Abd Allah (or Abdullah) was born on Sunday night, 5th Safar, 1044 AH (1634 CE) in al-Subayr, a village on the outskirts of Tarim in Hadramawt. His father was Alawi bin Muhammad al-Haddad, a pious man of taqwa, from the people of Allah. Imam al-Haddad's paternal grandmother, Salma, was also known to be a woman of gnosis and sainthood. His mother was Salma bint Aidrus bin Ahmad al-Habshi. His maternal great-grandfather, Ahmad al-Habshi, met Imam al-Haddad's father, prior to Imam al-Haddad's father knowing Imam al-Haddad's mother and he said to Imam al-Haddad's father "Your children are my children, and there is a blessing in them". As a Sayyid, his sanctity and direct experience of God are clearly reflected in his writings, which include several books, a collection of Sufi letters, and a volume of mystical poetry.​


Answer 1


عبد الله (يا عبدالله) آچر جي رات ، 5 صفر ، 1044 ھ (1634 ع) تي الصبير ۾ پيدا ٿيو ، ھڪڙو Hadو Had ھدراموٽ ۾ ترم جي skرپاسي تي. سندس پيءُ علوي بن محمد الحداد هو ، جيڪو تقويٰ جو متقي ماڻهو هو ، الله جي ماڻهن مان هو. امام الحداد جي ناني ، سلميٰ کي به gاتو وي ٿو ته هوءَ عقل ۽ تقدس واري عورت آهي. سندس والده سلمه بنت ادريس بن احمد الحبشي هئي. هن جي ناني ، ڏاڏي ، احمد الحبشي ، امام الحداد جي پيءُ سان ملاقات ڪئي ، ان کان ا Imam جو امام الحداد جي والد امام الحداد جي ماءُ کي ساڻي ۽ هن امام الحداد جي پيءُ کي چيو ته ”تنهنجا myار منهنجا childrenار آهن ، ۽ اتي آهي. انهن ۾ هڪ نعمت ". هڪ سيد جي حيثيت ۾ ، هن جي تقدس ۽ خدا جو س directو تجربو واضح طور تي ظاهر ٿئي ٿو سندس لکڻين ۾ ، جنهن ۾ شامل آهن ڪيترائي ڪتاب ، صوفي خطن جو هڪ مجموعو ، ۽ صوفيانه شاعريءَ جو هڪ مجموعو

Related Questions

How to write this thing in japaneese ?

" I love japanese language "
I reallly hate japanese.....



Watashi wa nihongo ga daisuki

In Japanese!

Please give me brainliest...

(I could'nt add the Japanese language, because brainly site blocked my Japanese)


The correct ans is....

Watashi wa nihongo ga daisuki

I could write in japanese.... it said i was using improper language :(

Hope this helps....

1. Indicate how many sentences are formed by the following periods: (EACH VERB REPRESENTS A PRAYER)

a) I read and reread it, but I still didn't understand it.

b) Last week we went to see the Batman movie.

c) The teacher asked for attention and the students listened in silence.

d) My neighbor lent me that book.

e) I wish you to fulfill all your wishes and be happy forever.

2. According to the number of sentences identified, classify the periods above as simple or compound.

3. Phrase, Prayer and Period Classify periods by placing PS for simple period and PC for compound period:

() I was silly and bought the ticket straight to Rio.

() Before, the Indians were the owners of the land.

() He arrived at the bar, danced, sang, drank and left.

() I am the guy, the most sleeper in the world.

( ) You are sad.

() I want you to wake me up when the bus arrives

() Attention, I will tell a joke.

() I invented that excuse because I couldn't find a better one.

() The study brings us benefits.

() Love builds and hate destroys.

4. Put C (right) or E (wrong) for the statements placed in parentheses below:

() Watch out for our children. (simple period)

() Everything went back to what it was before. (compound period)

() My mother wears glasses, yours does not. (simple period)

() Rain and sun, Spanish wedding. (phrase)

() God made you for life. (simple period)

() There he goes to the world. (simple period) () Every couple fights one day in life. (compound period).

