in the west.

She has never ________ the Rocky Mountains.

A.seen B. see C. saw D. to see



seen is the answer of this

Which transitional words show cause and effect? Select 4 options. so thus first finally therefore consequently








There are four transitional words to show cause and effect is: So, thus, therefore, consequently. Thus, option (a), (b), (e), and (f) is correct.

Transitional phrases with cause and effect imply a causal connection between two ideas, where one notion is the outcome of the other. For instance, "He forgot his keys and couldn't get into the house." The word "thus" in this statement illustrates the causal connection between forgetting the keys and being unable to enter the residence.

While "therefore" denotes a conclusion based on the facts presented before, "subsequently" is employed to demonstrate a cause and effect relationship between two ideas.

Therefore, option (a), (b), (e), and (f) is correct.

Learn more about on transitional words, here:


What are the points of comparison used to compare the House of Representatives and the senate?



Explanation: the House of Representatives. The House has the power to impeach (formally accuse) while the Senate tries impeachments. In addition, the Senate approves treaties and certain presidential appointments, such as ambassadors and Supreme Court Justices.

Which is a possible organizational strategy for research reports?

lesser to greater degree

chronological order

skim and scan





The writer wants to introduce the topic of electronegativity with a concrete, casually observable example from the natural world. Which choice best accomplishes this goal



B. How do water striders skim across the surfaces of ponds and lakes? Their hydrophobic legs are uniquely suited to this process, but the insects


Below are the options given:


B. How do water striders skim across the surfaces of ponds and lakes? Their hydrophobic legs are uniquely suited to this process, but the insects

C. How do our bodies break down the food we consume every day? While digestion would be impossible without enzymes and other proteins, these molecules

D. How does our DNA maintain a double helical structure? While the shape of this nucleic acid is the result of many complex properties, its structures

Option B is correct because it gives a concrete, casually observable example from the natural world and thereby accomplishes the goal. It explains the connection between surface tension and electronegativity.

Option B gives an example from the natural world - the water strider.

The water striders are a good example of insects that use the high surface tension of water and long, hydrophobic legs. This enables them to walk on water. Their legs are coated with a hydrophobic substance. The hydrophobic substance makes the legs to repel water molecules i.e it makes water unable to stick to their legs. This makes them to easily skim on water surfaces.


Electronegativity is a measure of the affinity between electrons and atoms.  

When an atom exhibits greater attraction for electrons, it is said to have very high electronegativity.

Electronegativity is an inherent quality that remains constant in all the atoms of an element. Fluorine is the chemical element with the highest electronegativity.  

In nature, the most important element which whose electronegative qualities (or whose ability to bind with other atoms) make it crucial for life is Oxygen.

When we inhale air, the Oxygen is used by our bodies to convert glucose to energy and Carbon Di-Oxide is released.


Imagine you are writing an ad slogan for a new type of breakfast cereal using the media technique of association. In order for the slogan to be effective, it should
invoke good memories of the past and provide a good explanation of the cereal’s content.
associate the cereal with something good and create positive feelings about the cereal.
build up the consumer’s self-esteem and validate that it is better than the competition.
review the contents of the cereal and convince consumers that the cereal is healthy.



associate the cereal with something good and create positive feelings about the cereal.



Explanation:associate the cereal with something good and create positive feelings about the cereal.

Example of anticlimax?




Examples of Anticlimax: 1. Tension builds in a horror movie as a young girl approaches a closed door. There is a scratching sound coming from behind the door.

1 Select the correct text in the passage. Which lines in this excerpt from Guy de Maupassant's short story "Boule de Suif" suggest that the resistance activities of the civilians were more courageous than those of the armed soldiers?


Which lines in this excerpt from Guy de Maupassant's short story "Boule de Suif" suggest that the resistance activities of the civilians were more courageous than those of the armed soldiers?

Even the town itself resumed by degrees its ordinary aspect. The French seldom walked abroad, but the streets swarmed with Prussian soldiers. Moreover, the officers of the Blue Hussars, who arrogantly dragged their instruments of death along the pavements, seemed to hold the simple townsmen in but little more contempt than did the French cavalry officers who had drunk at the same cafes the year before. . . .

<1"The conquerors exacted money, much money."> The inhabitants paid what was asked; they were rich. But, the wealthier a Norman tradesman becomes, the more he suffers at having to part with anything that belongs to him, at having to see any portion of his substance pass into the hands of another.