() The boy very politely said goodbye. (compound period)

() God made the moon that lights our road. (compound period)

() The two were inseparable partners. (simple period)

5. Do you pay well there? In this sentence the subject is:

a) hidden

b) simple

c) undetermined

d) prayer without subject

6. Write 3 sentences of simple period and 3 of compound. Identify the verbs.


Answer: a) I read and reread it, but I still didn't understand it.

Three: I read it. I reread it. I still didn't understand it.  Compound

b) Last week we went to see the Batman movie.

Three: (transformational-generative grammar theory)

1) Last week we went [S[tex]^{1}[/tex]] 2.) {We} saw {-past > infinitive} the movie. The movie was about Batman. (adjectivalization transformation applied) .Simple

c) The teacher asked for attention and the students listened in silence.

Two: The teacher asked for attention. The students listened in silence. Compound

d) My neighbor lent me that book.

One. My neighbor lent me that book. .Simple

e) I wish you to fulfill all your wishes and be happy forever.

Three: I wish you [S[tex]^{1}[/tex]] [you] {+to} fulfill all your wishes. [you will] be happy forever.  Compound


The examples given do not lend themselves to simple analysis. If you are studying linguistics or Transformational Generative grammar, some of these explanations make sense.

If you are just learning English or beginning to study grammar, this will be too complicated.


It may be better to break down this assignment into smaller questions and be sure that the directions make sense in English-- Or post the original directions in Spanish so we know how to help.

For example, Directions for part 3" 3. Phrase, Prayer and Period Classify periods by placing PS for simple period and PC for compound period: probably was Frases simples o compuestas. Identifique los siguientes puntos colocando PS para una frase simple y PC para una frase compuesta:

I think this means "Simple or compound phrases: Identify the following items by placing PS for a simple phrase and PC for a compound phrase:

I hope you understand what I mean.

If you can speak french please reply to this, I have a question​


I can speak French what’s your inquiry about monsiur?

Read the passage from the website:

President Thomas Jefferson believed that for Americans to be virtuous and free, they needed to farm land. He wanted to expand westward to create more farmland. Jefferson also wanted to obtain the Port of New Orleans at the mouth of the Mississippi River so farmers could easily transport their goods. He facilitated the purchase of New Orleans and the rest of the French territory from France in 1803 for $15 million. This new land was called the Louisiana Territory and stretched partway across the continent. It was the first step in expanding the United States. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory led to a pattern of westward expansion through payment, negotiations, and conflict.

Read the passage from the website:

The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States and vastly increased its resources and riches. The roles of the president and the Constitution were also defined, as it was determined that the president could purchase the land without consulting Congress. Despite the advantages of expanding westward, one prominent disadvantage was the growing tension between slave states and free states regarding whether new states would permit slavery. The opportunity to grow a nation would endanger its very survival during the Civil War.

According to the information in both texts, how did the Louisiana purchase benefit the United States?

By securing the Mississippi River and the Port of New Orleans to open the door to westward expansion
By strengthening the nation's ally, France
By making President Jefferson happy that the United States had more farm land
By showing the growing tension between slave and free states over whether new states would permit slavery
Its not D


" By securing the Mississippi River and the Port of New Orleans to open the door to westward expansion. " is the correct answer


By securing the Mississippi River and the Port of New Orleans to open the door to westward expansion


A major rule in using coordination is that a writer must coordinate sentence elements of _____.

1:conditional relationships
2:the same grammatical type
3:different types
4:lesser importance



2. the same grammatical type

തീര്പചദ്ശടത്ത അതിരൂക്ഷൊയ കെല്ാ്കെണം ടകാണ്ട് ദ്ുരിതെനുഭവിക്കുന്നവർക്കായ 'ഒരു കക സഹായം ' എന്ന പദ്ധതിയിചല്ക്ക് ടപാതുജനങ്ങളുടെ സഹായെഭയർത്ഥിക്കാൻ ആവശയടപ്പട്ടുടകാണ്ട് പ്താധിപർക്ക് കടത്തഴുതുക




Debt to the Chiefs as they seek the help of the public for the 'Oru Kaka Sahayam' scheme for those who are in dire straits due to the extreme crisis.

If this is not the answer you're looking for, I'll edit the answer!

Explain the four advantages of using the internet prudently.
d. ​



a. internet helps us to discover and learn more new things which we are unaware about

b. helps us to communicate and make life much more easier online shopping, banking etc

c. learn more about modern technologies

d. access of immediate information comparing to ancient times


फाॅल आॅफ ए स्पैरो नामक आत्मकथा किसने लिखी हैं? इसका विषय क्या हैं ?​


द फॉल ऑफ ए स्पैरो आत्मकथा डॉ. सलीम अली ने लिखी है। इस आत्मकथा में डॉ. सलीम अली ने पक्षियों के प्रति अपने प्रेम का वर्णन किया है। महज १० वर्ष की उम्र से सलीम पक्षियों के बारे में अपनी डायरी में लिखते थे और पंक्षियों के साथ गुजारे अपने खूबसूरत जिंदगी के सफर को उन्होंने इस किताब में दर्शाया है।

[tex]\sf \small \pink{Thanks }\: \green{for} \: \blue{joining} \: \orange{brainly } \: \red{community}![/tex]

1)कारक की विभक्तियाँ चुनकर खाली स्थान भरिए|
क) पक्षी पेड़ पर बैठे हैं
ख) आकाश ने तुम्हारा पेन लिया हैं
ग) माँ ने बच्चे को भोजन दिया
घ) राजीव साइकिल पर घर आया



1) Fill in the blanks by choosing the factors of the factor.

A) birds are sitting on the tree

B) sky has taken your pen

C) Mother gave food to the child

D) Rajiv came home on a bicycle


Sa S.N Date Title Page No. Re What is Internet



the internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world.

I hope this helps

Latin Help!!!! translate 1. The good farmer let the children play in his fields. 2. I see the wild animals (neuter) in the zoo. 3. They gave the small boy a new basketball. find the case, gender and number for the sentences.​



1. Et agricolae bonis et pueri in agris ludunt.

2. Video autem animalia fera (neuter) in saepti ferarum.

3. Et dedit ad puerum parvum a basketball. invenire casus, numeri enim et genus sententias.


What does the word “facetiously” mean? lacking pleasure or happiness nervously or anxiously lacking a serious or respectful attitude quietly or privately



The correct ans is...

lacking a serious or respectful attitude quietly or privately....


Facetiously comes from the word factious which is and adjective...

Factious means treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour.

Hope this helps...

Pls mark my ans as brainliest If u mark my ans as brainliest u will get 3 extra points

प्रत्यय किसे कहते हैं? उदाहरण देकर समझाइए।​



प्रत्यय जड़ के प्रत्यय होते हैं और अक्सर किसी शब्द के अर्थ और कार्य को बदल देते हैं। सामान्य तौर पर, एक प्रत्यय एक प्रकार के शब्द को इंगित करता है, जैसे संज्ञा, विशेषण, आदि। उदाहरण प्रत्यय। शब्दावली उदाहरण सनसनी, आंदोलन, आलोचना, सफल, स्थापित, सिंक्रनाइज़, आदि।


Which sentence has correct subject-verb agreement? Group of answer choices They clean and repair old furniture. They cleans and repair old furniture. They repairs and cleans old furniture. They repairs and clean old furniture.



They clean and repair old furniture.


This is a plural sentence in simple present, we can not use cleans or repairs ib this sentence. because it is in plural form.