<2"Nevertheless, within six or seven miles of the town, along the course of the river as it flows onward to Croisset, Dieppedalle and Biessart, boat-men and fishermen often hauled to the surface of the water the body of a German, bloated in his uniform, killed by a blow from knife or club, his head crushed by a stone, or perchance pushed from some bridge into the stream below.">

<3"The mud of the river-bed swallowed up these obscure acts of vengeance—savage, yet legitimate; these unrecorded deeds of bravery; these silent attacks fraught with greater danger than battles fought in broad day, and surrounded, moreover, with no halo of romance."> For hatred of the foreigner ever arms a few intrepid souls, ready to die for an idea.


"The mud of the river-bed swallowed up these obscure acts of vengeance—savage, yet legitimate; these unrecorded deeds of bravery; these silent attacks fraught with greater danger than battles fought in broad day, and surrounded, moreover, with no halo of romance."


The lines from the excerpt that suggests resistance from the civilians which were more courageous than those of the armed soldiers are the lines in option C.

From the excerpt, the soldiers were moving about , carrying their weapons on the street which made the civilians displeased, and finally in the third option, the soldiers were attacked violently by the civilians to show their displeasure against the current system.  

Their bravery and way of attack were dangerous and showed that they were ready to die for their idea and they would do anything to become free.


The mud of the river-bed swallowed up these obscure acts of vengeance—savage, yet legitimate; these unrecorded deeds of bravery; these silent attacks fraught with greater danger than battles fought in broad day, and surrounded, moreover, with no halo of romance.

write a report on the activities of the debate club in your college.​



A Report on Debate Competition

An inter-school Debate Competition was held at our school premises on 5th september 2020 at 10 a.m. on the occasion of teacher Day. Students from Gsv and Gskv also took part in the competition. Mr XYZ, an assistant teacher of our school anchored the competition. He selected the participants and set the motion of the debate – “Use of polythene bags should be avoided”. Some participants argued for the motion and some against the motion. The audience highly appreciated the debate. At the end of debate, the mothers of the students were put to vote. The team led by Md ABC of Bright future High School won the debate competiton.

An introduction, a thesis argument, your chosen main points to support your perspective, and a conclusion make up a standard debate speech outline. If it's necessary, define any key terms that the judges might not understand. Each of those four categories has subcategories inside it.

What do you mean by Report?

A report is a particular type of writing that is structured around succinctly identifying and discussing problems, occurrences, or conclusions that have really occurred physically, such as occurrences within an organization or conclusions from a research inquiry.

In honor of teacher day, an interschool debate competition was organized at our school. Additionally, students from GSV and GSKV participated in the competition. Our school's associate principal, Mr. XYZ, served as the competition's host. The motion for the debate was "Use of polythene bags should be avoided," and he chose the participants. Both proponents and opponents of the motion made arguments. The discussion was well received by the audience. The student mothers were given the opportunity to vote after the discussion. The Bright Future High School team led by Md ABC won the debating competition.

Therefore, Report is an interactive exercise where two or more opposing parties must each give their case for a certain idea, query, or subject.

Learn more about Report, here;


Read the passage. Which three words are academic



no passage


what to do mate

Which facts or characteristics describe Rickie Fowler?

Select each correct answer.

professional golfer
colorful dresser
winner of a major golf championship



winner of a major golf championship

and professional golfer

can someone help me with a 250 word personal narrative essay ​



Please mark me as brainlist

Origin myth story on how the earth was created


In the beginning there was a period of Chaos, when air, water, and matter were combined in a formless mixture. On this floated a Cosmic Egg, from which arose Gaea (Earth) and Uranus (Sky). These deities created the earth and its creatures, the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

write an essay on one of the following topics.
1. we have to preserve our cultural heritages.
2. cultural heritages have multiple advantages
to our country.
3. our roles in valuing our cultural heritages .


Sorry to disturb you, fellow student, I have noticed that your question will most likely get answered by NO one because it is a FULL ESSAY question.

So please, stop being lazy and write your own essay because no one will do it for you, because we all have a life to live.

I apoligize if I had offended you and your question in any shape, way or form. SIKE.