Select the word that doesn't belong:
a. El vestido
b. El collar
C. El anillo
d. La pulsera
(Please help)


El vestido

The rest are pieces of jewelry and el vestido is clothing.

please answer 2 (x -3) +4(x+7)​



2 (x -3) +4(x+7)

2x - 6 + 4x + 28

6x + 22

5. देवकुमारी थापाले कति वर्षसम्म विराटनगरको बाल मन्दिरमा सेवा प्रदान गरिन् ? 1. पन्ध्र > 2. बीस 3. पच्चीस 4. तीस
fast pls​



4.30 is the answer ... from nepal

Abhinandan prashansa patra hindi


इसकी आपको क्या जरूरत है?

I like Rosie's new cat I prefer big dogs



I like Rosies new cat, but i prefer big dogs


I prefer big dogs, however I like Rosie’s new cat!

If the essay question asked, "How does Harry Potter receive help from his friends throughout the series? Which of the following
would be the best evidence to include in the essay?
A. Due to Hagrid letting Harry know that he would have to face a dragon, he was able to prepare for the battle and succeed.
B. Harry would not have been able to sneak around without his invisibility cloak.
C. Harry is not allowed to leave Hogwarts. If he is going to sneak out he is going to need help from his friends.
D. Harry faces many problems throughout the course of the series; luckily, his friends are there to help.


D) Harry faces many problems throughout the course of the series; luckily, his friends are there to help

hãy làm 1 đoạn văn nghị luận xã hội phân tích về văn bản khi con tu hú



Please do a piece of social commentary analyzing the text when you are a child

mga salitang katunog ng "Wika"​


with is a wanna be turtle and he gained 20 ants

लेखक श्यामा चरण शुक्ल ने पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री Choudhary चरण सिंह को मिटटी से जुड़ा हुआ क्यों कहा है?

chapter 4 salwa सपनों की याद​



Why has writer Shyama Charan Shukla called former Prime Minister Choudhary Charan Singh attached to the soil?

Hi please answer me fast

अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द लिखिए :-
) पूजा के लिए घर
व) गुरु के लिए दक्षिणा
T) दीवार के लिए घड़ी -
1) विद्या के लिए आलय
2) यज्ञ के लिए शाला
1) रसोई के लिए घर
2) देश के लिए भक्ति
1) युद्ध के लिए भूमि
1) अनाथों के लिए आलय
) आराम के लिए कुरसी​




2) gurudakshina








hope it helps u

انا ذاهب الى مكان ما للسوق plz translate to English and tell the language name



It says "I'm going somewhere in the market"


it says

"I'm going somewhere to the market" and it is in arabic


i have studied arabic for 2 years

1:안녕하세요 여러분 어떻게 지내세요.​



For the sentence below, which answer would be the most vivid rewrite of the underlined phrase?

The seaplane, visible against the blue sky, circled twice before landing on the placid waters of Lake Union.
The luminescent, teal-green seaplane, a dragonfly against the pearl sky
The unimaginably small seaplane, barely visible against an amazing sky
The tiny seaplane, making its way across the vast miles of sky
The little seaplane, so small against the much bigger sky




The unimaginably small seaplane, barely visible against an amazing sky


The students are reading the book. convert this sentence into sanskrit language​




l guess it is the answer

The answer would be:
थे स्तुदेन्त्स अरे रेअदिङ्ग् थे बूक
Please note that Sanskrit is not my first language and this is a rough transition but I’m sure your teacher would accept it.

A word whose definition has become outdated is _____.

1: derive
2: unabridged
3: archaic
4: linguistics



A word whose definition has become outdated is archaic

Setiap orang sepatutnya berfikir masak-masak sebelum mengambil sebarang tindakan. Pada pendapat anda, mengapakah kita tidak boleh bertindak terburu-buru?



pada pendapat saya , kita tidak boleh bertindak terburu-buru kerana tidak mengecohkan suasana atau tidak beedebar ketika bertindak .