Thank you for your cooperation and have a wonderful day.        

what can you infer about the relationship between Mr.hale and his wife , martha hale? (a jury of her peers)


Answer: You can infer that Mr. Hale and his wife don't understand each other's perspectives of life. Mr. Hale, being a sexist and underestimating women, and her wife, being oppressed by the "social rules" and working overtime.

Explanation: In jury of he peers, the relationship between Mr. Hale and his wife Martha Hale is not addressed directly, but implied by other characters. Mr. Hale's comments about women's ineffectiveness make it clear that he underestimates her and leaves her all the work, and Mrs. Hale's disbelief about his husband's competence to retell the events, imply that she doesn't trust him.

Summarize the central ideas of the article Freud's theory of the id, egi, and superego common lit?


the if is fun as the superego is to GUILTY
Other Questions
Use the drawing tools to form the correct answers on the grid.Mark the vertex and graph the axis of symmetry of the function.fix) = (x - 2)2 - 25 An air traffic controller is tracking two planes. To start, Plane A is at an altitude of 3028 feet and Plane B is at an altitude of 4000 feet. Plane A is gaining altitude at 55.75 feet per second and Plane B is gaining altitude at 35.5 feet per second. How many seconds will pass before the planes are at the same altitude? seconds What will their altitude be when they're at the same altitude? feet One year ago, you purchased a stock at a price of $55.20 per share. Today, you sold your stock at a loss of 18.63 percent. Your capital loss was $12.62 per share. What was the total dividends per share paid on this stock over the year In the following sentence, what type of context clue is used to help you figure out the meaning of the word meticulous? This weekend, instead of its usual messy state, my room was meticulous. A. Definition B. Inference C. Antonym D. Synonym What is desertification?a.method of using desert land for agricultureb.the process of turning arable land into desertsC.drying up of stream beds and lakesd.the expansion of current deserts land areas Muir Manufacturing produces two popular grades of commercial carpeting among its many other products. In the coming production period, Muir needs to decide, how many rolls of each grade should be produced in order to maximize profit? Each roll of Grade X carpet uses 50 units of synthetic-fiber, requires 25 hours of production time, and needs 20 units of foam backing. Each roll of Grade Y carpet uses 40 units of synthetic-fiber, requires 28 hours of production time, and needs 15 units of foam backing. The profit per roll of Grade X carpet is $200 and the profit per roll of Grade Y carpet is $160. In the coming production period, Muir has 3000 units of synthetic-fiber available for use. Workers have been scheduled to provide at least 1800 hours of production time (overtime is a possibility). The company has 1500 units of foam backing available for use. Develop a linear programming model for this problem. 1. Define the Decision Variables. 2. Write the Objective. 3. Write the Constraints. Hellllpppppp PLLLEASE! I need answer RIGHT NOW!!!! solve for x ! please help (show work) Read the excerpt from "The Adventure of the Mysterious Picture."The expression was that of agonythe agony of intense bodily pain; but a menace scowled upon the brow, and a few sprinklings of blood added to its ghastliness. Yet it was not all these characteristicsit was some horror of the mind, some inscrutable antipathy awakened by this picture, which harrowed up my feelings.What technique does Irving use to build suspense in the excerpt?The pace of the story quickens.The word choice darkens the tone.Odd characters are introduced.The setting details are intentionally omitted. The intensity level 10 m from a point sound source is 85 dB. What is the intensity level 50 m away from the same source what happened in the world warII in the year 1942 help please! I need this ASAP Find the value of x 4 and 6 can be classified as: Communicating public information messages internally to the workforce is important because it allows the PIO to: A. Enlist support and involvement of organization personnel while communicating a consistent message B. Demonstrate commitment to the organization C. Test the message on a " safe" audience D. Add to the measurable statistics An object is moving at a speed of 5 kilometers every 4.5 hours. Express this speed in miles per minute Complete the Magic Square. The _____ is important to the cultural context of Nectar in a Sieve. Select all that apply.Muslim traditionhistory of Britainpartition of IndiaIndian caste system True or False: If the data for an observation on either the dependent variable or one of the independent variables are missing at random, then the size of the random sample available from the population must be reduced, which reduces the estimator's precision and introduces a bias. the cost of cementing a wall 8 feet wide and 24 feet long at 14.40 a square yard iswill mark brainlist Rewrite the expression as an equivalent ratio of logs using the indicated base.log17(52.875) to base 10.