Other Questions
The difference between voltaic and electrolytic cells is that:O A. voltaic cells generate electricity through a spontaneous reaction while electrolytic cells absorb electricity to drive a non-spontaneous reaction.OB. electrolytic cells generate electricity through a spontaneous reaction while voltaic cells absorb electricity to drive a non-spontaneous reaction.OC. None of theseD. electrolytic cells generate electricity through a non-spontaneous reaction while voltaic cells absorb electricity to drive a spontaneous reaction. 1. CountryFemaleMaleIndia6462Norway8277Bolivia6662Ghana5958Austria8276South Africa5651United Kingdom8176Myanmar6357China7470Panama77722.Create a scatter plot for the data on the grid. Identify any clusters or outliers. For each situation, give an example of a fiscal policy and a monetary policy solution. (p. 15) 1. Rapid investment during a boom period threatens to overheat the economy.oFiscal policy solution:oMonetary policy solution:o2. Layoffs lead to an economic slowdown.oFiscal policy solution:oMonetary policy solution: There is only 3/4 cup of ice cream left. If 3 friends share the ice cream equally, how much ice cream will they each get? 44) 93O 2 remainder of 62 remainder of 72 remainder of 42 remainder of 5 Which of these best matches an object in the solar system with its characteristic? (3 points)O comet - orbits a planetO meteor - a streak of lightO asteroid - has a tailO planet - orbits the moon Vasudevan Inc. recently reported operating income of $2.90 million, depreciation of $1.20 million, and had a tax rate of 40%. The firm's expenditures on fixed assets and net operating working capital totaled $0.6 million. How much was its free cash flow, in millions? Determine the number of solutions for each quadratic.1.) 4x^2-3x+4=02.)9x^2-12x+4=0PLEASE HELP!!! I need step by step solution. Find the value of xHELPP PLEASEEGIVING 20 points!!! Last year, every time John watched a football game at his friend's house, he drank beer. Now, whenever John watches a football game, he finds himself craving beer. This is an example of: Rita got three colors of beads, half of them are pink. She used all her pink beads to make some bracelets. If the number of pink beads she used for each bracelet is one eighths of the total number of beads, how many bracelets did she make? Find the equation of a line that is perpendicular to line g that contains (P, Q).coordinate plane with line g that passes through the points negative (3, 6) and (0, 5) 3x y = 3P Q 3x + y = Q 3P x y = P Q x + y = Q P 2. Explain the following corporate/partnership documents and procedures for healthcareorganizationsSole Proprietorship PartnershipCorporationLimited Liability Entities I'LL GIVE BRAINLIEST !!! FASTER please answer that 2 QUESTIONS please provide the explaination thankyouu PLEASE HELP -1/2m=-9Show your work in details if you can, I have a hard time understanding this. 50. Carrie is running for mayor in her local city election. In order to win, she must earn over 50% of the votes. ecides to hire a couple of Statistics students to help her measure the progress in her campaign through polling. She is hoping to find sufficient evidence (a=0.05) that she will in fact win the election with more than 50% of the vote. The Statistics students test the following hypotheses, where p represents the proportion of all voters who will vote for Jemmy. which of the following statements would be true if a Type I error is made? (Select all that apply.) a. Carrie ends up winning the election. b. The students find a p-value less than 0.05 . c. Carrie ends up losing the election. d. The students find a p-value greater than 0.05 e. The students make the conclusion that Carrie does not have more than 50% of the vote. f. The students make the conclusion that Carrie will have more than 50% of the vote. e. What is the power P of the eye when viewing an object 61.0 cm away? Assume the lens-to-retina distance is 2.00 cm , and express the answer in diopters. Fiona has very vivid memories of a car accident she witnessed 3 years ago. If she closes her eyes and thinks about it, she feels like she can recall every detail, right down to the bumper sticker on one of the cars. Psychologists refer to vivid memories of this type as: A small manufacturer that makes clothespins and other household products buys new injection molding equipment for a cost of $500,000. This will allow the manufacturer to make more clothespins in the same amount of time with an estimated increase in sales of %. If the manufacturer currently makes tons of clothespins per year, which sell at per ton, what will be the increase in revenue next year from the new equipment?